Human Rights Watch January 2015 Country Summary : ETHIOPIA

January 29, 2015 | Human Rights Watch

Hopes that Ethiopia’s government would ease its crackdown on dissent ahead of the May 2015 elections were dashed in 2014.  

Instead the government continued to use arbitrary arrests and prosecutions to silence journalists, bloggers, protesters, and supporters of opposition political parties; police responded to peaceful protests with excessive force; and there was no indication of any government willingness to amend repressive legislation that was increasingly condemned for violating international standards, including at Ethiopia’s Universal Periodic Review at the United Nations Human Rights Council. 

Ethiopia: Crackdown on Dissent Intensifies; Human Rights Situation Dire Ahead of May 2015 Elections

January 29, 2015 | Human Rights Watch

The Ethiopian government during 2014 intensified its campaign of arrests, prosecutions, and unlawful force to silence criticism, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2015. The government responded to peaceful protests with harassment, threats, and arbitrary detention, and used draconian laws to further repress journalists, opposition activists, and critics.
“The Ethiopian government fell back on tried and true measures to muzzle any perceived dissent in 2014,” said Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director. “Journalists and dissenters suffered most, snuffing out any hope that the government would widen political space ahead of the May 2015 elections.”

OMN: Oduu fi Gabaasa Addaa Odaa Bultum Amajjii 28, 2015


Important Eritrea – Ethiopia debate in the British parliament

January 29, 2015 | From Martin Plaut*
This is a summary of an important debate in the House of Lords last night, which was held at a critical moment. Critical for three reasons:
  1. The scale of the suffering by the tens of thousands fleeing Eritrea demands action: they cannot be treated as “economic migrants.”
  2. The UN special rapporteur on human rights in Eritrea, Ms. Sheila B. Keetharuth, is about to visit the UK to collect evidence.
  3. Ethiopia is due to hold an election in May and international scrutiny of this is vital.

የቀድሞው የኦነግ መሪ ሌንጮ ለታ ODF'ን ይዘው ወደ አዲስ አበባ ለመግባት መዘጋጀታቸውን ገለጹ! የመንግስት ፈቃድ አግኝተው ይሆን?

January 28, 2015 | Voice Of Amercia Amharic (VOA)

የቀድሞ የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር (ኦነግ) አመራር አባል የነበሩትና አሁን የኦሮሞ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ግንባር መሪ አቶ ሌንጮለታ፤ ትግላቸውን በሃገር ውስጥ በሰላማዊ መንገድ ለማከናወን ወደ አዲስ አበባ በቅርብ ጊዜ እንደሚጓዙ አስታወቁ።

ከዓመት በፊት ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ለሚገኘው የኢትዮጵያ ኢምባሲ ለውይይት ዝግጁ መሆናቸውን በደብዳቤ ያሳወቁት የኦሮሞ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ግንባር አመራር አባላት፤ ከኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ጋር ውይይት አድርገው ወደ ሀገር የመመለስ እቅድ ነበራቸው።

ከኢትዮጵያ መንግስት የተገኘው ውሳኔ ጊዜ በመውሰዱ፤ የኦሮሞ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ግንባር ወደ አዲስ አበባ ለማምራት መወሰኑን የፓርቲው መሪ አቶ ሌንጮ ተናግረዋል።

Being and Becoming A Global Nation: The Oromo of East Africa

January 28, 2015 | By Dorii Abbaa Fugug

Globalization is a phenomenon that has been metamorphosing from negative imperialistic connotation background to more positive, progressive and cherished representation. However, it is still suffering from cynicism and prejudice as some group of nations continuously prospering on the expense of others mortification.  Long before the existence of the term globalization and when the concept of globalization is not as comprehensive as today people were fighting over the dominance and some of them with the only rudimentary awareness of the glob and aspired to dominate the world mainly to maximize their sphere of influence or revenues. Others had mainly focused in strongly defending their territory and live in peace and tranquility for many centuries. The Oromo people were among those strong, democratic and peaceful nations in the region.

Breaking News: Magaalii Garba Gurraachaa Fincilla Diddaa Gabrummaan raafamte

Amajjii 27, 2015

Fincillii magaalaa Garbagurraachaa barattootaan guyyaa ar'aa Amajjii 27, 2015 ka'ee magaalatti raasaa jiraa.

Jiraattootni magaalaa Garbagurraachaa fincilaa barattootaa itti idaa'amuun saatis gabaafamee jira.

Odeeyfannoo haga ammaatti nu gayeen barattootni lama rasaasaan yammuu ajjeefaman 15 ammoo akka malee madaawani gara hospitaalaatti geffamaniruu.

Apologists of TPLFbarbarism‬ are back with their shameless effort to justify the cruel act committed in Salale.

January 27, 2015 | Taken from Face Book of Young Oromo political analyst Jawar Mohammed

Apologists of ‪#‎TPLFbarbarism‬ are back with their shameless effort to justify the cruel act committed in Salale. Predictably they are trying to spin the story saying the region is not known for rebellion, the victims were bandits and the perpetrators were members of the public. Contrary to this claim, Salale was always known as the epicenter of rebellion against oppressive regimes. 


Amajjii 27, 2015 | Boruu Barraaqaa

Kaleessa Maammoo Mazammir fannisanii ummata itti yaasanii agarsiisuun jiilchuu kajeelan. Janaraal Taaddasaa Birruu fi Hayiluu Raaggaasaa aduu saafaan rashananii qabsoo irraa ummata ittiin jiilchuuf carraaqan. Har'as Laggasaa Wagii, Katamaa Wubatuu fi kan biroo ifatti ajjeesanii ummta itti yaasanii 'yoo diddan kunoo akkas isin goona' jechaa jiru. Xiiqiin xiiqii dhalchuu qaba. Akkuma gootichi Taaddee Birruu jedhe, ''YAA OROMOO XIIQEFFADHAA KA'AA, YOO XIIQIIN ISIN QABUU DIDE AANNAN KEESSANITTI BARBAREE NAQADHAA DHUGAA!!!''


January 26, 2015 | From Anoole Wako

ጄል ኦጋዴን በሱማሌ ክልል ርዕሰ-መዲና የሚገኝ፤ ለ800 እስረኞች ታቅዶ በ1992 ዓ.ም የተገነባ እስር ቤት ነው፡፡ የግቢውን ዙሪያ ከከበበው አጥር በግምት 15 ሜትር ፈንጠር ብሎ ሌላ ተደራቢ የድንጋይ አጥር ተበጅቶለታል፡፡ እስከ ሚያዝያ 24 1999 ዓ.ም ድረስ እስር ቤቱ በሌሎች የሀገሪቱ አካባቢዎች ካሉ መሰል ማጎሪያዎች ብዙም የተለየ አልነበረም፡፡ በዚህ በተጠቀሰው ቀን የኦጋዴን ነፃ አውጭ ግንባር (ኦብነግ) ታጣቂዎች፣ አቦሌ እና ሰንደሬ ወታደራዊ ካምፖችን ጨምሮ፣ በነዳጅ ዘይት ፍለጋ ላይ የተሰማሩ ቻይናውያን ባለሙያዎች መኖሪያ ሰፈር ላይ የሰነዘሩትን ከባድ ጥቃት ተከትሎ የፖለቲካ እስረኞች ብቻ የሚታጎሩበት እስር ቤት ከሆነ ወዲህ ግን በዋይታ የሚናወፅና በደም ጅረት የሚጥለቀለቅ ምድራዊ ሲኦል ለመሆን በቅቷል፡፡ መንግስት በጥቃቱ ከዘጠኙ ቻይናውያን ጋር 74 ሲቪል ዜጎችና ወታደሮች መገደላቸውን ቢያምንም፤ የአካባቢው የአይን እማኞች ከሰራዊቱ ብቻ እስከ 300 እንደተሰዉ ይናገራሉ፡፡ በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ኦብነግ እንደ አል-ቃይዳ እና አል-ሸባብ የአባላቱን አስከሬን ትቶ የመሸሽ ልምድ ስለሌለው በቡድኑ ላይ የደረሰውን ጉዳት በትክክል ለማወቅ አዳጋች እንደሆነ ቀጥሏል፡፡

Two Oromo Farmers in Salale Brutally Murdered; Their Bodies Dragged and Put on Pubic Display for Resisting Oppression Against Tigrean Habesha Rulers [Viewer Discretion Advised: Graphic Photo]

Amajjii 26, 2015 |
Ob. Jawar Mohammed (Facebook): “Some might doubt such a barbaric action actually happened in the present day. But it did. This picture was taken on December 9, 2014, in Oromia, Salale province, Darra district, Goro Maskala town. The government soldiers killed Katama Wubatu and his comrade whole rebelled due to harassment, dragged their body through the town and displayed it like this as way of terrorizing the public.

"Dhuguma Diinagdeen keenya Dijiitii lamaan guddatee????"

Amajjii 25, 2015 | Obbo Nageessaa Oddoo Irraa

Imaammanni diinagdee Itoophiyaa bara 1991 kaasee ADLI (Agricultural Development Led Industrialisation) akka ta'e ni beekkama. Akka imaammata kanaatti "misooma qonnaa babaldhisuudhaan oomisha qonnaa guddisuu-achiin duuba oomisha san export gochuudhaan mallaqa isarraa argataniin suuta suutaan gara industry babaldhisuu " kan jedhu ture. Tarsiimoon guddinnaa kun biyyoota biraatti milkaa'us nu biratti garuu hin milkoofne.

Guddinni dijitii lamaa eessarraa argame?
Dhugaadhaa oomishni woliigalaa baroota 1992 booda kan duraarra dabaleera. Fakkeenyaaf Oomishni dur kuntaala miliyoona 10 ture woggaa saddeet keessatti kuntaala miliyoona 11 ta'e yokaan miliyoona 15 yo ta'e kanarraa kaatee parsantii 10% yokaan 50n guddate jechuun dogongira. Maaliif jennaan oomisha guddate san jirjiirama ykn baayyinna uummataf qooduu qabda. 

BREAKING NEWS:- Uummatni Magaala Finfinnee Jiraatu Carraa Argateen Filannoo Dharaa Fashalsuudhaaf Duula Wayyaanee Irratti Bahe!‏

Amajjii 25, 2015 | Gabaasa Qeerroo Finfinnee

Guyyaa har’aa jechuun Amajjii 25 Bara 2015 Waamicha Paartii mormaa Andinnet Uummata Magaala Finfinneedhaaf waamicha hiriira nagaa dabarsee booda Uummatni muraasni hiriira irratti wayita argamu; Mootummaan Wayyaanee garuu dhaadannoowwan dhageessifamaa jiran seera qabeessa miti jechuudhaan waraana hedduumminaan itti bobbaase. Wayita kanatti Uummatni magaala kana jiraatu waraana Mootummaa Wayyaanee Uummata hiriira nagaa bahetti duule dura dhaabbachuudhaan Fincila diddaa garbummaa gaggeessaa oolanii jiran. 

Fimaata Fakkeessaa Wayyaaneen Gaggeessaa Jirtu Ilaalchisee Diddaan Uummanni Oromoo Taasisaa Jiru Abdachiisaa Dha. Ibsa Qeerroo, Amajjii 24, 2015

Amajjii 25, 2015 | Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa
Ummanni Oromoo baroota 23 darban dararaa fi cunqursaan sirna bittaa mootummaa Wayyaanee jalatti irra gahe seenaa jireenya isaa keessatti takkaa argee kan hin beekne, hidhaa, ajjeechaa, arihamuu, biyyaa fi qabeenya saamamuu irra darbee qaamaa qalbiin manca’ee jira.

Yeroo ammaa kana mootummaan Wayyaanee filmaata Caamsaa 2015 keessa gaggeessuuf jecha uumatni Oromoo dirqiin akka isa filuu fi kaardii filatnnoo humnaan raabsuu eegalee jira. Ta’us cunqursaan baroota darbanii laalaan isaa hammaataa waan ta’eef ammos hacuucaa fakkaatu baadhachuu irra diddaa gabrummaa jabeessuun bilisa of baasuuf murteeffatee jira. Haala kanaan mootummaa cunqursaa filuu diduu fi kaardi har’aa fudhachuu diduu irratti hamma ammaa diddaa uumanni Oromoo muldhise jabaadha. 

UK diplomats clash over Briton on death row in Ethiopia: Officials' fury after Foreign Secretary claims he couldn't 'find time' to help father-of-three facing execution

January 25, 2015 | By Ian Birrell for The Daily Mail
  • Andargachew Tsege was snatched by officials at Yemen airport last June
  • The 59-year-old was transferred to Ethiopia where he is thought to remain
  • Father-of-three moved to London in 1979 from native African country
  • He was dubbed 'Ethiopian Mandela' after exposing government corruption
  • Leaked emails revealed British officials' frustration at political inaction
  • Philip Hammond said he could not 'find time' for phone call on issue 
An explosive row has erupted between diplomats and Ministers over their reluctance to help a British man on death row in Ethiopia.

TVOMT Kabajaa Guyyaa Ayyaana WBO Africa Kibbaa Ammajji 1, 2015


EthioTube Debates - Ethiopian vs Habesha - January 22, 2015

Good to know that Abyssinians started asking them selves questions about things they were blindly crying for and even forcing others to claim. This is another sign of the disintegration of an Old Brutal Ethiopian empire. More to come !!!

Ethiopia decimating free press ahead of elections

January 22, 2015 | OPride

Ethiopia's systematic repression and harassment of independent journalists has created a bleak media landscape ahead of the May 2015 elections, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report released on Wednesday.

“Muzzling independent voices through trumped-up criminal charges and harassment is making Ethiopia one of the world’s biggest jailers of journalists,” said Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director at the HRW. “Ethiopia’s media should be playing a crucial role in the May elections, but instead many journalists fear that their next article could get them thrown in jail.” 

2014 was a particularly difficult year for Ethiopia’s media. At least 22 journalists, bloggers and publishers were criminally charged for doing their jobs while more than 30 journalists were forced into exile, according to the New York-based rights organization. At least 60 others were exiled since 2010.

"Journalism Is Not a Crime"- Violations of Media Freedoms in Ethiopia: A New Report from Human Rights Watch

January 22, 2015 | Human Rights Watch (HRW)
This 76-page report details how the Ethiopian government has curtailed independent reporting since 2010. Human Rights Watch interviewed more than 70 current and exiled journalists between May 2013 and December 2014, and found patterns of government abuses against journalists that resulted in 19 being imprisoned for exercising their right to free expression, and that have forced at least 60 others into exile since 2010.
Ever since the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) won 99.6 percent of parliamentary seats in the 2010 elections, the government of Ethiopia has escalated its repression of the independent media, limiting the rights to freedom of expression and access to information. At least 60 journalists have fled their country since 2010 while at least another 19 languish in prison. The government has shut down dozens of publications and controls most television and most radio outlets, leaving few options for Ethiopians to acquire independent information and analysis on domestic political issues. With elections scheduled for May 2015, the media could be playing a key role educating and informing the public on the issues, and providing public forums for debate. But the ruling party has treated the private media as a threat to its hegemony, and is using various techniques to decimate private media, independent reporting, and critical analysis, with drastic results.

Gareen Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa jedhe off yaamu Artistota Oromoo shaniif magaalaa Adaamaatti qarshii badhaase.

Amajjii 21, 2015 | Gabaasa Anoole Wako Irraa

Mootummaan Naannoo Oromiyaa Artistota shaniif qarshii 200,000 hanga 300,000 guyyaa har'aa
Amajjii 21 2015 magaalaa Adaamaatti badhaaseera.

URGENT: Statement released by Western Australian Oromo Community

January 21, 2015 |

The Western Australian Oromo Community says any individual or/and group of individuals who may take part in  meeting with the Ethiopian government do not represent the Oromo Community in Western Australia.
This is in reference to telephone conversation and written request made by Ethiopian Embassy in Canberra, Australia to meet with Oromo diaspora by high level of delegate from Oromia Regional State led by Vice President. Thank you for your invitation.

As Oromo Community in Western Australia, we held a series of meeting and discussion about your request and made the following official statement to your request. We would like to inform you that we are not only unable to participate in any formal or informal discussion or dialog with the current Ethiopian Government body or it’s representative, but also we strongly and firmly oppose such gathering in its any form.

Ethiopia: human rights groups criticise UK-funded development programme

January 20, 2015 | Harry Davies and James Ball |The Guardian
Leaked World Bank report rejects claims from the Bank’s management that no link existed between their programme and villagisation
A traditional homestead in Gambela, Ethiopia
A traditional homestead in Gambela, Ethiopia. The country's government denies driving indigenous people from their homes in order to make way for commercial projects. Photograph: Ariadne Van Zandbergen / Alamy/Alamy
A major UK- and World Bank-funded development programme in Ethiopia may have contributed to the violent resettlement of a minority ethnic group, a leaked report reveals.

Leaked Report Says World Bank Violated Its Own Rules In Ethiopia: Internal watchdog finds link between World Bank financing and Ethiopian government's mass resettlement of indigenous group

January 20, 2015
This article was reported by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a Washington DC-based global network of 185 reporters in 65 countries who collaborate on transnational investigations.
Internal watchdog finds link between World Bank financing and Ethiopian government's mass resettlement of indigenous group

The World Bank repeatedly violated its own rules while funding a development initiative in Ethiopia that has been dogged by complaints that it sponsored forced evictions of thousands of indigenous people, according to a leaked report by a watchdog panel at the bank.

Faaruu Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo: "Ka'aa Qeerroo Oromoo!, Ka'aa Barattoota Oromoo, Ka'aa Uummata Oromoo!!!


Five Oromo refugees die on the Sudanese-Libyan border

January 18, 2015 | Reported By Boruu Barraaqaa

According to a close source, five Oromo refugees have reportedly died and other wounded after they just crossed the border into Libya. The report did not identify the exact date and time of the accident, but confirmed that it happened over the last week.

More than half a dozen Oromo refugees were carried on the back of an old Toyota pickup owned by human traffickers when the accident happened. The car was heading from Khartoum to Tripoli, crossing the dangerous Sahara Desert with the haphazard fast speed.

Godina Guji Aana Gooro Doolati Gochaa motuman wayaane Milishaa ykn hidhataa gandaa irrati dalagaa jiru

Amajjii 17, 2015 | Gabaasaan Anoole Wako

Mee milishoonni Godina Guji Aana Gooro Doolati waan isaan mudate dubbusaa. Akkuma dhagaha turtaniti motuman wayaane ji'ootan 7n dabre milishaan ykn hidhataan gandaa bara kanara egalee ufani uniformi waraana hodhamufi qaba jechun gandi hundi qarshi ufani kun itiin hodhamu kuma afurtama-afurtama baasu qaban jedhe sababa kanan umatara malaqa saama ture. 

Oromos living in Steinkjer, Norway Demonstrated against the government oppression in their home country.

January 17, 2015 | Reports Tore Vikan of Trønder-Avisa (Norwegian Local News paper)
Demonstrated against oppression
Alisee Fira Aynagee from Oromo people organized demonstration
in Steinkjer Thursday.
Ethiopians in Steinkjer with demonstration against the government in their home country.

Thursday could hear slogans chanted throughout the square in Steinkjer. The reason was that a group of Ethiopians demonstrated against what they perceive as a dictatorial regime in their homeland.

Being persecuted
- We belong to the Oromo people, who are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, with around 40 percent of the population. The Government of Ethiopia has expired from a minioritet at around 6 percent of the people. Oromo being pursued by this government - including set journalists and politicians from our group of people in jail, telling Alisee Fira Aynagee, who organized the demonstration.

The Ethiopian Empire Formation AND Its consequences on the Oromo and beyond

January 17, 2015 | By Bakkalcho Barii

With the help of the then three colonial powers, Minilik, the Abyssinian king managed to break and conquer the Oromo Country and beyond in the last two decades of the nineteenth century. Following this war of conquest, the invading Abyssinian colonial army not only committed genocide on the entire Oromo, Walita, Sidama, and other people, but also, committed cultural, historical, social, economical genocides in this new frontiers by imposing Abyssinian culture, language, way of life, administrations, and religion. These crimes were committed by presenting anything Abyssinian as superior to the languages, cultures, system of governance of the new colonies, as Europeans did practice when they conquered vast territories in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

A delegation of British MPs to visit Ethiopia in bid to secure release of Andargachew Tsege

January 16, 2015 | The Independent | By Jonathan Owen

A delegation of British MPs will visit Ethiopia next month in a bid to secure the release of Andargachew "Andy" Tsege, a British father of three who is under a death sentence. 

Mr Tsege, 59, a leading critic of the Ethiopian government who came to Britain as a political refugee more than 30 years ago, has been held in solitary confinement for the past six months.

Seenaa Gabaabduu Obbo Araarsoo Boruu (1952 – 2015)

Amajjii 16, 2015
Qabsoon bilisummaa ummata Oromiyaa, arra, sadarkaa if duuba hin deebine geeysee jirti. Akkanumaa waliin, bahaa-bu’ii amna isii keessatti warra dhaabbiin rooraatuu fii kanneen Xophiyummaan a’oo seente jidduu, lammii keessaa, kanneen galii isii irraa shakkii qaban heddu. Garuu, yo kan durin wal cinaa qabame, lakkooysi warra kanaa akkaan xiqqa. 
Hamma walakkaa baroota torbaatamootaatti, warri kaayoon qabsoo bilisummaa Oromiyaa abjuu hujiin hin fassaramne itti fakkaachaa turte baayye. Haalli san,  murannoo qabsaawota dirree qabsoo saaqaniin injifatamee, kaayoon bilisummaa dhaabbii takkittii mooraa qabsoo taatee lammii keessa babal’achutti seente. Milkii tanaaf Elemoo Qilxuu fii Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa tiin alatti warri itti faarfaman hin jiran.


Amajjii 15, 2015 | SEENAA Y.G (2005)* | Source

Bara 2014 Seenaa Qabsoo Ummata OROMOO keessatti bakka ol aanaa qaba jedheen amana. Bara 2014 kana keessa Mooraa Qabsoo Oromoo tasgabbeessuu keessatti hojii nama jajjabeessuutu hojjatame. Ummata Biyya keessaaf birmachuudhaan, hojiin boonsaan hojjatameera. Ilmaan Oromoo irra jireessi, maal gochuu qabna? jedhanii akka of gaafatanii fi furmaata isaaf, wal Tumsee Biyya keessaa fi alatti yeroo itti waliif dhaabbateedha. Fedhiin Ummata OROMOO maal akka ta’e ifatti, Addunyaafis, diinaafis, firaafis, kan karaa irraa maqee Ummatichaaf humnaan murteessuu barbaadufis, hubannoo ga’a akka horatu taasiseera. Sochii Bara 2015f Barri 2014 bu’uradha. Waan bara kana keessa irra geenye gonkumaa duubatti akka hin deebifneef, hundumtuu of kennee hanga Bilisummaatti qooda dhuunfaa hanga Ummataatti irraa eegamu gumaachuuf akka socha’uu abdiin qaba. Falli qabnus kanuma.

Ethiopian Opposition Faces Difficulty in Entering Upcoming Elections

January 14, 2015 | Voice Of America (VOA) By Marthe van der Wolf

Ethiopian opposition parties say they are facing roadblocks in their efforts to register for the May elections. The parties say the National Election Board is complicating procedures for no good reason, and raising doubt that the elections will be free or fair.

The Unity for Democracy and Justice party has the only opposition member in Ethiopia's 547-seat parliament. But it is unclear if the party will be allowed to participate in the May elections, as the National Election Board has rejected UDJ logos.

Wondimu Golla of the National Election Board said it was not about the logos, but about procedural rules.

Oromo Voice Radio (OVR) Broadcast, January 12, 2015 with 15 minutes Oromia Insight


ቄሮ: የኦሮሞ :ወጣቶች: ለነፃነት:ንቅናቄ :ድምፅ: የሳምንቱ: ዜና:: January 12, 2015


Ethiopia dam will turn Lake Turkana into 'endless battlefield', locals warn

January 13, 2015 | By John Vidal
Kenyans near world’s largest desert lake predict conflict, hunger and cultural devastation when hydroelectric project is completed
People living near Lake Turkana in northern Kenya have little understanding that the fresh water essential to their development is likely to dry up when a huge hydoelectric dam in neighbouring Ethiopia is completed. 

Fishermen, farmers, teachers and others living near the world’s largest desert lake say Turkana’s volume has reduced significantly over the past 30 years because of higher temperatures and changing weather patterns. 

But few of the 100 people interviewed by a Kenyan researcher for International Rivers watchdog said they had been consulted or warned what could happen when the reservoir of the Gibe III dam, one of Africa’s largest hydropower projects, is completely filled in about three years’ time. The $1.8bn construction project, which is 90% complete, will start limited power generation in June.

Egypt rejects Ethiopia dam storage capacity

January 12, 2015 | ahramonline
Egypt's irrigation ministry says the current capacity of the Renaissance Dam will negatively affect its water share
Egypt has objected to the storage capacity of Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam, currently under construction, which it fears will negatively affect its Nile water share.

Alaa Yassin, spokesperson on the Ethiopia dam issue for Egypt's irrigation ministry, called for decreasing the dam's capacity, currently set at 74 billion cubic metres, saying this will have an adverse effect on Egypt’s water supply.

HAWAASA OROMOO BIYYA UK MARAAF: Kabajaa Guyyaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO); Amajjii 31, 2015

Amajjii 12, 2015

Oromo TV: Amajji 5, 2015 Gaaddisaa Ibsaa: Yaadannoo bara 91 fii bara 2000 jidduu


Labsa Tokkoomuu ABO fi KY - ABO

Amajjii 10, 2015 | Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)
Yeroo ammaa haalli hamaan ummanni keenya biyya isaa Oromiyaa keessatti mudachaa jiru himamee kan hin dhumne tahuus haala sukaneessa akka tahe beekamaa dha. Ummanni Oromoo biyya isaa keessatti mirga abbaa biyyummaa dhaabee, lafaa fi qabeenyi isaa akka malee saamamee, badii takkan maletti hidhamaa fi ajjeefamaa jira. Ajjeechaan jumulaa ummata Oromoo irratti mootummaa TPLF (EPDRF)n tooftaa dhoksaan raawatamaa jira. Barattoonni Oromoo waan gaaffii mirgaa gaafataniif, mana barnoota sadarkaa adda addaatti fi universitooata keeysatti rasaasan ajeefamaa fi hidhamanii gochaan garajabinaa ilma namaarratti hin raawwatamne irratti hojjatamaa jira.

******** MUU JALDEESSA ******** -Walaloo Galaanaa Dheeressaa Irraa

Amajjii 09, 2015

Kuunnoo gama sanaa
ga’eee jira makarri
Ati hojii dheensitaa,
Asumaa raammoo guuri

***** BAGA HIN ARGIIN ***** -Walaloo Galaanaa Dheeressaa Irraa

Amajjii 09, 2015

:::::: BAGA HIN ARGIIN :::::::

Walii yaaduu yaanne

Jaalala irraanfanne

Akka waan wal jibbuuf

Waadaa walii seennee

Hooda Habashaa fi bilisummaa Ummataa

Amajjii 09, 2015 | Ibsaa Guutama Irraa*

Bara duri moototi madda hooda ummata saaniirraa adda tahe ofii kennu turan. Maddoti akkasii moototaaf aangoo hin dangahamne akka kennuuf qaccee gubbaan hidhata qabutu jira. Akka sanatt hundee mootummaa Habashaa Solomonawaa akka tahe kan himu moor “Kibira Nagast” jedhamuu Masaritt akka uumame kan himamu. Moor kun moototi Habashaa hundeen saanii Mooticha Israa’el Solomoon irraa akka bu’e hima. Fuudhaa alatt meshebbelaan Mootichaa fi Mootittii Saabaa irraa yeroo iseen biyya tahe gara kibbaatii isa daawwachuu dhufte akka ilmi dhalate dubbata. Mootittiin Saabaa moorota dhugeeffannoo Baha Gidduu malee moor seenaa biraan dhahuu, yookaan biyyisee bakka kam akka tahe kan agarsiisu hin jiru. Kanaafi kan Afrikaa fi Arabiyaanis keenya kan jedhaniin. Moorota dhugeeffannoo keessatt Mooticha Solomoon waliin sagaggaluu see haatahu ilma godhachuun see hin himamne. Kanaaf Minilik I galmistaana Kopti fedha mootummaa Habashaarratt dhiibbaa dhaabbataa gochuuf kan uume malee akka himameti kan hin jirre jedhanii hedduun amanuu. Maqaan saa jalqabaaf mooricha “Kibira Nagast” jedhame irratt qofa kan mullate. Egaa want naannaa saa fi naannaa haadha sa jiru hundi hooda irra deddeebi’amee dhaloota daftaroota Habashaan himamee dha. 

Sochii Bilisummaa Oromoo fi Jaarmota Bilisummaa

Amajjii 09, 2015 | Ibsaa Guutama Irraa*

Oromiyaan ammayyuu qabaa jala jirti. Oromoon hardhallee lafa saanii, qabeenya sanii, mirga nam tokkee, mirga ummataa fi birmadummaa saanii akka sarbamanitt jiru. Aadaan, dudhaan, afaannii fi eenyumaan saanii dimshaashumatt akka lamuu seenaa keessatt sabummaa hin himannef haqamaa turani. Jeequmsa 1960ootaaf kaasaa kan tahan tuqaalee kana turani. Caalatt badaa kan ta’e, ummata tokko tahun saanii fakkeessaaf erga barameefiillee, qoteebulaa lafa saa irraa buqqisanii “investor” sabgidduu fi naannaa kan lafaaf bishaan haddhaan faalanii fi bosona fanfana malee cagadanitt gurgrachuun  ariitii guddaaan gaggeeffamaa jirachuu dha. Lafti Oromiyaa akkuma bara atsootaa kan finnaa koloneeffataa malee kan ummata Oromoo miti jedhame. Oromoon haala kanaan dura arganii hin beekneen manahinqabnee fi hojihinqabnee tahan. Ofii qooqaa qabeenya saanii samameen koloneeffataa fi “investerooti” yoo bashannanan ta’anii garaa hooqqataa laalu. Imaammata addaddoomsaa (Apartayid) ofirroo akkasii fi waan isaan moo’ummaa Oromiyaa, seenaa, aadaa fi afaan saatt tolchan diiguun salphaa dha kan jedhu hin jiru, garuu hamma fedhe haa fagaatuu, waan fedhe haa baasisuu malee kan hin dandahamne hin jiru. Hanga faanfanni, buqqifamni, tuffatammi sabummaa irratt hundaawe jirutt “addaddomsaa” yk “apaarteyid” malee waan bira jedhamuu hin dandahu. Kaasaan “Sochii Farra Adaddoomsaa” kan bakka bu’ooti saboota gammoojii empayeritt Turkaanaa kaasee hanga Matakkalitti (Omotikii fi Naayilotic) jiran  dubbatan kana. Sun imaammata kolonota empayeritt hunda irrati shakalamaa jiru.  Kanaaf kolonoti hundi tokkummaan “Addaddoomsaa Itophiyaa matumaa!” jedhuu qabu.

Ethiopia inflation jumps to 7.1% in December

January 09, 2015 | Reuters
Ethiopia's year-on-year inflation rose to 7.1 percent in December from 5.9 percent in the previous month, the statistics office said on Friday.
The Central Statistics Agency attributed the jump to higher prices of food and non-food items. Prices for such items as sugar, vegetables and fruit increased 6.5 percent last month, up from 4.8 percent in November.

State Terrorism in Ogaden, Ethiopia: Widespread Repression

January 09, 2015 | By GRAHAM PEEBLES*
Ethiopia is being hailed as a shining example of African economic growth. Principle donors and devotees of the International Monetary Fund/World Bank development model (an imposed ideological vision which measures all things in terms of a nations GDP) see the country as an island of potential prosperity and stability within a region of failed states and violent conflict. “Economic performance in recent years has been strong, with economic growth averaging in double-digits since 2004,”states the IMF country report. The economic model (a hybrid of western capitalism and Chinese control) adopted by the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) government is a centralised system that denies democracy – consultation and participation in “development plans” is unheard of – ignores and violates human rights.

"Jabaadhu WBO Abdii Saba Kiyyaa" Wallee Hawwisoo Qeerroo Bilisummaa


የሌንጮ ለታ መንገድ- ከተስፋዬ(Gadaa) ገብረአብ (Gadaa)

January 06, 2015 | From the Blog Page of Tesfaye (Gadaa) Gebreab

ቦ ሌንጮ ለታ ለ2015 ምርጫ እየተጓዘ ነው። በባላንጦቹ እጅ ወደ ወደቀች አባት አገሩ እየተጓዘ ነው።ከዚሁ ዜና ጋር በተያያዘ ከብዙ የፖለቲካ ሰዎች ጋር ተወያይቼአለሁ። ሌንጮ መግባቱን በጥብቅ የሚደግፉ አሉ። በጥብቅ የሚቃወሙም አሉ። ሁለቱም ወገኖች አሳማኝ የሚመስል ትንታኔ ያቀርባሉ። 

“ሌንጮ ማድረግ የመቻል አቅሙ ከፍተኛ በነበረበት ዘመን እድሉ አምልጦታል። አሁን ወደ አገር ቤት ቢገባም ባይገባም ተፅእኖ ማሳደር ስለማይችል ለውጥ አያመጣም።” በሚል ግዴለሽ የሆኑም አጋጥመውኛል።

ከአመታት በፊት ጀምሮ በሌንጮ ጉዳይ ላይ ስፅፍ ቆይቻለሁ። ከፃፍኳቸው መፃፅፎች መካከል፣ “የቤተመንግስት ሹክሹክታ” የሚለው ሊጠቀስ የሚችል ሲሆን፣ ትረካው ሌንጮ ኦህዴድን በርካሽ ዋጋ ሊገዛ ከወያኔ ጋር መደራደሩን ይጠቁም ነበር። ከሹክሹክታና ከግምት በቀር አሁንም ቢሆን ሌንጮ ምን ጥቅም ለማግኘት ወደ ኢትዮጵያ እንደሚገባ በትክክል አልተነገረንም። በመሆኑም በዚህ መፃፅፍ አንዳንድ ነጥቦችን በጨረፍታ አነሳለሁ...  

“ሌንጮ ወደ አገር ቤት የሚገባ ከሆነ፣ ከወያኔ ጋር በሚያደርጋቸው ድርድሮችየታሰሩ የኦሮሞ የፖለቲካ እስረኞች ቀዳሚ አጀንዳዎቹ ሊሆኑ ይገባል።” የሚሉ አሉ።

The people pushed out of Ethiopia's fertile farmland

January 06, 2015 | BBC News | By Matthew Newsome
The construction of a huge dam in Ethiopia and the introduction of large-scale agricultural businesses has been controversial - finding out what local people think can be hard, but with the help of a bottle of rum nothing is impossible.
After waiting several weeks for letters of permission from various Ethiopian ministries, I begin my road trip into the country's southern lowlands. 

I want to investigate the government's controversial plan to take over vast swathes of ancestral land, home to around 100,000 indigenous pastoralists, and turn it into a major centre for commercial agriculture, where foreign agribusinesses and government plantations would raise cash crops such as sugar and palm oil.

Xumura bara 2014 seensa bara 2015 ilaalchisee ibsa dhaaba ULFO irraa kenname

Amajjii 01, 2015
Injifannoo dhiigaafii lafee jaallan wareegamaniitiin lafaafii mirga hagoo irratti argame, wareegamaan tiyfachuun abdiifii dambooba hegeree walabummaa Oromiyaati!!!            
Kabajamtoota lammiilee Oromiyaa, biyya keessaa fii alaa, kabajamtoota hogganootaafii humna waraana ULFO, kabajamtoota hogganootaafii miseensota dhaabbiilee siyaasa Oromo, dhaamsi keenya kan bara haaraa, bara 2015 bakka jirtanitti isin haa gayu.

Can Oromia’s Independence be A Threat to Others?

January 03, 2015 | By Doorii Fugug

It is undeniable fact that the Oromo had their own land and governance for may-many centuries. They called this land Biyya Oromoo or Lafa Oromoo and their administration as Bulchinsa Gadaa (Gada Government).  Whereas some Oromos who lived in low lands were pastoralists, the highlanders were farming for many centuries. The crops they adapted, rock carvings, artifacts and many other archaeological evidences confirm these facts today. In fact, there were more lands occupied by the Oromo in earlier days than today. Generally, the Oromo settled between Part of Gojam, Gonder and Tigray in the North, Afar and Somali in the East, Sudan in the west and northern Kenya in south. With all the push and pull factors, the central homeland of the Oromo has been the present heart land of Oromia.

African migrants face death at sea in Yemen: According to UN data, the number of Africans who perished off the Yemeni coast this year exceeds previous three years.

January 02, 2015 | By Saeed Al Batati |

Sanaa - Yemen has witnessed a considerable increase in the number of African migrants and asylum-seekers arriving in 2014 despite growing insecurity in the country, UN officials have said.

"[In 2014], over 82,000 people have reached Yemen's shores from the Horn of Africa, compared to 65,000 in 2013,"  Nick Stanton, a communications officer with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Yemen, told Al Jazeera.

The drowning of 24 Ethiopian migrants off Yemen's western coast on Monday highlighted the plight African migrants are facing in Yemen. In a similar incident one month ago, a boat loaded with migrants shipwrecked off the same area, the country's coastguard said.

Local Ethiopians miss out as big agriculture firms struggle in Gambella

January 02, 2015 | The | William Davison in Gambella
Commercial farming, with its vast tracts of land, is running into problems in Ethiopia’s Gambella region – and local communities are reaping few benefits
As dusk envelops the grasslands of Gambella in western Ethiopia, a weary Jakob Pouch sits on a jerry can, resting his chest against a wooden staff. The 45-year-old evangelical preacher from the Nuer community has just made the three-hour walk from the banks of the Baro river, where he tends to his large family’s small plot of corn. His daughters are preparing cabbage and cobs to be cooked on an open fire.

Radio Bilisummaa Oromo Interview with ODF Pres. Lencho Leta: December 31, 2014



Amajjiin tokko guyyaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo jedhamee kabajamaa jira. Seenaan guyyaa WBO kabajuu kun eessaa ka’e? Dhimma kanarratti kanneen seenaa hundeeffama WBO haalaan quba qaban keessaa Obbo Dhugoomsaa Dhugaasaa wajjin gaffii fi deebii taasifame dhiyeessina.

Deggarsa Ijaaramuu Qeerroo Idil-Aduunyaa Ibsa Gabaabaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Finfinnee

Amajjii 01, 2015 | Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Finfinnee Irraa
Jarmayaan “Dhaabbata Deggersa Qeerroo Idil-aduunyaa- International Qeerroo (Youth) Support Group dhabbatuu isaa fi seeraan galmaawee akka socho’u beeksisa bahe yeroo arginu gammachuu guddan nutti dhagahame.


Amajjii 01, 2014
Haga Ummanni Oromoo Haqa Isaa Deeffatutti falmiin Bilisummaa Itti sufa (fufa).
Ummanni Oromoo ummatoota gaanfa Afrikaa keessatti bilisummaan jiraataa turee keessaa ummata tokkoo. Ummanni kuni ummata sirna woliqixxummaa fi bilisummaa ilmaan namaa fi uumaaa (sirna Gadaa) bu’urse. Ummanni Oromoo sirna gadaa sirna waan hundaa of keessaa (hawasummaa, waraana, Dinagdee, siyaasaa fi qunnaamiti) qabu ijaaruun ummata boonee mirga isaa eegsifatee gaanfa Afrikaa irratti jiraataa ture.

Ummanni Oromoo dhuma Jaarraa 19tti fi jalqaba jaarraa 20tti biyyaa fii bilisummaa isaa sarbame. Biyya isaa saamame. Qeyee isaa irratti tuffatamee, saamamee, ajjeefamee akka gabroomu godhame.

BEEKSISA: Dhaabbata Deeggarsa Qeerroo Idil-aduunyaa

Amajjii 02, 2015 | Beeksisa Koree qindeesituu irraa

“Dhaabbata Deeggarsa Qeerroo Idil-aduunyaa” biyyaa Amerikaa Magaalaa Guddoo Washington DC keessatti seeraan  bu’aa fi siyaasaa irraa walaba ta’uun  hundaa’ee hojii eegaluuf haal-duree xumuree jiraachuu isaa gammachuun isiniif ibsina. Kaayyoo hundeeffama isaa qabatnee uummata Oromoo fi deeggartoota kaayyoo kanaa kan taatan mara yeroo dhihoo keessatti isin bira waan geenyuuf qophiidhaan akka nu eegdan kabajaan isin beeksifna.

Koree Qindeesituu Irraa 

January 02, 2015 | Notice From The Organizing Committee

This is to inform you that the “International Qeerroo (youth) Support Group” has officially established in Washington DC, USA as nonprofit and nonpolitical organization and completed preparations to reach out to you. The founders kindly request all Oromo people and the supporters of the purpose of the organization to work with them.
The organizing committee

Ibsa Bara Haaraa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa Kenname

Amajjii 01, 2015 | Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo
                                                                                                                         Amajjii 01, 2015

Uummata Oromoo hundi baga nagana bara haraawaa  Amajjiin 1, 2015 fi guyyaa WBOn isin gahe. Barri 2015 Sabni Oromoo bara cunqursaan jaarraa olii keessaa hiikamee Oromiyaa keessa nagaa, tasgabbii fi jaalanaan abbumaan jiraatu akka nuu ta’u hawwii fi dhugoomsa kaayyoo kanaaf ciccoominaan qabsaawuu qabnuu isinii dabarsina.

OPride’s Oromo Person of the Year 2014: Oromo Student Protesters

January 01, 2015 | OPride

For energizing and unifying the Oromo public both at home and in the Diaspora, for keeping the beacon of liberty from being extinguished, for selfless sacrifice to advance Oromo rights and for bringing international media attention to the plight of Oromo people, Oromo Student Protesters are OPride’s Oromo Person of the Year.
The Master Plan 
In March 2014, the Addis Ababa and Surrounding Oromia Special Zone Integrated Development Plan Project Office organized a workshop for journalists and civil servants in Adama, 90 kms east of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa. The training, conducted by officials from the Oromia regional state and representatives of the Addis Ababa city administration, continued through mid-April. It was intended to generate momentum before “a joint master plan,” which would ostensibly facilitate efficient resource use, eliminate existing contradictions and link the city’s developmental activities with the Oromia Special Zone, is unveiled.