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Mr. Roba Pawelos |
country is not about its leaders but of its people. It goes without
saying that the people are the symbolic mirror of their nation. That
is exactly why foreigners particularly the development partners
assess and evaluate a nation through its people. In other words, a
happy people are citizen of not only a peaceful and happy nation but
one which accepts the principles of democracy, rule of law and human
and people’s right. On the contrast, heartbroken, timid and unhappy
people are subjects of dictatorial, callous and brutal regimes. Such
people are robbed of their humanity and identity through systematic
harassment, intimidation, unlawful detention, extra judicial killing
and disappearances by the leaders who transformed themselves into
creators of human life or lords. The largest oromo nation in Ethiopia
through the 22years of TPLF/EPRDF repressive leadership has turned
into a nation sobbing in the dark. One does not need to be a rocket
scientist to figure this out. All it takes is a closer look at any
Oromos in the face. The story is the same on all the faces: fear,
uncertainty, and an unquenchable thirst for freedom. The disturbing
melody of the sobs in the dark echo the rhythmic desire to break free
from TPLF dictatorial shackles.
Horn African region of the Ethiopia is home to just 90 million
people, it is also home to one of the world’s most ruthless, and
eccentric, tyrannical regime .TPLF/EPRDF is ruling the nation
particularly the oromos with an iron fist for the past two decades
and yet moving on. Today dissents in Oromia are frequently harassed,
arrested, tortured, murdered and put through sham trials, while the
people are kept in a constant state of terror through tight media
control, as repeatedly reported by several human rights groups. It
has been long time since the Woyane government bans most foreign
journalists and human rights organizations and NGOs from operating in
the country for the aim of hiding its brutal governance from the
world. While the people in Ethiopia are being in terrorized by TPLF
gangs, the western powers are yet looking at the country as a very
strategic place to fight the so called terrorism in horn African
region. But In today’s Ethiopia; as an Oromo, No one can speak out
against the dictatorship in that country. You can be killed. You can
be arrested. You can be kept in prison for a long time. Or you can
disappear in thin air. Nobody will help. Intimidations, looting oromo
resources and evicting oromos from their farm lands have become the
order of the day everywhere across Oromia.
Oromo has constitutional or legal protection from the killing
machinery of the TPLF securities. The recent murdering of Tesfahun
Chemeda in kallitti prison is a case book of the current
So called EPRDF constitution, as all Ethiopian constitutions had
always been under the previous Ethiopian regimes, is prepared not to
give legal protections to the Oromo people, but to be used against
the Oromo people. Prisons in the Ethiopia have become the last home
to Oromo nationalists, human right activists or political opponent of
the regime. Yet the international community is either not interested
or have ignored the numerous Human Right abuses in Ethiopia simply
because, they think there is stability in the country. Is there no
stability in North Korea? I don’t understand why the international
community playing double standard with dining and wining with
Ethiopian brutal dictators while trying to internationally isolate
other dictators. For crying out loud, all dictators are dangerous to
humanity and shaking their hands is even taboo much more doing
business with them.
the support of the USA and EU, major pillars of the regime would have
collapsed. Because one reason why TPLF is sustaining in power is
through the budgetary support and development funding of the EU, the
United States and offered diplomatic validation by the corrupted
African Union. Foremost, the US and EU as the largest partners are
responsible for funding the regime’s sustainability and its
senseless brutality against ordinary citizens. They would have the
capacity to disrupt the economic might of this regime without
negatively impacting ordinary citizens, and their failure to do so is
directly responsible for the loss of many innocent lives, the torture
of many and other grievous human rights abuses. Helping dictators
while they butcher our people is what I cannot understand. What I
want to notify here is, on the way of struggling for freedom it is
very essential to call on the western powers to stop the support they
are rendering to dictators in the name of fighting the so called
terrorism in Horn Africa, otherwise it will remain an obstacle for
the struggle.
elections alone does not make a country democratic. Where there is no
an independent media, an independent judiciary (for the rule of law),
an independent central bank, an independent electoral commission (for
a free and fair vote); neutral and professional security forces; and
an autonomous (not a rubber stamp) parliament, no one should expect
that the pseudo election will remove TPLF from power. The so-called
“Ethiopian constitution” is a façade that is not worth the paper
which it is written on. It does not impose the rule of law; and does
not effectively limit governmental power. No form of dissent is
tolerated in the country.
my understanding and as we have observed for more than two decades,
it is unthinkable to remove TPLF regime without a military struggle
or without popular Uprisings. They are staying, staying, and staying
in power – 10, 20, 22 and may be 30 or 40 years. They have
developed the mentality of staying on power as their own family and
ethnic property. So that they are grooming their clans, their wives,
sons, cats, dogs and even goats to succeed them. They are simply the
worst mafia regime and the most politically intolerant in the Africa.
It is impossible to remove them electorally because we have been
witnessing that the electoral system is fundamentally flawed and
indomitably skewed in favor them. Every gesture and every words
coming from TPLF gangs in the last several years have confirmed that
to remove them by election is nothing but like to dream in daylight.
late dictator “Meles Zenawi” had once said that TPLF “shall
rule for a thousand years”, asserting that elections SHALL NOT
remove his government. He also said: "the group who want the
power must go the forest and fight to achieve power".
Therefore, taking part in Pseudo election will have no impact on
reducing the pain of the oppressed people. Evidently, the opposition
and civil societies have been rendered severely impotent, as any form
of dissent attracts the ultimate penalty in Ethiopia. Furthermore, we
are watching that this regime is intensifying its repression of
democracy each day, and ruling strictly through the instrument of
paralyzing fear and the practice of brutality against ordinary
we are learning from history, Dictators are not in a business of
allowing election that could remove them from their thrones. The only
way to remove this TPLF dictatorship is through a military force,
popular uprising, or a rebel insurgency: Egypt (2011), Ivory Coast
(2011), Tunisia (2011), Libya (2011), Rwanda (1994), Somalia (1991),
Liberia (1999), etc. A high time to fire up resistance to the TPLF
killings and resource plundering in Oromia, is now. To overthrow
this brutal TPLF dictatorship and to end the 22 years of our pain, it
is a must to begin the resistance with a nationwide show of defiance
including distributing postures of resistance against their brutality
across Oromia and the country. Once a national campaign of defiance
begins, it will be easy to see how the TPLF regime will crumble like
a sand castle. Besides, we the Oromo Diaspora need to work on
strengthening the struggle by any means we can. It is the
responsibility of the Diaspora to advance the Oromo cause, and at the
same time to determine how our efforts can be aided by the
international community. As well, it is a time for every freedom
thirsty oromo to take part in supporting our organization Oromo
liberation Front by any means we can.
days, TPLF regime is standing on one foot and removing it is easier
than it appears. Let all oppressed nations organize for the final
push to liberty. The biggest fear of Woyane regime is people being
organized and armed with weapons of unity, knowledge, courage,
vigilance, and justice. What is needed is a unified, dedicated
struggle for justice and sincerity. Oromo’s are tired of the dying,
the arrests, the detentions, the torture, the brutality and the
forced disappearances. This should come to an end! DEAD FOR TPLF
*To contact Roba Pawelos e-mail at: bora1273@yahoo.com
*To contact Roba Pawelos e-mail at: bora1273@yahoo.com
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