Dr. Abyii fi Lammaa Magarsaa Daddaffiin Waan gochu qaban!

Sochii Waan Qabsoon

Bitootessa 29, 2018 (Qeerroo) — TPLF Gaafi Oromoo ni deebisa yaadi jeedhu yoom ilee samuu ummataa keessa hin jiru garuu gareen Lama magarasa fi Dr. Abyi Ahemd fedhinnaa fi golgaa fedhii TPLF keessaa bahuu fi aanummaa sabaa qabaachuu isaanii kan ittiin muldhisan keessaa Gaafi ummata Oromoo kana gadii kana irratti daddaffiin furmaata gochuu deemsa siyaasaa tokko jedhanii jalqabuun barbaachisaa dha.

Instigating an ethnic conflict is an act of State Terrorism in Ethiopia

Joint Statement of Afar Liberation Front Party (ALFP) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) on current Political Situation of Ethiopia

Why is Kenya’s Government Silent on Ethiopia Crackdown? Ethiopian Instability Could Have Huge Security, Humanitarian Impact on Kenya.

March 24, 2018 | Human Rights Watch | Felix Horne, Senior Researcher, Horn of Africa

Over 9,000 Ethiopians, many of them women and children, have fled into Kenya’s Marsabit County over the last ten days, escaping ongoing Ethiopian military attacks. Sadly, more Ethiopians may follow as Ethiopia continues its two-and-a-half-year descent into further instability.
On March 10 Ethiopian soldiers opened fire on a group of community members in Moyale, Ethiopia, killing at least 10 people.  The defense minister announced that the killings were a “mistake.” He said that the soldiers had acted on bad intelligence, which had indicated that the civilians were members of the banned Oromo Liberation Front, an armed opposition group, a faction of which is active around the Moyale area.
Ethiopia’s security forces have targeted civilians expressing critical views of the government for harassment, arrest, and in many cases, torture for many years. Countrywide, Ethiopia’s military have killed over 1,000 civilians in response to protests since late 2015.

Hidhattoonni ABO Aanaa Gidaamii Keessatti Konkolaatota Raayyaa Ittisaa Lama Mancaasanii Loltoota Keessa Turan Fixan, Jedhu Jiraattonni. Aaangawoonnis Mirkaneessanii Jiru

Bitootessa 16, 2018 | VOA Afaan Oromoo (WAASHINGITAN, DIISII)

Faayilii - Loltoota Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo mooraa leenjii Mooyalee keessatti, bara 2009
Godinaa Qellem Wallaggaa, aanaa Gidaamii, naannoo Laaloo Garee jedhamutti, Roobii dabre, gaafa Bitootessa 14, bara 2018 galgala raayyaa ittisaa mootummaa Itiyoophiyaa irratti haleellaa hidhattoonni Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo bananiin, konkolaatonni lama miidhamuu fi jeneraalota waraanaa dabalee, loltoonni keessa turan dhumuu isaanii jiraattonni aanichaa dubbatanii jiran.

Time for Political Change and Unity in Ethiopia

March 16, 2018 | Counterpunch.org | By Graham Peebles

Tadesse is a 28-year-old Ethiopian from the capital, Addis Ababa. Like thousands of others he took part in demonstrations over the last three years, and together with family members, refused to pledge support for the Ethiopian government. Such displays of political dissent led to him being repeatedly imprisoned, tortured and cruelly mistreated. Now safe in Europe, he is in physical pain and psychological anguish as a result of the barbaric way he was treated in prison.

Ethiopian security forces massacre at least 9 civilians in Moyale as martial law takes toll on Oromia

March 10, 2018 | OPride.com

Two days after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called for greater freedom to address the ongoing political crisis in Ethiopia, soldiers shot and killed at least nine civilians and wounded more than a dozen others in an unprovoked attack in Moyale, southern Oromia, near the border with Kenya.
Hundreds of civilians running from gunfire have reportedly crossed into the Kenyan side of Moyale town and are in need of humanitarian assistance.
“The Oromia Regional Government would like to express its profound sadness for the loss of life and at the cruel action taken against our people,” Addisu Arega, a spokesperson for the state, wrote on Facebook Saturday evening. “We will work with the Oromo public to bring to justice perpetrators of this heinous crime and all others involved.”

With Nobody in Charge, a State of Emergency was Approved by a Fractured Ethiopian parliament

March 04, 2018 | Press release of Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA)

The State of Emergency declared by the Ethiopian Council of Ministers was approved by the Ethiopian parliament on March 2, 2018.  It is a gift to the Agazi killing squad, authorization to commit  more crimes.
There is no extraordinary situation on the ground that poses a fundamental threat to the country that requires a State of Emergency declaration.as well, the declaration appears at odds with the decisions of  the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)’s willingness to allow more space for democracy and releasing political prisoners.

Under a new state of emergency, Ethiopia is on the brink of crisis, again

March 03, 2018 | The Washington Post | By Paul Schemm

 It was while he was in prison that Ethiopian opposition politician Bekele Gerba first sensed change happening in the world outside. The television news from his native Oromia region had broken from the official line and was suddenly reporting on the unrest flaring around the country.

Ibsa Ariifachiisaa Haala Yeroofi Itti Fufinsa Sochii Warraaqsaa Biyyoolessa Oromiyaa FXG Ilaalchisuun Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa Kenname!!

Bitootessa 03, 2018 | Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo

Mootummaan Wayyaanee Sochii Warraasa Biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXG karaa nagaa, kabajamuu Bilisummaa, Walabummaa, mirgoota Dimookiraasiifi Mirgoota Namummaaf Qeerroon Bilisummaafi Uummatni Oromoo hundii itti fufinsaan Waggoota shanii(5)f gaggeessa jirruun injifatamee kufee waan jiruuf yeroo ammaa kanatti kufaatii irraa of dandamachiisuufi haaloo uummatarratti bahuuf addatti Yeroo 2ffaaf kallattiidhaan Waraana Uummatarratti labse. Labsii Waraanaa Uummatarratti Labsee Bitotessa 02/03/2018 maqaaf Paarlaamaa isaatti dhiyeessee raggasisuuf yaalii godheen Paarlaamaan isaa Sagalee guddaan harkatti erga kuffisee booda, akka waan deeggarsa Sagalee Paarlaamaa argatee fakkeessuun Yakka waraanaa raawwachuuf Labsii Yeroo Muddamaa (LYM) raggasifadhe jedhe lallabuun har’a Bitootessa 3/03/2018 Godinaalee Oromiyaa kanneen akka Magaalaa Amboofi Gudar keessatti yakkaa duguuggaa Sanyii rawwachaa kan jiruufi Guutummaa Oromiyaa waraanaan Weeraree jira. Yakka duguuggaa Sanyii (Genocede), Saammicha, Sarbaminsa mirga dhala namaa guutummaatti rawwacha jira.


March 01, 2018 | Addis Standard

Addis Abeba, March 01/2018 – A high level delegation led by the US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, will arrive in Ethiopia on Wednesday March 07 for an official visit, Addis Standard learned.
Mr. Tillerson’s visit comes at a time when Ethiopian politics “is undergoing through its own crisis”, a state department source told Addis Standard, adding “the visit is an indication that the US government is taking the unfolding events in Ethiopia very seriously. The current political crisis in Ethiopia will surely take a center stage during all the discussions with Ethiopian officials,”  our source said.

Ibsi Maqaa “Waamicha Qabsoo Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo” kan jedhuun bahee Facebook irratti daddarbaa jiru ilaalchisee hubachiisa Qeerroo Bilisumaa Oromoo Irraa Kenname.

Bitootessa 01, 2018 |  Hubachiisa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa kename

Waamichi kutaalee Oromiyaa fi tarrisa gitoota hawaasaa qabatee maqaa Qeerroon gadhiifame faca’aa jiru qaama jaarmiyaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo irraa akka hin taane ummata keenya beeksisaa ibsoota Qeerroo Bilisummaa irraa bahe hordofuun arrata Qeerroo kan ta’e Sagalee Qeerroo Bilisummaa (SQ) fi website Qeerroo irraa akka hordoftan deggersoota qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo hunda beeksifna.
Labsii Waraanaa mootummaan Wayyaanee ummata Oromoo irratti bane ilaalchisuun hogganni Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo gaafa Gurraandhala 20, 2018 ibsa baaseen toora media lee hawaasaa hundatti gadhiifame kan jiru ta’uu fi ibsi Qeerroo Bilisummaas sana ta’uu beeksisuu feena.
Gadaan Gadaa Xumura Gabrummaati.
Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo
Finfinnee Oromiyaa

Waamicha Qabsoo Bifa Haaraadhaan Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo Kan Yaame Fakkeessamee Ibsi Naannessamaa Jiru Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa Kan Bahe Miti.

Ijoo Dubbii – ABO (SBO/VOL – Bitootessa 01, 2018)- Gurraandhala 28,2018 irraa qabee “Waamicha Qabsoo Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo irraa” jedhu media hawaasaa gara garaa irratti faca’uun mul’ateera. Akka barruu maqaa yaamicha qabsoo jedhuun Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo maqaa dhahatee faca’e kanaatti Labsii Yeroo Muddamaa wayyaaneen labse, kan parlaamaan sirnichaa guyyaa boruu murtii itti kenna jedhamee dubbatamuun walqabatuu dha.
Wanni hubatamuu qabu waamichi qabsoo Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo amma bifa haaraan dabarse kan hin jirre ta’uu fi maqaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoon ibsa kana kan facaase mootummaa wayyaanee fi caasaa tika isaa ta’uun hubatamuu feesisa. Kunis mirkanaawee jira.


Bitootessa 01, 2018 | SEENAA Y.G(2005)