
Rage, Oromos rage; fly into rage!

By Abraasaa Dirree | November 3, 2012 

We, Oromos, are notorious for turning the other cheek when people (including our own) treat us badly. Sometimes, we don’t even realize we’ve been slighted – until someone takes the time to point it out. This was the case with Diimaa’s confession (“the confession” hereafter) on ESTV divulging the hidden agenda of the OLF, while paving the way for the Oromo Democratic Forum (ODF).

As I was contemplating on this matter, I thought of the old days. Oh, what a time it was! To be young – or at least not middle aged – and a student activist in the early 1970’s, when the fatherland was going through the turmoil of overthrowing the monarchy and the feudal class that were installed after the colonization. There were students uprising, peasant revolt and military rebellion. And then, there was the birth of the OLF, which gave Oromos new hope and aspirations. Soon, the Oromummaa flame started to burn in the heart and soul of Oromos – from the high mountains to the lowlands. There was immense political will from the Oromo public. However, the OLF could not wisely spend this political capital. In fact, the ugly truth is that the OLF leadership is hell-bent on making every effort to extinguish the Oromummaa flame.So, the dream was dashed as Oromos were bitterly disappointed by inept, pathetic leaders that continue to undermine the Oromo national cause to this day.

Clearly, the once loved liberation front has devolved into a vaudevillian show of public relations gaffes. What a farce! Yet, what do we (Oromos) do? Over the past dozen years or so, our elders have been trying to reconcile the irreconcilable OFL factions. For what purpose do the elders waste their effort? Just for more of the same? This would be like putting “lipstick on a pig”. To this day, even after the confession, we continue to call for their reconciliation and stayed with them even as they continue to ride the Abyss coattails. Still, we (Oromos) rationalized such irrational decision so that the OLF leaders would have a chance to scavenge on the leftover of what the Abyss plundered. I really don’t get it; it’s mind-boggling. One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to see and observe this appalling reality.Therefore,it’s time that the Oromos noticed the storm on the horizon. It’s approaching fast.

Surely, all living systems seek equilibrium. They respond to all stresses in a way that helps return them to homeostasis. On the same note, certain organisms learn to adapt to the changing environment while others refuse to,do not know how to adapt. Adapting to the challenges that life presents is what separates the living, productive organisms from the decaying and previous ones. Leadership provides the critical vehicle for adapting.

As one can easily glean from the confession, the OLF had borne within itself the chemical elements of capitulation. From the outset, the leaders were imposters, charlatans, who wrapped “democratization of Ethiopia” with Oromummaa to deceive Oromos. It was a charade,a pretense from inception. It wasn’t meant to be deliverance from the colonial yoke; rather it was to cement the bondage. Thus, they promote a pre-emptive surrender as a good negotiating doctrine. This is why they are assiduously courting the Ethiopian groups who are still rummaging busily through Oromia, plundering our resources and oppressing our people. That explains why the OLF after 40 years of struggle failed to advance the Oromo national cause in a meaningful way. After all, you’ll never win a championship if you do not believe in the ultimate goal and its prize. Hence, it is a defeatism that defies our collective heritage.

Quite clearly, democratization of Ethiopia espoused by different OLF offshoots, including the ODF, is rooted in the false belief that we (Oromos) can’t liberate ourselves. As a result, the OLF groups are becoming more and more an Ethiopian political party, positioning Oromia as a perpetual resource colony of “industrialized” Ethiopia, fulfilling the prophecy of Pastor Baldhinaa. According to Vicar Baldhinaa, the Almighty God himself revealed to him from up above, via HDTV transmission, in vivid colours, that the rest of Ethiopia would be industrialized while Oromos would remain as “hewers of wood and drawers of water”. Is God also in cahoots with the Abyss? What a travesty!

Think about the thousands and thousands of Oromos who sacrificed their lives believing in the falsehood. Think of all those martyrs – could be your father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, loved ones, dear friends, etc. Would they have sacrificed themselves if they had known the true nature of the OLF? So, where was/is our moral indignation? Where is our gut-level, emotional response inherited from our primate and prehistoric ancestors? Where is the leadership that provides the critical vehicle for adapting and creating equilibrium so that the Oromo society survives and thrives? Why are we all over the map trying to appease the Habasha groups?

Oromos must understand that pleasing your enemies does not turn them into friends. All it does is tell people that if you’re prepared to stand for everything, you will fall for anything. You see, the rats, who prostitute in the name of Oromo, know that we (Oromos) are real suckers so from time to time they go through metamorphosis like that of hydra from Greek mythology (OLF1, OLF2, OLF3, ODF, etc.) to hoodwink us again and again and again. This group of leaders have no moral authority whatsoever to lead anything, let alone 45 million people. Just look at them; they really have no shame at all. They have done enough damage to our national cause and if they have any scintilla of humanity and dignity left in them, they should stop sabotaging the Oromo national cause from within and go where their heart is – one Ethiopia – or even better join hands and go somewhere 6 feet under.

As a supporter of democracy,I believe that these leader wannabes have every right to do whatever they want to do, including their parties proposed marriage to their Ethiopian benefactors (here, I smell wedding present (money) from their western sponsors).Clearly, they have every right to elope with their Ethiopian patrons and that we would be happy for them. Nonetheless, Oromia and Oromos should not be the dowry for such illegitimate, unauthorized and unlawful marriage.

So, as a nation, we face a choice: to actively shape it to ensure our existence or to allow the OLF hydra to cement our bondage.

As as a saying goes: “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”. So, once and for all, let’s be clear, very clear and tell these gutless, spineless leaders who seriously lack honesty, resolve, courage, determination and strength of character that 40 years of treachery, deceit is enough. After all, “enough is enough”.

Abraasaa Dirree can be reached at 
Ayyaantuu news

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