ለፍርድ መቅረብ ያለበትን ወንጀለኛ የክብር ሜዳሊያ መሸለም ወንጀሉን መደገፍ ብቻ ሳይሆን ለኔም ምሳሌ ነህና እኔም ባንተ መንገድ እቀጥላለሁ እንደማለት ይወሰዳል። የዶ/ር ኣቢይ ኣህመድ የቁልቁለት ሩጫ እንደቀጠለ ነዉ።
የዶ/ር ኣቢይ ኣህመድ የቁልቁለት ሩጫ እንደቀጠለ ነዉ።
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
April 24, 2018 | Source: Face book Page of Tsegaye Hailu
‘Miseensota Raayyaa Ittisaa Ajjeechaa Raawwatanirratti Ragaa Baanus Haga Yoonaa Murteef hin Dhiyaanne’ – Jiraattota Mooyyalee
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Ebla 24, 2018 | VOA Afaan Oromoo
Ajjeechaa lammilee nagaa miseensonni raayyaa ittisa biyyaa bitootessa 10 bara 2018 Mooyyaleetti geessisaniin booda qaami biyya bulchaa ture bulchiinsi Koomaandi Poosti Sekreeteeriyaat miseesota raayyaa ittisa biyyaa gocha kana raawwatan jedhe ‘5’ to’annaa jela oolchuu beeksisee ture. Namootni kuniini to’annaa jela haa oolanuyyuu malee haga yoonaa isaan keessaa namni tokko murteef hin dhiyaatin jiru jedhu jiraattotni magaalaa Mooyyalee.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee Tooftaa Bifa Haaraan Ummatoota Ethiopia Hacuucuuf Yeroo Ka’etti Murteen HR128 Murtaawuun Furtuu Siyaasaa Biyyatti Ta’ee Saboota Cunqurfamoo Balaa Irraa Baraaruu ni mala.
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Madda Walaabuu Press
Ebla 12, 2018 | Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo, Finfinnee, Oromiyaa
Ummanni Oromoo waggoottan dheeraa lafasaarraa buqqa’uu, ajeefamuu, ari’atamuuf biyyasaarratti mirgoota democracy guutummaatti dhabuun isaa kan yaadatamu ta’us, addatti bara bulchiinsa sirna Wayyaanee kanatti dararama ulfaataan irra gahee gaahaas jira.
US House Resolution on Ethiopia Passes: Resolution Calls for Commitment to Human Rights, Democracy, Rule of Law
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Madda Walaabuu Press
April 11, 2018 | Human Rights Watch | Felix Horne Senior Researcher, Horn of Africa
Today, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution encouraging Ethiopia’s government to increase respect for human rights, rule of law, and democracy. This non-binding resolution, combined with recent statementsfrom the US Embassy in Addis, sends a strong signal to Ethiopia’s new prime minister that the US expects significant reforms ahead.
Resolution 128 was passed in large part because of Ethiopian-American voters concerned with the Ethiopian government’s rights record, who worked together to make themselves an important constituency. Their persistent efforts despite the efforts of the Ethiopian embassy and their Washington lobbyists led to an impressive 108 Congressional representatives from 32 states co-sponsoring this resolution. Hopefully they can build on this success and advocate for binding legislation on Ethiopia.
Instigating an ethnic conflict is an act of State Terrorism in Ethiopia
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Madda Walaabuu Press
Joint Statement of Afar Liberation Front Party (ALFP) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) on current Political Situation of Ethiopia
The Tigray Peoples Liberation Front/ Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (TPLF/ EPRDF) regime of Ethiopia is in a futile attempt to breathe life in to its dying regime. The regime is trying to do everything possible to restore their supremacy destabilised by popular struggle for freedom and democracy. Under auspices of the state of emergency, the regime’s armed forces assassinate, kidnap and mistreat innocent civilians. In an aim to divert the attention of the peoples from the current crises in the country and deter them from continuing wide spread protests, the regime is trying to sow seeds of mistrust among century long lived brotherly nations. It is in our recent memory that the TPLF/ EPRDF has instigated conflict between Oromo and Ogaden Somalis that costed many lives and displaced a million from both sides. The TPLF/ EPRDF regime committed and will continue to commit such heinous crime against humanity on a regular basis. The Afar Liberation Front Party (ALFP) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) noted the recent attempt of the EPRDF force camouflaging itself in eastern and northeast border between Oromia and Afar regions in attacking peaceful civilians on both sides. This recent act of TPLF/EPRDF that was witnessed by local peoples is a direct replica of the drama which they were playing to instigate war among other nations and nationalities throughout the country.
The Tigray Peoples Liberation Front/ Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (TPLF/ EPRDF) regime of Ethiopia is in a futile attempt to breathe life in to its dying regime. The regime is trying to do everything possible to restore their supremacy destabilised by popular struggle for freedom and democracy. Under auspices of the state of emergency, the regime’s armed forces assassinate, kidnap and mistreat innocent civilians. In an aim to divert the attention of the peoples from the current crises in the country and deter them from continuing wide spread protests, the regime is trying to sow seeds of mistrust among century long lived brotherly nations. It is in our recent memory that the TPLF/ EPRDF has instigated conflict between Oromo and Ogaden Somalis that costed many lives and displaced a million from both sides. The TPLF/ EPRDF regime committed and will continue to commit such heinous crime against humanity on a regular basis. The Afar Liberation Front Party (ALFP) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) noted the recent attempt of the EPRDF force camouflaging itself in eastern and northeast border between Oromia and Afar regions in attacking peaceful civilians on both sides. This recent act of TPLF/EPRDF that was witnessed by local peoples is a direct replica of the drama which they were playing to instigate war among other nations and nationalities throughout the country.
Itoophiyaa Keessatti Ummatoota Jidduutti Walitti Bu’iinsa Dhalchuun Gocha Shororkeessummaa Mootummaa ti!
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Bitootessa 28, 2018
Haala Siyaasaa Itoophiyaa Keessaa kan Yeroo ammaa Irratti Ibsa Waloo Paartii Adda Bilisummaa Affaari fi Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Sirnii Adda Bilisummaa Ummata Tigraay/Adda Dimokraasummaa Warraaqsa Ummatoota Itoophiyaa (TLPF/EPRDF) Itoophiyaa bitaa jiru bulchiinsa isaa umrii bittaa raawwatetti lubbuu horuudhaaf yaalii dhabarraa isa hin oolchinetti jira. Sirnichi ol’aantummaa murna isaa warraaqsa ummatootni dimokraasii fi bilisummaaf taasisaniin hundeerraa raafame deebisee gadi dhaabuuf waan isaa dandahame hundaa raawwachuutti jira.
Haala Siyaasaa Itoophiyaa Keessaa kan Yeroo ammaa Irratti Ibsa Waloo Paartii Adda Bilisummaa Affaari fi Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Sirnii Adda Bilisummaa Ummata Tigraay/Adda Dimokraasummaa Warraaqsa Ummatoota Itoophiyaa (TLPF/EPRDF) Itoophiyaa bitaa jiru bulchiinsa isaa umrii bittaa raawwatetti lubbuu horuudhaaf yaalii dhabarraa isa hin oolchinetti jira. Sirnichi ol’aantummaa murna isaa warraaqsa ummatootni dimokraasii fi bilisummaaf taasisaniin hundeerraa raafame deebisee gadi dhaabuuf waan isaa dandahame hundaa raawwachuutti jira.
በኢትዮጵያ በህዝቦች መካከል ግጭት መፍጠር የመንግስታዊ ሽብርተኝነት ተግባር ነው!
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
መጋቢት 28, 2018ዓም
ወቅታዊውን የኢትዮጵያ የፖለቲካ ሁኔታ በተመለከተ ከኣፋር ነጻነት ግንባር ፓርቲና ከኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር የተሰጠ የጋራ መግለጫ
ኢትዮጵያን እየገዛ ያለው የሕወሃት/ኢሕኣዴግ ስርዓት ፍጻሜው የተቃረበውን ኣገዛዙን እስትስፋስ ለማቆየት የተለያዩ ከንቱ ጥረቶችን ተያይዟል። ህዝቦች ለነጻነትና ለዲሞክራሲ እያካሄዱ ባሉት ተግል መሰረቱ የተነቀነቀውን የቡድኑን የበላይነት የማስጠበቅ ስርዓት መልሶ እንዲያንሰራራ ለማድረግ የተቻለለትን ሁሉ በማድረግ ላይ ይገኛል።
በኣስቸኳይ ጊዜ ኣዋጅ ከለላ የስርዓቱ የታጠቁ ሃይሎች ንጹሃን ዜጎችን መግደል፣ ኣፍነው መሰወርና ለከፋ ሰቆቃ መዳረጋቸውን ቀጥለዋል። ይህ ኣምባገነን ቡድን የህዝቦችን የትኩረት ኣቅጣጫ ሃገሪቷን እያመሰቃቀለ ካለው ቀውስ ለማስቀየርና ህዝቦችን በኣገዛዙ ላይ ያለማቋረጥ እያካሄዱት ካለው ተቃውሞና ፍልሚያ ለመግታት በማለም ለዘመናት በሰላም፣ በመከባበርና በመፈቃቀር ኣብረው በኖሩ ህዝቦች መካከል የመጠራጠርና የጥላቻ መርዝ ለመርጨት እየሰራ ነው።
ወቅታዊውን የኢትዮጵያ የፖለቲካ ሁኔታ በተመለከተ ከኣፋር ነጻነት ግንባር ፓርቲና ከኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር የተሰጠ የጋራ መግለጫ
ኢትዮጵያን እየገዛ ያለው የሕወሃት/ኢሕኣዴግ ስርዓት ፍጻሜው የተቃረበውን ኣገዛዙን እስትስፋስ ለማቆየት የተለያዩ ከንቱ ጥረቶችን ተያይዟል። ህዝቦች ለነጻነትና ለዲሞክራሲ እያካሄዱ ባሉት ተግል መሰረቱ የተነቀነቀውን የቡድኑን የበላይነት የማስጠበቅ ስርዓት መልሶ እንዲያንሰራራ ለማድረግ የተቻለለትን ሁሉ በማድረግ ላይ ይገኛል።
በኣስቸኳይ ጊዜ ኣዋጅ ከለላ የስርዓቱ የታጠቁ ሃይሎች ንጹሃን ዜጎችን መግደል፣ ኣፍነው መሰወርና ለከፋ ሰቆቃ መዳረጋቸውን ቀጥለዋል። ይህ ኣምባገነን ቡድን የህዝቦችን የትኩረት ኣቅጣጫ ሃገሪቷን እያመሰቃቀለ ካለው ቀውስ ለማስቀየርና ህዝቦችን በኣገዛዙ ላይ ያለማቋረጥ እያካሄዱት ካለው ተቃውሞና ፍልሚያ ለመግታት በማለም ለዘመናት በሰላም፣ በመከባበርና በመፈቃቀር ኣብረው በኖሩ ህዝቦች መካከል የመጠራጠርና የጥላቻ መርዝ ለመርጨት እየሰራ ነው።
Rakkoo Siyaasaa Itoophiyaa Furuu Irratti Ejjannoo ABO
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Ebla 05, 2018 | Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)
Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo rakkoo siyaasaa mootummaa Itoophiyaa waliin jiru nagaan xumuruuf ammayyuu qophii tahuu beeksisaa, hasaawaan ABO fi Mootummaa Itoophiyaa gidduu bakka gareen sadaffaa jirutti fi haal-duree tokko malee taasifamuuf taattafatamaa turee karaa mootummaa Itoophiyaa fedhii dhabinnaa irraa fashaalaa bahe akka itti fufu mootummaa Itoophiyaa EPRDFn durfamuuf waamicha isaa haaromsa. Mootummaan Wayyaanee/EPRDF gama isaan kan irraa eegamu akka guutu gadi jabeessee hubachiisa.
Ibsa ABO, Ebla 5, 2018
ABOn gaaffii Mirgaa ummata Oromoo jaarraa tokkoo fi walakkaa lakkaawaa jiruu fi sirna gabrummaa irratti diriiree dararaa ulfaataa fi suukanneessaa irraan gahaa jiru irratti qabsaawuu fi mirga hiree mur-teeffatnaa isaa mirkaneessuf dhaaba qabsoo irra turee fi jiru tahuun hundaaf ifaa dha.
የኢትዮጵያን የፖለቲካ ችግሮች መፍትሄ በተመለከተ የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር ኣቋም
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
April 05, 2018 | Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)
የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር ከኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ጋር ያለውን የፖለቲካ ችግር በሰላማዊ መንገድ ለመፍታት ኣሁንም ዝግጁ መሆኑን እያሳወቀ፡ በኦነግና በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት መካከል የሚደረግ ንግግር ሶስተኛ ወገን ባለበትና ያለኣንዳች ቅድመ-ሁኔታ እንዲከናወን ጥረት ሲደረግ ቆይቶ በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት በኩል ፍላጎት ከማጣት የከሸፈው ጥረት እንዲቀጥል በኢህኣዴግ ለሚመራው የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ጥሪውን ያድሳል። የወያኔ/ኢሕኣዴግ መንግስት በበኩሉ የሚጠበቅበትን እንዲያሟላ ኣጥብቆ ያሳስባል።
የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር, ሚያዚያ 5 ቀን 2018 ዓም
ኦነግ ከኣንድ ምዕተ-ዓመት ተኩል በላይ እያስቆጠረ ላለው የኦሮሞ ህዝብ የመብት ጥያቄና በህዝቡ ላይ ተዘርግቶ ከባድና ዘግናኝ ሰቆቃ እያደረሰበት ያለውን የጭቆና ስርዓት ለመፋለምና የራስን እድል በራስ ለመወሰን መብት መረጋገጥ በትግል ላይ የነበረና ያለ ድርጅት መሆኑ ለሁሉም ግልጽ ነው።
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