Caamsaa 13, 2014 | Ayyaantuu.com | (QAMALEEN ABBAA HARBUU ARI'ATTE)

Ummanni Oromoo erga bara Minilikiin cabee gabrummaa jalatti kufee kaasee salphina hiriyaa hinqabne keessatti argama. Salphinni mootummaa amma aangorra jiruun irratti raawwatamaa jiru ammoo kan hundumaa caalu akka ta’e waan ijaan argaa jirruuf ragaa tarreessun barbaachisa natti hinfakkatu. Oromoon Bar Dhibbee 21ffaa kana keessa Adunyaa kanarratti ummattoota gabrummaa jalatti hafan qubaan lakkaawwaman keessa’is isa gudaadha.

Hidhaatti guurramuun, dararamuun, qaamaa hir’achuun, sammuu laamsha’un, hukkaamfamani dhabamuun, doorsifamuuf mirga ofii akka hingaafane maqaa shororkeessummaatin moggaafamuun, qee ofirratti ajjeefamuun, lafarraa buqqa’un baqaataa ta’uun, biyyaa ari’amuun,……Minilikirraa kaasee mootummota biyyatti bulchaa turan hundumaanu kan raawwatamma ture yoo ta’u gochaa kanneen hundumaa dachaa hedduun kan caalu garuu shiftaa amma mootummaa ofiin jedhu kanaan raawwatamaa jira. Oto rakkinoota kanniin hintuqin fiigetumaa dubbi nakaasetti darbuun rakinnoonni kunniin akka hinjirretti akkan ilaale akka najalaa hinfakkaaneff malee yaadni koo kana ibsuu miti.
Dubbiin amma harkaa qabnu dubbii Finffinneeti, dubbii ilmaan Oromoo murtii lafa Oromiyaa naannoo Finfinneerratti murtaa’e balaaleffachuuf harka duwwaa hiriira bahanii qe’e saanii keessatti duguginsi sanyii irratti raawwatameeti. Dubbii ariitidhaan Oromoon yoo ofirraa faccisuu (revers gochuu) dadhabe jireenya biyya Oromiyaa jedhamtufii ummata Oromoo jedhamu qoruudha. Kuni ammoo dubbii hirriba nama dhoorku, garaa nama waaddu, mataa nama naannessu, qaama nama suukannessuudha.
Mootummaan TPLF erga masaraa Minilk qabatee maqaa misoomatiin Finffinneen eessaa kaatee eessa akka geesse dhaloota haar’a kana yoo ta’e malee kuuwwan keenya miidhaksinee beekna. Bara jalqaba “misoomni” manaa (real-estate) jaarmiyaa Hayaat jedhamuun jalqabamu Oromoota naannoo Kotobeetu lafarraa buquffame. Ummata sana walitti qabanii akka lafa sana gadi dhiisani sokkan yoo itti himan maanguddoon tokko akkas jedhee abaare. Hunda hinyaadadhu,
“Qeerraa nubuqqiftu, hundeen keessan lafarraa yaa buqqa’u
Yoodeemtan bubbee ta’aa, faanni keessan lafa hindhaabbatin,
Yoo teessan gurchu ta’aa qucaraa hafaa,
Yoo ciiftan reeffa ta’aa, goggogaa hafaa……….” jedhee imimmaan isaa harcaasuun qee itti dhalatee daa’imummaa keessa itti burraaqee guddatee, keessa jiraatee daa’imman itti horee guddise gadi lakkisse sokke. Araddaan suni guutuun akkasumatti buqqifamee bade. Eessa qubatani? Maal argatani? Maaltu irra ga’ee? Lubbun jiru moo dhumani? Warra rakkoon suni irra gahe malee namni biraa kan quba qabu nijira natti hinffakkatu. Yeroo san odeeffannoon suni SBO tti ergamee qilleensarra ooluu isaa barreessan kuni niyaadata. Kan sana darbe waa tokko akka hinraawwataminis quba qaba.
Erga gaafasiiti kaasee Oromoon daangaa Finffinnee keesa jiraatu ta’e godina adaa naana’a Finffinnee fii saniin alarree jiraatu qee saarraa buqqifamee ari’amuun gochaa gyyyuu raawwatamaa ooluu akka ta’e beekkama. Manneen meeqa akka manca’an maatiin meeqa akka faca’e namni beekus, himus hinjiru. Hundi keenyayyuu hidhii xuuxurra dabarree wanti hojjenne waan hinjirreef.
Warra raawwatuuf kana galmeessuun yeroo “misooma” saanii balleessuun barbaachisaa miti. Ajandaan saanii ummaticha buqqisanii laficha fudhachu malee wayee warra buqqifamee miti. Seenadhaaf, siyaasadhaaf, bara barri jijjirame yakkamtoota kana seeratti dhiyeessuuf,… warra hubaatiin suni irra gaheefi hawaasa oromoo dhugaa saa barbaadaa jiruuf garuu baayyee barbaachisaa ture.
Wanti qabatamaatti beekkamu, Oromoo kumoota kurna hedduu qeerraa buqqifaman keessaa kan humna qaban magaalaa Finfinneefi magaalota naannoo jiranitti baqatani dhakaa baachaa, simintoo bukeessaa gamoowwan warra sooriyi Tigraayi ijaaru. Mindaan argachaa jiran guyyaatti altokko quufanii nyaacuuf gahaa waan hin taaneef hojjachaa du’aa wajjin qabsoo keessa jiru jechaadha. Kuuwwan ammoo waardiyyaa ta’uun karra sooreyyii kanaa eegaa jiraatu. Shamarrannis balaa kana jalaa hinbaane. Hedduun saanii akkuma warra dhiiraa dhakaa baatu, simintoo bukeessuu-hojii guyyaa hojjatu jechaadha. Kan hafan ammoo hojjattu manaa ta’anii soorrii kana kunuunsaa jiraatu.
Kana hubachuuf Finfinnee iddoowwan humni namaa itti bardaamu (iddoowwan gabaa namaa jedhamuun beekaman) garaa garaa dhaqanii laaluun nidanda’ama. Ilmi namaa akka guca(daamotii) birraa gurguramuu saniitti karaa gubbaatti yaa’ee ijaajjuun hojii eeggata. Kuni egaa iddoo tokko oso hinta’in lafoota mijatoon gandoota adda addaa keessa jiran hundumtuu gabaa namaati. Namnii waa hojjachuuf humna namaa barbaade gabaa san dhaqee akka meeshatti haree deemaan jechuudha. Har’a Oromoon ala miseensi saboota biraa hojii guyyaa yoo hojjatan hinmul’atan, yoo jiraatanirree hudduu xiqaadha. Maanguddoonni humna hinqabne aadaa salphaa olloota keenyaa fudhatanii kadhaatti bobba’uf dirqamanii jiru. Wanta hanga ha’rraatti saba kana keessatti hinmullanne nama afaan Oromoon kadhatu karaarratti dhagahuun baratamaa dhfee jira. Saba guddaa biyya sooreetti qabuu kanaa salphinni kana caale jiraa laata?
Oromoo Finffinneen dhiiga Oromoo dhuguu erga jalqabdee waggoonni dhibba lama guutuuf deemaa. Dhiigini kuni garuu diina achi irraa siiksuu hindandeenye.Oromoon qoncooraa dinni baballachaatuma deemu. Mee bu’ura daba kanaa wajjin haalaallu.
Oromoon Tuulamaa keessattu kan daangaa Amaaraa qubatan weerara itti aggaammamaa ture ofirraa qolachaa daangaa Oromiyaa tiksaafii kabachiisaa bar-dhibbee hedduu jiraate. Yaata’u malee gara wadhakkaa bar-dhibbee 19ffaa keessa meeshaa waraanatiin caalamee gidiraa guddaan irra gahuu jalqabee. Mootummoonni Amaaraa Oromoota olaa jiran irratti olaantummaa meeshaafii gurmuu (meeshafii gorsa warra Auroopaa raa ) erga argatanii boodaa gara handhuura Oromiyaa lafa jiidhaa Finfinneeti duuluu karoorfatani. Akka kanaan gochaa suukanneessaa waggoota 170 dura(1843-1844 keessa) Oromoo Ekkaa, Gullallee , Galaanifii Meettaarratti raawwatan seenan akkaa kanaa gadiitti kaa’a.
“The appearance at Angolola of the muskets presented to his majesty(Sahela Sillaassee jechuudha)by the British government………”( kitaaba, The Highlands of Ethiopia from the first Londoned, by Sir William Cornwallis Harris,p.173)
“Early in the ensuing morning, the royal drums beat to saddle, and in half an hour the army, which had swelled meanwhile to about fifteen thousand fighting men, was in motion over a country especially favorable to advance…………”(ibid, p.174)
“……Four hundred fusileers, bondsmen of the king, alone receive pay,……….Little discipline exists in the army thus composed……. Little respect, however, was paid to standing crops- field after field of ripening corn being trampled level with the ground, in spite of the remonstrance of the disconsolate husbandmen, who with heavy stones upon their heads, threw themselves at the feet of the king with loud and reiterated appeal” (ibid p.174)
“………..when the van of the flagging army arrived in the extensive plain of Abai Daggar, completely environ by hills, the order was given to encamp, destroy, and plunder. Instantly ensued a rush from all quarters at full gallop. Flourishing fields of wheat, barley, and beans, the produce of the toil of rebellious tribe, were ravaged and overrun by the locust hordes; and in the course of half an hour, the soil being stripped of every acre of cultivation, there commenced a general scramble for the rafters and ribs of houses, whereof the skeletons were presently consigned to flames……..”(ibid, p175)
“……………and another and similar forced march over a country equally devoid of interest with the tract already crossed, led to the long narrow valley of Karabarak, at the foot of Gaara Gorpho mountains. The bright spear blade glittered through the cloud of stifling dust that marked the course of myriads over ploughed land. Green fields and smiling meadows, quickly lost their bloom under the tramp of the steed; for no cultivation was now spared, and ruin and desolation were the order of the day. Struggling parties of the Sertie Galla had been seen crowning the heights that skirts the line of march, and near the peaked hill of Wyfun they were assembled in numbers; but none ventured with half a mile of the host, twenty thousand in number, all thirsting alike for the blood of their enemies. Far and wide the country was laid waste, and every vestige of human habitation destroyed under the torch, the flames racing among the riper barely with the speed of a galloping horse; but the wretched inhabitants, aware of the approach of the spoiler, had abandoned their dwellings before the fell storm burst over them; and one aged man only had yet fallen into the merciless clutches of the invaders……….” (ibid, p.175)
“………..Refreshed by the cool breeze, these tropical highlands are inhabited by the Sertie tribe, who, long in state of open rebellion, had rendered themselves doubly obnoxious to the despot’s vengeance by attacking a detachment of Amhara the preceding year, of whom, while entangled in a morass near the foot of the range, eight hundred men were slain. The day of retribution had at length arrived. The object of the expedition, hitherto so carefully concealed, was now fully developed; and the military dispositions for sweeping destruction appeared to be right skilfully inside.
Harrying onward with ominous rapidity, destroying all who fell in their path, and with their weapons goading forward the herds of sleek cattle which teemed in every valley, the host now poured like an overwhelming torrent down the flowery slopes of inumbrated hollows………. Far and wide the crops were laid prostrate as if beaten down under the violence of the hurricane;and before ten o’clock the highest pinnacle of the green rage having been crowned, a wide prospect burst upon the gaze.”(ibid; p177)
“…………Embosomed between the isolated peaks of Yerrur, Sequala, and the far-famed Entotto, lay the wide plain of Garmama, thickly peopled by the Ekka and Finfunni Galla, upon whose doomed heads the thunderbolt was next to fall; and full in its center two placid silver lakes, like great mirror, reflected back the rays of the morning sun across sheets of luxuriant cultivation, extending for miles, nearly ready for the sickle…….” (ibid; p. 177)
“The morning mist, loaded with dust raised by the trump of the Amhara steeds over acres of ploughed land, hung heavy on the heather-grown slopes, and partially screening the approach of the locust army, conspired to enhance its success. Twenty thousand brawny warriors, in three divisions, covering many miles of country, and linked by detachments in every direction, pressed on toward the inviting goal-their hearts burning with the implacable hatred of hostile barbarians, and panting to consummate their bloody revenge. Taken entirely by surprise, their devoted victims lay helplessly before them, indulging in fatal dreams of happiness and security, alas! too speedily to be dispelled. Hundreds of cattle grazed in tempting herds over the flowery meadows. Unconscious of danger, the unarmed husbandman pursued his peaceful occupation in the field; his wife and children carolled blithely over their ordinary household avocations; and the ascending sun shone bright on smiling valleys, which, long before his going down, were left tenanted only by the wolf and the vulture.” (ibid; p.177).
“Preceded by the holy ark of St.Michel, veiled under its scarlet canopy, the king still led the van, closely attended by the father confessor, and by a bond of priests, with whom having briefly conferred, he turned to the expectant army, and pronounced the ominous words which were the well-known signal for carrying fire and sword through the land- “May the God who is the God of my forefathers, strengthen and absolve!” Rolling on like the wave of the mighty ocean, down poured the Amhara host among the rich glades and rural hamlets,at the heels of the flying inhabitants-tramping under foot the fields of ripening corn, in parts half reaped, and sweeping before them the vast herds of cattle which grazed untended in every direction. When far beyond the range of vision, their destructive progress was still marked by the red flames that burst forth in turn from thatched roofs of each invaded village; and the havoc committed many miles to the right by the division of Abogaz Maretch, who was advancing parallel to the main body, and had been reenforced by the detachment under Ayto Shishigo,became equally manifest in numerous columns of white smoke, towering upward to the azure firmament in rapid succession.”(ibid; p. 178)
“The embassy followed close in the train of the negoos, who halted for a few minutes on the eastern face of the range; and the eye of the despot gleamed bright with in ward satisfaction, while watching through a telescope the progress of the flanking detachments, as they poured impetuously down the steep side of the mountain, and swept across the level plain with the fury of the blast of the sirocco. A rapid detour thence to the westward, in an hour disclosed the beautifully secluded valley of Finfinni, which in addition to the artificial advantage of high cultivation, and snug hamlets, boasted a large share of natural beauty. Meadows of the richest green turf, sparkling clear rivulets leaping down in sequestered cascades, with shady groves of the most magnificent juniper lining the slopes, and waving their moss-grown branches above cheerful groups of circular wigwams, surrounded by implements of agriculture, proclaimed a district which had long escaped the hand of wrath. This had been selected as the spot of the royal plunder and spoliation, and the troops, animated by the presence of the monarch, now performed their bloody work with a sharp and unsparing knife-firing village after village until the air was dark with their smoke mingled with the dust raised by the impetuous rush of man and horse.
The luckless inhabitants, taken quite by surprise, had barely time to abandon their property, and fly for their lives to the fastness of Entotto, which reared its protecting form at the distance of a few miles. The spear of the warrior searched every bush for the hunted foe. Women and girls were torn from their hiding to be hurried into hopeless capacity. Old men and young were indiscriminately slain and mutilated among the fields and groves; flocks and herds were driven off in triumph, and house after house was sacked and consigned to the flames. Each grim Amhara warrior vied with his comrade in the work of retributive destruction among the execrated Galla. Whole groups and families were surrounded and speared within the walled court-yards, which were strewed with the bodies of the slain. Wretches who betook themselves to the open plain were pursued and hunted down like wild beasts; and children of three and four years of age, who had been placed in the trees with the hope that they might escape observation, were included in the inexorable massacre, and pitilessly shot among the branches. In the course of two hours the division left the desolated valley laden with spoil, and carrying with them numbers of wailing females and mutilated orphan children, together with the barbarous trophies that had been stripped from the mangled bodies of their murdered victims.(ibid;p.178)
“……And as the exulting barbarians, followed by the course of the homeless fugitives in Entoto, crossed the last range, gloomy columns of smoke rising thick and dense to the darkened heavens, for miles in every direction. Proclaimed that this recently so flourishing and beautiful location had in a few brief hours been utterly ruined, pillaged, and despoiled, as far as the means of ruthless and savage man could effect its destruction.”(ibid; p.178)
“………Horses and riders were forced over the precipice-others were trampled under foot by the overwhelming rush from behind, and a handful of resolute men might with ease have kept at bay the whole rabble army of the invader. But the Abyssinian system of warfare consists in surprise, murder, and butchery, not in battle or fair conflict……..” (ibid;p179)
“………..While the work of destruction still continued to rage on all sides, herd after herd of lowing beeves came pouring toward the royal standard, and each new foraging party brought with it fresh groups of captive women and girls, and the barbarous tokens of their prowess. Some of the more braggart warriors affecting inability to return their blood-stained blades to the scabbard, pompously carried them in the hand unsheathed, and even the boyish arms of some of the most effeminate of the royal pages had proved victorious over a defenseless victim. The slaughter had been immense. Every desolated court-yard was crowded with the bodies of the slain-childhood and decrepit age had fared alike; and the murderers, unconscious of the disgrace attaching to unmanly deeds, unblushingly heralded their shame,and, detailing their deeds of cruelty, basked in the smiles of their savage and approving monarch, whose only eye became at times frightfully wild with excitement, although his demeanor throughout the long day of horrors had been cool and self-possessed from the experience acquired during eighty-four similar forays.
After a brief halt, the march was resumed through the country of the Ekka Galla, which was clean swept with the besom of destruction; and the distinguishing green sprig of asparagus in the woolly heads of successful cavaliers, become more and more numerous as eventful day drew on to its close.(ibid;p.179)
“……..Over this wide expanse not a living inhabitant was now to be seen. In every direction the blood-stained ground was strewed with the slaughtered foe, around whose mutilated corpses groups of surfeited vultures flapped their foul wings, and screamed the death-not. The embers of deserted villages smouldered over the scorched and blackened plain. Ripe crops,which the morning before had gladdened the heart of the cultivator- now no more- were level with the ground. Flocks of sheep, untended by the shepherd, strayed over the lone meadow; and bands of howling dogs wandered up and down in fruitless quest of their lost masters. A single day had reduced to a waste wilderness the entire rich and flourishing vale of Germama, including the dark forests of Finfinni, which, for years, had slept in peace; and their late numerous and unsuspecting population, had in a few hours been swept from off the face of the earth by the devastating irruption of the barbarian Amhara hordes.” (ibid;p180)
“……..Glutted with booty, the despot now left his locusts to pursue their own course up the Ekka valley, where flames and plunder again marked the straggling return toward the mountains of Garra Gorphoo. Each hamlet was ravaged in succession; and cats, the sole remaining tenants of the deserted huts, were dislodged by the torch of the Wobo.
For miles and miles, the road was lined with dusty and way worn warriors laden with spoil; flocks and herds, donkeys, mules, and horses, honey-combs, poultry, household utensils and farming gear, with captive women and mingled with the men -at-arms. While some of these latter, wounded and mutilated, were lashed upon the backs of their palfreys, others, dismounted, were dragging behind them their lame and exhausted steeds; sheep and goats, unable through fatigue, to proceed, being cut limb from limb while still alive, and the bleeding trunks left quivering in the path by the wanton butchers.”(ibid;p.181)
“……….A long march the preceding day had brought it to Sululta near to Moolo Falada, where it met and destroyed those who had fled from the immediate scene of the king’s inroad, made numerous female captives, and with the loss of the sumpter horses laden with horns of hydromel, acquired considerable booty…….. During its more recent progress this division had carried fire and sword through the country of the Sertie Galla, where it yet remained unplundered; and, as the day again closed, the vault of heaven was re illuminated by volumes of lurid smoke from the surrounding hamlets.”(ibid; p.181)
“…….Early during the forenoon, horsemen rode into the royal pavilion with important intelligence that Ayto Hierat, a favorite governor, had, at the distance of a few miles, surprised and surrounded a Galla in a tree, among the branches of which the caitiff awaited the arrival of the king. Impatient to wreathe his brow with new laurels, the monarch lost not a moment in sallying forth to destroy the unfortunate wretch, taking a most formidable array of single and double- barreled guns and rifles of every caliber, together with an escort of five thousand cavalry.
Receiving a long shot through the thigh at the royal hands, while imperfectly ensconced among the foliage, the victim, abandoning all hope of escape, wisely cast away his weapons, and cried loudly for quarter; being admitted to which, he kissed the feet of his majesty, and thus escaped mutilation on the spot. To take the life of a Galla, and to secure a prisoner of either sex, are, in Amhara warfare, accounted one and the same thing; and although, where adult males are concerned, the more merciful alternative is rarely adopted,…….” (ibid; P.181)
“……..I desired that my children might kill the heathen in the tree; but, when they came not, I myself performed the deed.” (ibid; P182)
“Cruelties emanating from the hereditary detestation of the heathen, which, with the barbarous spoils earned during the foray, is handed down as an heir-loom from generation to generation, are unfortunately contaminated by the monarch, who has too often destroyed a defenseless fugitive with his own hand, and personally set the disgraceful example of mutilation; while the bigotry and superstition of the savage Amhara induces him to regard every pagan in the light of a dog, as doth the fanatic Moslem the Christian.”(ibid; p.182)
“…..The stimulus afforded by individual interest in the slaughter committed during the foray, stands at present in the place of discipline, since without one or the other no army could be brought into the field. Triumph attends the return of the Christian warrior from battle in proportion to the number of lives he bears upon his arm, and for each enemy slain he is entitled to some conspicuous personal badge, which forms his greatest pride. A ring, a gauntlet, or a bracelet, gained at the expense of acts the most dastardly, raises him accordingly in the estimation of relatives and companions in arms, and signal success almost invariably paves the way to royal preferment.” (ibid; p.183)
“……The Christian camp at Boora Roofa was crowded with disconsolate groups of heathen captives, — with infants at their backs, and nearly all in a state of nudity. With long raven tresses streaming wildly over their shoulders. Hopeless slavery was theirs, but influenced by the earnest remonstrance of the embassy, aided by the active and reverend missionary, Dr.Krapf, whom philanthropic feelings had enabled to endure the uncongenial atmosphere of ignorance and unbelief- whom the purest and most praiseworthy motives had induced to obey the royal summons to the field, and who, from his long experience, knew when to touch the latent spark of mercy the king wiped out the foul stain of the preceding day by conseuting to liberate the whole. Ere the nugareets sound the return of the troops, a proclamation went forth commanding the immediate release of every prisoner of war; and as the dissatisfied army turned its back upon the valley, long files of widowed dames and fatherless girls were to be seen hurrying in freedom across the hill toward their desolate hearths, overjoyed at the sudden and unexpected restoration of their lost liberty through the white man’s intercession- the ruthless soldiery, disappointed at the loss of their booty, having previously stripped the last covering from all, and sent them forth naked as they came into this world.” (ibid; p 184)
“…….Before the king had passed with the main body of the victorious troops escorting immense plunder, the Sertie Galla, taking advantage of superior knowledge of the locality, completely cut off the van of the army, consisting of the Mentshar and Bulga detachments. They had become entangled in the mazy labyrinth, and were massacred to a man are assistance could be rendered by the matchlock men of the body-guard, who did not reach the ground until the enemy were in full retreat.” (ibid; P184)
“……….My Galla subjects revolted,” exclaimed the despot tauntingly, as soon as the wedding was over – “My Galla tributaries revolted: I have played them one trick, and I will play them another.”
The customary congratulations after a victory were offered in the words, “God has aided your arms.” “Yes,” replied the monarch; “the God of my fathers has assisted me – I have slain four thousand six hundred of mine enemies, and have captured thirty- seven thousand and forty-two head of cattle.” (ibid; P185)
When complimenting the king on the clemency extended toward the prisoners of war, who had on this occasion been released for the first time during his reign, the opportunity was not lost of commenting upon the destruction of innocent and helpless children, as being a most inhuman practice, and one quite unworthy of the Christian warrior. The despot smiled, as if half ashamed; and looking down, replied, “ I am aware that it is bad, but in all countries we must conform to the customs that prevail. The Galla destroy the Amhara without discrimination, and we do but retaliate. You must all accompany me on my next campaign in January. I shall build a fortified house at Karabarek, and you must there tarry with me. When ever you are present I will release the captives.”(ibid; P.187)
“……Another Abyssinian year had been borne upon the stream of time, to join the years that are beyond the flood,…… . As September drew toward a close,it had been confidently predicted that the rain would terminate according to its “covenant”but it still poured on with unabated violence;………
But the beat of the nugareet, and the voice of the herald beneath the solitary tree at Angollola, proclaimed the great annual foray as heretofore; and the plain below the palace-hill was soon dotted with the black woolen tents of the leaders of cohorts………..”
Led on to victory by the holy ark of St. Michael,the great crimson umbrellas streamed again through the barrier wall at the head of the christian chivalry. Twenty thousand troops pursued the route of the Sertie Lake to the Metta Galla, occupying the plains immediately contiguous to the valley of Finfinni, and who were now the victims marked out of spoliation. The despot had so invariably passed this tribe without offering any molestation, that the heathen were little prepared for the thunder-bolt that was about to fall; and of which the first intimation was afforded in the simultaneous investiture of the entire tract. Overwhelmed by the torrent of desolation which had so suddenly burst in, four thousand five hundred Gentiles of all ages were butchered by the soldiers of Christ; and of these, the greater number were shot from the trees that they had ascended in the vain hope of eluding observation. Three hapless individuals were thus barbarously destroyed by the hands of Sahela Selassie, who for the first time led his troops to the summit of the mountain Entotto.”
“Forty-three thousand head of cattle were on this occasion swept away to replenish the royal pasture; and the rich prize had been obtained with the loss of only nine of the king’s liege subjects of the heroes who fell, one was torn by a lion in the deep juniper forest; and another basely assassinated by his comrade in arms, whose disfigured corpse was subsequently left in retribution to the hyenas; while a third, a priest of extraordinary piety, and the father of the young page Besabeh, was transfixed by the spear of a Pagan, who sat concealed amid the branches of a tree, beneath which the holy man rode in a rash attempt to secure a fugitive. The king’s master of the horse wore the vaunting green sareti, for having achieved the capture of a child scarce five years of age, whom he had cut over the leg, and otherwise cruelly mutilated. Hundreds of murderous trophies were again piled in a heap before the monarch; and upward of one thousand captives, chiefly women and young girls, swelled the barbaric pomp of triumphal entry to Angollala, when men and horses glittered in brass and scarlet. All were, however, immediately liberated without ransom, upon remonstrance made to the throne. ‘I listen to your words,’ said his majesty, as he again issued the fiat of release, ‘that the name of Sahela Selassie be not broken.’
Such was a sad picture of the atrocities perpetrated by the undisciplined armies of Ethiopia, when disputing the abstruse mysteries of Abyssinian divinity, or seeking, in the relentless fury of religious hate, to exterminate a heathen and stranger nation by a series of crusades undertaken as an acceptable vindication of the sacred symbol of Christianity.
The Abyssinians have fully adopted that spirit of merciless destruction which impelled the Israelites to destroy their enemies from the faith of the earth. Considering themselves the lineal descendants of those heroes of ancient history who were arranged against the enemies of the Lord, they are actuated by the same motives and feelings which led the bands of Judah to the massacre. The toe is a pagan, who does not fast, nor kiss the church, nor wear a mateb. All feelings of humanity are thrown to the winds; and a high reward in heaven is believed to await the king and the blood-thirsty soldier for the burning of the hamlet, the capture of the property, and the murder of the accursed Gentile. The words of absolution from the mouth of the father confessor usher in the ruthless slaughter; and the name of the Most High is wantonly employed to consecrate the ensuing scene of savage atrocity.” (ibid; P. 333,34)
(Ktaaban garagalchuufan dirqisiifame. Hammeenya hundeedhaa kaasee jiru agarsiisuu barbaadeen. Keessattu warra kitaabicha argachuuf carraa hinargganee dhugaa lafarra ture akka arganiifi)
Egaa Sahelie Selassen kana dalagee darbuu saa namni hedduun arguuf waan carraa argate natti hinffakkatu. Oromoon Bulgaa kaasee hang Meettaa gahutti duguugginsi sanyii akka irratti raawwatamaa ture harki wayyabni keenya quba qabna jedhee hinamanu. Hedduun keenya kan oo’ifnee dubbannu waayee Mnilik qofaa waan ta’eef weerarri lafa Oromo kan jalqabe bara Minilikirraa kaasee akka ta’etti yaadaa jira. Garuu Minlik duras seenan akkasiis nijra. Kana kaasuu kanan barbaadef lafti magaalan Finfinnee irratti ijaaramteef naanno ishitti argamu har’a falmiin irratti adeemsifamaa jiru kuni lafa dhiigaa- dhiigni abbootii keenyaa kumoota kurna hedduu akka lolaatti irra yaa’e, lafeen saanii irratti caccabee akka qoraanitti tuullame, foon saanii irratti ciramee allaattif beneensaa laatame akka ta’e akka beeknufi. Abbootin keenya cubbuun qalaman kuni mirga saba saani tuqani miti, daangaa saanii cabsanii qabeenyaa saamani miti, badii biraas dalaganii miti, jiraachudhuma warra halagaa sanaa beekuun saanii mamsiisadha. Isaan akkuma baratanitti jiruu saanitti bobba’anii – kan haamuu haammachaa, kan qotu qotachaa, kan tiksu tikfachaa, kan himalu himalaa, dubartoonnis jiruu manaa raawwachaa, daaimmani qa’e saanii keessa burraaqaa taphachaa os jiranu ajjeeftonni kuni akka bakakkaa tasa irra jiganii kan lafarratti argan hunda qalanii qabeenyaa abiddaan barbaddeessan. Finffinneen dhiiga Oromoo dhuguu kan jalqabde barasirraa kaateti. Hundeen rakkoo keenyas achii jalqaba.
Waggaa afurtama raawwii kanaa booda Ilmi ilma Saahila Sillaasee, Minilk projaktii akaakkayyuun isaa jalqabe fiixa baasuuf meeshaa fooya’aa loltuu saa hidhachiisee gaafa Oromoo cabsu Oromoonni seenaa keessatti tuqaman duguuginsa sanyiirraa hafan diroon deebi’e itti fufaa jiru humna gahaa dhabanirree amma danda’an falmanii yeroo sadaffaaff duguuginsi sanyii irratti raawwataeemee wareegama qaqqaalii baasanii meeshaan caalamuun injifatamanii jiru. Flmii Tufaa Munaa Gullalleetif Birraatu Goolee Meettattiin hoogganamee tuquun nidanada’ama. Minilk akkuma naanno kana cabseen ummata lafarraa buqqisee loltuu saa irra qubachiise. Lafti suni kan har’a magaalaan gudditti biyyatti irra dhaabbatu kana. Lafa har’as dhiigni ilmman Oromoo dhangal’aafii jiru kana. Oromoon Finfinnee Waggoota afurtam keessatti(1843-1886) yeroo sadii duguuginsi sanyii irratti raawwatame jechaadha. Magaaloonni biyyatti keessaa kuuwwanirre haaluma walfakkaataan ummata keessa jiraatu keessaa balleessuun nafxanyoota keessa qubachiisuun ijaarramani.
Mootummoonni Minilik booda dabareen biyyatti bulchaa turanis kanuma itti fufani raawwachaa turani. Oromoof saboota biraa buqqisuun namoota saanii kaabaa dhufan qubachiisuun Finfinnees ta’ee magaalota biraas kana babal’isaa turan.
Haalli kuni har’a yoomiyyuu caalaa jeejewwan fedhiin saanii daangaa hinqabneen itti fufee daran Oromoo lafarraa dhabamsiisaa jira. Waan hanga har’aatti seeran ala hojjachaafii hojjachisiisaa turan seera qabeessa fakkeessuf “mastar plaanii qindaawaa” qopheessine jechuun karoora qotee bulaa Oromoo lafarraa ittin haxaawan baafatani as bahani. Godina addaa Oromiyaa naannoo finfinnee maqaan bulchiinsa Oromiyaa jala ture malee raafuu oddoo saanii yeroo fedhan gadibahani guurratan akka ture namni hinbeekne nijira natti hinfakkaatu.
Lafa godina addaa kana keessa ture dhuguma ummanni Oromoo hafee bulchiinsi naannoo Oromiyaa itti fayyadamaa turee? Nitoowata ture? Qotee bulaan irraa hinbuqqaanee? Qotee bulaa buqqaa’e sanii maaltu laatameef? Bulchiinsichi akka bulchiinsatti itti gaafatama isaa akkamitti bahe? Nuti sana ofirraa ittisuuf maal raawwanne? Gaafiwwan kana akka irratti yaaddaniifan dhiyeesse malee asitti deebii kennuuf miti.
Wanti hubachuu qabnu qotee bulaan Oromoo miliyoonan yoo ta’u baate kumoota dhibba hedduun lakkaawwaman lafa Finfinnee jala jiruuf godina addaa keessaa buqqa’anii jiru. Kotobee, Lagaxaafoo, Boolee, Aqaaqii, Galaan, duukam, Boolee Bulbulaa, Laaftoo, Furii, Labuu, buraayyuu Sabbataa fi k.k.f hedduu tarreessuun nidanda’ama. Fakkeenya tuquuf; lafa haadoo qonna Xaafii Magaalaa Dukam cinaa qotee bulaa buqqisuun hektaara 40,000 warshaa simintoo Chaayinnaatti akka gurgurame biyyatu beeka. Lafa akkasitti Xaafii magarsu sana har’a daaratu irraa bunnisa. Kuni misooma Oromiyyati nuun jedhu laata?
Lafa galaan jedhamu kaampaanilee adda addaati hiramee ijaarsi achirratti ijaarrame biyya iyyeetti ummanni 80% sararaa iyyummaati gadi jiraatu keessa jiraachu nama irraanfachiisa. Furii, Labuu qotee bulaa Oromoo mitii namni afaan Oromoo dubbatuyyuu keessati hinmul’atu. Qotee bulaan araddoota kanarraa buqqifamee ari’ame eessa akka ga’e namni yaadus, qubaqabus nijira natti hinfakkaatu. Kuni hundumtuu kanta’e lafti kuni mootummaa fadaraalawaa jala jiraatee miti. Mootummaan fadaraalawaa eenyu jala jiraateen dhimma saa miti. Akkuma amma argaa jirru kana naannoo abbaa fedhee seenee ajaja kenna. Lafa gurgurataa, albuudaa samaa, bosona mancaasa. Kan ajajames ajajicha fudhatee hojiirra olcha-duraanis kan achii taa’ef ajajuma itti kennamu raawwachuuf waan ta’eef. Dubbchi kanuma.
Qotee bulaan hagana hinjedhamne lafarratti hafes boru akkuma isaan buqufamanii akka buqqa’u waan beekuuf sodaa, cinqiifii siqiqii keessa galee jiruu saa fooyyeffachuu, lafa saa kunuunsu erga dhiisee baroonni darbanii jiru. Nuti garuu akkuma waan yoo aduun dhiittee bariitu jiruun nagumaan qajeelee deemaa jiruutti callifnee ilaaluu keenya itti fufnee argamna.
Fakkeenyotan haga tokko quba qabuun isini tuqa.
1-Namni Buraayyuu iddoo Kattaa jedhamutti garaacha horii lukaandaaf qalamanii miiccun jiruu isaa gaggeessaa ture tokko bulchiinsa Anaa Buraayyuuti muudame ture. Namni kuni deegaa bahuuf qtee bulaa lafarraa buqqisuun lafa Buraayyuu akka biraatti habashootaf miseensota saba guraageetti gurgurate. Gabaabatti kan aanga’ota kaanii qoode malee inni qarshii biyyatti miliyoona sagal (9,000,000.00) baankidhaa akka qabu keessa beektonni nidubbatu turan. Angawaan bulchiinsa Oromiyaa yero sana aangorra ture namni kuni akka qoratamu yaallan haati kachachlaa ajaja dabarsitee akka mana maree Oromiyaa keessa taa’e mindaa argatu taasisu ishitu dubbatamaa ture. Laficha ishiitu gurgursiisaa ture jechuudha. Qarshii ammami akka fudhatte hinbeekamu. Ergamaan ishii eega ammana kuufate ishiin ammoo biliyoonan fudhatte jechuudha.
2- Acuma Buraayyuutti namni itti gaafatamaa mana qopheessaa ture tokko ammoo ofii mana mootummaa keess jiraachaa magaalaa Ambootti, Walisotti, Sabbatatti achuma Buraayyutti manneen ijaaree kireessaa akka ture irra gahamee kachachalaan shakkamee hidhamee akka qoratamu taasifamee ture. Mana isaa sakataa’u yoo dhaqan fraashii jalaa qarshii 500,000.00 arganii haadha warraa isaa yoo gaafatan “asbeezaa akkan ittiin bituuf natti kenne” jette jedhanii nu kofalchiisaa turan. “Akaayin yoo gubatte kofalti” jedhuu miti. Biyyatti sana keessatti maatin asbeezaa qarshii ammasiitin bitu argamuun saa nama hinraaju?
Namni kuni mana murtiitti dhiyaatee hidhaan waggaa 6 itti murtaa’e turus ji’a 6 oso hinhidhamin Prezedaantii biyyatti kanture Girmaa W/ Gyoorgis dhiifama godheef jedhamee hidhaa keessaa bahe. Ergasii konkoolaattota adda addaa bitee ittin daldalaa akka jiru mul’ata.
3-Kan magaalaa sabbaataatti ta’aa ture sabqunnamtii adda addaarratti waan maxxanfame natti fakkaataa;
a)-Bulchaa Aniichaa kan ture kachachalaan shakkamee yoo qabamu qarshii 100,000,000.00 taankara bishaanii keessa kaa’e akka argame ibsamee ture.
b)-Mahandisii magaalaa kanaa kanturte biyya alaatti baqachuuf yoo deemtu Booleetti qarshii 40,000,000.00 waliin akka qabamte nibeekkama.
Egaa kuni waan hojjatamaa tureef hojjatamaa jiru guututti ibsa jechuuf oso hinta’in fakkii akka ta’uufi. Jarri goda jiran (grass-root cadres) hangana yoo hiratan warri isaan bobbaasanii hojii kana hojjachisiisan gahee saanii hagam hanga fudhatan tilmaamun nama dhiba. Waan naannoo finfinneef magaalota biraa keessatti raawwatamaa tureef ammas itti jiru ija dunuufkadhaatii samuu keessaniin hereeguu yaalaa.
Jara jeejee kana kuni quubsuu dide; akka horii soogidda arraabeetti dheeboche. Daran Oromoo lafarraa dhabamsiisanii laficha gara qabeenyaa saanitti jijjiranii soorrummaa soorummaarratti dabalachuu barbaadan. Kuni kaayyoo saanii isa yeroo gabaabati malee isa hangafaa miti. Kaayyoon saanii hangafni kan biraati. Baayyeen keenya amma waayee qabeenyaa saammamu ilaalaa jirra. Sanatu nugubaa jira. Dhuguma nama guba. Garuu kaayyoon jaraa hangafni qabeenyaa qofaa miti.
1- Oromiyaa iddoo lamatti qoodhudha,
2-Lakkofsa ummata Oromoo hir’isuu(xiqqeessu),
3-Lafa Oromoo jiidhaf misoomaa ta’e faalanii balleessudha.
1-Oromiyaan akkamitti iddoo lamatti qoodamti?
Daangaa magaalaa Finfinnee karaa kaabaa hanga daangaa Amaaraa tti ballisuufii Karaa kibbaa fii kibba lixaa daangaa Guraagee tti akka ijjatu gochuun walumaa gala lafa Tuulamni irra qubateefi hang tokko Macca liqimsee Oromiyaa Lixaafii Bahatti addan kutuudha. Gaafa addan cite gaafii abbaa biyyuumaa kaasuun nidhaabbata yaada jedhu akka qaban gaafa Godina Addaa Oromiyaa naanno Finfinne karooran kans wajjin akka karoorfatan icitii ijaarsa godinichaa jala dhokatee ture akka ta’e himamaa ture. Gochaan ammaa kuni kan lafa karoorfataniin isaan gahu oso hinta’in raawwii garasitti isaan geessuudha.
2-Lakkoofsa Ummataa Akkamitti hir’isu?
Akka barruu tokko tokko irratti mul’achaa jirutti lafti oromiyaairraa saammamuuf deemu hektaara miliyoona 1.1 yoo ta’u lafa kanarraa ummanni miliyoona shanii ol ta’u buqqifanmuuf akka jiru agarsiisa. Ummanni kuni essa akka qubatu wanti himame hinjiru. Warri karooricha baafne jedhanis beenyatu kennamaaf jedhan malee karoora deebisanii qubachiisu akka qaban hinhimne.
Haala argaa turre irraa barmoonni jiru ummata kana beenyaa jedhanii qarshii ji’ota muraasa tursiisu hindandeenye itti kennanii ari’u bira kan darbe wanti yaadamuuf akka hinjirre hubanna. Kanaafuu jiruun ummata kanaa baqataa biyya keessaa ta’udh-mana hinqabu,jiruu hinqabu(galii hinqabu), carraan isaa beela, dheebu, daaruu, qorraf aduun dabaree itt darbaa hiraarfamaa jiraachuf saaxilamaa akka ta’u shakkiin hinjiru. Kuni ammoo yroo gabaabaa keessatti rakkina fayyaatiif waan saaxiluuf du’atu afaan banee eeggachaa jira jechuudh. Itti bahiin kuni warra karooricha baaseef tooftaa gaariidha, rasaasan fixanii addunyaan itti wacuurra du’a huumaa namaan qiyyaafameen yeroo gabaabaa keessatti lafarraa duguugani obbaafatu jechuudha. “Yoo barbaachisaa ta’e lakkoofsa ummata kanaa xiqqeessuun nidanda’amaa” Mallas baanaa ture suni tokko karaa kanaan hojiirra akka oolaa jiru hubachuun barbaachisaadh.(duguuginsa sanyii sagalee hinqabne jechuudha).
3-Lafa akkamitti faalaa(summeessaa) jiru?
Lafti qonnaa abaabo, siicoon(summiin) warshaa adda addaa keessaa bahu bishaan, qilleensafi lafa faalan iddoo jiidhaa midhaan akka gaaritti irraa omishan irratti akka ijaarramanii naanno sana faalan taasisaa akka turan waan irra deddebi’ame himamaa tureedha. Har’as kan itti fufee jiru kanuma. Dhiqaaf xuriin mana fincaanii manneen jireenyaa keessaa bahaniifi lolaan xurii magaalatti dhiqee bahus towannaa tokko malee akka naannoo kanatti yaa’an beekkamaadhaa. Ummanni naannawa Finfinee jiraatu innis horiin isaas summi dhuguun irga dhumuu jalqabee baroota hedduu dabarsee jira. Sabaa- himoonni biyyoota alaa kan akka Aljaziiraa faa fiilmii dokumentary hojjatanii dabarsuun ala jaarmiyoonni faalama naannoo hanqisuuf falmanis yeroo adda addaa gabaasota baasanii jiru. Mootummichi garuu ummata kana summeesse fixuun kaayyoo saa waan ta’eef raawwi sanarraa of qusachuurra babal’isee itti fufee argama.
Karaa biraa qilleensi naannoos akka baduuf biyyittin akka gammoojjoftu taasisuuf bosona duula meeqa jalaa baatee hafteetti abida kaa’un gubaa akka turan waan kalee ijaan argaa turredha. Dheenyuma kanayyu bosonni Yaayyu akkamitti akka gubate quaba qabna. Oromoon yoo mammaku “Arbi biyya jiraatu baala nyaateti arbi biyyaa bahu hundee nyaataa” jedha. Jarri kunis akka hinjiraanne waan beekaniif balleessanii baduu barbaadu. “yoon nyaachu dadhabe haadhee balleessuun dadhabaa” jetti lukkun jedhu miti.
Seenan olitti isini tuqe keessatti Saahila Sillaasen bara 1843 -1844 keessa Oromoo Galaan, Ekkaafi Gullalleetti duulee ummata meeshamaleeyyi dhiira, dubartii,maanguddo,daa’imman akka ofii saati tilmaameetti duula tokkoon guyyaa lama keessatti ummata 4,600 lafarra duguggu fii loowwaan 37,042 akka booji’e ibsee jira. Kan mana gubatee, qodaa mana saammamee, midhaan dhaabbataa haamaa ga’e dhiibbiif loltuun suni hundi irra deemee sigigsuun biyyeen makee tilmaamuun nama dhiba. Wagaa tokko booda miila saa hanaga Meettatti dheereffachuun ummaticha itti duule umriin oso addaan hinbaasin Oromoota 4,500akka lafarraa duguuge kanneen keessaa Oromoonni 3 bulguu mootii ofiin jedhu kanaan akka galaafatamanifi loowwan 43,000 ta’an akka boojimans seenaan kuni niibsa.
Waggaa 40 booda ilmi ilma bulguu kanaa Minilik meeshaa ammayyaa kuufatee Oromoota kanatti yoo duulu Oromoon ammas meesha maleeyyi ta’urrayyu namni saa dhumee badii sanarraa oso hindandamatin badiin kuni itti deebi’e. Oto mormii guddaan isa hinqunnamiin Finffinnee qabachuu danda’ee. Gullallee, Ekaafii Galaan lafarraa buqqisuun loltuu isaa waliin keessa qubate. Summiin har’a lubbuu ilmaan Oromoo nyaachaa jiru kuni hundeen isaa baras gadi dhaabbate. Kan qabeenyaa barbadaayee dubbachuun nama dhibuyyuu ummanni Oromoo 5,000,000 ta’u duula kanaan akka lafarraa duguugamee seeneffamee jira. Mootummoonni sana booda biyyatti bitanis karooruma sana fooyyeessanii akkuma barri jijjiramu, bifaafii maqaa jijjiraa raawwicha jechaan ammayyeessaa raawwidhuma walfakkaataa raawwachaa Oromoo buqisanii ofirraa fageessuu itti fufani.
Wagga dhibba Minilik Oromoo cabsetti TPLFs akkasumatti hidhattee mootummaa Dargii diiguun masaraa Minilik ijaare yoo dhaaltu Oromoon yero sanas haala meesha maleeyyidha jechuu danda’amu keessaa ture. Nuusa bar-dhibee tokkoo bittaa gabrummaaTPLF boodas Oromoon har’as yoomiyyuu caalaa meesha maleeyyidha. Maalif akka akks ta’e asitti kaasuun xiyyeeffaannaa barruu kanaa miti.
Wanti nama dinqu oson waan kana barreessuuf sammuu koo keessa deddeebisaa jirun “humni waraanaa TPLF biyyoota Adunyaa 160 madaalaman keessaa Afrikaa Kibbaa sadrkaa tokkoon caalee sadarkaa 40ffaarra akka jirun dhagaye. Kuni hundumtuu kan ijaarramu qabeenyaa Oromootin yoo ta’u kan ittin duguugamus Oromoodha. Oromoon garuu meeshaa waraanaa mitii ulee mukaatuu qabatee gabaa dhaquu dhoorkamee jira. Kuni hundumtuu ta’ee ajjeefamuun, hidhamanii dararamuun, lafarraa buqqifamanii ari’amuun irraa hindhaabbanne. Gochaan kuni akkuman olitti ibsuu yaaletti waggoota digdamman darbaniif itti fufee jireenya Oromoota kumootaa dhibboota hedduu yoo diigu Oromoon walitti birmatee dura dhaabbachuu yaalee hinturre. Kuni ammoo jaratti akkuma lafa abbaa hinqabnee (hojii bara mootummaa H/Sillaasee tokko nayaadachisee. Lafuma namoonni Oromoo ta’an irra jiraachaa dhaloota dhufaa darbaan saanii irra qotachaafii tifakachaa turan, namoonni gara Kaaba Shawaatii dhafan “xaf mareet” jedhanii moggaasuun akka fudhatan heeyyamni kennameefi Oromoonni lafichairra turan suni akka ciisanyaa ta’an daa’immummaa keesa argeen ture.) isuma bara mootichaa “xaf-mareet jedhamu san itti fakkatee gochaa badii saanii daangaa hinqabne itti fufani.
Lafti amma finfinee jala haagalu jedhamu kuni lafa harki guddaan saammammee ,gurguramee dhumeedha. Amma maqaa jijjiranii seera qabeessa fakkeeffachufi malee namni tokko hanga kaartaa 20tti baafatee maqaa ittin fudhatu dhabnaan maqaa saree saatin kaartaa akka baafate mana murtii TPLF tu nutti hime. Lafti akkanatti saammamme kuni godinuma addaa kana keessaa akka ta’es dubbatamee jira. Dhugaa dubbachuuf duraanis kan lafa kanatti ajajaa ture aanga’oota TPLF malee ergamtoota saanii ykn ummata Oromoo miti. Ergamtoonni lafa ammanaa gurguraa fidaa yoo jedhaman gurguranii horii abba ajejetti galii taasisuufi harcaatuu hafte guurrachuu malee ofiin dhaabbatani wanti hojjatan akka hinjirre beekamaadha. Nama abalu jidhamuu lafa heektaara ammanaa iddoo akkanaati kennaa yoo jedhaman fiiganii qotee bulaa irra jiru buqqisuun “xaf-mareeticha” nama “misoomsuf” laachudha.
Oromoon ammoo qee, ganda ykn naannoo biraa dhaqee lafa saba biraa qabatee miti kan buqqifamaa jiru, lafa irratti hummamme, lafa dhaloonni oromoo, akaakilee abaabileen irra jiraateeraa buqqifamee yoo ari’amu akkuma tikseen cafaqaa qabbatte takkittiin horii hedduu rakkina tokko malee oofuu dandeessutti garee bicuun qawwee qabattee irraa nu oofaa turte har’as itti fufaa jirti. Hanga ammaatti mormiin qinda’e hinmul’atin ture. Osoon kana barreessaa jiru mormiin barattoota yuniversti addaa addaa keessatti dhoyee ummata hirmaachisee guutuu Oromiyaatti hanga jechuu danda’amutti belbelee itti fufe. Falmiin kuni guyaa sadi keessatti lubbuu ilmaan keenyaa dhibbaan lakkaawwaman nyaatee kan kumaan lakkaawwamman madoo taasisee, kumoota hedduun ammoo hukkaamfamanii iddoo maatins ta’ee namni biraa beekuu hindandeenyetti geeffamanii dararaa qaamaa akka irran gahaa jiran shakkiin hinjiru.
Gochaan gara jabinaa kuni Oromoo obsa guddaa booda addaafii laphee saa rasaasa faashistootatti kennee ka’e kana duubatti deebisaa? Gonkumaa hinta’u. Yoo kana goonee yoomiyyuu walirratti amantii hinqabnu jechuudha. Dhiiga ilmaan, obboleeyyan, abbootiifi haadhlii keenyaa dhangale, lafee saanii caccabe, foon saanii cirame ganuu keenya jechuudha. Diinafis mirga kennuu ta’a. Kanaafuu wareegama barbaachisu baasaa qabsicha hanga xumuraatti itti fufuun dirqama ta’a.
Dubbich amma gaafii lafa naannoo Finfinneerra darbee gaafii Bilisummaa Oromiyyaa ta’e jira. Amma mootummaa halagaa keessattuu faashistii qabata tokko malee jibbaaf tuffirraa ka’ee duguginsa sanyii ummata keenyarratti raawwachaa jiru jala teenyee mirga kadhachuun akka eessanuu nu hingeenye ifatti arginee jirra. Meeshaa hidhataniin nufixaafii nu doorsisaa abbaa biyyummaa nusarbaa jiru. Kuni aammoo yeroon kennamnaaniif wwaan qabuu miti.Ammuma lafa Oromoo duunfachaa Oromoo lafarraa dhabamsiisaa deeman isaan jabaachaa nuti laafaa, Oromummaan dhadhabaa deema. “If we are not getting better faster, we are getting worse”. Sana booda akkuma mammaksa mata dureerra kaa’etti biyya keenya warri humna qabu fudhatee nuti dhaala abba keenyaa dhabna jecuudha. Kanaafuu qabsoon amma jalqabame kuni hanga Oromiyaan bilisoomtee ilmaan Oromoo dhugaatin bultutti itti fufu qaba.
Qabsoon kuni hiriira ba’u qofaan kan taasifamu ta’u hinqabu. Diddaa adda adda agarsiisuun adeemsifamu danda’a. Oromoon biyyatti keessatti ummata humna bittaaf gurgurtaa guddaa qabuudha. Kanaafuu omisha isaa kan akka midhaanii, bunaa, loonifi kanbiraallee gabaa baasuu dhiisuunifii, omisha warshaaleen TPLF omishan, ykn dhaaboliin daldalaa isaani gurguran bituu lagachuudhaan diinagdee mootummichaa hurreessee mootimmicha jilbiinfachiisuu nidanda’a. Qabsoon kuni ammoo qabsoo wareegama hedduu gaafatuu miti. Qotee bulaan Oromoo midhaan saa akaayees ta’ee hafeelee nyaachaa ji’ota hedduu jiraachuu nidanda’a. Kanaafuu bittaaf gurgurtaa dhaquun irra hinjiru. Omisha isaa baasuu dhiisu qofaa oso hinta’in qaamanuu gabaa bahuu lagachu qaba. Sunumtuu mootummicha muddama (panic) keessa akka galchu ifaadha. Namni balbalarra deemee dirqiin gabaa akka bahan, mi’a akka bitan omisha saani akka gurguran taasisu hinjiru. Yaalus mirga homaatuu irratti hinqabu. Addunyaarratti qabsoon akkanaa hedduun taasifamanii injifannoon xumaramnii jiru. Kanaafuu warraaqsitoonni(activists), qindeessitooni(organizers) akka qeerroo kanarrattisi cimsitani hojjachuu qabdu yaada jedun qaba.
Tooftan qabsoo gabaa lagachuu kuni bu’aa roga lamaa qaba. 1- Diinagdee mootummichaa caccabsa.2- Ummanni magaalaa waan bitatu yoo dhabu mootummicharratti akka kaka’u taasisa. Qabsoo waliigalaa ummata baadiyyaafii magaalaa qabsiisa jehuudha. Kanaaf ciminaan irratti hojjachuun barbaacisaadha.
Yaada koo goolabuuf akkuman bal’isee ibsuu yaaletti ummanni Tuulamaa keessattuu ummanni naannoo Finfinnee jiraachaa turee Adaamii ollaa Agamsaatti marge ta’e waggoota dhibba hedduuf dhiigaa kanture yoo ta’u waggoota 170 as garuu Olloonni isaa meeshaa waraanatiin waan caalaa dhufaniif dhumaatin kana hinjenne irra gahaa ummata jirtaa tureedha. Har’a ammoo maqaa magaalaa bal’isuutin buqqa’e akka badu waan itti murtaa’f ilmaan Oromoo ka’anii falmiirra jiru. Dhigni Oromoo guyyaa saafa’an dhangala’aa jira. Gara fuulduraas akka hindhangalaane wabiin hinjiru. Hanga falmiin jirutti dhiigni dhangala’un hinhafu. Amma Oromiyaan bilisoomtutti ammoo falmiin hindhaabbatu. Kanaafuu hanga oromiyaan bilisoomtutti dhiigni ilmaan Oromoo hinqooru jechaadha. Oromoon hundinuu wareegama kana baasuuf qophii ta’u qaba. Qabsoo finiine qabbaneessinee duubatti deebi’uun diinaf mirga kennuu ta’a. Diina muddamtetti afuura deebisuu ta’a. Qabsicha haala qindaayeen itti fufnee Finfinnee qofaa oso hinta’in guutuu Oromiyaa diina jalaa baasuu qabna. Dhiigni keenya dhangaluun kandhaabbatu gaafa Oromiyaan bilisoomtee qofaadha.
Kanaafuu ilmaan Oromoo biyya keessaa bakka jirtan maraa walqunnamaa, qaama qabsoo keessan qindeessuu sadarkaa adda addaatti ijaraa, walis ijaaraa, waljala deemaa, tokko ta’aa, waliin dhaabbadhaa, tokko tokkoon kaatani hindhuminaa, bakka hundumaa’u yeroo tokko ka’u yaalaa. Duubatti deebi’un daran of ficcisiisudhaa sana hinyaadinaa. Duubatti hindeebi’inaa. Wareegamni akka jiru nibeekkamaa Bilisummaan wareegama malee waan hindhufneef suni isin sodaachisuu hinqabu. Oto hinfincilins Oromoorraa ajjeechaaniifi dararaan irraa dhaabbatee waan hinbeekneef taa’anii du’a eeggachuurra qabsaa seenaa galmeessissaa du’un kabajaa gudaa waan ta’eef carraa seenan isin dura kaa’e kana akka simattan abdii guddan qabaa.
Ulfinaaf kabajaan wareegamtoota keenyyf!!!
Qbsaa’an nikufaa qabsoon itti fuffaa!!!
Dhiigni wareegamtoota keenyaa Bilisummaa magarsaa!!!
Mootummaa faashistiin wuyyaanee nibarbadoofti!!!
Oromiyaan wareegama ilmaan shiitin nibilisoomtii!!!

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