Goototni barattootni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Harammayyaa Warraaqsaa Bilisummaa Kaasuun Gaaffii Mirgaan Mootummaa Wayyaanee Sardaa Jiraachuu Qeerroon Gabaase.

Sadaasa 30, 2015 | Gabaasa Qeerroo
Sadaasa 30,2015 Goototni barattootni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Harammayyaa Warraaqsaa FDG dhoosuun gaaffii Mirga Abbaa biyyummaa dhiyeeffachuun karoorri Master Pilaanii Finfinnee fi Labsii Magaalota Oromiyaa mormuun Warraaqsa Finiinsuun Waraana Wayyaanee Waliin Waldura dhaabbatan. 

FDG Eegale Tokkummaa Ilmaan Oromoon Jabaatee Mootummaa Abbaa Irreetti Xumura Ni Taasisa!

Sadaasa 30, 2015 | Qeerroo

Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo

(Qeerroo)–Uummatni Oromoo waanjoo garbummaa jalatti kufe jedhee guyyaan itti tole jedhee bule hin jiru. Hin jiraatus. Qabsoo Bilisummaa Uummata Oromoo gaggeeffamaa asiin gahe keessatti uummatni Oromoo waanjoo garbummaa of irraa buusuuf qabsoo hadhaawaa gaggeessaa tureera. Addatti Jaarmayaan Qeerroo Bilisummaa bara 2011 akka Jaarmayaatti erga of labsee asitti FDG mootummaa Wayyaanee hundeen raasan gaggeessaa turee ammas itti jira. Keessumaa ammoo bara 2014 keessatti uummatni Oromoo tokkummaadhaan diina dura dhaabbatee ‘‘ Haqa Keenyaa fi Biyya Keenya Diinaaf!’’ jechuudhaan wareegama qaqqaalii kaffaleera. Kumaatamaan mana hidhaatti ukkaamsamanii jiru. Dhibbootaan ammoo irbaata rasaasaa tahuudhaan dargaggootni Oromoo abbaa biyyummaa uummata Oromoo mirkaneessuuf rasaasa dura dhaabatanii ammas itt jiru.

Ibsa KWO: "Waayeen Lafa Oromoo Qixa Lafee Oromooti Lakkaawama"

Sadaasa 30, 2015 | Ibsa KWO/OIF

LAAK: kwo-075-2015
GUYAAA: Sada. 27, 2015

REF.NO: oif-075-2015
DATE: Nov. 27, 2015

“Waayeen Lafa Oromoo qixa Lafee Oromooti lakkaawama”
Ibsa Maastar Pilaanii Finfinnee Ilaalchisee Dhaaba Kallacha Walabummaa Oromiyaa (KWO) Irraa Kenname.
Karoorri Motummaan Wayyaanee Dhaloota isaa irraa kaasee Ummata Oromoo fi Cunqurfamoota Sabaa fi Sabllamoota Itiyoopiyaa keeyyssa jiran hunda lafa isaanii irraa buqqisee hiyyoomsuudhan qabeenya isaanii saamee humna isaa yeroo irraa gara yerootti cimsachuun bara bittaa isaa dheerafachuudha.
Karrorri Wayyaaneen maqaa “Maastar Pilaanii Finffinnee jedhuun” ummata keenyarratti fe’uuf deemtu kun itti fuufnsa karoora mootummoota Habashaa dhufaa dabrraa (Minilik – Wayyaanee) kan ummata keenya lafarraa fixanii lafa isaa humnnaan dhuunfachuuti. Walumaa gala dhimmi kun saba Oromootif dhimma baduu fi jiraachuti. Waan kana tayeef, dhaabni keenya KWOn Sabnni Oromoo yeroo ammaa carraa lama qofa qaba jedhee amana. Baduu yookaan jiraachuu. Karaan walakkaa kana deemsisu gonkuma hin jiraatu.

Gorsa Fincila Diddaa garbummaa irratti

Sadasaa 30, 2015 | Obbo Nageessaa Oddoo Duubee Irraa

Dargaggoonni Oromoo bakka cufarraa Fincila finiinsaa jiru. Keessattuu Amboo, Gincii, Naqamte, Mandii, Jaarsoo fi magaalota hedduu keessatti itti fufeera. Ofeeggannoon armaan gadii fudhatamuu qaba:
A. Woyyaaneen namoota/basaastota ofii hiriirtota/barattoota keessa maktee akka isaan qabeenna barbaadeessanii fi akka isaan gaafii hin barbaachisne kaasan hojjachuu waan dandeessuuf of eeggannoon guddaan Haa taasifamu.

Yo qabeenni barbadaa'uu jalqabe ykn diddaan Kun yo gara violence humnaa jirjiirame barattoonni keenna harka duwwaa waan jiranuuf ni miidhamu.

Mootummaan illeen sababa ittiin ajjeesuuf hidhulle argatata.

BBC decided to start broadcasting in Afaan Oromo

November 30, 2015 | Support BBC Afan Oromo

Congratulations! Pending formal announcement, our sources have confirmed that the BBC Trust, the BBC Executive Board, and the Government of the United Kingdom have decided to start Broadcasting to Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa in Afaan Oromo, the single most widely spoken language in Ethiopia.

“Wal Irretti Hin Laallu” Wallee Haaraa Gooticha Oromoo Artist Jaafar Yusuuf, Sadaasa 2015


Barruun Qeerroo Oromiyaa Bakka Gara Garaatti Tamsa’uu Itti fufee, Wallagga Magaalaa Mandii Keessatti Ammoo Diddaan Gabrummaa Jabaatee Itti Fufuun Manneen Daldhalaa fi Waajiraaleen Mootummaa Cufaman. Namoonni Sadiis Maddawuun Lama Ammoo Loltootaa Wayyaaneen Ukkamfaman.

Sadasaa 26, 2015 | Gabaasa Qeerroo Sadaasa 26, 2015 Mandii

FDG Oromiyaa keesatti yeroo ammaa kana mormii MP wal qabatee ka’ee jiruun Wayyaanee daran sodaachisee jira. Kaleessa lixa Wallaggaa Mandiitti diddaan ka’e Wayyaanen uummata naga irratt dhukaasa bante namoota 3  madoo goote 2 kan biro ammo ukkaamsuun bakka bu’an hin beekamu. Haala Kanaan diddaan kan itti caalu malee kan laaffate miti.Kanumatti fufuudhaan halkan edaa ergamtoota wayyaanee magaala Gimbii keessaa adamsanii Oromiyaa hin gurgurtan jechuun gootonni Oromoo tamsaasaa jiru.
Kana malees magaalaa Mandii,Najjoo fi Qilxuu Kaaraa jedhamu keessatti barruun warraaqsaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo jedhu heddumminaan faca’uu fi buufata fayyaa fi manneen barnootaa akkasumas waajjiraalee Mootummaa biratti faca’ee kaan maxxanfamaa ooluun loltootaa fi kaabinoota Wayyaanee guddoo kan rifachiise ta’uu Qeerroon gabaasa.

Sagalee Qeerroo Bilisummaa Sadaasa 26,2015/ Gabaasa FDG Oromiyaa


Caalaa Bultumee (Qeerransoo) - 2015 "Wareegama Guddaa Ba'a!"


Oduu Amma Nu Gahe/Breaking News

Sadaasa 25, 2015 | SBO
Sadaasa 25/2015 guyyaa har’aa Gootootni Qeerroon Barattootni Oromoo Godina Lixa Shaggar Magaalaa Amboo FDG mORMII MASTER Plan Finfinnee fi labsii magaalota Oromiyaa irratti dabarfame fi gaaffii Mirga Abbaa biyyummaa dhiyeeffachuun fincila dhoosuun Daandii konkolaataa gara dhiha Oromiyaa fi Wallaggatti dabarsu cufuun waraanaa wayyaanee waliin wal dura dhaabbachuun FDG dhoosan.

በቴፒ ከተማ ላይ በተነሳ የይገባኛል ጥያቄ የፀጥታ ውጥረት ነግሷል

November 22, 2015 | Reporter (Ethiopian Government allay newspaper | በውድነህ ዘነበ
የደቡብ ምዕራብ ኢትዮጵያ የግብርና ኢኮኖሚ እምብርት ከሆኑ ከተሞች አንዷ በሆነችው ቴፒ ከተማ፣ በፀጥታ መደፍረስ ሳቢያ ውጥረት ነግሷል፡፡ ቴፒ ከተማና ዙሪያዋ በፌዴራል ፖሊስ ጭምር ጥበቃ ቢደረግላቸውም፣ የሽፍታ ኃይል በመኖሩ ከሥጋት መላቀቅ እንዳልቻሉ ሪፖርተር ያነጋገራቸው የከተማው ነዋሪዎች ገልጸዋል፡፡ 
 ለተፈጠረው የፀጥታ ችግር ዋነኛ መንስዔ ቴፒ ከተማ የምትገኝበት የኪ ወረዳ የእኛ ነው የሚል አቋም በያዙ የሸኮ ብሔረሰብ ተወላጆችና በሸካ ብሔረሰብ ተወላጅ አመራሮች መካከል፣ ከጊዜ በኋላ እየተካረረ የመጣ አለመግባባት በመኖሩ ነው ተብሏል፡፡ 

These African ‘countries’ don’t officially exist – including one that you’ve probably never heard of

Mail & Guardian Africa | 20 Nov 2015
Post-colonial African liberation movements you might not have heard too much about, and why owners like Angola, Zambia and Namibia won’t ‘let go’.
ANGOLA marked its 40th birthday this month and while the south African country blew off the candles, there’s one situation it would be happy the world didn’t pay much attention to.
The “Republic” of Cabinda has even set up its own de facto government, but Angola has no doubt about who the area falls under, having steadfastly held that it is sovereign territory administered from Luanda.
The geography, and history, however stokes the debate: not only is the area completely separated from Angola by a narrow strip of territory belonging to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but it was also only a protectorate of the Portuguese (called Portuguese Congo) and was only formally integrated into Portuguese Angola in the 1950s. In 1963, the Organisation for African Unity – now the African Union – recognised the distinction between Angola and Cabinda by ranking Cabinda as the 39th state. Internationally though, the area is recognised as part of Angola.

TVOMT: Kan Du’eettu Gale Moo Kan Jiruuttu Sobaan Ajjeffame? Yaa Soba Baranaa


Ethiopian soldiers cross to Kenya, kill three policemen, five missing

November 20, 2015 | Standard Digital | By Cyrus Ombati

KENYA: Ethiopian soldiers shoot dead 3 Kenyan police in an ambush in Sololo area, Marsabit County. The soldiers were pursuing (Oromo Liberation Front) OLF gunmen who had killed a chief in Ethiopia on Thursday, local police say.

The soldiers had surrounded a village for a siege while searching for the alleged OLF militia when the Kenya police were called. As they drove to the village, they were attacked in an ambush killing three on the spot. Local police say at least five other officers are missing after the attack. "The officers were in a police vehicle when they were attacked by the Ethiopian soldiers inside Kenya. Three are dead and many are missing," said an officer in the area.

Ethiopia: The Socio-Political and Governance Dimensions of Hunger - Exploring Ethiopia's Crisis

November 17, 2015 | PAMBAZUKA NEWS | By Fikrejesus Amahazion
Within the next few weeks, the number of starving Ethiopians will balloon to 15 million. Some environmental factors are responsible for this food crisis. But the Ethiopian government has been leasing huge tracts of arable land to foreigners. And several months ago, leaked emails revealed that the Ethiopian regime, which is now making appeals for aid and external support, was paying an Italian surveillance firm to illegally monitor journalists critical of the government.
Food insecurity is one of the most pressing humanitarian issues in the Horn of Africa, and the situation is expected to deteriorate further over the coming months. Ethiopia, in particular, is faced with a massive crisis. According to the European Commission, "[t]he situation in Ethiopia is at present the most alarming, where the number of food insecure people has increased from 2.9 million at the beginning of the year to 8.2 million by early October. It is foreseen that these numbers will further rise up to 15 million by the end of 2015.
Rates of acute under-nutrition are well above emergency thresholds in many parts of the country, while the response to this situation is hampered by an important shortage of nutrition supplies. In the worst affected areas in the Northern, Central and Eastern regions hundreds of thousands of livestock deaths are reported." Moreover, UNICEF warns that a large number of those facing hunger will be children; approximately 5 million children will "require relief food assistance during the last quarter of 2015," with hundreds of thousands urgently requiring treatment for acute severe malnutrition.

WHO warning over Ethiopia climate change risks

November 17, 2015 | World Bulletin News Desk

The health body has said that climate change could worsen health problems in African country.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning that climate change is threatening to exacerbate health problems in Ethiopia.
The WHO released details in its Climate and Health Country Profile 2015 on Tuesday.
“Increased temperatures, intense heat waves, more extreme rainfall, floods and landslides, are expected to intensify existing challenges of communicable diseases, food insecurity and poverty unless timely action is taken,” according to a WHO statement.

Oromo Federalist Congress International Support Group (OFC-ISG) Press Release on Paris Attack

November 16, 2015 | OFC International Support Group

We are deeply shocked by the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night leaving hundreds of people dead and scores injured. The unconscionable attacks intended to terrorize innocent people are assault on humanity and the universal values of peace, democracy, and freedom.   

In this sad moment, we stand with the families of the victims, with all those affected, and with the people of France and the world in the fight against terrorism. And we affirm our determination that terrorism will never defeat democracy.       

Oromo Federalist Congress International Support Group 

Minneapolis, MN 

November 15, 2015  

“ HOGGANOOTA QABSOO OROMOO,,,, ” --- Kutaa 1ffaa

Sadaasa 13, 2015 | SEENAA Y.G(2005)
Kutaa 1ffaa
Qabxii kana barreeffamaan wal amansiisuuf yaaluun, amma ciqilee ofii dhungachuu Ulfaachuu ni mala. Mata duree kana irratti yeroo fudhatanii, mari’achuu, wal amansiisuu fi wal dhaggeeffachuun barbaachisa. Kanaaf yaadoota bu’uraa kaa’een, kan waa hubatees ta’ee, osoo hin hubatiin Umurii isaa guutuu quba namatti qabuu qofaan furmaati tan argamu  itti fakkaate, yaada isaa sirreeffatee, waan hiri’atee qajeelechee, waliin tarkaanfachuuf murteeffachuun ala furmaati biraa akka hin jirre akeekuun yaala.

The Ethiopian Regime Is Destabilizing the Horn of Africa Region

November 13, 2015 | Huffington Post | By Yohannes Woldemariam*

The Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn claims Al-Shabab is diminishing with Ethiopian support to the Somali government. He also told BBC Africa editor, Mary Harper, that "Ethiopians are satisfied with the system of government in the country."
During the interview, PM Desalegn painted a very rosy picture of the situation in Ethiopia and its dealings with the region. The regime seems to be on a charm offensive with the Western media. According to Mary Harper, PM Desalegn requested for the interview, which was conducted impromptu. After listening to the interview, I wished Ms. Harper had scrutinized the PM a bit more on Eritrea and Somalia as she did with his domestic human rights violations. For example, the PM was never confronted on the important issue of the boundary demarcation with Eritrea. He freely pontificated on the issue of refugees without being challenged about the role of the Ethiopian regime in refugee production.

ወሎና ፖለቲካ-ወለድ ረሃብ ከድሮ እስከ ዘንድሮ

November 13, 2015 | በቦሩ በራቃ
ethiopia_drought_cows_2012_8_21ረሃብ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በተሰማ ቁጥር የወሎው ወገናችን ስም ሁሌም ቀድሞ ይነሳል። ከ40 ኣመት በፊት የጀመረው ይህ በገዢዎች ሆን ተብሎ ትኩረት የተነፈገው ፖለቲካ-ወለድ የረሃብ ኣዙሪት ዛሬም ድረስ ቀጥሏል። ያኔ ንጉሱ የ80 ኣመት ልደታቸውን ያከብሩ ነበር። በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠር ገንዘብ ከድሃ ኣገር ካዝና አየወጣ እንደ ውሃ ይረጫል። ድግስ ከበርቻቻው በቤተ መንግስቱ ድምቁዋል። ንጉሱና ባለሙዋሎቻቸው በፌሽታ ግለው ነፍሳቸውን ኣያውቁም። የየኣገር ግዛቱ ትልልቅ ፊውዳሎች ሁሉ የንጉሱ ድግስ ታዳሚዎች ናቸው። ትንንሽ ፊውዳሎችም ቢሆኑ እስከ ቤተ መንግስት ድረስ የመጋበዝ እድል ቢያጥራቸውም ባሉበት ትንንሽ ቤተመንግስቶቻቸው ነግሰው ቢያንስ በሬ ጥለው የንጉሱን 80 ኣመት የልደት በኣል ሻማ ለኩሰዋል፣ ግብር ኣብልተዋል። ንጉሱ በልደታቸው በኣል በውሻቸው ስም ሳይቀር ሙክትና በሬ ኣስጥለዋል፣ የልደት ኬክም ኣስርተዋል። በገዢዎች መንደር ይህን የመሰለ ድግስ ፈንጠዝያው ሲቀልጥ ታዲያ በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠረው የወሎ ህዝብ ግን ኣስታዋሽ ኣጥቶ በረህብ እንደ ቅጠል እየረገፈ ነበር። በገዢዎቹ መንደር ውሾችና ድመቶች ቡርንዶ ስጋ ጠግበው ሲጠየፉ ወሎ ውስጥ ግን የሰው ልጅ እፍኝ ቆሎ ኣጥቶ እስከወዲይኛው ኣሸለበ። የወቅቱን ረሃብ ፖለቲካ-ወለድ የሚያስብለውም ይሄው ነው።

PAFD’s Task Group held its first Strategic International Meeting

November 11, 2015
Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD), comprised of five national organizations has been officially inaugurated on 23rd of October 2015 in Oslo, Norway. On its inauguration of aforementioned date, high level of professionals have been delegated various tasks for PAFD to accomplish within given time frame. Some of these allocated tasks involve road mapping and strategizing the way forward for PAFD’s strategic and operational goals. They have been also given responsibilities of conceptualising the way PAFD can decisively operate to create lasting solution in Ethiopia’s 130 years socio-economic and political malignancy. These groups of temporary delegated professionals have been given the roles of showing the means and approach in a realistic manner by devising the necessary strategy for PAFD’s struggle by critically looking at the ways on how to manage the risks and challenges whilst striding towards inevitable changes in Ethiopian politics.

Olola Dharaa Oomishee Facaasuu fi Ummata Shoororkeessuudhaan Umrii Bittaa isaa Dheereffachuuf Dhama’uun Mootummaa Wayyaaneetiif Aadaa Tahe

Sadaasa 06, 2015 | Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO) irraa kenname
Mootummaan Wayyaanee olola dharaa daangaa hin qabnee fi duula shoororkeessummaa, haaressa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo fi qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo irratti banee jira. Humnootiin tikaa fi miidiyaan Wayyaanee akkuma amala isaanii fiilmii dharaa maqaa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo fi qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo xureessu oomishuuf har’as olii fi gadi kaataa jiru . Duulli maqa-balleessii fi jibbisiisaan kunis waan haaraa utuu hin taane itti fufa kan ammaan duraa ti. Gama biraanis humnootiin tikaa Wayyaanee maqaa miseensota Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo fi shoororkeessitoota jedhuun wayta ammaa ilmaan Oromoo nagaa biyya keessaa fi biyyoota ollaatii ukkaamsanii garii mana hidhaatti guuruu, kaan immoo ajjeesuu fi gara dabarsuun muddama uumuuf asii fi achi fiigaa jiru.

Gadaa as the Fountain of Oromummaa and the Theoretical Base of Oromo Liberation

November 04, 2015 | From the selected works of  Pro. Asaffaa Jaallataa


Every society has its unique central organizing and ruling ideology  and theoretical models in a given historical epoch that it uses as its lenses to look at and interpret the world and to survive freely and advance its civilization or ways of life without disruption from within and without. Ideology plays many roles in a society, and its essential function is to define and promote the political, material, and cultural interests pf a group, a nation, a social class, a state, or other entities; it also "offers an explanation and an evaluation of political, economic, and social condition, provides its holders a compass that helps orient them and develop a sense of identity, and tenders a prescription  for political economic, or social action." Before the Oromo were colonized, they, too, had their central organizing and ruling ideology and theoretical models that were embedded in the gadaa/siqqee civilization that organized and guided them as a society socially, culturally, religiously, politically, militarily, and economically. We advance the idea that without retrieving and developing the best elements of their heritage, the Oromo cannot fully develop Oromummaa (national culture, identity, and ideology) as their organizing and central ideology and their theoretical models of liberation in order to empower themselves as a nation in the twenty first century. While developing their ideology and theoretical model, Oromo nationalists need to recognize and overcome the devastating ideologies, behaviors, and theoretical models of their oppressors that have confused and disempowered their nation.

Koongirasii Feederaalawa Oromoo (KFO): Marii haawwaasa Burraaayyuu fi Naannoo ishiiti Maqaa mastar pilaanitiin labsii Lafa Oromiyaa saamufii saamsisuuf bahee irratti: Sadaasa 08, 2015 (Onkoloolessa 28, 2008)

Akkuma xalayaa beekisissa kan argitan K.F.O guyyaa gaafa 28/03/2008 alh itti walgahii ykn marii haawwaasa Burraaayyuu fi Naannoo ishiiti wajjin taasisuuf deemuu irrati eenyaaminii magaala bulishiinssa irra waan argameefii hundi keesanii akka irrati argamitan kabajaan issin gaafatuu.
Maqaa mastar pilaanitiin labsii Lafa Oromiyaa saamufii saamsisuuf bahee irratti KFO'n waamicha taasisen ibsa ejjennoo qabxii sagaliitin marii isaa goolabuu issa beekamadhaa.
Ibsi barreessaa paartii Koongirasii Feederaalawa Oromoo Obbo Baqqalaa Nagaatin dubbifame kan arman gadiiti.

የፌዴራል ዓቃቤ ሕግ አራት የአምቦ ከተማ የኦሮሞ ወጣቶችን በኦነግነት ከሰሰ

November 02, 2015 | Oromedia

የፌዴራል ዓቃቤ ሕግ አራት  በኦሮሚያ  ምዕራብ ሸዋ ዞን የአምቦ ከተማ የኦሮሞ ወጣቶችን በኦነግነት በመወንጀል ጥቅምት 17 ቀን 2008 ዓ.ም. ክስ መሠረተባቸው፡፡
ተጠርጣሪዎቹ የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር (ኦነግ) አባል በመሆንና ተልዕኮውን በመቀበል፣ በአገር ውስጥና በውጭ አገሮች ከሚገኙ አባላቱ ጋር በስልክ በመገናኘት፣ በከተማው ሰላማዊ ነዋሪዎችና በመንግሥት ተቋማት ላይ ጉዳት ለማድረስ በመንቀሳቀስ፣ አንድ የመከላከያ ሠራዊት አባል በመግደልና በሌሎች የመንግሥት አመራሮችና ነዋሪዎች ላይ ከባድ የአካል ጉዳት በማድረስ በማለት፣ የፌዴራል ዓቃቤ ሕግ ለፌዴራል ከፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት 19ኛ ወንጀል ችሎት ያቀረበው ክስ ያስረዳል፡፡

የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር ኤርትራ ውስጥ የሚያካሂደው ትግል የለም – የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር