When the Italian fascist forces invaded Ethiopia, the main battleground was again Tigray, and once again the Tigray citizens sustained the heavy load of the Fascist invasion.
In 1943, after the Allied Powers had defeated Italy and Haile Selassie had returned to Ethiopia, Tigray peasants revolted against the imperial regime. The Ethiopian government forces, supported by British units, curbed the revolt. The emperor then imposed a harsh peace treaty on Tigray.
The first sign of open confrontation with the Ethiopian (claimed) military Marxist regime of Mengistu in Tigray started in October 1974. At that time, the DERG ordered Ras Mengesha Seyoum–governor general of Tigray, member of the Tigray royal family, and grandson-in-law of the emperor–to abandon his office and surrender to the Marxist authorities in Finfine. Rather than relinquishing his power, Ras Mengasha Seyoum fled to the Tigray Mountain and started the Tigray Liberation Organization (TLO). The TLO operated underground and run different political cells and engaged in clandestine the program of a systematic political agitation. During the riotous mid-1970s, the TLO established various cells in various parts of Tigray. In early 1975, Ras Mengesha left Tigray and, with other aristocrats, formed the Ethiopian Democratic Union (EDU). Those Members of the TLO who remained in Tigray and who came under the pressure from the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) formed the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), whose goals included the overthrow of the Mengistu regime, the establishment of a “more democratic” government, and the removal of all foreign military bases from Ethiopia. The TPLF also condemned Mengesha, accepted Marxism-Leninism, and argued for an independent Eritrean-Tigray federation. Eventually, the TPLF neutralized the TLO by killing many of its leaders and by jailing and executing others in an organized peace making meeting arranged by Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF)’s presumed mediation.
At the time, the TPLF shared the same field with the Ethiopian Democratic Union (EDU) and the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party (EPRP) with both being based in Tigray. However, the Red Terror had destroyed both of these organizations, and by 1978 they had terminated from being effective opposition forces to the well-equipped DERG. The TPLF was also severely damaged but, with the assistance of the Eritrean People Liberation Front (EPLF), developed back into an effective fighting force. TPLF’s membership first expanded by the domestications of the former EPRP members into their political programs.
In the 1980s, the TPLF gained its members almost entirely from Tigray population of north Ethiopia for its support, although it claimed to be dedicated toward building a united national front representing all groups and nationalities struggling against the Mengistu regime. On May 8, 1984, the TPLF issued an offer calling for the formation of a united front based on a “minimum program,” whose sole quantitative agenda was the overthrow of the Mengistu regime. By 1984 the TPLF was active throughout Tigray and in parts of Welloo and Gojam. Although its political program continued to have a democratic orientation, the dominant ideologues within the organization claimed to be committed to the forming of the Marxist-Leninist League of Tigray. Spectators equated TPLF’s agenda and agitations to that of Albania’s Stalinist leftist’s model.
On the eve of its thirteenth anniversary in February 1988, the TPLF was engaged in its largest offensive against Ethiopian forces. Over the next year and a half, the TPLF captured all of Tigray, including urban centers such as Aksum, Inda Silase, and Mekele. By May 1989, the Ethiopian army had withdrawn completely from all parts of Tigray.
In January 1989, TPLF entered into an alliance with the Ethiopian People’s Democratic Movement (EPDM), an organization composed mainly of Amhara from Welloo, Gonder, and the northern part of Shewa, many of whom had once belonged to the EPRP. The TPLF and EPDM called their alliance the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). The EPRDF’s docket is borrowed from the TPLF’s main charter.
By the fall of 1989, the EPRDF had moved from its strongholds in Tigray, Welloo, and Gonder and threatened parts of northern Shewa, and started forming the tactical relationships with OLF and other National based fronts fighting the Ethiopian regime.
Those who escaped this murder plot during the early days of TLO and TPLF, including Mengesha were later restored on Tigray region as administrators so as to neutralize their opposition after TPLF defeated the Mengistu leftist military regime in Addis to become the new rulers of the Ethiopian empire. But, Mengesha and his close circle soon embroiled both old friends (the TPLF and the EPLF) into war after artfully invading small portion of Eritrean boarder land. When the enraged Eritreans retaliated by crossing to Tigray as a vengeance, then Mengasha informed TPLF in Addis and requested to be rescued and protected from the Eritrean invasion of the Ethiopian territories. TPLF replied by declaring war on Eritrea and sending more mechanized Ethiopian forces, and the full-fledged war engulfed between the two countries from 1998 to 2000, costing both sides around 70, 000 lives. Not all people from both sides of Ethiopia and Eritrea were fully aware of the deeply seated vengeance and bloodshed that fueled the war causing such destructions on both sides. As the war prolonged, the Ethiopian forces soon succeeded in capturing the most strategic Eritrean military bases and trenches which the Eritreans believed to be un-penetrable by any force. From there, it became in reach for the Ethiopian forces to capture even Asmara, the capital of Eritrea. But the TPLF leaders ordered their forces back before assaulting and capturing Asmara, which could have ended the newly gained independence from Ethiopia just a few years back. It is presumed by many Amhara hard liners that TPLF and EPLF are much related and own to each other more than what they previously thought.
As from the side of the Oromo Nation’s struggle, according to the OLF documents, from 1964 to 1970, resistance in Bale presented the most serious challenge to the Ethiopian government. During that time, the original Oromo fighting forces in Bale managed hit-and- run raids against military garrisons and police stations.
1969 after Mahammad Siad Barre took over the Somali government, when the Oromo fighting force attempted to coordinate their military activities with the Western Somali Liberation Front with no much success as OLF refused to accept the wishes and demands of Siad Barre in Moqadisho.
June 1976 two day “Founding Congress” of the Oromo Liberation Front was held in Finfinne. All of the disorganized and organized uprisings, revolts and movements of the Oromo people for over 75 years under the Abyssinian colonization culminated in the birth of the Oromo Liberation Front. A few members of ENLF (the “Ethiopian National Liberation Front”) who were predominantly from Oromia, were released from custody in Somalia in 1975 and others who had entered the country on previous occasions, as well representatives of the underground study cells, individual Oromo nationalists and patriots were members of the “Founding Congress.” The Congress revised the 1974 draft and issued a new detailed political program of the Front. For the first time in the history of the Oromo national struggle, a political organization with a political program and a clear set of objectives emerged to lead the Oromo people in the struggle against Ethiopian colonialism and oppression and on to independence.
1976 Armed struggle resumed in Gara Mul’ata, Hararge by the Oromo Liberation Front. Students and intellectuals were dispatched into the field from urban centers to provide needed leadership and cadres. This rapidly improved the number and quality of fighters.
1976 The OLF assigned a foreign affairs representative to the office in Damascus, Syria. OLF activities in foreign lands have grown hand in hand and commensurate with the activities inside Oromia.
1976 “Bakkalcha Oromo” (Oromo Star), the official organ of the OLF, first appeared. The Oromo people became tenants on their own land as the empire consolidated its rule. Many Oromo resented the alien rule of Amhara and Tigray from the highland core of the empire. Haile Selassie tried to win Oromo loyalty by developing alliances with key Oromo leaders. Although this strategy enabled the emperor to co-opt many Oromo into the imperial system, it failed to end Oromo resistance. Examples of this opposition to Addis Ababa included the Azebo-Raya revolt of 1928-30; the 1936 Oromo Independence Movement; and the establishment in 1965 of the Mecha-Tulema, an Oromo self-help organization.
Some middle class Oromo women got together to form the first few women’s study circles to read and discuss radical literature, especially those on women’s oppression. The main objectives were to be aware of the roots of gender oppression, to organize Oromo women at grassroots to raise gender consciousness, and to bring the message of liberation to them.
Sept 1977 Members of the leading organ of the Oromo Liberation Front and representatives of the fighters and underground cells met in Finfinne to restructure the organization and elect a new leadership. According to the new structure, the Front was to have 41 central committee members. The central committee elected five individuals from among its members to an executive body called the “Supreme Politico Military Command (SPMC).” The five members of the SPMC were the chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary and two other members overseeing the activities of the committee. Under the SPMC, there were five functional committees each headed by a member of the central committee. These were military, political, financial and logistical, social and foreign affairs committee. The leaders elected to the SPMC were Muhee Abdoo, Magarsaa Barii, Gadaa Gammadaa, Leenco Lata and Baaroo Tumsaa.
1990s OLF continued the struggle by mobilizing the entire Oromo people in a very short time. The Oromo people in return also embraced the OLF from corner to corner of all the Oromian neighborhood, localities, and districts. TPLF and other Abyssinian constituencies continued lamenting every activity that the Oromo citizens are engaged in (whether it is a simple village meetings, or making sure that their voice are heard; by saying “NO” to the injustice committed against them), as a subversive organized engagements spearheaded by OLF. When accused, the Oromo citizens are methodically found guilt by association to OLF without any proof (of any standard) for wrong doing.
Some of the adverse familiarities of the Oromo Nation under TPLF after its power monopoly in Finfinee.
It is often the customary obligation for students in any developing society to stand-up and convey their oppositions to the authorities’ mal treatment of its citizens. Frequently, the students’ reactions are met with spraying the tear gas, spouting the rushing water, or in a very rare cases, shooting into the air just to scare the youth. But in the case of the students of the Oromia, they are always met by the mechanized suicide commandos who are habitually ordered by the Colonial Ethiopian regime in Finfinee to shoot them down with the real bullets. But such inhuman and unjustified cruelty of the colonial Abyssinian regime did not, is not, and will never stop the Qubee generation of Oromia, and all the Oromo citizens from struggling for just and freedom. The quest for justice and freedom shall continue!!!!!!!!!
The evil plans of the colonial Abyssinian regime such as: The Addis Ababa (Finfinee) Master Plan, Evictions of Oromo farmers from their ancestor’s land to sell it to foreign investors, and the monopoly of all the economic sectors by TPLF, disappearances, imprisonment, and torture by the TPLF and their agents have united all the Oromo Nation and provoked them to continue the struggle for their just causes without any hesitations. Therefore, it became standard for all the Oromo citizen to fall victim to the TPLF’s bullets in the Oromo Universities/Colleges campuses, and at all urban and village stretches of the Oromo vicinities. As these atrocities are disseminated on the Nation of Oromia under the pretexts of being the supporters of OLF, then the Oromo Nation’s unconditional reception and welcoming of OLF into their lives became natural. This is a huge embarrassing facts for TPLF, who routinely tries to conceal and minimize the strength of Oromian uprisings as they do know that it is the decisive factor for their very predicament. The Nation of Oromia is heading fast towards being unstoppable force whether the colonial Abyssinian regime-TPLF wants, or not. The colonial regime in Finfinee can hang to their power grip just for now, but as for how long, your guess is as good as mine. But the bottom line remains that the Abyss who ridiculously believe to be smarter that anyone, fail to visualize how deep they continue to deceive themselves!!!!!!
This the current Abyss regime TPLF’s narcissistic arrogance towards the Nation of Oromia had proved beyond any doubt the impracticality of designing and working together towards launching and sustaining a steady progress towards establishing the Democratic frame of co-existences. Often the Abyss (they) do present the urge and the compulsiveness to devalue and humiliate all non-Abyss Nations and Nationalities while deploying their pro-active tactics and scheme so as not to be challenged in all areas of human domains. In the case, that fears of others force them pre-aptly to offend others; can only validate the hypothesis of the “Low self-image” psychosomatic mass disorder with all its vindictiveness blindly energizing that community/society. Such irresponsible acts will continue breeding enemies, unless a responsible visionary leadership and far-sighted political body able to correct such short sighted self-centered gins at the expenses of others. Basically, the confident and well balanced person/community does/do not have the need to distort and cheapen others cultures language, and belongings to feel better at the expenses of the others. Only the damage ones feel that they have to parade on others’ identity so as to validate their hollowly presumed supremacy!!!!!!!
The TPLF and all their cohorts fail time and times again to perceive their needs to alter their negative and the unproductive manners towards the Nation of Oromia, and the other non-Abyss Nations and Nationalities who are colonized and forced to co-habit and share the same colonial flag, or National border. It is this vague egotistic self-denial that relentlessly precludes any breakthrough for concurrently envisioned unity that benefits all.
The two fronts of battle within the Ethiopian colonial structure failed to reconcile despite both claiming have progressive roots:
1) National struggles against the Ethiopian Colonialism.
2) Class struggle (Meison and EPRP)
The basic believes of Meison was that the burning questions of each Ethiopian Nations and Nationalities can be solved when the working class assumes victory over all the reactionary forces of Ethiopia, with the recognition of the Nations/Nationalities to exercise their own languages and cultures . As for EPRP, the same political scenario must be realized, but within the established current Ethiopian social fabrics, and with the vanguard of EPRP only. The ideological differences of both MEISON and EPRP breaded very ugly contentious and combative atmosphere within the Ethiopian political sphere that gave at last the fertile ground for DERG to defeat them both at their own games by naming them the middle class anarchists, and revisionists, who are anti the people’s struggle, while declaring itself as the champion of the Ethiopian revolution.
TPLF continued their colonial administrations in the most aggravating manner towards the nation of Oromia. Vivid acts of crimes that are committed against the Nation of Oromia by TPLF colonial regime is surpassing all the combined crimes perpetuated by the previous colonial regimes of Ethiopia. TPLF even invaded Somalia in their pseudo pretext of going after the Terrorists in Somalia. But their real motivation was to find and destroy the OLF once and for all. Yes, they did devastated parts of Somalia they managed to put their hands on. But they destroyed no OLF in Somalia, because OLF is in the heart and souls of all Oromo people in Oromia, not in Somalia. Yes, the Ethiopian invading forces were able to create “Al Shabab” instead as the result of the terror the TPLF perpetuated and poured down on all Somalian people and teenagers. Then who is the real terrorist here?
The sinister nature of TPLF regime goes far beyond the human decency. Even after overthrowing the Mengist military dictatorship, TPLF opened another chapter of colonialism colored with a real democracy where the rights of the people is presumably guaranteed by the country’s constitution. In reality, it is all in papers, and all what TPLF prioritize is what they can get out of this Nation either with fake legalities, or with day light robbing, disappearances of citizens, torture imprisonments and vulgar violence. The past two election were held in the country within the TPLF’s panorama in accordance with above evil paradigm in actuality. But sold to the international community just an ideal Ethiopian young democracy labelled as for “Trade mark” only!!!!!!!!! It is much bewildering to watch the manipulation of Democracy, when especially TPLF beats its own records of winning the people’s vote by more than 96%. Such captivating winning record is only possible in Ethiopia. What a Democracy!!!!!!!!!!!! .
Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes of OLA and all Oromo compatriots. Freedom and just for the Nation of Oromia.
Oromia shall be free!!!!!!
Yaadasaa Dafa.
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