Oromoo Bulchiinsa Naannoo Hararii Jala Jiru Maal Gochuu Qaba?

Hagayya 22, 2018 | Munaa Alii D/Xiyaaraara

Duraan dursee harariin akka naannoo tokkootti ijaaramuu hin qabdu. Heera biyyaa Itiyoophiyaa cabsuun hundeeffamte. Harariin maallaqa miiliyoona hedduufi dhalaashii gaggeessitoota Tigreef kennuun akka naannootti dhaabbatte. Itti yaadame Saamooraafi Mallasi akka Oromiyaan ciccitu taasisuuf raawwatan. Biyya lafaaratti waan yaadamuu hin dandeenyetu raawwate.

Lakkoofsi sab lammiilee naannoo Hararii keessaa jiran Oromoo xiqqeesanille ammas (56.41%) kanaan dursaa jira.

Pacified politics or risk disintegration? A race against time in Ethiopia

August 22, 2018 | Open Democracy | By RENÉ LEFORT
The dramatic changes of the last months have moved Ethiopia away from “the gates of hell ”, but all options are still on the table, from the worst to the best.
In February 1974, Addis Ababa’s taxis went on strike in protest against the rise in the price of fuel. Not a single observer imagined that this would begin a movement which within a few months would lead to the fall of a centuries-old empire. The imperial regime was not overthrown: it collapsed.

The Derg, the “socialist” military junta which succeeded it, quickly found itself in conflict with an Eritrean secessionist movement and an “ethnic” Tigrayan force in the far north of the country. The Ethiopian army was the second biggest in Africa, massively supported by the USSR. If the rebels had been told in 1987-88 that their forces would enter Addis Ababa in 1991, they would have laughed. They were undoubtedly determined, disciplined and ingenious, but they were finally able to rout the Derg army also because it fell to pieces.They were undoubtedly determined, disciplined and ingenious, but they were finally able to rout the Derg army also because it fell to pieces.

SEENAA GABAABDUU MAGARSAA ODAA (Abdii Habiibee)1959 – 1976

Hagayya 06, 2018 | Abbaa Urjii tiin

Arra, qabsoon bilisummaa ummata Oromiyaa sadarkaa abdachiiftuu fii haala if duuba itti hin deebine geeyse jirti. Kan kana mirkaneeysu, murannoo fii cimina lammii ti. Murannoon baroota lameen dabran hoogganumma qeeyroo tiin hawaasichi agarsiise seena qabeeysaa fii kan baroota dhufaa jiruuf dinqifamu. Ciminni arkame kan humna diinni lammitti bobbaasaa bahe jalaa bilisoomsanii, isaanuma, diinatti bobbaasuu ti.
Diinni numaan nu cabsee aangoorra turuun waan seenaan ibsu. Haalli diinni ummata keenya gaachana godhachuu, kan harqoota gabrummaa jalatti kufuu fii baroota dila kana jalatti buluu tiif sababa. Kana hubachuun, qabsoon, warra Wayyaaneen meeshaa godhachaa baate jalaa baasuuf godhamte, gaafa galma isaa rukutetti, seenaa qabsoo bilisummaa keessatti tan gulantaa addaa dhunfattu taati.