#OromoProtests የግዢ እና ሽያጭ ማቆም አድማ ጥሪቀደም ብለን እንዳስታወቅነው ለቀጣዩ ዘመቻ የተመረጠው ሳምንት በሃገሪቱ ውስጥ ከፍተኛ የንግድ እንቅስቃሴ የሚደረግበት ነው። ስለሆነም ዘመቻው የስርዓቱን ኢኮኖሚ ከማድቀቅም አልፎ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ የሃገሪቱ ኢኮኖሚ ግንድ መሆኑን የሚያሳይበት ይሆናል። በተጨማሪም በኦሮሚያ ከተሞች ውስጥ ለጨቋኙ ስርዓት ያደሩ ነጋዴዎችንም ለመለየት ይጠቅማል ዘመቻው። በዚሁ መሰረት ከጳጉሜ አንድ እስከ መስከረም ሁለት 2009 ዓ.ም የሚቆይ በስርዓቱ ኢኮኖሚ ላይ ያነጣጠረ ዘመቻ ይደረጋል። ዓላማውም የስርዓቱን ኢኮኖሚ በመምታት የጭቆና አቅሙን ማንኮታኮት ይሆናል። ወቅቱ የዘመን መለወጫና የኣረፋ በዓላት ወቅት ነው። ባሮጌው ዓመት የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ለነጻነቱ ባደረገው ከፍተኛ ተጋድሎ ብዙ ልጆቹን ሰውቶ ሺዎችን ላይ ደግሞ የኣካል ጉዳት ደርሷል። በኣስር ሺዎች የሚቆጠሩት ደግሞ በስርዓቱ አስቃቂ እስር ቤቶች አሁንም እየተሰቃዩ ይገኛሉ።
የግዢ እና ሽያጭ ማቆም አድማ ጥሪ ከጷግሜ 1- መስከረም 2፣ 2009
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Madda Walaabuu Press
#OromoProtests A Call for Economic Boycot Measures against TPLF
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
#OromoProtests A Call for Boycot Measures
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Building on its gains so far, the Oromo protests movement is entering a new phase.The unrelenting killing and brutal repression of the regime continues unabated. This is calling for a change of tactics.
Accordingly, the Oromo protests is now calling for a week long, nation-wide boycott of markets and trade activities in this holiday season (of Ethiopian new year and Eid el-Arafaa).
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Madda Walaabuu Press
Akkuma amma dura jenne ALHtti Qaammee 1, 2008 irraa eegalee hanga Fuulbana 2, 2009tti duulli diinaggee sirnicha irratti fuulleeffate ni godhama. Akeekni duula kanaa diinaggee sirnichaa daran rukutuun humna ittiin ummata cunqursu laamshessuu. Yeroon kun yeroo ayyanaa waggaa haarayatifi ayyana Iida Arafaa akka ta’e ni beekama. Barri dabre kun bara Oromoon falmii mirgaa cimaa godhee wareegama guddaas itti kaffale ta’uu wal yaadachiisuun hin barbaachisu. Kanaaf ayyaana kanas obboleeyyan keenya wareegaman yaadachuufi qabsoo isaan irratti kufan daran saffisuun malee bashananaan dabarsuun waan ta’uu miti. Tarkaanfilee fudhatamuu qaban:
Ilma Ummatni Oromoo Itti Boonuu Qabu
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Hagayya 22, 2016 | Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO) irraa
Addunyaan Itophiyaa akka lamatti beeka. Mootummootni Itophiyaa empaayera humnaan ijaaramte humnaan tikfatuu fi dantaa isaanii guuttatuuf jecha hacuuccaa fi saaminsa gaggeessaniin biyyoota addunyaa jiran keessaa biyya hiyyeettii maayii taasisuu fi biyya ummatootni kumoota dhibbaan sababa beelaan keessatti dhuman tahuun beekan. Dhugaan kun sirna ykn mootummaa tokko jalatti qofa osoo hin taane mootummoota hunda keessatti mul’atuun Itophiyaan maqaa salphinaa kana jalaa akka hin baane taasise.
Itophiyaan kan ittiin beekamte kan biraa waltajjii ispoortii ti. Waltajjii nagaa kana irratti maqaa Itophiyaa kan waamsisan irra hedduun ilmaan Oromoo ti.
The Bravest Olympian in Rio — Ethiopia’s Feyisa Lilesa Risks Death But Speaks Out About Killings of Oromo Protesters in Ethiopia After Earning Olympic Silver in Marathon
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
August 21, 2016 | Letsrun.com
RIO DE JANEIRO — Plenty of storylines emerged from the 2016 Olympic marathon. Eliud Kipchoge stamped himself as the greatest marathoner of all time by winning the race in 2:08:44. Galen Rupp earned the bronze medal to cap a stellar meet for the United States distance squad. But those are sporting achievements. What Ethiopia’s Feyisa Lilesa did today goes far beyond running.
As Lilesa crossed the finish line in 2:09:54 to earn the silver medal, he threw his hands above his head to form an “X”. Afterward, at the post-race press conference on a dais 50 yards from the marathon finish line, he spoke slow, powerful, chilling words, explaining the gesture was meant to demonstrate his solidarity with his Oromo people in Ethiopia. Amnesty International reports that at least 97 Oromo were killed inpeaceful anti-government protests earlier this month. This is the latest in a string of protests that Human Rights Watch estimates have resulted in over 400 deaths in all. In addition to the killings, many more have been arrested and detained by the government.
Ethiopia’s Bloody Crackdown: The Case for International Justice
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Madda Walaabuu Press
August 18, 2016 | By Felix Horne, Senior Researcher, Horn of Africa
Ethiopian security forces gunned down at least 100 people a week ago in the bloodiest weekend in the ninth month of anti-government protests. Unlike previous protests, which have been largely confined to the Oromia region, the protests on August 6 and 7 were also in the northern Amhara region. Altogether at least 500 people have been killed since November and tens of thousands have been detained during the largely peaceful protests.
Ethiopian security forces gunned down at least 100 people a week ago in the bloodiest weekend in the ninth month of anti-government protests. Unlike previous protests, which have been largely confined to the Oromia region, the protests on August 6 and 7 were also in the northern Amhara region. Altogether at least 500 people have been killed since November and tens of thousands have been detained during the largely peaceful protests.
Ethiopia: TPLF to stage-manage and carry out a “terrorist” attack, intelligence sources warn
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Madda Walaabuu Press
August 18, 2016 | By Engidu Woldie
Sources close to ESAT disclosed that the TPLF regime in Ethiopia is prepared to carry out deadly attacks that mimics the work of terrorists in cities across the nation and use that as an excuse to squash the growing popular resistance against the regime in the name of fighting Al Shabaab terrorists.
The sources said the TPLF intelligence and security has selected five locations – Adama, Dire Dawa, Gondar, Bahir Dar and Shashemene – to target public places and higher institutions of learning. The plan was to use Somali speaking individuals from the Ethiopian Somali region to carry out attacks at the selected locations, according to the sources.
OLF is Spirit
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Madda Walaabuu Press
August 18, 2016 | By Mathias Gudina
OLF is Spirit, OLF is a Movement and OLF is 40+ million people:
OLF is Spirit, OLF is a Movement and OLF is 40+ million people:
- If you think OLF is dead, you are wrong because OLF lives in the hearts and minds of Oromo people.
- If you think OFC is not OLF, you are wrong because OLF lives in OFC hearts and minds,
- If you think ODF is not OLF, again you are wrong, because it lives in ODF hearts and minds;
- If you think KWO is not OLF, you are wrong, because it lives in KWO hearts and minds;
- If you think OPDO is not OLF, you are wrong because majority of OPDO members have OLF in their hearts and minds.
Indefatigable Quest for Freedom in Oromia amid Massacre
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Madda Walaabuu Press
August 14, 2016 | By Gabisso Halaale
“I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” Marthin Luther King Jr.
Gaaffii fi Galii Siyaasaa Ummata Oromoo Caalaatti Ifa Gochuu
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Hagayya 13, 2016 | Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)
Akeekni Siyaasaa QBO ABOn hoggonamuu, “Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa, mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo argamsiisuuf, sirna kolonii Oromiyaa irraa kaasudhaan, Oromiyaa kolonii, hacuuccaa fi saamicha bifa hundaa jalaa bilisa baasuun mootummaa Walaba Oromiyaa dhaabuu dha. Kunis kan mirkanaawu, murtii bilisaa ummata Oromootiin mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa ijaarratuu yookiin tokkummaa siyaasaa haaraya fedhii, qixxummaa, kabajaa dantaa gama hundaa fi demokraasummaa irratti hundaawe ummattoota ollaa Oromiyaa fi biraa wajjiin dhaabbachuu keessaa filatuuni dha.” jedha. Kana jechuun ammoo Referandum bilisaa Ummataa Oromoof aanjawuun murtaawuun xumurama jechuu akka tahe eenyuufuu ifaa dha.
ULFO: Gaaga’ama Hanqinni Tokkummaa Jaarmiyoota Siyaasaa Oromoo
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Madda Walaabuu Press
Hagayya 10, 2016
Baroota 15 dura, qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo qindoomina dabrees hanniisaa itti horuudhaf, humna qabsaawotaa mooraa takkatti walitti fiduun gaafii yeroo belbeltuu akka ture waan yaadatamu. Akkuma beekkamuu malu, hireen qabsoo saba Oromoo dhuma bara 1992 keessaa mudate, hanga bara 2000 keessa Tokkummaan Humnoota Bilisummaa Oromiyaa (THBO) bu’uraawetti, faffaca’iinsa jaarmiyoota kan haalan yaachisaa ti ture. Faca’iinsa uummameef furmaata ma’ii soquun hawwii fii iyyaannaa saba Oromoo maraa ture. Itti dabalees, jaarmiyooleen siyaasaa Oromootis dhiibbaa sabichaatin rakkoo faca’iinsa moraa QBO kessatti dhalateef hiikkaa aggaamuf yeroo itti dirqaman ture. Haala kanattu, dirree marii jaarmiyoota siyaasaa jidduutti yeroo duraatif bane. Itti ba’iinsi marii kanaatis, tokkummaa jaarmiyoota Oromoo kaayyoo bilisummaa Oromoo fii walabummaa Oromiyaatif qabsaawan mara agoobaro takka jalatti walitti fiduudhan, dhawata keessaa, tokkummaan isaani akka mirkanaawu haala mijeessuu kan jedhu ture. QBO rakkoolee jaarmiyoota fii akkasumas qabsaawota jidduu turaniin gaadi’amee gulantaa ol’aana fii abdachiisa irraa ga’u hanqachuun isaa hubatamuudhan, dhibdeelee qabsicha korkodan irraa aanudhaan, jaarmiyaa cimaa fii waaltawaa tokko kan qabsaawonni marti keessatti hammatamani qooda ga’a itti gummaachuu danda’an, akkasumas hooggana bilchinaa fii qaroominaan qabsicha kayyoo isaatin mamii tokkoon maleetti ga’uudhaf murate sosso’u fii sossoosu tokko horachuudhaf THBO Fulbaana 2000 keessa uummame.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
August 10, 2016 | Ezekiel Gebissa, Special to Addis Standard
In the last two years, the Oromia region has gone through tumultuous times. New political realities are emerging. A new generation of Oromos has arisen demanding respect for constitutionally-guaranteed, universally-accepted human rights. The awakening of a new demand-bearing generation is a new political reality signifying the Oromo struggle for human dignity has now reached a stage of irreversibility. This is a new experience that gives hope to future generations of Oromos. Every generation has passed on ideas worth fighting for to the succeeding generation.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
August 10, 2016 | Ezekiel Gebissa, Special to Addis Standard
In the last two years, the Oromia region has gone through tumultuous times. New political realities are emerging. A new generation of Oromos has arisen demanding respect for constitutionally-guaranteed, universally-accepted human rights. The awakening of a new demand-bearing generation is a new political reality signifying the Oromo struggle for human dignity has now reached a stage of irreversibility. This is a new experience that gives hope to future generations of Oromos. Every generation has passed on ideas worth fighting for to the succeeding generation.
Oromo protests: Why US must stop enabling Ethiopia
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Madda Walaabuu Press
August 10, 2016 | Awol K. Allo* | CNN
Story Highlights
Ethiopia is facing a mounting crisis over treatment of Oromo people
More than 100 people died on Saturday following clashes
Country could be thrown into chaos, says Awol Allo
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Dr. Awol Allo |
Editor's Note: Awol K. Allo is LSE Fellow in Human Rights at the Centre for the Study of Human Rights. He writes on the issues behind several months of protests by Ethiopia's largest ethnic group, the Oromos. Around 100 people died following clashes with security forces and demonstrators at the weekend, according to Amnesty International.The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author.
Story Highlights
Poem: Ana Haa Nyaatuu
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
By Daniel Bariiso Areerii
Dedicated to Oromo massacred on August 6, 2016
Repeated Brutal Killings of Peaceful Protesters will definitely worsen the Political and Security Crises in Ethiopia
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
August 09, 2016 | PAFD’s Statement on the current massacre of peaceful Oromo protesters by the TPLF regime
PAFD’s Statement on the current massacre of peaceful Oromo protesters by the TPLF regime The long Oromo nation’s protest against the TPLF-led dictatorial regime was going on since November 12, 2015. The Oromo people is protesting across and in the whole districts in Oromia. The TPLF government repeatedly responded to the protesters in a brutal way using live ammunitions and has mercilessly killed over 670 Oromo so far. Hundreds have been wounded. Over 50, 000 Oromo were arrested and tortured in known and unknown prisons. There was unknown number of disappearances. Among the dead, the majority are university and high school students, very young children, pregnant women, and the elderly. The TPLF assassinating squad not only killed people on the streets, but in their homes during the night time by breaking into their doors. Many people were taken from their homes and arrested, then taken to police stations, military camps, concentration camps and unknown places. Similar scenarios are unfolding in Benshangul, Ogaden Somali, Gambella, Amhara, Sidama, Konso, South Omo valley and the rest of the country. Human rights organizations have widely reported on the protests in Oromia in order to make the world community aware of the real scope of the protests and the brutality of the Ethiopian regime. The EU and US congress have expressed their “concerns” about the killings, large scale mass arrests and tortures of Oromo protesters thereby to urge the Ethiopian government to end the systemic harassment, killings, exclusion and marginalization of the Oromo people from economic, political and social lives.
Dozens killed as police use excessive force against peaceful protesters in Ethiopia
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Madda Walaabuu Press
August 09, 2016 | Amnesty International Press Release
At least 97 people were killed and hundreds more injured when Ethiopian security forces fired live bullets at peaceful protesters across Oromia region over the weekend, according to credible sources who spoke to Amnesty International.
Thousands of protesters turned out in Oromia and Amhara calling for political reform, justice and the rule of law. The worst bloodshed – which may amount to extrajudicial killings – took place in the northern city of Bahir Dar where at least 30 people were killed in one day.
Killing Innocent Protesters is an Act of Terror :- Oromo Federalist Congress International Support Group (OFC-ISG)
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Madda Walaabuu Press
August 09, 2016 | A statement from Oromo Federalist Congress International Support Group (OFC-ISG)
For immediate ReleaseFollowing the online call of #OromoProtests activists for massive rallies on August 6, 2016, throughout Oromia, the Oromo people have turned out in large numbers in every corner of Oromia to demand justice and freedom. Massive rallies were and are taking places in almost all zonal and district capital cities of the Oromia region, in Finfinne and Dire Dawa. People have protested in more than 200 cities across Oromia and challenged the grip of the unrelenting brutal ruling regime in power in Ethiopia. The scale and intensity of the protests make this a historic day in the struggle of Oromo people in particular and the Ethiopian people in general. We salute the peaceful protesters for organizing such disciplined protests and for their bravery, determination, and sacrifices. Although we hoped and urged the Ethiopian government to allow people to freely protest, reports coming from Oromia are depicting a gloomy picture. So far, the Ethiopian government security forces have killed many innocent civilians and have wounded many more. The numbers of those beaten and rounded up from protest grounds and taken to known and unknown detention locations are countless.
Haala yeroo ammaa Impaayera Itophiyaa ilaalchisee Ibsa ABO
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Hagayya 05, 2016 | Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)
Ummatni Oromoo fi Dargaggootni akkasumas Qabsaawotni hundi injifatnoo hanga amma kuufame tikfataa akka Fincila Xumura Qabrummaa finiinsuun galii isaa saffisuu irratti hojjatamu ABO gadi jabeessee hubachiisa.
Hiraarri, cunqursaa fi saaminsi daangaa dabre ummatoota Itophiyaa hifachiisee hundinuu karaa adda addaa mormii isaa akka dhageessisu taasisuu irraa Itophiyaan Wayyaaneen bulfamtu yeroon itti tasgabboofte hin mul’atne. Sirni gabrummaa, bittaa abbaa irrummaan durfamu, ummatoota lafa irraa buqqaasuu dhaan ofii fi waaheloota isaa saaminsaaf hiriiran waliin ummatoota sadarkaa kanaan dura mul’atee hin beekneen hiyyoomse. Salphinaa fi gadadoo mul’atee hin beekneef saaxile. Haallan ummatoota irra gahan kanneen keessatti kan ummata Oromoo ammoo addatti ilaalama.
OPDO’s last chance to ditch TPLF and join #OromoProtests
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
August 05, 2016 | By Leta T. Bayissa
Now, it is billed as possibly to be the greatest planned protests against the repressive regime in the history of our nation -- tomorrow, on August 6, 2016. I would like to urge OPDO to ditch TPLF and join #OromoProtests. As the countdown to the largest protests starts in earnest, OPDO should abandon the loose ends of the deal with TPLF and bolt out of EPRDF. I ask you to make an earthshaking pronouncement on Saturday and shake TPLF to its very innercore. Because for far too long you are keeping not only the wrong political company, but acquiescently obeying and serving a hostile regime towards Oromoness.
We (Oromo) know all too well that you are never been comfortable with TPLF. It is more obvious that you are increasingly becoming uncomfortable with the coalition that TPLF only dominates which has left you mere spectators on the margins. It is naive and wrong for OPDO to stick with TPLF when the latter own members were often showing open contempt and disrespect for the former. The TPLF has been sending broadly clear messages that OPDOs are flowergirls in the EPRDF coalition matrix.
Godina Arsii Aanaa Roobee Keessatti Diddaa Ummata Oromoo Dhaamsuu Basaasoti 10 Ramadamanii Ummata Gooluu Eegalanii Jiru
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Hagayya 04, 2016 | Qeerroo.org
Godina Arsii aanaa Roobee Diida’aa keessatti hojii basaasummaarratti bobba’anii hiriira sanbataarrattis ummata hirmaachuf sochii garagaraa godhaa jiru goolaa jiran yoo ta’uu maqaa basaasota Wayyaanee naannichatti bobba’anii jiranii keessaa:
- Zowduu Rattaa bulchaa ganda
- Fayyoo Qaadoo itti aanaa ganda 01
- Keerroo saanii kantiibaa magaalaa Roobee
- Jundii Kamaaloo milishaa gandaa
- Geetuu Shagguu itti gaafatamaa misooma qonnaa fi bulchiinsa aanaa
- Qaasoo Umar itti gaafatamaa dhimma nageenyaa aanaa
- Sulxii manzaa itti gaafatamaa milishoota gandaa
- Amaan IBraahim itti gaafatamaa milishoota duraanii
- Jamaal Kadiir itti gaafatamaa dhaabaa OPDO
- Sammaan Idiriis bulchaa ganda ataabaa Roobee
Namoonni Kanaan olii hundi yeroo ammaa Aanaa Roobee keessatti uummata keessa deemanii doorsisuu fi gooluu eegalanii jiru.
Tourists Are Canceling Their Trips to Ethiopia after Massive Amhara and Oromo Protests
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
02 August 2016 | By DeBirhan
Several hundreds of international tourists have called off or even cancelled their planned trips to Ethiopia since the anti-government protests in Ethiopia started, experts involved in the sector have said.
Especially, several hundreds of tourists, who had planned to visit places in the Northern parts of the country have cancelled their bookings after rumors and reports about a planned protest in Gonder and other major towns of the Amhara regions tomorrow July 31, 2016.
Protests in Ethiopia’s Gonder City Signal Uncertain Future
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
August 02, 2016 | By James Butty | VOA
An Ethiopian professor of political science based in the United States says Ethiopia finds itself at a crossroads with an uncertain future unless the government holds free and fair elections.
This, as tens of thousands of people in Gonder, a city in the Amhara region of northern Ethiopia, protested Sunday calling for a change of government because of what they say is unfair distribution of wealth in the country.
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Madda Walaabuu Press
Hagayya 01, 2016 | Facebooki Obbo Jawar Mohammed Irraa
Ji’oottan saglan dabraniif ummanni Oromoo gaafii mirgaa haqummaan isaa mootummaanuu amane qabatee haala seeraaf heerri biyyattii eeyyamuun falmachaa jiraachuun isaa ni beekma. Yeroo kana keessatti ilmaan Oromoo 600 ol ta’an loltoota mootummaatin ajjeefamanii, kanneen 5000 ol ta’an madaayanii jiran. Kana jechuunis ji’oottan saglan dabran kana qofa keessatti guyyuma guyyaadhaan ilmaan Oromoo sadi (guyyaatti) Agaaziidhaan ajjeefamaa turan. Hundi isaanii rasaasaan haala garaa jabinna hamaa tokkoon rukutamaniit ajjeefaman. Ajjeechaan suukanneessaa akkanaa kuni amaluma mootummaa abbaa irreeti jedhamee fudhatamaa ture hanga yoonaatitti. Tibbana kana garuu akkaataa mootummaan sun mormii naannoo biraatti ka’e (keessattuu naannoo Amaaraatitti) itti keessummeesse ‘edaa gaafii isaatiif deebin kan rasaasa ta’u Oromoo qofa’ akka jennu nu godhee jira. Oromiyaatti daa’immaniifi manguddoon harka duwwaa gaafii haqaa qabatanii bahan rasaasni itti roobfamee fixaman. Naannoo biraatti garuu ummanni qawwee qabatee magaalaa jidduutti dhukaasaa oolee osoo waa takka hin tuqamin nagayaan manatti deebi’ee gale. Asirratti wanti haalaan hubatamuu qabu, kun ta’aa kan jiru Oromoon lafa kiyya narraa hin saaminaa, qotee-bulaa Oromoo lafa irraatti dhalaterraa hin buqqisinaa waan jedheef qofa yoo ta’u, warri naannoo Amaaraa garuu lafa amma naannoo Tigray keessa jiru gara naannoo Amaaraatitti deebisaa, lafti sun duriin isaa keenya jechuudhaan gaafachaa jiru.
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