The Conundrum of Ethiopianism, Part II

August 20, 2013 | By Yaadasaa Dafa


I wrote the first article titled “The Conundrum of Ethiopianism” May 21, 2007 on Sudan Tribune. This short article produced waves of reactions from Ethiopianists who took Oromos for granted; and not to question the pseudo identity of Ethioiwinett. But that was/is the psychological manifestations of the politically bankrupted Ethiopian Dabtaraas who managed to keep the colonized people in Ethiopia in darkness, and in the far fetched illusions. But the occupied Nations within the colonial empire of Ethiopia organized themselves in various political form and shapes to make sure their yoke of suppression will yield to its final predicament. As far as the Oromo Nation is concerned, the people of Oromo waged/waging the journey for the freedom of their people and lands from the alien-Ethiopian colonization starting from the day they were colonized.

The people of Oromia constitute the second largest Nation in the continent of Africa. Its cultural heritage, and natural wealth places this Nation in a very distinctive and very advantageous category. These god given endowments have generated enemies for the people of Oromia from both the neighboring African Nations, as well as far beyond the oceans. Therefore, various wars were waged against as well as, by this Nation starting as early as human history can be recorded. But as late as the nineteenth century, the people of Oromia lost the wars to other African Nations; the Abyssinians who were supported by the foreign powers of the time, mainly the Europeans. These European had their own strategy known as the “The partitions of Africa” in which these aliens aimed at dividing the continent of Africa among themselves. It was at this crucial time when each European colonial power were scrambling to annex as much the Independent African countries they were able to, the Abyssinian regimes acquired the supplies of the modern arms and strategic advises to subjugate the Nation of Oromia. Since then, the succeeding Ethiopian colonial regimes continued subjugating all the acquired territories, and the colonized people under their colonial grip. But the people of Oromia continued their resistances starting from dates of their colonization by the neighboring aliens.

Most recently during our lifetimes, the struggle of the Nation of Oromia undertook the following cornerstones steps. To mention just a few:

In 1967, Macha-Tuullama Welfare Association was banned by Ethiopian regime. The Oromo people took this an open invitation to struggle for the total freedom of Oromia.

1970, Hussein Mohammed Ali, alias Hussein Sora, an active member of the Macha-Tuullama Welfare Association visited the Middle East.

May 1971, an Oromo underground agitation paper,, stated … “An Oromo has no empire to build but a mission to break an imperial yoke, that makes this mission sacred and his sacrifices never too dear.”

The start of an organized informal underground studies,

1973, A body or a committee was created to coordinate the work of the underground study.

1974, The conference in December 1973 culminated in forming the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). The first political program of the OLF (amended in 1976) was also the product of that conference. Those who formed the OLF were the members of Macha-Tuullama Welfare Association (MTWA). In short, the OLF grew out of the MT movement.

April 1974, the first unit of the OLF guerrilla fighters led by Elemo Qilixxu launched an armed struggle in the highlands of Charchar, Eastern Oromia.

From April 1974 till today, the fighting for the freedom of Oromia continues. Thousands of Oromo vanguards have lost their precious lives, and still will be continued on till the end of the Oromo Nation’s occupation. This is fundamental as an Oromo will remain an Oromo, not an Ethiopian. Furthermore, as far as the colonization, exploitation, subjugation, and illegal tortures of the Oromo people continues, the just struggle of the people of Oromia will be continued.

It is true that no individual person, a family, or a Nation stands isolated. An Oromo takes his/her identity from his/her group/Nation which they feel belongs to. No body, but no body can force otherwise on any one at this age in life. But as far as those who refuses to wake up and see the reality, one can only say “you have the right to continue your day dreams, but you do not have the right to impose on me” The natural death of the Conundrum of Ethiopianism was caused the the Ethiopian formal dabtras themselves, including their children as a result of co-signing and glamorizing the genocidal and other inhuman crimes their ancestors committed against the Colonized Nations and Nationalities in Colonial Ethiopia.

The past Ethiopian debtera’s, and even today’s PhD’s/Professors proponents of the vague Ethiopiawinett – always choose to magnify their colonial criminal actions. They purposely magnify the Abyssinian history, culture and languages placing it at a superior positions at the cost of the rest Colonized people in Ethiopia. But, when it comes to writing about the Oromo people’s and other colonized nations’ history and all social interactions, these colonial Abyssinian writers/historians ignore them as though nothing had never happened, or they fabricate the misleading contrary information that purposely discredit and erodes the validity of the true historical materials of the colonized Nations. The Abyssinian narrow nationalists have continued to spread their fallacious and exploitative pedagogical syllabus, with all their monotonous cycle of spread-heading baseless propaganda, for more than a century. Consequently, this has fueled in creating and multiplying the home-based oppositions within their own offspring’s young generation at a face value, as well as the fundamental animosity with non-Abyssinian Nations and Nationalities. Starting from the old days of Marxism and up to today’s colonial regime, the outdated Ethiopian colonialism is becoming desperate each day. It was/is a public secret to know that the legalization of the Ethiopian colonial rules and their accumulation of colonized people’s properties is/was illegitimate and should be treated as criminal as it is/was the breed of egotism, narcissism and thought disorders of assumed superiority. But they fantasized to continue milking the Colonized people in Ethiopia for ever.

No dream shall die unless it is based on fairy tails, and insincere cheer quackery of the dominating oppressors. Therefore the old minded Ethiopian Colonists brewed their own ideological suicide when they refused to acknowledge the technological advances and cultural differences around themselves. The Abyssinians not only failed to appreciate, and respect people’s dignities and identities, but also became barren (to a certain degree) in being able to transmit to their younger generations; their non-cherished negative value system of aged colonial hatred for non Abyssinians. Amazingly, still a few young Abyssinian losers who happen to not only follow the foot steps of their criminal ancestors, but also reminding the colonized people of Oromo by attacking our young generations when they assure their belonging to be “Oromo first”. The people of Oromo will take such unprovoked attacks as a reminder of the genocidal schemes of Abyssinians on our people. Nothing is new. Overall the Abyssinian still perpetuating genocide against the Muslim Oromos all over Oromia (as we are speaking now!!!!!!!!). So their recent attack on young Oromo advocates is another continuation of reminding us who remains to be the worst enemy for the Nation of Oromia.

Thus, the natural death of “The Conundrum of Ethiopianism” can be blamed no one except themselves. As the banning of the Macha-Tuullama Welfare Association by the colonial Ethiopian regime in 1967 was an open invitation for the Nation of Oromia to stand-up for its own freedom, so today are the attacks on the Oromo nationals, all the suffering of the Oromo students, children, women, elders, and all segments of the Oromo people in the hands of the present Ethiopian Colonial regime will continue to fuel the just cause of the Oromo Nation till the overdue freedom is obtained.

Oromia shall be free!!!!!!!!!

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