
Oromiyaa Godinaalee Hedduu Keessatti Manni Barumsaa Dhaabbatee Jira‏

Amajjii 27, 2017 |

Arsii Bahaa magaala Asallaatti mootummaan wayyaanee Qeerroo dargaggoota lama ilmaan isaa ajajuun barattoota lama kana irratti gocha suukkanneessaa raawwatee kan jiru Qeerroon kan gabaaseedha.
Akka Qeerroon gabaasetti barattootni Yuunivarsitii Asallaa Amajji 21, 2016 halkan 5:00 tti barattoota lama: Isaanis
  1. Kamaal Abubaker barataa saayinsii fayyaa waggaa 3ffaa fi dhalataa harargee bahaa naannoo Dadarii kan tahee fi
  2. Tasfaayee Tashoomee barataa saayinsii fayyaa waggaa 1ffaa fi dhalataa Arsii Bahaa naannoo Boqojjii kan ta’an namoonni 4 ol tahan hucuu civil uffachuudhaan eeggatanii yeroo ijoolleen kun lamaan mana fincaanii seenan achi keessatti cuubeen waraananiinii gatanii erga deemanii booda barattoonni kun hospitaala seenuun yaalamaa jiru.

ESAT Afaan Oromo Program?

January 27, 2017 | Dambali Galaana Irraa

Currently, news that Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) is planning to launch its programs in Afaan Oromo is circulating on social media. The announcement by the U.S. based channel came five years after its debut.
The satellite station has so far produced and transmitted its programs in Amharic although it sometimes airs in English as well. For a few weeks, it also started transmission of taped video of the Tigray People’s Democratic Movement (TPDM). I’m not sure what happened to it after the movement’s leader, Ato Molla Asgedom, abandoned his party and fled to Ethiopia.

East Africa: Little Progress, Worsening Repression: Serious Free Speech, Assembly Violations Linked to Elections

January 27, 2016 | Human Rights Watch

(Nairobi) – Governments in East Africa made little or no progress on human rights in 2015, and the situation in some countries, such as Burundi, sharply deteriorated, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2016.
Ethiopia and Burundi, and to some extent Uganda, experienced worsening restrictions on freedom of speech, assembly, and other rights in the lead up to or after elections. Other countries, such as Rwanda, maintained longstanding tight control on dissenting views. Kenya’s government failed to hold security forces to account for serious crimes and there were fresh horrific abuses in South Sudan, including attacks on civilians, repression, and a deepening humanitarian crisis in its second year of conflict. Across the region, governments failed to investigate and prosecute serious human rights violations.

Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo Wal Dorgommii Ispoortii Dhaabbilee Barnoota Olaanoo Yuuniarsiitootaa Yuunivarsiitiin Jimmaa Qopheessa Jiruu Ilaalchisuun Xalaayaa Ariifachiisaa Bulchiinsaa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaatiif Barreesse.

Amajjii 26, 2016 |

Bulchiinsa Yuniversitii Jimmaaf
imagesHaalli yeroo ammaa Oromiyaan keessa jirtuu daran ulfaataa fi hedduu lubbuu ilma namaaf yaaddessaa ta’uun ifaadha, Erga Mootummaan EPRDF/TPLF/OPDON Oromiyaa fi Uummata Oromoo irratti Waraana labsee guutummaan Oromiyaa gara dirree waraanatti jijjiramera. Mootummaan abbaa irrees loltoota isaa daangaa irraa qabuu walakkaa ol gara Oromiyaatti deebisuun gandoota baadiyaa keessa illee lotoota Agaazii jedhamanii fi Makalaakiyaa qubsiisuun guyyaa guyyaan uummata nagaan gaaffii mirgaa gaafate irratti dhukaasuun ajjeesaa jiru, Dhaabbilee barnootaa keessatti barattoota Oromoo rasaasaan adamsuun ajjeesaa erga turani booda dhiyeenya kana immoo tarkaanfii jumlaa fudhachuun Mooraa Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa Mooraa Saayinsii fi teekinoolojii Kittoo Furdisaa irratti dhuka’aa barattoota irratti darbachuun Barattoota 35 olitti Lakka’aman Madeessuun gaggaga’amni ulfaataan barattoota Orromoo irraa ga’ee jiraachuun ifaadha.

INJIFANNOO; [Walaloo Abdii Baalee Oromiyaa Irraa]

Amajjii 26, 2016 | Abdii Baalee Oromiyaa Irraa*
Akkam yaa saba koo, fira hiddaan dhiigaa,
Hojiin kee na boonsa, seenaaf baha ragaa,
Gootichi qabsaa'ee, dabeessatu mugaa,
Gootichi yoomiyyuu, lubbuu isaa wareegaa,
Jabaadhu qabsaayii, sima abbaan dhugaa!!!

Hooggantoota biyyaa, Magaallan biyya koo,
Goottan seenaan beeku, birmattoota rakkoo,
Diddaa gabrummaatiif, dammaqxe qeerroon koo,
Si abdadha yoomuu, goota gaafa makkoo!!!!

Letter to ESAT TV Concerning New Afaan Oromoo Program To Start.

January 23, 2016 | From Abdisa Bencha (Abdiisaba Oromoo)
To: Ethiopia Satellite Television (ESAT TV)
SubjectESAT New ‘Oromiffa/Oromigna’ program title correction request
First of all, I am really happy to hear such great decision and I would like to thank ESAT board and members for such long awaited decision to start broadcasting in Afaan Oromoo language as ‘Oromigna/Oromiffa’ ESAT program. and It is a great opportunity for our society living in different parts of the world to get timely news and information in their own language.

በሕወሓት የደሕንነት ሹሞች ትእዛዝ ኣራት እስረኞች መገደላቸው ታወቀ። የኦሮሞ ንቅናቄ ኣሁንም ከወያኔ ኣገዛዝ ኣቅም በላይ መሆኑ አየተነገረ ነው።

January 23, 2016 | Minilik Salsawi (ምንሊክ ሳልሳዊ)

ከኬንያ ናይሮቢ ታፍነው ከሶስት ኣመት በፊት ወደ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ኣሮጌው ኣይሮፕላን ማረፊያ የጨለማ የግዞት እስር ቤት የታሰሩት የጎጃም ብቸና ተወላጅ የሆነው አና የደቡብ ምስራቅ እዝ ባልደረባ የመቶኣለቃ ኣበባው ነጮ እና ለኦብነግ የስለላና ሰራዊት ምልመላ ያደርጋሉ በሚል ጥርጣሬ ተይዘው የነበሩት ኣብዱ ኑር፣ ኢብራሂም ኣብዱላዚዝ እና ሁሴን ኣብዱልሙኒም የተባሉ ከ፳ ቀን በፊት ወደ ከደብረዘይት ኣየር ሃይል ጀርባ በሚገኘው ምስጢራዊ የግድያ ማእከል ተወስደው ከተገደሉ በኋላ መቀበራቸውን የደሕንነት ቢሮ መረጃዎች የጠቆሙ ሲሆን እንደ ምንጮቹ ገለጻ ይህ ለሕወሓት የተለመደ ስራ መሆኑን ገልጸው በተለያዩ የደህንነት ምስጢራዊ እስር ቤቶች ከስምንት ሺህ አስከ ኣስር ሺህ የሚደርሱ አስረኞች በጨለማ ክፍል ውስጥ አንደተቆለፈባቸው ኣስረድተዋል።
በኢትዮጵያ ኦሮሚያ ክልል የተቀሰቀሰው ሕዝባዊ ንቅናቄ ለማብረድ እየከበደ እንደመጣ የሕወሓት የደህንነት ሃላፊዎች የተወያዩበት ሲሆን በፍጹም የሕዋሱን ማእከል ሊያገኙት አንዳልቻሉ አና የዖሕዴድ ባለስልጣናት አና ካድሬዎች ላይ አንደለመዱት የተጠቋቆሙ ሲሆን የዖሕዴድ ባለስልጣናት ከሃገር ውጪ አንዳይወጡ ቢወጡም ሁነኛ የደህንነት ሰዎች ኣብረዋቸው አንዲሄዱ አንደሚደረግ እንዲሁም የኦሮሚያ ወጣቶችን ለማባበል ኣስፈላጊ ወጪ በማድረግ በገንዘብ አና በተለያዩ ሽልማቶች ማታለል አምቢ ያሉትን በሂደት ለማጥፋት አንደታቀደ ታውቋል፤ በተጨማሪም በዘመድ ኣዝማድ ስሞች በሕወሓት ባለስልጣናት የተሰሩ አና በኦሮሚያ ክልል የሚገኙ ንብረቶች ጠባቂ በሆኑ የትግራይ ተወላጆች ላይ ጥቃት ለማድረስ እንደታሰበ ታውቋል፤በትግራይ ተወላጆች ላይ የሚደርስ የንብረት ጥፋት ማንንም ሊያሳስብ ስላልቻለ ከማሳዘን ይልቅ እያስደሰተ ስለሆነ ወደ ትግራይ ተወላጅ ኢንቨስተሮች እና እምባ ጠባቂዎች ላይ ግድያ ሳይሆን የተለያዩ የኣካል ጉዳቶች በማድረስ ድንጋጤን ለመፍጠር አና ለንቅናቄ የሚወጣውን ሕዝብ ለመምታት ታልሟል፤ሕዝቡ ከኣዲስ ኣበባ ማስተር ፕላን ተነስቶ የመብት እና የነጻነት የኣስተዳደር አና የእኩልነት መብቶቹን በቆራጥነት መጠየቅ መቀጠሉ ሲታወቅ የሕወሓት የዘረኛ ቡድን ስልጣኑን ለሕዝብ እንዲያስረክብ መቀጠሉ አንዲሁም ግድያው አና መቁሰሉ ሕዝቡ ብርታት አና ጥንካሬን አንደሰጠው ታውቋል።ወሓት ኣሁንም በፍራቻ ውስጥ ያለ ሲሆን ሰራዊቱ ላይ ያለው እምነት ባዶ ስለሆነ ሰራዊቱ ምንም መረጃ እንዳያገኝ በወታደራዊ ደህንነቶች በኩል በጥብቅ አየተከታተለ ይገኛል:

"Warra Garaaf jiraatan saaxiluun itti fufa!"; Ergamtoota diinaa Saba keenya Nannoo Arsii Nageelee fi naannawa ishee rakkisaa jiran

Amajjii 22, 2016 | Fincilaa Dhugaa Irraa

Akkuma beekamu baroota/waggoota 24 darban keessa motummaan Woyyaanee OPDO woliin ta’uun ummata Oromoo gama diingadee isaa saamuun, aadaa fi seenaa isaa balleessuun, sanyii duguuggaa irratti raawwatuu fi namoota mirga saba Oromootiif dubbatan hundan farra ummataati jechuudhan kan kumaatamaan laakayaman mana hidhatti guruun akkasumas hedduun isaanii akka biyya isaanii irraa baqataanii koolu-galtummaa biyyoota olaa fi biyyoota adda addati akka faca’an taasisaa tureera.

Kabeebsaa fi Sosobaan OPDO Umurii diinaa dheerressu Oromoo biratti bakka hinqabu

Amajjii 22, 2016 | Yonaataan Dhibbisaa Irraa

Ummatin Oromoo ergaa garbummaa jalatti humnaan galee har’a waggooti 130 ol lakkobiseesara. Ummatni Oromoo ija garboonfatootaa kan haawwate fi akka itti duulaani of jalatti galchan kan godhan keessaa gurggudoon dhimmoota lamadha. Sunis:
  1. Lafa/Dachee lalisaa qabachuu/ Fertile Land
  2. Humna Nama/ Human Resource
Falmiin har’a Oromoon qe’ee isaa irratti garee saba biccuu Tigiree irratti godha jirus itti fuufinsa gaafa diinootin lafa isaa irraa fudhachuu fi humna namaa isaa ammoo garbummaaf olfachuuf tocho’aani irraa ka’ee amma har’aattu gudumfaan itti hingodhamin jirurraa kan madduudha.

Ethiopia’s Invisible Crisis; Protests broke out in Ethiopia in November, and the government is continuing its massive crackdown.

January 22, 2016 | By Felix Horne*
“Badessa” was a third-year engineering student in western Ethiopia in April 2014 when he and most of his classmates joined a protest over the potential displacement of ethnic Oromo farmers like his family because of the government’s plan to expand the capital, Addis Ababa, into the farmland.
The night of the first protests he was arrested and taken to an unmarked detention center. Each night he heard his fellow students screaming in agony as one by one they were tortured by interrogators. “I still hear the screams,” he told me later. Eventually his turn came to be interrogated. “What kind of country is it when I voice concern that my family could lose their farm for a government project and I am arrested, tortured, and now living as a refugee?”

Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABOn) Tarkaanfii Hammeenyaa Ilmaan Oromoo Hiriira Bahan irratti Fudhatame Mormuun Murtii Paarlaamaan Awrooppaa Fudhate Ni Dinqisiifata

Amajjii 22, 2016 | Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)

Gareeleen Paarlaamaa Awrooppaa hundumtuu Amajjii 21 haala siyaasaa Oromiyaa, Itoophiyaa keessaa irratti erga mari’atanii booda murtii dabarsanii jiru.

Walakkeessa baatii Sadaasaa 2015 irraa kaasee hiriirri mormii bal’aa fi jabaan akka waliigalaatti kabajamuu mirga ummata Oromootiif addatti ammoo Karoora Maaster Pilaanii Finfinnee dura dhaabbachuudhaan gaggeeffamee mirga hiree murteeffannaa Oromoo bu’uuraa fi dimokraasii ummanni Oromoo jaarraa tokkoo fi walakkaa oliif sarbame gaafatu adeemaa jira.

Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) honours the European Union Parliament that it stood up publicly against assaults on Oromo peaceful protesters

January 22, 2016 | Oromo Liberation Front Press Release

On 21st of January, all party Groups of European Parliament debated and passed a resolution on the current political situation in Oromia, Ethiopia.  Since mid-November 2015, another round of enormous wave of mass protests that started over respect for the right of Oromo people in general and against the expansion of the capital Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) that triggered more to be demanded on the basic fundamental and democratic rights that have been suppressed for the last century and half. Instead of looking for the solution, the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (TPLF/EPRDF) led Ethiopian government declared war on the Oromo people and deployed its terrorizing special force (Agazi), the military and the federal police against peaceful Oromo demonstrators and the public at large. In doing so, it put Oromia under martial law tantamount to declaration of a state of emergency. The deployed forces have wantonly killed more than 180 people and wounded hundreds and detained thousands of Oromo farmers, students, teachers, merchants and government employees, including the medical staff trying to treat the overwhelming numbers of the brutalized mass.


Amajjii 21, 2016 | Qaalluu Kuusatiin

Waggaa guutuu waanuma maastar pilaanii Finfinnee dubbii ijoo tahee falmaa safara hin qabne, lubbuu Oromootaa baayyee gaagga’ee, kaan qaamaa hirrisee, kaan mana hidhaatti akka tinfaman taasise. Garuu dubbiin “karoora misoomaa” maqaa “Mster plane” jechuun summii dammaan haguugame tahuu isaa ummanni keenyas firoonni fi saboonni ollaa Oromoo hubachuu qabu.
waan hunda dura gaaffiin fi deebiin dubbii “Shaggar/Finfinneen haa guddattuu?” kan jedhuuf namni hundi “eenyee haagguddattuu” kan jedhuuf fi akkasumas “Hangam guddatti?” kan jedhuuf TPLF deebii mataa isaa kenne.
Otoo kan yaada TPLF keessa hin seenin Finfinnee/Shaggar haaguddatuu fii hangam guddattii kan jedhuu yeroo ilaalu, bara Chaarteraa ABO/OLF fi TPLF/EPRDF ittii walii galan haa ilaallu.


Kabajamtoota Ilmaan Oromoo ardii Awuroopaa keessa Jirtaniif, 
Hunda duraan dursee nagaan Oromummaa fi waaqayyoo/rabbii garaa gurraachaa tokkicha maqaa dhibbaa isin haagahu. Jiruu fi jireenya gaarii isin hawwiina. Horaa bulaa.   

European Parliament resolution on the situation in Ethiopia (2016/2520(RSP))

January 21, 2016 | European Parliament

The European Parliament,
– having regard to its previous resolutions on the situation in Ethiopia and to the most recent plenary debate on the matter, of 20 May 2015,
– having regard to the statement of 23 December 2015 by the European External Action Service (EEAS) spokesperson on recent clashes in Ethiopia,
– having regard to the joint statement of 20 October 2015 by Federica Mogherini, Vice‑President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (VP/HR), and Tedros Adhanom, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,

ማስተር ፕላኑ ወደፊት እንደሚተገበር ሚሚ ስብሃቱ ገለጹ

January 21, 2016 | ጎልጉል: የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ

ሚሚ ስብሃቱ
በኦሮሚያ ክልል ተከስቶ የነበረው ግርግር እና ሁከት እኛ ባለን መረጃ መሰረት እ እ እ … ዛሬ ጠዋትም በቅርቡ የተለያዩ አካባቢዎች ደዉለን ስናጣራ ነበረ፤ እ እ እ … የመማር ማስተማር ሂደቱ ቀጥሏል እ እ እ … ከአለፈው ሳምንት ወዲህ ሰላም መስፈኑንና የተረጋጋ … ይበልጥ እየተረጋጋ መሄዱን በተለያዩ የማጣራት ሂደቶች አጣርተናል፡፡”
ነገር ግን አሉ ሚሚ ቆምጨጭ ባለ ድምጸት፤
“ነገር ግን ይሄ ጉዳይ ደግሞ እንዲቀጥል የሚፈልጉ ወገኖች አሁንም ዉሸትና አሉባልታ ከማራገብ አልታቀቡም፡፡ በተለያዩ በሚጠቀሙባቸው መገናኛ ብዙሃን በማኅበራዊ ድህረገጾች የሌላ አገር፣ በአገራችን ሳይሆን በሌላ አገር የተፈጠሩ ሁኔታዎችን ፎቶግራፍ የተነሱ ነገሮችን ፖስት እያደረጉ አሁንም ህብረተሰቡን ለማደናገር እና እንትን ለማለት እ እ እ… መሯሯጡ ተጧጡፏል፡፡ እ እ እ … አንዳንዶቹ ከፍተኛ ብስጭት ዉስጥ ወድቀዋል ሁኔታዎች በመረጋጋታቸው፡፡”

እዚህ ላይ እርሳቸው እራሳቸው በስጨት ወደ ማለት ሄደዋል፡፡ ቀጠሉ እትየ ሚሚ

UN experts urge Ethiopia to halt violent crackdown on Oromia protesters, ensure accountability for abuses

GENEVA (21 January 2016) –  A group of United Nations human rights experts* today called on the Ethiopian authorities to end the ongoing crackdown on peaceful protests by the country’s security forces, who have reportedly killed more than 140 demonstrators and arrested scores more in the past nine weeks.

“The sheer number of people killed and arrested suggests that the Government of Ethiopia views the citizens as a hindrance, rather than a partner,” the independent experts said, while also expressing deep concern about allegations of enforced disappearances of several protesters.

ማስተር ፕላኑ ቆሟል የሚባለው ቧልት

January 19, 2016 | አድ አዳማ
OPDO faces stiff resistance
OPDO ‘cancels’ Master Plan, but not TPLF/EPRDF
መጀመሪያውኑ ማስተር ፕላን የሚባል ነገር የለም ማስተር ጥፋት እንጂ ባልፈው ፅሑፌም ደጋግሜ ያሰፈርኩት ማስተር ጥፋት በማለት ሲሆን እዚህ ፅሁፍ ውስጥም የምጠቀመው ማስተር ጥፋት የሚለውን ይሆናል።የዚህ የማስተር ጥፋት ተቁዋሞ ከተጀመረ ረጅም ግዜ ቢሆነውም በአዲስ መልክ እና በተጠናከረ መልኩ ከጀመረ ግን January 12 ድፍን 2 ወሩ አለፈ።ነገሩ በድጋሜ የተቀሰቀሰበት ምክንያት ደሞ ቀደም ብሎ በጨፌ ኦሮሚያ ኢናጉሬሽን ቀን ወያኔ በእጅ አዙር ያለምንም ውይይት ማስተር ጥፋቱ እንዲጸድቅ አደረገች።ይህ በእንዲህ እንዳለ ለትምህርት ቤት ኩዎስ ሜዳ ይውላል የተባልን ቦታ ያለምንም እፍረት የወያኔ ካድሬዎች ተከፋፈሉት ምን እሱ ብቻ ጨለመውን የሚያክል ደን ለአድ ግለሰብ ወያኔ ሸጠችው ለነገሩ በህይወት ያለ ሰው አንድ ጫካ ቢገዛ ምን ይደንቃል የመለስ ፓርክ የመለስ ፓርክ እተባለ አገር ምድሩን የሞተ ወሮት የለ እንዴ ሊያውም በነፃ ። ታዲያ ይህንን ቁጭ ብሎ ማየት ያቃተው የጊንጪ ህዝብ በቃኝ, መበዝበዝ በቃኝ, በሙት መንፈስ መገዛት በቃኝ, እየተንገፈገፉ ከመኖርስ መሞት ይሻላል ሲል ሰላማዊ ተቁዋሞ ሊያሰማ አደባባይ ወጣ። ሰላም የማይገባው የወያኔ መንግስት ግን ትክክለኛ መልስ ነው ብሎ ያስቀመጠው ጥይት ነበር እናም ንጹሀን ኦሮሞች ሰላማዊ ጥያቄን ስለጠየቁ በአደባባይ ተገደሉ። የንጹሀን ኦሮሞዎች በአደባባይ መሞት የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ከትግሉ ወደሗላ አላስኬደውም ይልቁንም ልክ ቤንዚን እንደተርከፈከፈበት ጭድ ከሰሜን እስከ ደቡብ ከምስራቅ እስከ ምእራብ ትግሉን በተጋጋለ ሁኔታ አቀጣጠለው።

The Current Oromo Protest Movement: The Beacon of Freedom and Egalitarian Democracy for All Tigrayan Colonial Subjects

January 19, 2016 | By Asafa Jalata (Prof.)* | Advocacy For Oromia

The current Oromia-wide protest movement, that is led by Oromo school children and supported by their parents and relatives, demonstrates the maturation of national and global Oromummaa by overcoming the ideological problem of the Oromo movement. This popular movement also clearly shows that the Oromo people are the fulcrum for bringing about a fundamental political transformation in Ethiopia and beyond in order to establish sustainable peace, development, security, self-determination and egalitarian multinational democracy. Understanding these facts is necessary to transform our thinking in politics in order to critically and thoroughly assess the prospects for politico-cultural transformation and liberation from Tigrayan colonialism, political slavery and ethnocracy. The main reason for these assertions is that the Oromo are the largest national group in Ethiopia and the region; Finfinnee, which is also called Addis Ababa, is the heart of Oromia and is the seat of the Ethiopian state, the African Union and many other international organizations. In addition, Oromia is located in the heart of Ethiopia, and the Oromo people have already created a cultural corridor with different peoples in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. The foundation of this corridor is the gadaa/siiqqee system (Oromo democracy), which with other indigenous democratic traditions can be a starting point for building a genuine multinational democracy based on the principles of national self-determination.

Gara Cehumsa Naga qabeessaatt

Amajjii 16, 2016 | | Ibsaa Guutama Irraa

Aariin Oromo bara hedduuf ukaamamaa ture Sadaa 2015 kaasee xaxa’uun sagalee guddaan anga’e. Erga jaarraa 16faa takkaa seenaa Oromoo keessatt lakkoobsi hammana gahu hiree ofiif akkas waliin ka’ee hin beeku. Dhahii nolaa akka isa kanaa harka duwwaa tokkummaan ka’ee diina meeshaa ammayyaa hanga ilkaaniitt hidhate fi loltuu jajjabee angawoo addunyaan leenjifame didhchisiisee hin beeku. Takkaa akka si’anaa sabich gad of horde yeroo dheeraa akkasiif utuu hin mitiqin fuula du’aa, hidhaa fi guraarama dura dhaabbatee hin beeku. Sirna dooyyaa garegox fi tokoshanii kan mana Oromo hundatt time cabsan. Waggoota dhibbaa oliif boona dhabe deebisanii gonfachiisuu saaniif Oromoon, warraaqxota jannoota kanaaf galataa fi kabaja guddaa qabu. Annisaa warraaqsa akkasiin hanga Wayyaaneen xaxattee kan saamte hunda duubatt dhiiftee Tigrayitt galtutt boodatt deebiin hin jiraatu. Wayyaaneen ilkaan socha’ee, buqqa’u malee falli hin jiru. Lafti Oromiyaa fi wanti irra jiru kanuma Oromiyaati, fudhattee deemuu hin dandeessuu. Baankiin alaa qabeenya TPLF/EPRDF fi kanneen hidhata bu’aa waliin qaban saamanii kuufatan yeroo ummatoonni Empayera Itophiyaa bonaa fi jeejeen dorsifaman kan dabarsee kennuuf hin jiraatu. Kanneen milla suphee Wayyaanee ilaaluu didanii waliin meshebelluu eegalaniif, harkatt burkutooftee ba’aan rakkachuuf deemuun hin oolu haa beekkatanii! Erga ofii badanii hogganooti Afrikaa horii saamicha akkasiitiin ala baafatan, fooqiin dhossaan ijaarratan isaan haa tahanii warri saanii argatanii hin beekanii. Nagaa naannaaf jedhame Wayyanee karaa fedheen haa tahu gara hiree akka sanaatt reebamuu qabdi.

Towards a Peaceful Transition

January 16, 2016 | | By Ibsaa Guutama

Oromo rage that was suppressed for ages started to erupt with thunderous sound from November 2015. Never in the history of Oromo since 16th century had such great number rose together to determine its own destiny. Such a civilians tide was never seen rising at the same time empty handed in the history of the region to challenge an enemy armed to the teeth with modern weapons and police and army commandos highly trained by powerful nations of the world. And never had the nation stood its ground for such a long time without flinching in the face of death, imprisonment and torture like the present one. They have defied the garegox and one for five system of espionage that pervaded each Oromo hearth. The Oromo owes these gallant revolutionaries great thanks and remains grateful for instilling back the pride it lost for over a hundred years. With such revolutionary zeal there shall never be turning back until. Wayyaanee packs back to Tigray leaving behind all it looted. Wayyaanee is a loose tooth there is no remedy except pulling it out. Land of Oromiyaa and everything on it belongs to Oromiyaa Wayyaanee cannot get away with it. No foreign bank shall maintain stolen treasure in its account for TPLF/EPRDF members and its beneficiaries when peoples of the Ethiopian empire are threatened with famine and drought. Woo to them that refused to see Wayyaanee’s clay feet when they started flirting with her. No African leader or families had ever benefitted from such stolen fund after their demise. Wayyaanee has to be chased out to the same fate by hook or crook for peace of the whole region.

Briton detained in Ethiopia must be freed urgently, says charity

January 16, 2016 | By Press association

A British man locked up in Ethiopia must be released imminently, a charity has urged, as a psychiatrist’s report showed a serious deterioration in his mental health.

Andargachew “Andy” Tsege has been detained in the country since he was removed from an airport in Yemen in June 2014.

The father-of-three, who fled the country in the 1970s and sought asylum in the UK in 1979, had been a prominent critic of Ethiopia’s ruling party.

He was sentenced to death in his absence in 2009 for allegedly plotting a coup – charges he and others deny.

Dispatches: Government Backs Down, But Will Protests End in Ethiopia?

January 16, 2016 | Felix Horne Researcher, Horn of Africa | Human Rights Watch

Nine weeks after bloody protests broke out in Ethiopia’s Oromia region, the government has made a major concession to the protestors - halting a plan to expand the municipal boundary of Addis Ababa, the issue that sparked the crisis.

The announcement January 12 by the Oromo Peoples’ Democratic Organization (OPDO), the ruling party’s local affiliate in Oromia region, is a rare concession from the government and a hard fought victory for protesters. But it may be too late to calm Oromia.

U.S. Says Concerned Over Ethiopia Stifling Oromo Dissent

January 16, 2016 | By William Davison
Ethiopia detained Oromo oppositon leader Bekele Gerba Dec. 24
* Release of leaders needed to help resolve political grievances
The U.S. is concerned by the sustained stifling of dissent by its ally Ethiopia, including the detention last month of ethnic Oromo opposition politicians during recent fatal protests, the State Department said. 
Demonstrations against a government masterplan to integrate the development of the capital, Addis Ababa, with surrounding areas in Oromia region began in mid-November and continued this week in the town of Ambo.


Amajjii 16, 2016 | SEENAA Y.G (2005)
Waaqayyoon gaditti Galanni Gootoota keenyaaf haa ta’uuti, Gabrummaatti xumura gochuuf, malaa fi yaada wal gaafachuu irra geenyee jirra. Har’a akka kaleessaa Abbootiin keenya goota turan jennee of ceepha’uu irraa baanee, dhaloota Gootummaa ija keenya duratti galmeessisu argu irra geenye jirra. Dhaloota seenaa qofaa odeessu irra tarkaanfannee, dhaloota Gootummaa Akaakilee isaa wareegamaan haaromsuu danda’e irra geenyerra. Dhalooti Bilisummaa dhiigaan argachuuf muratee, Seenaa Qabsoo waggoota dheeraa geeddaree, Addunyaan akka dhimma isaa kaaftee fala soqixuuf taasisuu irra geenyee jirra. Dhalooti qubee wareegama baasaa jiru kanaan boonuu qofaa osoo hin taanee, Angafoonni fi abbootiin isaanii gaaffii of gaafachuu qaban hedduun akka jiru nu akeeku isaanii qalbifatu qabna. Wareegama isaanitti firii xumuraa gochuuf birmannaan isaanii fardii ta’uu caalaatti qalbifatanii, sochii Fincila Xumura gabrummaa kanatti makamuuf qophaa’uu fi sochii eegaluun akka irraa eegamuu beekuutu nurraa eegama. Gootummaa akaakilee fi abbootii keenyaa Afaan irraa atu nu hin bu’iin, Gootummaa ijoollee keenyaa dubbachuuf ga’uun eebba ta’uus, Gootummaa ofii osoo hin dubbatatiin dabruun qaaniidha jennee of qopheessuun gamnummaadha.

The Secret Relationship between Ethiopia and Alshabaab

January 16, 2016 | Ogaden News Agency

The late American professor of Science of government at Harvard University, Dr. Samuel Huntington, who was the author of the famous menu for war entitled ‘Class of Civilizations’, once advised that the US government ‘may have to sell’ its military interventions as a necessary action to preempt the threat posed by Soviet Union to US interests: “You may have to sell” intervention or military action abroad Huntington wrote, “in such a way as to create the misimpression that it is the Soviet Union that you are fighting. That is what the United Stated has done ever since the Truman Doctrine.”
The Kenyan troops’ attack last month on the Alshabaab controlled Juba Region in Southern Somalia has unveiled many hitherto sold ‘misimpressions’ and concealed dirty secrets of the Ethiopian regime in Southern Somalia.

Seenaa irraa yoo hinbaranne, Sheenaa irraa hinduroominnu.

Amajjii 16, 2016 | A. Jundi Irraa
Seenaa fii Sheenaan akkuma jechaa fii qubeen walitti dhiyaatan hikkaa fii gochaanille walitti hidhata qabu. Umaa keessatti wanni kaleessa dabre hunduu Seenaa ta’u. Seenaan dabru hunduu Sheenaa nuwajjiin jiraatu dhiisee dabra. Seenaa keessatti dogoggorri ilmi namaa dalagu hunddi sheenaa jireenya isaa guutuu isa wajjiin jiraatu hanbiseefi dabra. Kanaafi seenaa irraa baratanii sheenaan waxalamaa jiraachuu irraa ufi baraaruun osoo wanni hunduu seenaa hinta’in dura ta’uu qaba. 

Mee haalli gubbatti lafa kaayame kan seenaa Oromoon gabrummaa jalatti kufe wajjiin waliitti qabsiifinne haalaallu. Minilik qawwee warra dhiyaa irraa argateen Oromoo meeshaa ammayyaa hinqabnnetti duulee gabrummaa jalatti galiffate. Seenaan akka ibsutti mooyamuu Oromootiifi sababa guddaa kan ta’e qawwee Minilik osoo hinta’in waliifi dirmmachuu dhabuu oromoo akka ta’e fakkii loloota jajjaboo Anolee fii Calanqotti geggeeffame yaadachuun nidanda’ama. Arra akaakilleefi abaabileen keenya osoo lubbuun jiraatanii maal qaba osoo bara san waliifi dirmannee walii fi tumsinee jedhanii akka sheenaan gubatan mamiin hinjiru. 

Labsiin Haqamuu Maaster Pilaanii Dh.D.U.O /OPDOn Labsame Gaaffii Abbaa Biyyummaa Duubatti Hin Deebisu Itti Fufsiisa Malee

Amajjii 13, 2016
Labsiin Haqamuu Maaster Pilaanii Dh.D.U.O/OPDOn Labsame, Ilaalchisee Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo
Kaayyoon Master Pilaanii godina addaa naannowaa Finfinnee tooftaa ittiin duguuggaa sanyii Oromoo raawwatan tahuun hubachuun nama hin rakkisu. Karoorri kunis akkuma beekamu badii uummata oromoo irraan gahuu akka danda’u beekuu kan dandeenyu danqaa hin qabnu. Waggaa lama dura baatii Ebla bara 2014 keessa uummanni Oromoo ifatti bahee karoora kana dura dhaabbatee mormaa bahe lubbuu hedduun itti wareegamuu uummanni bal’aan Uummanni Oromoo sirnaan hubatee beekee jira. Gaaffii uummanni karaa nagaatiin bahee falmi dhageesisaa ture wayita sanas mootummaan Wayyaanee gaaffi dhiphoonni qabatanii ka’an, kan shororkeessitootaan hoogganamee deemu, jechuun uummata lubbuu isaa gaaffidhuma karaa nagayaatiin gaafate itti dhabaa jirun uummata Oromoo arrabsuu kan dhokate miti. 

Labsi OPDO ‘karoorri Master Plaaniin guutummaa guutuutti haqameera’ jedhu seenaa Wayyaanee waggaa 24 keessatti injifannoo ummata Oromoo isa duraa ti!

Amajjii 13, 2016 | Boruu Barraaqaa Irraa

Fincilli ummanni Oromoo lubbuu isaa kitimee baatii lamaaf odoo wal irraa hin kunne geggeesse kunoo injifannoo isa duraa mootummaa Wayyaanee irratti galmeeffateera. Sirni seenaa isaa ganna 24 keessatti waan hawwu hundumaa humna qawweetiin raaw’achiifachuu barate ammas akkasumatti karoora master pilaanii kanas kan raaw’achiifatu se’ee dhama’aa yoona gahe. Haa tahu malee murannoon ummata Oromoo yeroo jalqabaaf soda takkaa argee hin beeyneen isa jilbeenfachiise. Humna waraanaa Agaaziitiin kana booda Oromiyaa keessatti karoora cunqursaa ummata Oromoo irratti fe’anii milkaahuun akka hin danda’amne injifannoon kun agarsiiseera.


Amajjii 13, 2016 | By Saphaloo Kadiir
TPLF-Banana-RepublicOPDO sammuutu gara gale moo, moo rafteeti bursusa haasawaa jirti dhiiroo? Ani kan na dhibe; yoomii as OPDO’n murtii laachuu jalqabde?. Saniifuu dubbii master pilaanii irratti moo? Jaarsii afaan baarree kan Abbaay xahayyee ja’aniin san eessa kuteeti, OPDO’n akkanatti mataa ol qabattee? Yookaa akkuma parlaamaa keessaa sanitti shilimsuun oolu malee, OPDO’n waa akkanatti hin buuftuu silaa. Qaanuma takka malee xaaqaa abuyyadii akkanatti baqeeysuun kun maali? Re’een adaba hin qabne haada dheereeysaniifii hiinaan ifumaaf ifitti martee kuftee mar’ati. Opdo jechuu dha.

EU: Press Ethiopia on Protester Killings

January 12, 2016
Meeting With Foreign Minister in Brussels
(Brussels, January 12, 2016) – European Union officials should convey serious concerns about Ethiopian security forces’ use of excessive lethal force against protesters when meeting with Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Human Rights Watch said today. The foreign minister, Dr. Tedros Adhanom, will meet with EU officials on January 12 and13, 2016, in Brussels.
Ethiopian security forces have engaged in a violent crackdown against protesters in Ethiopia’s Oromia region, killing scores of protesters and arresting many others. The protests began in mid-November 2015, in response to plans to expand the capital, Addis Ababa, into Oromia farmland, but have expanded in response to other longstanding concerns as well as the crackdown on protesters.

Ethiopia: Planning Without Accountability Serves Politics Only

January 12, 2016 | Addis Fortune

The last time Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn appeared in front of the 547 Members of Parliament (MPs), dominantly from his ruling coalition, the agenda on the table was the Second Growth & Transformation Plan (GTP II). As usually is the case, though, he did not limit his discussion to the agenda.
He instead used the opportunity to deal with pertinent political issues, such as the public protest in Oromia, the spread of informal gun sale and the issue of good governance.
For a prime minister who is increasingly consolidating his power base, the parliamentary session intended to approve the first medium-term plan since the times of the late Meles Zenawi, a personality considered the mastermind of the policy stances of the EPRDF, was another opportunity to showcase that he is in command.

Potential solutions to Egypt-Ethiopia dam dispute remain murky

January 12, 2016 |
SUMMARY:- Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan — embroiled in a dispute over Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam project — agree on hiring a new consulting company, but not much else.
KHARTOUM, Sudan — Participants kicked up plenty of dust at the most recent round of negotiations concerning the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, but once again departed with only an agreement to keep trying to reach an agreement.

The negotiations among officials of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan were marked by direct confrontations and escalating tension. Potential solutions are murky, at best, and the process remains stagnant.

Karuturi challenges Ethiopia decision to cancel farm project

January 12, 2016 | | William Davison | Paul Richardson
The agriculture ministry’s land investment agency notified Karuturi on 28 December that the lease was canceled because ‘development’ occurred on only 1,200 hectares
Karuturi has obtained a court order protecting the lease and is prepared to seek international arbitration on the matter.

Mapping the Deaths of Protesters in Ethiopia

January 12, 2016 | Global Voices

Since the beginning of November 2015, at least 140 peaceful protesters have been killed in Ethiopia according to Human Rights Watch. Photo and video evidence suggests that most of the people were killed by bullets fired at close range.

IOLA Press Release on the Oromo Protest and the ongoing brutal crackdown in Oromia, Ethiopia

January 12, 2016

The International Oromo Lawyers Association, a non-profit Organization registered in the State of Minnesota with the objective of promoting the prevalence of the rule of law in Ethiopia, is saddened and shocked by the ongoing wanton mass killings and arrests of thousands of Oromo students, supporting parents and teachers in the State of Oromia, Ethiopia.  According to information available to us from different sources including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and reputable media networks such as the BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera, the Ethiopian government has deployed a special armed unit (known as the death squad – Agazi)  to forcefully suppress the ongoing peaceful demonstration of Oromo students who are simply exercising their fundamental and constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression to oppose the so called Addis Ababa Master Plan. The Plan which is alleged to have been secretly designed by the order of few key Federal government officials is in fragrant violation of the Constitution which stipulates that any change in the affairs of the Regional States should be discussed at the parliament, the government and by the people of the respective Regional States.

Letter from OROMO community, Dadaab, Kenya to UNCHR

January 12, 2016
TO: Department Refugee Affairs (DRA)
Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK)
KENYA Red Cross
January, 11, 2016
From: OROMO community
RE: Concern sharing information
We the Oromo community living ion Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya, writing this letter due to the tangible information we have that our community members who fled ongoing crackdown by Ethiopian government on peaceful of Oromo protests are often arresting and deporting to Ethiopia where they are facing threat of life and death by force at the border while they seeking asylum in Kenya. For instance 28 Oromo asylum seekers have been arrested in Marsabet County they supposed to be on court on 9/1/2016 at Meru magistrate court but failed. Again four (4) Oromo asylum seeker have been arrested in Wajir County on 9/1/2016 while they are seeking asylum. Their names are:-

Ethiopia's crackdown on dissent takes rising toll

January 10, 2016 | Aljazeera | By Charles Stratford

Rights groups say 140 people killed in recent weeks as government moves forward with controversial development plans.


Wolonkomi, Ethiopia - Security forces have killed at least 140 people during a crackdown on anti-government demonstrations in Ethiopia in recent weeks, activists and rights groups say.

FXG Itti Fufuu fi Mootummaan Wayyaanee OPDO Keessayyuu ABOn Jira Jechuu Eegale‏.

Amajji 10, 2016 | Gabasaa Qeerroo

FXG Oromiyaa keessatti akkuma itti fufetti Oromiyaan guutuumaatti wal gahee jira Yeroo ammaa kana akkuma hubatamutti mootummaan Wayyaanee naasuu fi gara itti deebi’u dhabuu irraan OPDO goolaa jira, isin keesayyuu ABOn jira, diina waliin quunnamtii qabdu jechudhaan doorsisaa jira.

Caasaan OPDO gubbaadhaa hanga goodatti ABO dhaan shakkamuutti ka’e. Akkasuma har’a godina Qellem wallaggaa aanaa Canqaa irraa gara Ayiraa osoo deemuu konkolaataan waraana Wayyaanee nama 6 baattee deemtu galagalteen namni 6 du’anii fi lama du’aa fi jireenya gidduu keessa seenani jiru wayyaanee haalaan naasisuu dhaga’ame.

The Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy Statement on the Current Situation in Ethiopia

January 10, 2015 | The Peoples' Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)

The current situation in Ethiopia is no longer tenable and unless urgent measures are taken it will bring unmanageable chaos in the Horn of Africa worse than the current situation in the Middle East.

In 1992 and 1994, the Ethiopian regime declared an all out war against the civilian population in many parts in Oromia, Ogaden and the rest of Ethiopia creating humanitarian and human rights Catastrophe, hundreds of thousands were killed, detained, tortured or forcefully dislocated from their lands. 

Today the Ethiopian regime is embarking on campaign to commit grave violation of human rights and suppression of all democratic rights it even recognizes in its nominal constitution. The Oromo people whose democratic rights were never respected and subjected to consistent human right violations massively are now being systematically uprooted from their ancestral lands around Addis Ababa under the pretext of development. Similar atrocities are being committed against the people in Sidama, Gambela, Beni-shangul, Amhara,and other states. 

Dispatches: Arrest of Respected Politician Escalating Crisis in Ethiopia

January 09, 2015 | Human Rights Watch | By Felix Horne Researcher, Horn of Africa

Over the past eight weeks, Ethiopia’s largest region, Oromia, has been hit by a wave of mass protests over the expansion of the municipal boundary of the capital, Addis Ababa. The generally peaceful protests were sparked by fears the expansion will displace ethnic Oromo farmers from their land, the latest in a long list of Oromo grievances against the government.

Breaking the Silence: the Hard Truth about the Oromo Nation Uprising in Ethiopia

January 06, 2015 | HRLHA Appeal and Request for immediate Action
Appeal To: The US Department of State Secretary
His Excellency Mr. John KerryWASHINGTON, D.C. HEADQUARTERS>
(202) 895-3500
OFMInfo@state.govOffice of Foreign Missions
2201 C Street NW
Room 2236
Washington, D.C. 20520
Customer Service Center
3507 International Place NW
Washington, D.C. 20522-3303

Statement of Qeerroo Bilisummaa and Union of Oromo Students on the Ongoing ‘Revolution to Culminate Slavery’ (RCS)

Amajjii 01, 2016 | Qeerroo Bilisummaa and Union of Oromo Students (Finfinne Oromia)
We the new Oromo generation living close to the civilized world are not willing to live in slavery in the 21st century. As we are the most conscious of our society, we cannot watch idly as our people are evicted from their ancestral land; we cannot accept the fact that our country is a place where human liberty, dignity, and democratic and human rights are violated. The minority TPLF-led Ethiopian government’s so called ‘Integrated Master Plan’ is a genocidal plan concocted to irradiate the Oromo race from the face of the earth and incorporate our forefather’s land, Oromia, into their own property. We are presenting our legitimate questions using our democratic rights in a peaceful manner and will not stop our non-violent struggle until all of our questions have been answered.

Oromiyaa fii Algeeriyaa: Madaala Seenaa Gabrummaa fii Wal’aansoo Bilisuummaa

Amajjii 01, 2016 | Abbaa Urjii Irraa

abbaa-urjiiHaalli dhiheenya kana Oromiyaa keessatti deemaa jiru onnee ummataa keessatti abdii bilisummaa tan Wayyaanee keessatti naasuu guddoo uumee jira. Fincilli diddaa gabrummaa tiif kaabaa-kibbaan, bahaa-dhihaan diinarratti godhamaa jiru sossooha qabsoo bilisummaa ummata Oromiyaa keessatti argamee hin beeku. Wayyaanee bara diiydamii afuriiiif cabsitee baysitee irreen biyya bulchaa jirtu bu’ura sossoosee jira. Wanni hafe dhiibanii kuffisuu qofa. Kanaas, ka’imman Oromiyaa murannoo ajaa’ibaa tiin itti jiran.

Yaruma hundaa, warri ummata humnaan if jalatti bul’chuu barbaadan tolaan aangorraa bu’uun itti hin mul’atu. Wixxifata aangoorra turuuf godhaniin, gaaga’ama hammana hin ja’amne ummatarraan gayu. Lakkuma fincilli itti cimuun, akka Bashaar Haafiz al-Asad biyya Suuriyaatti, lammii malees biyya galaafatu. Garuu, maayyiirratti, akkuma warra isaan duraa hundatti, injifatamu.

ህወሓት እንዴት ሰነበተ?

January 01, 2015 | By Gadaa Gebreab (Tesfaye Gebreab)*

የህወሓትን የጓዳ ወግ ማወቅ አስቸጋሪ የነበረበት ዘመን እንደዋዛ አልፎአል። ዛሬ ቀዳዳቸው በዝቶ፤ ቴክኖሎጂውም አግዞ የፈፀሙት ብቻ ሳይሆን ያሰቡትም በቀላሉ ይገኛል። ዘመኑ የመረጃ ዘመን ነው። መረጃ ከሌለ ምንም ነገር የለም። ለችግሮች መፍትሄም አይገኝም። ወያኔ ዛሬ በአስር ሺዎች ኦሮሞዎችን በገፍ የሚያስረው ስለ ቄሮ በቂ መረጃ ስለሌለው መሆኑ ይታወቃል። ተቃዋሚ የፖለቲካ ተንታኞች ወይም የማህበራዊ ድረገፅ ፀሃፊዎች አንዳንድ ጊዜ አስቂኝ ስህተት ይሰራሉ። ማለትም ሳያውቁ ለወያኔ የሚጠቅም መረጃና ምክር ይፅፋሉ። የወያኔ የፀጥታ ቢሮ መረጃዎችን እየመዘነ ወደ ጥቅም የሚለውጥ የተደራጀ ክፍል አለው። እንዲህ ያለው ማርሽ ቀያሪ ዘመን ብቅ ሲል ጊዜና መረጃን በጥንቃቄ መጠቀም ካልተቻለ ወርቃማ እድል ሊያመልጥ ይችላል። በመሆኑም በዚህ አጭር መጣጥፍ አንዳንድ ጠቋሚ ነጥቦችን ብቻ በጨረፍታ አነሳለሁ። ለመሆኑ ሃይለማርያም መንግስት እንዴት ሰነበተ?