April 30, 2016
"Banned and forced out of Transitional Government": Struggle for National Rights and Democracy, in the Era of a “New World Order" - the Case of OLF by Dr. Shigut Geleta full speech.Dear Mr. Chairman,
Esteemed members of the Swedish Parliament,
Dear Honourable guest speakers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, I would like to thank and convey my deepest gratitude to the organizing committee for inviting me to present a paper on this seminar on behalf of the Oromo Liberation Front, OLF. It is a great privilege and honour for me and my organization to be here today representing the Oromo people.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The topic on which I am going to speak is “Banned and forced out of Transitional Government: Struggle for National Rights and Democracy - the Case of OLF”. My presentation is organized in five main parts:-
- I will give some background on the Oromo people and Ethiopia.
- I will elucidate the birth and grand objectives of the OLF and its formidable role in the past,
today, and the future politics of Ethiopia.
- I will try to indicate how the vision of “New world order” challenged by Global War on
Terror (GWOT).
- I will skim over the current situation in Oromia/Ethiopia, and finally,
- I offer my organization’s view on the way forward.