
Self-Reliance for Bilisummaa – On the So-Called “Oromiffa” Program on ESAT

06 January 2013 | From Editor's Note Book
UPDATE: is finishing up arrangements to hold the first-ever ONLINE fundraising for the recently recognized recently recognized OROMO NATIONALIST RADIO STATIONS; we’ll announce later the exact date(s) of the ONLINE fundraising to help empower our self-reliant media outlets.
 On the So-Called “Oromiffa” Program on ESAT

For more than 20 hrs a week (7 days), ESAT denigrates Oromia and Oromummaa in the name of “opposing” Woyane’s “ethnic fez-ralism.” The reason they [ESAT, the Neftegna TV station] oppose the current Woyane-led federalism is because it’s structured in such a way that OROMIA is a federal state. It’s their wish and objective to dismantle OROMIA, and take us back to their feudal fathers’ “provinces.” On the other hand, the reason OROMO NATIONALISTS oppose the federalism is because it resembles ‘real federalism’ only in structure, but, functionally, it is still province-type ruled from the CENTER by Woyane thugs.

Mind you, Tigray was a “province” before on the old-Neftegna’s map, and a federal state now on the neo-Neftegna’s map. So, ESAT is not opposing “Tigray” as an ‘ethnic’ state. So, there is no reason for ESAT to unleash its hate propaganda on TPLF for making “Tigray” an ‘ethnic’ state. ESAT’s hate is on TPLF because TPLF agreed, in principle, to have OROMIA on the map, and to have some limited implementation of the linguistic/cultural aspects of OROMUMMAA.

For this reason, ESAT, the Neftegna TV station, is slick; they do not directly oppose OROMIA (otherwise, it will be a strategic failure), so they use TPLF as a punching bag to indirectly oppose OROMIA and OROMUMMAA.

Now, why would any self-respecting Oromo group affiliate with this Neftegna TV station to air a 1-hr per week “Oromiffa” program? Doesn’t this give legitimacy to the 99% of the ESAT’s programming that indirectly targets OROMIA and OROMUMMAA by directly attacking TPLF’s “ethnic fez-ralism“? Even if one is assuming this 1-hr will be a rebuttal of the 99% Neftegna garbage-propaganda on ESAT, why not first be reliant on self like our Nationalist Radio Stations (which were recognized as's 2012 PERSONS OF THE YEAR?)...

For the record, ESAT had offered allotment for programming on ESAT several months before the Jan-1, 2012 failed coup d’etat of the Oromo struggle by Group-7, and our response was, “NO.” recognizes and admires all self-reliant Oromo Nationalist Media Outlets, and thanks you for your service to the public, and calls upon all those who always see themselves being dependent on others to reassess their positions. calls upon the public, once again, to support the people’s vibrant network of media, which can be up to the task of taking on 21st-century challenges facing the Oromo nation in the midst of the overwhelming odds due to the geopolitics of the Horn of Africa.                    

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