Egypt plans dam-busting diplomatic offensive against Ethiopia

February 28, 2014

Egypt may be in the throes of political turmoil, but the government has begun a diplomatic offensive aimed at stopping Ethiopia from building a huge hydroelectric dam on the Nile River that Cairo says will be a disaster for the Arab world's most populous nation.

The military-backed administration began its effort to internationalize the thorny issue in hopes of gathering support for its case against Ethiopia, where the Blue Nile rises in the north western highlands, after bilateral negotiations deadlocked in January.


Guraandhala 28, 2014  | Seenaa Y.G(2005)

Kutaa 1ffaa Duubisuuf Addana Tuqaa

Maraammartoon siyaasaa akaaku hedduu qabaachuu mala. kan irratti walii galuun danda’amu, shira diinni Maraammartoo keessa nu galchee kasaaraa siyaasaa keenya ol kaasuuf itti fayyadamu ta’uu fi dhiisuu adda baafachuu irratti dha. Maraammartoon kun wayyaaneen qofaa odoo hin taanee, humnoota alaa fi Biyyoota ollaan kan gaggeeffaman ni jiru. Ajandaa namaa uumanii nama tilmaaman. Qalbii namaa gara barbaadanitti naanneeffatan. Hammeenya ofii hojjatan ittiin dagachiisu barbaadan. Badii ofii ittiin dhokfatan. Humna saba tokko ittiin ilaalan. waa hedduu itti fayyadaman. Inni hangafaa garuu, mata duree isaan umamniin alatti Ummati tokko ykn gareen tokko yk namni tokko Ajandaa mataa isaa akka hin qabaanne taasisuudha. tarkaanfii ykn mormii kamiyyuu gaggeessuun dura kana adda baafachuun faayidaa guddaa qaba.

The battle to keep racism alive!: THE CASE OF RACIST GETACHEWU HAILE

February 28, 2014 | Rundassa Asheetee Irraa

Getachew Haile
There is no doubt that all ethnic groups of empire Ethiopia are victims of the political catastrophe that the Abyssinian kings and clergy men have created.
Thought such catastrophe can and should be left behind as history, the Abyssinians who interpret this catastrophe as a Nobel work based on their narrow perspective have opened unhealthy conversations between them and their victims. Interestingly, this situation allowed the minority Tigre tribe to rule the country for 23 years with iron fist and the tribe is  going to stay in power as long as past continues to occupy, disturb and divide the people of empire Ethiopia, particularly the Oromo and the Amhara.

ETHIOPIA 2013 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT: From U.S. Department Of State

February 28, 2014 U.S. Department Of State


Ethiopia is a federal republic. The ruling Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a coalition of four ethnically based parties, controls the government. In September 2012, following the death of former Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, parliament elected Hailemariam Desalegn as prime minister. In national parliamentary elections in 2010, the EPRDF and affiliated parties won 545 of 547 seats to remain in power for a fourth consecutive five-year term. Although the relatively few international officials allowed to observe the elections concluded that technical aspects of the vote were handled competently, some also noted that an environment conducive to free and fair elections was not in place prior to the election. Authorities generally maintained control over the security forces, although Somali Region Special Police and local militias sometimes acted independently. Security forces committed human rights abuses.

US slams Ethiopia's human rights abuse

February 28, 2014  OPride

The United States in a scathing report on Thursday accused Ethiopia of curtailing freedom of expression and association, using politically motivated trials, harassment and intimidation of activists and journalists.

Ethiopia holds estimated 70,000-80,000 persons, including some 2,500 women and nearly 600 children incarcerated with their mothers, in severely overcrowded six federal and 120 regional prisons, the U.S. said in its voluminous 2013 Human Rights Reportreleased by Secretary of State John Kerry. “There also were many unofficial detention centers throughout the country, including in Dedessa, Bir Sheleko, Tolay, Hormat, Blate, Tatek, Jijiga, Holeta, and Senkele,” the report said. 

Exceptions to the democratic rule: Sweden is not Ethiopia, but pretending that they have nothing in common does no one any favours

February 27, 2014 ALJAZEERA | By Christian Christensen*

In 2012, after having been sentenced to 11 years in prison for "terrorism" for illegally entering Ethiopia from Somalia in the presence of the Ogaden National Liberation Front, Swedish journalists Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye took the advice of their legal council, confessed to their "crimes" and requested an official pardon. It was a pragmatic move - both journalists vehemently denied the charges and considered any confession to be a charade - taken to save their own skins.


Guraandhala 27, 2014  | Taammanaa Bitimaa Irraa

Kutaa 1ffaa duubisuuf Addana Tuqaa
Barreeffama kutaa tokkoffaa akka argattanii dubbiftan nan abdaddha. Isa dabre matadurree “SEENSA” jedhamu jalatti otoo hin xumuratin bulleeyyu. Kunis waan barreeffanni sun dheeratee isin hin nuffisiifnee fi yeroo keessan isin jalaa hin balleessineef jedhameeti. Yeroo ammaa kana jiruu fi jireenyi namoota keenyas tahee kanneen biroo olii-gadi fiffiigsisaa, waan jiruuf yeroon nama jalaa hanqata. Ani kanaafan barreeffata kanas tahee, kanneen biroo kutaa kutaan gaggabaabsee dhiyeessuu filaddhe. Isinis mala kana akka deeggartan nan abdaddha. Egaa, mee amma bakkuma dhaabate sana irraa kaaafameeti itti-fufamaa, kutaa isa kanas mee duukaa-bu’uuf yaalaa!


Guraandhala 27, 2014  | Taammanaa Bitimaa Irraa
Barreeffamni matadureen isaa: “Stop Clearing Oromo from their Land in the name of boosting economic development – Who will stand for the Oromo’s living on the outskirts of Finfinnee?” jedhamu, kan  maqaa “Sabbontoota Oromoo” jedhun, gaafa 11. 02. 14 mandhee Oromoo “” irratti maxxanfamee baye, akkan ani amma waraqaa tana dhiyeessuuf na kaase. Wanni barreeffama sana keessatti kaafame kan hedduu nama naasisu, kan hedduu aariin nama bobeessuu fi kan xiiqii fi booree-dhaan ol nama kakaasu! Barreeffamni sun qorannoo fi xiinxala hunde-qabeessa irratti kan bu’ureeffame. Kan nama dhibu garuu, Oromoonni biyyambaa (“diaspora“) jiran dubbii cimtuu fi dubbii lafee tanaaf, qalbii fi xiyyeeffannoo hin kennineefi. Ani gaafan waraqaa sana dubbise, waan xiyyeeffannoon keenya akkuma waayee wallisaa Teddy Afroo jedhamuu fi waayee Biiraa Baddallee sanaa natti fakkaateyyu.

ይድረስ ለፕ/ር ጌታቸው ኃይሌ፡- በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ተወቃሾቹ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብና ሙስሊሙ ማኅበረሰብ ብቻ ነውን እንዴ?! በዲ/ን ኒቆዲሞስ ዕርቅ ይሁን

February 26, 2014 በዲ/ን ኒቆዲሞስ ዕርቅ ይሁን

‹‹ዕርቅና ሰላም የሕይወት ቅመም፣ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያንን እንደውለታ ቢስ ለሚቆጥሩ ወገኛ ሁሉ የሚሆን መልስ እነሆ!›› በሚል ርእስ የጻፉትን ጦማር እጅግ የማክበርዎና ኢትዮጵያዊው የምሆን ወንድምዎ ደጋግሜ አነብበኩት፡፡ ፕሮፌሰር በትክክል ተረድቼዎት ከሆነ እርስዎ በጽሑፍዎ ለማስተላለፍ የፈለጉት ዋንኛ መልእክትዎ፣ አንድም ‹‹ዕርቅንና ሰላም መስበክ›› ሲሆን በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ‹‹የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያንን እንደ ጠላት ወይም ውለታ ቢስ አድርገው ለሚቆጥሩ ወገኛ ሁሉ መልስ ይሆናል በሚል እነሆ ያሉት ጦማር እንደሆነ ነው፡፡

"Attam Yaa Obbo Bariisaa"

The following poem by Rev. Gudina Tumsa was first published on the Bariisaa Oromo newspaper in 1976, and it was republished on The Gulele Post on January 31, 2014, with an introduction by Oromo human rights activist Ob. Jawar Mohammed.
The following poem was composed by the late Rev. Gudina Tumsa, and published on Bariisaa, the first Oromo newspaper. Rev. Tumsa was known for his devotion to his faith and being a vocal advocate of social justice. He is credited for providing crucial material and intellectual support for the then emerging Oromo national struggle. He was an avid writer and left important manuscripts on spiritual and social issues. From reading the poem, it appears that the Reverend composed it with a dual purpose in mind; one to express his views on contemporary issues of the time, while at the same time contributing to strengthening the fledgling single Afaan Oromo news and literary outlet. The small Oromo intelligentsia of them time  seem to have made a coordinated effort in filling the pages of Bariisaa as a way to alleviate the burden from the understaffed and regularly harassed editorial team led by Mohadi Mude. As expected Rev. Tumsa led by example by placing his contribution on the second publication after the launching. His poem was published in 1976 (68 EC) just a few years before he was murdered by Mengistu’s regime in 1979.

ዶክተር ሃይለማሪያም ላሬቦ ለምስክርነት ብቁ አይደሉም። እንዲሁም የኦሮሞን ታሪክ ለመተንተን ብቃትም ሥልጣንም የለውም። ክፍል ሁለት

ከቃሉ ኩሳ

 ክፍል አንድን ለማንበብ እዚህ ይጫኑ
ክፍል ሁለት
ዶክተሩ ራሳቸዉን ለማስተዋወቅ ብዙ ጥረት አድርገዋል። እራሳቸዉን ሳይንትስት ለማድረግም ሞክረዋል። እስቲ በሓተታቸው ዉስጥ ያሉትን ልጥስላችሁ። 

"Congratulations to all the initiators, organizers and supporters of the Oromia Media Network! " :- Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni

The following is a status update from the face book page of a young Oromo intellectual Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni  
When one looks at the media landscape in Ethiopia(both the print and the broadcasting media), for more than one century, successive Ethiopian regimes' used the public resources and government apparatus to build, educate and inform only the Amharic speaking segment of the population(not necessarily Ethnic Amhara’s per se) which constitutes less than one fourth of the Ethiopian population. 


Guraandhala 24, 2014  | Seenaa Y.G(2005)

Ummati mirgi isaa dhiibame yk xuqame mirga isaa kabachiisuuf falmachuun ykn mormuun yk diddaa isaa mul’ifachuun mirga. Dirqamas. Mormii fi diddaan kun garuu, Ajandaa qaama biraa yk diinni qalbii keenya gara dabarsuuf yk waan keessa jirru hubachuuf waa tokko uumuu isaa irraa qofaan kaanee, waan yaannu hundaa irra buufannee, yaada diinaa sanas fashalsinee qofaa kan manatti gallu yoo taate, MARAAMMARTOO DIINAA nuuf kiyyeesse keessa seennee jiraachuu keenya hubachuu qabna. Diinni maraammartoo siyaasaa kan namaa qopheessuuf, joonja’anii akka kufaniif. Kana ragaadhaan deeggaruun barbaada.

Support Your Media: Oromo Media Network (OMN)

To go to Donation and Membership Options of Oromo Media Network (OMN) Click  Oromo Media Network /Donation and Membership Options/

Breaking News: Medrek Suspended UDJ, and Accepted Sidama Liberation Front as a Member

February 24, 2014 

According to an email communiqué from the leadership of the obscure political organization called Medrek – Medrek, on its 9th Congress held yesterday, unanimously suspended UDJ (Unity for Democracy and Justice) for undermining the activities Medrek while it unanimously accepted the Sidama Liberation Front as a new member.

Statement from the Leadership of the Oromia Media Network (OMN)

Oromia Media Network will be inaugurated on March 1, 2014.


‘Humanitarian Crisis’ for Ogaden Living Near Ethiopia’s Oil Fields

February 23, 2014 Inter Press Service

ADDIS ABABA, Feb 23 2014 (IPS) - New allegations of scorched earth evictions of the Ogaden people have raised concerns that a lack of benefit sharing could escalate instability in the region and reinforce separatist tensions as foreign energy companies prepare to extract oil and gas from troubled southeastern Ethiopia.
“The resources in this region will make Ethiopia rich but will keep us impoverished. A settlement is all we can hope for to protect our claim to some of the economic advantages of our natural resources,” Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) founder Abdirahman Mahdi told IPS.
The demise of Ethiopian dictator Hailemariam Mengistu in 1994 triggered a two-decade conflict between the government of Ethiopia and the ONLF. The ONLF has been fighting for self-determination of the eight to 10 million Somali ethnic population living in the Ogaden basin within the Somali National Regional State (SNRS).

ይድረስ የኦሮሞ ጥላቻ እና ፍራቻ (ኦሮሞ ፎብያ) ለተጠናወተህ “የታሪክ ምሁር” ተብዬው ዶ/ር ኃይሌ ላሬቦ፤ በኦሮሞዎች ተገደሉብኝ ላልከው ቤተሰቦችህ ታሪክን በመበቀያነት መጠቀምን አቁም!

February 23, 2014 በነጌሳ ኦዶ ዱቤ

ሚኒሊክን  ብትወቅሱ  ማንነታችሁን ትረሱ” በሚል  አርዕስት  ፅፈህ  የለጠፍከዉን  ሀተታ አይቸዋለው።  የግዕዝ  ፊደሎችን  መፃፍ ባልችልም ፤  ጫፍ  የወጣ  ወገንተኝነትህና  ጥላቻህ  ፊደል  እየለቀምኩም ቢሆን  መልስ  እንድሰጥ  አስገድዶኛል። ለነገሩ  ቃለ ምልልህን  ከሰማሁ  ጊዜ  ጀምሮ  በኦሮሞ  ህዝብ ላይ  ልዩ ጥላቻ  እንዳለህ  የተረዳሁ  ቢሆንም  ምክንያቱ ምን  እንደሆነ ላውቅ  የቻልኩት  ከዚህ ፅሁፍህ ላይ  ነው፡፡  በዚህ ፁሑፊ ራስህን  ያልቻልክ  የስርአቱ ሰለባ  መሆንን ስላስመሰከርክ ፥  ይህ  መልስ ለስርአቱ  አቀነንቃኞች የተሰጠ ነው። ለማንኛውም  እስኪ  የፅሁፍህን  ይዘት ወደ  መገምገም  ልመለስ፡፡

ዶክተር ሃይሌ ላረቦ ለምስክርነት ብቁ ኣይደሉም። ክፍል አንድ

ከቃሉ ኩሳ
ክፍል አንድ
ይህ ግለሰብ ለምስክርነት ማን ነዉና ስለ ኦሮሞ ጉዳይ ዉስጥ ገብተዉ እንዲፈተፍቱ የጋበዛቸዉ ምሁር ነኝ ባዩ ዶክተር ብዙ ነገሮችን ሳያገናዝቡ ለሚኒሊክ ጀግንነት ወይም ደግነት ምስክች ለመሆን ቸኮሉ። ምስክር መሆን መብታቸዉ ነዉ። ከፈለጉ አጥንቱን አዉጥተዉ በጀርባቸዉ አዘለዉ መኖር ይችላሉ። የደራረቱት የዉሸት ድርሰታቸዉም የተገለበጠዉ ኣፄ ሚኒሊክና የኢትዮዺያ አንድነት ከሚለዉ የኣቶ ተክለፃድቅ መኩርያ በ1983 የተፃፈና ከታተመዉ መጽሃፍ ዉስጥ ነዉ። 

Ethiopia Accused of Using Spyware Against Citizens Living Abroad

February 20, 2014 VOA | BY PETER HEINLEIN

Washington — Several Ethiopians living abroad are accusing their home government of using sophisticated computer spyware to hack into their computers and monitor their private communications. One Washington area man has filed a federal suit against the Ethiopian government, and another has filed a complaint with British police.
The Ethiopian native, who is a U.S. citizen, charges that agents used a program called FinSpy to monitor his emails, Skype calls and his web browsing history. A suit filed in Federal District Court in Washington Tuesday asks that Ethiopia be named as being behind the cyber-attacks and pay damages of $10,000.

Ethiopia: Surveillance follows Ethiopian political refugee to the U.K.

February 20, 2014 Privacy International  |  By Alinda Vermeer

After suffering years of persistent harassment, violence, and surveillance at the hands of his oppressive government, Tadesse Kersmo had enough. Tired of living under constant monitoring, Tadesse and his wife escaped Ethiopia, where they had been politically active for years, and were granted asylum in the United Kingdom in 2009.

It was only a few years later that they discovered that this escape was an illusion, and that they had been followed from Ethiopia to England. He may have left his country, but Tadesse was still a target.

Egypt welcomes more 'serious' talks on Ethiopia dam

February 19, 2014
Egypt underlines that it is open to negotiations on the Nile water crisis spurred by Ethiopia's planned Renaissance Dam, but that any such negotiations have to be 'serious'
Egypt's interim cabinet reiterated the country will show no leniency nor make concessions in the ongoing water saga with Ethiopia, adding however that it fully supports the interests of Nile Basin countries.

The statement was released one day after Minister of Irrigation Mohamed Abdel-Motteleb said Egypt may in a few days send an official statement demanding that construction of the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam be halted until a mutually agreeable solution is found.

Duula Karaa Qindaayee fi Walirraa Hin Cinneen Oromoorratti Gaggeeffamaa Jiru!

Guraandhala 19, 2014  | Baareentuu Gadaa Irraa* 

Yeroo ammaa kana akkuma hunduu quba qabu karaa qindaawee fi walirraa hin cinneen duulli maqa baleessii, seenaa Oromoo xiqqeessanii fi xureessanii dhiheessuu midiyaalee adda addaatiin geggeeffamaa jira. Duulli jumlaadhan saba Oromoo arrabsuurratti fuullefate kun kan gaggeeffamaa jirus karaa medialee Nafxanyootaa fi leellistoota sirna gabrummaan marsaalee adda adaa, TV fi Raadiyoolee biyyoota Lixaa keessa maadheeffatanii fi fakkaattoota isaanii biyya keessa jiraniin ta’uun ifaa dha. Midiyaalee kana ammoo akkuma beekamu kan abbummaadhan gaggeessaa jiru harcaatoota ilmaan Nafaxanyootaa fi warren wayyaaneedhaan harka lafa jalaan mahaalaqaan hirphamanii dha.

Ethiopia: Land, Water Grabs Devastate Communities

The following is a Human Right Watch (HRW) report about the devastating water and land grubs that destroying the life of indigenous communities.
Satellite Images Show Devastating Toll on 500,000 Pastoralists

Gargaaraa Paayileetiin Xayyaara Itiyoophiyaa Butee, Jenevaa Geessee Harka Kennate

Guraandhala 17, 2014  VOA Afaan Oromoo

Xayyaarii Gargaaraan Paayleetii Xayyaara Itoophiyaa
bute kun Room Dhaquuf Finfinnee Ka'e
WASHINGTON,DC — Gargaaraa Paayileetiin yokaan balalsiisaan xayyaara Daandii qilleensaa Itiyoophiyaa, xayyaara gara Roomitti qajeele har’a butee Jenevaa qubachisee, ofii dahata siyaasaaf harka kennate.

Umuriin isaa 31 ka ta’e, Haayil-medihin Aberraa Tegenyi, Paayileetiin xayyaarichaa kutaa balalsiistotaa ykn Kookpiitii keessaa ba’ee gara mana fincaanii ennaa deemetti, kutaa sana keessaan cufatee -- xayyaaricha BOEING 767 jedhamu dhuunfatee gara Jenvaatti qajeelche - jedhama.

Ethiopian Airlines flight lands in Geneva after hijacking

February 17, 2014 Aljazeera America
All safe after Rome-bound flight lands in Swiss city where police arrest alleged hijacker who is identified as co-pilot

Police stand around the aircraft after passengers were evacuated from a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines plane at the airport in Geneva, Switzerland on Feb. 17, 2014.
Police stand around the aircraft after passengers were evacuated from a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines plane at the airport in Geneva, Switzerland on Feb. 17, 2014.

Macha-Tulama Cooperative and Development Association (USA)’s Statement on the Passing Away of Ob. Bekele Nadhi

The following is a statement from Macha Tulama Cooperative and Development Association, USA Inc.
Macha Tulama Cooperative and
Development Association, USA Inc.
February 15, 2014
It is with great sadness that we, members of Macha Tulama Cooperative and Development Association USA, write regarding the passing away of an Oromo National and great leader, Obbo Bekele Nadhi on February 11, 2014. Obbo Bekele was 80 years old. We send our condolences to his immediate family and the Oromo family at large. Obbo Bekele was a lawyer, who made considerable impact to Macha Tulama efforts in fighting for Oromo rights.

የአቶ በቀለ ነዲ ኢደኣ አጭር የህይወት ታሪክ

February 17, 2014
Obituary of the Honorable Mr. Bekele Nadhi, an eminent leader, entrepreneur, community organizer and attorney.
ክቡር አቶ በቀለ ነዲ ከአባታቸው ከአቶ ነዲ ኢደኣ እና ከእናታቸው ከወይዘሮ ደስታ ብሩ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ፣ ጥር 21 ቀን 1927 ዓ. ም. ተወለዱ፡፡ የመጀመርያ ደረጃ ትምህርታቸውን በሽመልስ ሃብቴ፣ የሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርታቸውን ደግሞ በተፈሪ መኮንን ትምህርት ቤት አጠናቅቀዋል፡፡
ከዚያም ከፍተኛ ትምህርታቸውን በቀዳማዊ ኃይለ ሥላሴ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተከታትለው በ1950 ዓ.ም. በሕግ የኤል. ኤል. ቢ. ዲግሪ ተመርቀዋል፡፡ በዚሁ ሙያ የበለጠ ለመካን በነበራቸው ፍላጎትና ባሳዩትም ታታሪነት የነፃ ትምህርት እድል በማግኘታቸው ወደ ካናዳ ሄደው በታዋቂው ማጊል ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ1953 ዓ. ም. በሕግ የማስተርስ ዲግሪ አግኝተዋል፡፡
በሥራዉም መስክ በተለያዩ የመንግስት፣ የግልና ዓለም አቀፍ ድርጅቶች ዉስጥ በከፍተኛ ሃላፊነት ደረጃ ጭምር በርካታ አገልግሎቶችን ያበረከቱ ሰው ነበሩ፡፡ ከነዚህም ጥቂቱን ለማዉሳት፡-

የሚኒልክን አረመኔያዊ ጭፍጨፋ የሚናስተዉሰዉ – የታሪክ እሥራኛ ለመሆን ሳይሆን፣ የዛሬዎቹን የሚኒልክ ሕልመኞችንም ለመቅበር ነዉ

February 17, 2014 በጨመዳ ሁንዴ*

ታሪክ በጥሩም በመጥፎም ጎኑ ይነሳል። ሁለቱም የሚነሱበት ዋና ምክንያት በትናትነዉ ዘመን ወይም ታሪክ ለመኖር ሳይሆን በጎ ድርግቶችን አዘምነን መጥፎ ፍፃሜዎችን ዳግመኛ እንደይከሰቱ (እንደይመለሱ) አዲሱ ትዉልድ እንድማርበት ነዉ። በአጠቃላይ አነጋገር ታሪክ ሲባል በተላያዩ መልኩ ትርጉም ሊሰጠዉ ይችላል። ታሪክ በድርግት ተፈፅሞ ወይም በአፋ ታሪክ ደረጃ ሊኖር ይችላል። ታሪክ እዉነተኛ የህዝቦችና የሀገርቱን ሁኔታ የሚገልፅ ሊሆን ይችላል። የዚህ ተቃረኒ ደግሞ የፈጠራና የመስመሰያ ታሪክ ሊሆን ይችላል።

Where is the ODF these days?

February 15, 2014 | By Rundassa Asheetee

Few weeks ago, I wrote about the standoff between the ODF, the Amhara groups, the OPDO and the TPLF. Since then a lot has happened. Though many people had been unprecedentedly cynical about obbo Lenco’s return to Oromia, the man had been in Finfinnee for five days and left the country after talking to TPLF’s prime minister. According to the news from Finfinnee, the OPDO refused to talk to him even though abba Duulaa has come to America since then and may be is talking. 

Bekele Nadhi, a pioneer Oromo leader and activist, dies at 80

February 15, 2014 OPride | By Mohammed Ademo

Bekele Nadhi, a prominent lawyer and fierce Oromo rights activist, who was among the pioneer founders of the Macha Tulama Association (MTA) passed away at his home in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Tuesday from heart complications. He was 80.
Over the last 50 years, since the founding of the MTA until his death, Bekele served in various leadership capacities, including as a president, vice president, honorary president and most recently legal advisor, according to statements from the organization.
The MTA was formed in 1964 as a grassroots-based pan-Oromo organization to promote socio-economic development across Oromia, the Oromo country, and to emancipate the Oromo from cultural marginalization, political oppression, and economic exploitation. The Oromo are Ethiopia's single largest ethno-national group.

በመቱ ዩንቨርስቲ 13 ተማሪዎች ኦሮሞ በመሆናቸው ብቻ ተወንጅለው ከትምህርት ገበታቸው ተባረሩ

February 15, 2014

የበደሌ ቢራ እስፖንሰር መሆንን ተከትሎ ከተፈጠረው ተቋውሞ ጋር በተያያዘ በመቱ ዩንቨርስቲ 13 ተማሪዎች ኦሮሞ በመሆናቸው ብቻ ተወንጅለው ከትምህርታቸው ተባረዋል፡፡
የካቲት 4/2014 እ.አ.አ የመቱ ቄሮ በፃፈው ሪፖርት እንደገለፀልን አምባገነኑ የወያኔ መንግስት የመቱ ዩንቨርስቲ ኢንጅነሪግ ተማሪ የሆኑ የኦሮሞ ልጆችን ያለአንዳች ጥፋት ከትምህርት ገበታቸው አባሯቸዋል፡፡ አምባገነኑ የወያኔ መንግስት ዛሬም እንደልማዱ በመቱ ዩንቨርስቲ ከአንደኛ እስከ ሶስተኛ አመት ያሉ ለአገር ተስፋና መከታ የሚሆኑ የኦሮሞ ልጆችን ያለጥፋታቸው ከትምህር ገበታቸው በማስተጓጎል 11 የኢንጅነሪግና  ሌሎች ዲፓርትመንት ተማሪዎችን ከትምህርታቸው ከ1-3 አመት ያገደ ሲሆን ጃራ ገሙ የተባለ አንድ ተማሪ ደግሞ ሙሉ ለሙሉ ከትምህርት ገበታው መባረሩንና  ሌሎች 2 ተማሪዎችም የመጨረሻ ማስጠንቀቂያ የተሰጣቸው መሆኑን ያስረዳል፡፡

Obboo Baqqalaa Nadhii du’aan Addunyaa kanarraa boqotan

Guraandhala 13, 2014

bekele_nadhiObboo Baqqalaa Nadhii (80) gootota Waldaa Maccaa Tuulamaa bu’urreesanii wareegama bu’urri waldichaa gaafate gurgurdoo kanfalan keessaa issaan tokko. Obboo Baqqalaan Bu’ura waldaa Maccaa Tuulamaarraa kaasee amma guyyaa kaleessaa Guraandhala 11/2014 du’aan Addunyaa kanaarraa darbaniitti Itti aanaa prezdaantii, prezdaantii kabajaa fi gorsaa seeraa ta’uun tajaajila olaanaa gootummaa cimaa gaafte kennaa turuu isaanii oduun ogganoota waldichaa irraa hargame hibsee jira.

Bara mootummaan Hayilaselaassee ogganoota Waldaa kanaa kaan hidhee kaan lubbuu galaafatee prezdaantii waldichaa Koloneel Alamuu qixxeessaa fa’aa gizoot galche Obboo Baqqalaan kutannoo dhaan dhimma waldichaa fi ogganoota issaa hordofaa turan. Bara1991 booda yaroo waldichi banametti amma Koloneel Alamuun lubbuun jiranitti itti aanaa prezdaantii, prezdaantii kabajaa fi gorsaa seeraa ta’anii ojjachaa turan.

Solution has not been reached in dam talks: Egyptian, Ethiopian water ministries

February 11, 2014 Daily News Egypt | Hend Kortam
Egypt says all its proposals were rejected by Ethiopia; the latter says disagreement was over including an international element to a proposed committee.
The Egyptian delegation to Ethiopia, headed by the water minister, returned from Ethiopia Tuesday after it failed to resolve “sticking points” following talks on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Mohamed Abdul Muttalib resumed talks in the Ethiopian capital on Monday. The Egyptian water ministry said that Abdul Muttalib accepted an invitation to hold talks from his Ethiopian counterpart Alemayehu Tegunu; however, Ethiopia’s foreign ministry said “Minister Muttalib asked to visit Ethiopia.”

Ethiopia: 2.7 Million Ethiopians May Need Food Help

February 11, 2014 Addis Fortune | By Yonas Mulatu
Editor's Note: The World Bank Press release on Ethiopia Economic Update that came out last June 2013 told us Ethiopia has attained high economic growth, averaging 10.7 percent per year.  In 2012, Ethiopia was the 12th fastest growing economy in the World  and  If the country continues its historically impressive growth performance, it could potentially reach middle income status by 2025. After all these lies for years the brutal government of an Ethiopian empire still dependent on foreign aids even for food security of its citizens and officially crying for donors' assistance.

Pathfinder Joins Newly-Established Cancer Committee in Ethiopia

February 11, 2014 | Path Finder International
Pathfinder International is the only international nonprofit to join newly-established National Cancer Committee in Ethiopia.
This week, Pathfinder International was honored to become a part of the newly-formed National Cancer Committee in Ethiopia. Led by the office of Ethiopia’s First Lady Her Excellency Roman Tesfaye, the committee will lead and coordinate the efforts of national stakeholders to prevent and control cancer in Ethiopia.

Oromia Media Network’s (OMN’s) Inauguration Set for March 1, 2014 – Event Scheduled in Minneapolis, Minnesota

February 11, 2014

The inauguration of the Oromia Media Network (OMN) is set for March 1, 2014 with an event at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Launch Day:  March 01, 2014
Place:   Willey Hall, University Of Minnesota 225 19th Avenue, Room 175
Time:   2:00 PM
For more Information Visit: Oromia Media Network at

Gareen cichitootaa Adda Bilisa Baasaa Ummata Tigiraay Biyyaatti deebi'u ODF morman.

[Oromedia, 10 Guraandhala 2014] Gareen cichitootaa dhaaba Adda Bilisa Baasaa Ummata Tigiraay akka ODF gara biyyaatti hin deebine mormaa jiraachuun dhagayame.
Maddeen keenya maqaan isaanii akka hin ibsamne fedhan akka nuuf himanitti, waa’een biyyatti deebi’uu hogganoota ABO durii, kan amma ODF ijaarratanii kanrratti mormii kan qaban garee Adda Bilisa Baasaa Ummata Tigiraay qofaa miti.
Dhaabbata Dimokiraasii Ummata Oromoo keessaas hedduun hogganootaa fi qondaaltotaa biyyatti deebi’uu Ob Leencoo Lataa fa’aa akka hin barbaanne ifaan dubbataa jiru.

Waldaan Dubartoota Oromoo UK (WBO-UK) seeraan dhaabbate

Gurandhala 09, 2014
Dubratootni Oromoo biyya UK jiraatan jaarmayaan humna ta'uu isaa hubachuu dhan gaafa Guraandhala 2, 2014 Magaalaa London keessatti walgahanii waldaa isaan dhaabbataniiru. 

Walgahii kana irratti dubartootni Oromoo London fi London alaa jiraatan argamaniiru. Akkasumas, dhiirri Oromoo hedduminaan argamuu dhan deeggarsa dubartootaaf qaban mul'isaaniiru.  Jabina waldaa dubartootaaf waan dandahamuun akka bira dhaabatanis ibsaniiru. 

Earnest appeal to the leadership of ODF

February 09, 2014 |

I have been following the process leading to the formation of ODF by former top officials of OLF with growing bewilderment. My generation recalls the myth of OLF within the Oromoo community even before the front itself got formed with its political programme as an answer to its century old subjugation. The acronym OLF is still very deep seated in Oromoo mind set up. And we all know the high prestige its leaders enjoyed among the Oromoos.
The debilitating division in the leadership of OLF especially since the end of 1990:ies has been terribly painful for the Oromoo people. I will not dwell on trying to suggest the reasons for these recurring faction buildings. One can say undoubtedly that they hurt the Oromoo struggle tremendously.

The Search for a De-ethnicized Ethiopian Identity

February 08, 2014 | By Israel Fayisa*

The issue of identity has always been part of the human socio-political evolution. Ancient history tells us nothing but how people of a common ancestry lived together and how these people fought with others for greed or grievance. Slavery started and ended with identity at its core. Industrial revolution gave birth to the expansion of trade with people from different backgrounds. Obviously, imperialism is based on the expansion of the territory of some people at the expense of others of different cultures. Today, democracies are struggling with how to address identity questions to bring sustainable peace.

Kenya: Arrest and Disappearance of Ethiopian Oromo Refugees

Feburary 05, 2014 Human Rights League of The Horn of Africa (HRLHA)

HRLHA: Urgent Action

The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) expresses its deep concern regarding the safety of four Oromo refugees from Ethiopia who were arbitrarily arrested by Kenyan anti-terrorist squad from Isili  area in Nairobi  on different dates of operations  and taken to unknown destinations.

According to information obtained through HRLHA correspondent in Nairobi, Mr. Tumsa Roba Katiso, (UNHCR attestation File#: NETH033036/1) was arrested by members of Kenyan anti-terrorist squad, who arrived at the scene in two vehicles, on February 1, 2014 at around 10:00 AM from 2nd Street in the Isili locality in Nairobi on his way home from shopping. The other three refugees, Mr.Chala Abdalla, Mr. Namme Abdalla, and the third person whose name is not known yet were picked up from their home which is located in the same Isli area in Nairobi, Kenya on February 3, 2014 by members of the same anti-terrorist squad of Kenyan. The whereabouts of those Ethiopian-Oromo refugees is unknown until the time of compilation of this urgent action.

VOA: Oromo Prisoners of Conscience Continue to be tortured in Ethiopian prisons


Tasks of Oromo Revolutionaries

Feburary 05, 2014 Ibsaa Guutama Irraa |

To read in Afaan Oromo click HERE

The few Oromo that got access to education facilities were those selected few that the colonizer wanted to fill the gap left by expatriates. All native languages were band and only Amharic was sanctioned to be used in public addresses and work. Government jobs require literacy and proficiency in Amharic. For that their Habashaa Priest Schools were big suppliers of man power making it almost impossible for others to compete even for janitorial work. An Oromo person then must be outstanding if one has not to be condemned to more menial labor for life. Over and above that thousands of children of the colonizers were sent abroad to known schools for training next generation of colonial leadership. The Oromo had paid for them in form of tax, tithes, free labor and quarter of their produce. But things did not go well for them as planned. Spontaneous resistance of the downtrodden denied them continuation of old Nafxanyaa system. Those are now the ones that want to distort history and create from exile “Ali Baba stories” about themselves and their kings. Oromo should not lend ears for such unproductive stories. When they refuse to recognize exclusive right of the Oromo to Oromiyaa there is nothing to talk about. Oromo have no obligation to enter into story telling with anyone but to get back their country with their sweat and blood.

Jiruu Warraaqxota Oromoo eeggatu

Guraandhala 05, 2014 Ibsaa Guutama Irraa |

 Afaan Ingilizin duubisuuf Addana Tuqaa

Jiruun warraqxota Oromoo eeggatu in jalqabaa bilisummaa Oromiyaati. Hanga yoonaa qaccee nafxanyaaf akka addaatt haa ta’u ifaatt yoo xinnaate waggoota shantamaaf fedha ofii ifsuu yaalaa turani. Oromoon mala akka ta’an hubatamuu kadhataa bahani. Garuu kanneen fedhi dhuunfaa jaamse hin dhaggeeffatan yk waan jedhamin qofa dhaggeeffatu. Dhaggeeffachu dhabuu qofa utuu hin ta’in si’ana qabsaawota Oromoo jiruu saanii muummicha irraa maqsuuf  duula afaanii ballaa gaggeessutt ka’aniru. Haleellaan saanii afaanii waldhahaa fi hunde hin qabnee akeeka Oromoon dirrirfatan irratt dhiibbaa hin qabne. Kan isaan maraachaa jiru ol ka’a dhaloota haaraa Oromoo giidoo caalaa, dammaqina malbulchaa wayyaa fi  qaroo, bilisummaa Oromiyaaf murannoo fi dudhama yoo hin caalle akka angafoota saa qabuuti. Waggaa dhibbaa oliif koloneeffatoon meeshaa qunnamtii dhuunfachuun ummati akka iyyaatii hin arganne tolchaa jiraatan. Si’ana garuu hamma saatt hunduu fulaa teeknoloojiitt gad baasuu argateera. Kanaaf raawwannaan bara doorsisootaa fagoo miti.

Kitaabii Arthur Donalson Smith Bara 1897 Keessa Barreesse Oromoon Maan Jedha, Horteen Boorana 1902 Ellis Island Fidani Eessa Jirti?

Guraandhala 04, 2014 VOA Afaan Oromoo

WASHINGTON,DC — Barii 1800 bara Amerikiaa fi namii isii biyya akka akkaa keessa yaahee wa fedhatu. Seenaa barreessaa, lafa humnaan fudhachaa waan hedduu fedhachuu yaahu.

Dr.Arthur Donaldson Smith, doktorii Ameriakati,dhalootaan Biritsh nama adamoo fi jireenna Afrikaa ilaaluun beekamu.

Bara 1890 keessaa haroo Ruudelfiin qaxxaamuree, Baalee fi Boorana keessaa bahee Keenyaatti dabre.Yoo akkana deemu kana Baalee Ginniir, Boorana Meeggaa fi lafa akka akkaa keessa deemee, kaaniin wal hadhaa, hadhee walti araaraaramaa waan hedduu arge.

Why is it that only Amhara elites denounce Ethiopia’s ethnic federalism?

Feburary 04, 2014 OPride | By Hundanol A. Kebede*

ethiopiafederalismThere is an ongoing coordinated attack on the right of nations and nationalities to self-determination in Ethiopia. This campaign is led exclusively by the Amhara elite with the aim of creating delusions among the general public.
They deceptively attribute the failure and brutalities of EPRDF, Ethiopia’s ruling party, to its policy of ethnic federalism. Ethiopia adopted federal government arrangement in early 1990s on an ethno-linguistic basis in an effort to decentralize the Amhara-dominated highly centralized structures of imperial Ethiopia.


Waan Wareegama hin qabne hin bareedu. Kan Jalqaba tole dhumni isaa tola. Konsartii HOODAA magaala Finfinnee keessatti qophaa’e ilaalchisuun barreeffam Jaal Hariiroo Jorgoo‏


Postera Konsertii A5tBara Hayile sillaasee keessa baandii muuziqaa Oromoo isa jalqabaa kan ta’e baandii Afran Qalloo diiguun miseensota baandichaa hidhaan, toorchiin, ajjeechaafii godaansaan facaasuu kan jalqaban mootummootiin cololeeffattoota Habashaa, bara darguu keessas gootota aartistoota Oromoo kanneen akka Musxafaa Harawwee fi  Dabalaafaa haala suukaneessaa ta’een galaafateera.
Bara wayyaanee keessas itti fufee aartistoota Oromoo leelloo kanneen akka Eeebbisaa Addunyaa, Yooseef Gammachuu fi Usmaayyoo Muusaafaa lubbuu yemmuu qisaasan kaanis guraarsuun biyyaa baasaniiru.
Gaaga’amni aartistoota keenya irra ga’aa jiru cimee itti fufus hidhaafii ajjeechaan ejjennoo isaan bilisummaa uummata isaaniifi walabummaa biyya isaaniitiif qaban geeddarsiisuu hin dandeenye.

RAB: With Ms. Bontu Bekele Gerba, Daughter of Oromo Prisoner of Conscious Ob. Bekele Gerba - Around 200 Oromos, Including Ob. Bekele Gerba, Seriously Sick in Prison


TV ORO Presents Interview with Oromo famous National Music Star Artist Umar Suleeymaan: PART 2



February 01, 2014 | By Martin Plaut
The Ogaden is Ethiopia’s dark, dirty secret. It is far from prying international eyes, where almost anything can be done to anyone the government does not like.

The Ogaden was conquered and forcibly incorporated into Ethiopia by Emperor Menelik II in the last quarter of the 19th century. Its Somali speaking, almost exclusively Muslim community, never really accepted an Ethiopian identity. In 1977 it was the scene of an international conflict, as Somali President Siad Barre attempted to wrest the region from Ethiopia. The Soviet Union poured arms and Cuban troops into Ethiopia and the invasion was halted. The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has been fighting the Ethiopian government since 1995, and local people have been caught up in the conflict.