
MEDREK has fielded the largest number of opposition candidates out of which the Oromo Federalist Congress fielded about 60% of them

February 14, 2015

"MEDREK has fielded the largest number of opposition candidates out of which the Oromo Federalist Congress fielded about 60% of them. OFC has fielded 168 for the Parliamentary seats and about 475 for the Oromia Council (total of 643). This is the largest number of candidates ever, i.e. greater than the candidates of Oromo People's Congress and Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement combined in 2005 or 2010. Now we are warming up for the campaign to crisscross Oromia to make sure the EPRDF come out of the elections minimally with a tarnished image.

Our plan is to use the opportunity to mobilize millions for the next round of the struggle. To this end, we have already ordered three million leaflets among others. We call upon all to join us in the all-round struggle of our people for freedom and democracy."

Merera Gudina, (PhD)
Chairman, Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC);
Vice-Chairman & Head of Foreign Relations, Ethiopian Federal Democratic Unity Forum (MEDREK)

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