
Memorandum of Understanding and Agreements Between The OLF Transitional Authority and OLF Shanee Gumii

                     ADDA BILISUMMAA OROMOO                                                          
                     OROMO LIBERATION FRONT                                                             

Date: 20-11-2012                                                       No.: 019/stm-abo/ 2012

It is known that the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) was formed in 1973 to struggle for the liberation of the Oromo people from a century old colonial domination and to establish an independent republic of Oromia. Regrettably, a split was created in 2001 in the organization negatively affecting the national struggle.

We the representatives of the OLF Transitional Authority and OLF Shanee Gumii have met from 14 - 20, November 2012 to finalize the talks which have been ongoing for many years and discussed problems which have led to the split of the OLF in 2001; being aware of the importance of unity for the liberation of the Oromo people and the gravity of the situation in which the Oromo nation finds itself, and reaffirming the ideals of the OLF and the objective of Oromo national struggle,we have reached the following solutions and agreements:

  • We have resolved our differences and concluded long years of talks with reconciliation that is in the best interest of our nation;
  • We have agreed to draw lessons from the mistakes made as the consequence of the split ;
  •  We are determined to revitalize the national struggle for liberation;
  • We reaffirm that the objective of our struggle is the achievement of Oromo national self-determination and the establishment of an Independent Democratic Republic of Oromia;
  • We agreed to reunite our forces, combine our resources and restore a strong OLF in order to meet the serious challenges that are facing the Oromo nation, and to struggle for its survival and independence;
  •  We agree that coordinated political, diplomatic and armed struggle is the means to be used to achieve the objective of Oromo national liberation.
We call upon all the members and supporters of the OLF, and the Oromo people at large, to give their unreserved support to the reconciliation made by the two OLF organizations and re-invigorate in unison the struggle to liberate Oromia from the subjugation and exploitation. We also here by urge all members and supporters of the two organizations to end hostilities in order to create conducive atmosphere for the reconciliation.

We are determined to carry forward the struggle for national liberation and therefore demand the co-operation of all Oromos, individuals and organizations to join us in this sacred endeavor to liberate the Oromo nation.

Victory to the Oromo people!

OLF Shanee Gumii OLF Transitional Authority

20 November 2012
Oromo Libertation Front  


  1. What a fantastic news !!! very sorry for G7, TPLF and other enemies of Oromia. Well done both groups.

  2. There for now it is the right time to organize the Oromo people and facilitate the struggle for our freedom . Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!

  3. Abdii OromooNovember 21, 2012

    What ? this is just a cheap propaganda to fool the Oromo people again. It is a lie.

    1. First can you change your name please ? You are not and never be Abdii oromoo rather you are a liar. you are not an Oromo I can see you !! Go to hell man stupid like your grand father Menelik

  4. Marii dhugaaNovember 21, 2012

    WOW what a good news !!!! Thanks to God ! really we have to be thankful to all who worked hard for this to happen. Because the key of our freedom is in the hand of our Unity. If we United only based on oromummaa who can stop us ? no body can stop us. The oromia republic will be a reality . VIVA OLF, VIVA Oromia

  5. who are you fooling guys? is there OLF in reality this time ? shame on all of you. try to be realistic please

    1. You son of the bitch ; you call yourself Bonna Saba but talk like this. you will see and confess whether OLF is a reality or not: even now you can ask the Nefegnas and weyanes too and confirm. Stupid nonsense !!

  6. Tokkummaan Humna !! bilisummaan Oromoos dhugaa ni ta'a

  7. This is the second thanks giving day for us. Go go go go no one can stop the struggle of the Oromo people here after .

  8. Oduu keesaanNovember 22, 2012

    Why millions words but no action ? what we need is not bla bla here ; we need to be free in out country there for we have to fight and get freedom. Action action action action but not word word word word

  9. Hi hi hi There for there will be only 3 groups of ABO after this. or may be more four or five another groups will emerge again.

    1. Dandi! time is up for you guys go to hell. Whether you like and like you like it or not Oromia shall be free soon or later but the time is determined based on the unity of the Oromo people and Oromo political organizations. As we know and all enemies of Oromia also know OLF is an organization emerged out of the oromo people not enemies agenda. But due to bad lack or historical mistakes OLF was disturbed and face division inside in the past years. Now , this is just a good sign of possibility to organize in new forms of unity and kick TPLF, Neftegna like you and all enemies of Oromo and Oromia. Long live OLF Long live Oromia
