Dhaamsa Waggaa Haaraa ABO Amajjii 2013
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Madda Walaabuu Press
The following is a New Year's message from OLF /Oromo Liberation Front/ADDA BILISUMMAA OROMOO
31-12-2012 21/stm-abo/2012

Muddee 31, 2012
Miseensota ABO kaayyoo keessanitti cichuun QBO keessatti qooda lammummaa gumaachaa jirtan; Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo haala ulfaataa jalatti diina kuffisaa kufaa jirtu;
Dargaggootaa Oromoo, sodaan alatti diina dhala namaaf naasuu hin qabne irratti finciluun mirga ummata keessaniif falmaa jirtan;
Kabajamaa Ummata Oromoo, sababa bittaa alagaan jireenya gadoo fi hadhaawaa keessatti argamtu; Akkasumas deggertootaa fi firoottan QBO;
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
By Asafa Jalata | From the Selected Works Of Asafa Jalata, April 2010
Asafa Jalata, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The OLF Eastern US Regional Mid-Year Conference, Atlanta, April, 24, 2010
Asafa Jalata, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The OLF Eastern US Regional Mid-Year Conference, Atlanta, April, 24, 2010
Thank you for inviting me to discuss this important topic at this OLF mid-year conference. In my talk, first, I clarify the differences between local and fragmented Oromoness or Oromummaa and
national and political Oromummaa. Since some Oromos confuse these two types of Oromummaa, it is necessary to identify and explain the differences between the two for understanding the issues the Oromo national identity and nationalism.Second, I present Oromummaa as a national and global project that all Oromos who are concerned about their people and country should comprehend and start to act upon it immediately. Third, I identify some specific steps that Oromo nationalists as individuals, groups, organizations, and associations should take to ensure the survival of Oromo peoplehood and to achieve liberation and sovereignty of Oromia in the context of multinational democracy.
Interview: Obbo Lencho Bati (ODF) & Obbo Boruu Barraaqaa (OLF) (with VOA Amharic service)
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
30 December 2012
VOA's Tizita Belachew conducted an interview with Obbo Lencho Bati (Oromo Dialogue Forum/ODF), and Obbo Boruu Barraaqaa (Oromo Liberation Front/OLF) on December 26 and 27, 2012, on current Oromo political affairs.
VOA's Tizita Belachew conducted an interview with Obbo Lencho Bati (Oromo Dialogue Forum/ODF), and Obbo Boruu Barraaqaa (Oromo Liberation Front/OLF) on December 26 and 27, 2012, on current Oromo political affairs.
Chronicles of Abyssinian Crimes Against Oromo People
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Madda Walaabuu Press
30 December 2012 | Oromia Online
(Unedited Compilations by Idris)
I am glad Oromia Online decided to publish these chronicles. These chronicles are significant and the Abyssinians and particularly the Amhara must come to terms and account for events which are in the recent recollection of the Oromo people and serve as one of many obstacles to "Ethiopian Unity". While the Abyssinians and the chronicler of Abyssinian history Dr. Richard Pankhurst would like us to believe otherwise, history cannot be selectively ignored. Ethiopian unity cannot be achieved by disregard, deception, violence, intimidation, further victimization of the Oromo people and the glorification of Menelik, Haile Sellassie and their contemporaries and ignoring the facts surrounding the creation of the present Ethiopian State.
(Unedited Compilations by Idris)
I am glad Oromia Online decided to publish these chronicles. These chronicles are significant and the Abyssinians and particularly the Amhara must come to terms and account for events which are in the recent recollection of the Oromo people and serve as one of many obstacles to "Ethiopian Unity". While the Abyssinians and the chronicler of Abyssinian history Dr. Richard Pankhurst would like us to believe otherwise, history cannot be selectively ignored. Ethiopian unity cannot be achieved by disregard, deception, violence, intimidation, further victimization of the Oromo people and the glorification of Menelik, Haile Sellassie and their contemporaries and ignoring the facts surrounding the creation of the present Ethiopian State.
Make Human Rights Activism towards Protecting the Right to Dissent your New Year’s Resolution
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Madda Walaabuu Press
29 December 2012 | Ayyaantuu.com
2013 New Year’s Message from HRLHA
As the New Year approaches its entry, most people make their personal resolutions to better themselves or the lives of others. The quick search of some of the top resolutions made year after year includes living healthy, spending less and saving more, working for the better life of family,etc. The recurring theme of each resolution is the fact that everyone is to a great extent trying to make the upcoming year even better than the outgoing. On the occasion of the coming New Year, we would like to wish all a happy new year filled with joys. May the New Year bring you success, health and prosperity!
2013 New Year’s Message from HRLHA

Waamicha Hiriira Nagaa Oromoota Washington D.C. fi Naannoo San Jiraataniif
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Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 28, 2012 | Gadaa.com
Waldaa Qorannoo Oromoo, Jaarmaa Hawaasa Oromoo Washington D.C. fi Waldaa Walgargaarsa Dargaggota Oromoon wajiin Gamtaan kan Qindeessan.
Mootummaan Itoophiyaa Wayyaaneedhaan hoogganamu akkuma amala isaa saba Oromoo yakka tokkon maleetti hidhuu, ajjeessuu, dararuu, biyyaa dhabamsiisuu fi ragaa sobaa itti funaanee murtii hidhaa bara dheeraa fi du’aa itti jigsuu itti fufee jira. Erguma dhiheenya kanaa asi:
Waldaa Qorannoo Oromoo, Jaarmaa Hawaasa Oromoo Washington D.C. fi Waldaa Walgargaarsa Dargaggota Oromoon wajiin Gamtaan kan Qindeessan.
Mootummaan Itoophiyaa Wayyaaneedhaan hoogganamu akkuma amala isaa saba Oromoo yakka tokkon maleetti hidhuu, ajjeessuu, dararuu, biyyaa dhabamsiisuu fi ragaa sobaa itti funaanee murtii hidhaa bara dheeraa fi du’aa itti jigsuu itti fufee jira. Erguma dhiheenya kanaa asi:
- Gaafa Sadaasa 1, 2012, hogganoota saba Oromoo beekkamoo kan ta’an Obbo Baqqalaa Garbaa, Obbo Olbaanaa Leellisaa fi Oromoota torba kan biroo irratti seera “Farra Shororkeessummaa” jedhuun sobaan himatee murtii yakkaa haqa hin qabne itti muree jira.
Intra-war among Ethiopian soldiers killed atleast 40
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Madda Walaabuu Press
28 December 2012 | DeBrahan
A clash among Ethiopian soldiers who are stationed at Bure Front, a small disputed area on the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia that started on Tuesday, Dec 25, 2012 has taken the life of over 40 soldiers while 39 were wounded, Ethiopia Satellite Television (ESAT) reported. The wounded are being treated at Manda Hospital.
Perceiving that war between Ethiopia and Eritrea had erupted, residents were reportedly leaving the area. High ranking military officials were roving the area with helicopters in an attempt to control the violence. Reports indicated that there were various speculations about the cause of the violence: some said it was caused due to disagreements between TPLF army officials while others say it was a clash between groups that support the leadership and those that oppose it.
A clash among Ethiopian soldiers who are stationed at Bure Front, a small disputed area on the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia that started on Tuesday, Dec 25, 2012 has taken the life of over 40 soldiers while 39 were wounded, Ethiopia Satellite Television (ESAT) reported. The wounded are being treated at Manda Hospital.
Perceiving that war between Ethiopia and Eritrea had erupted, residents were reportedly leaving the area. High ranking military officials were roving the area with helicopters in an attempt to control the violence. Reports indicated that there were various speculations about the cause of the violence: some said it was caused due to disagreements between TPLF army officials while others say it was a clash between groups that support the leadership and those that oppose it.
Gen Samora Yenus is dying…
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Madda Walaabuu Press
On 18 August 2012 we have published about the illness of this killer general and you can also read that news using the following link A Killer General Samora Yenus is gravely ill
28 December 2012 | The Horn Times Newsletter
By Getahune Bekele
The unschooled and uncultured top war criminal Gen Samora is dying…
A poor peasant and a primary school dropout, who was described by senior political commentator as cold blooded murderer with thinking and reasoning capacity of a dinosaur, Gen Samora is dying…
According to a sensitive document leaked to the Horn Times from Bella military referral hospital in Addis Ababa, the frail TPLF army chief-of-staff and top November criminal, the dastardly Gen Samora Yenus Mohamedfereja, has less than a year to live.
28 December 2012 | The Horn Times Newsletter
By Getahune Bekele
The unschooled and uncultured top war criminal Gen Samora is dying…
A poor peasant and a primary school dropout, who was described by senior political commentator as cold blooded murderer with thinking and reasoning capacity of a dinosaur, Gen Samora is dying…
According to a sensitive document leaked to the Horn Times from Bella military referral hospital in Addis Ababa, the frail TPLF army chief-of-staff and top November criminal, the dastardly Gen Samora Yenus Mohamedfereja, has less than a year to live.
Memoirs of the Motherland (Part III): Welcome to Dirre Dhawa
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
28 December 2012 | Gulele Post
Click Here to Read Part One and Click Here to Read Part Two
By Jilcha Hamid
The plane ride to Dirre Dhawa was only about 40 minutes. I was seated next to a polite, well-mannered individual. When he learned that it was my first trip he took it upon himself to give me some advice. He suggested that I shouldn’t only visit Dirre Dhawa and Hararge, and that I should visit different parts of the country such as Mekele and Lalibela and it was important that I socialize with different people. You know, to become a more balanced Ethiopian (lol). As the plane landed I was overcome with emotion. Here I was, back in the city my father had left over 30 years ago during the previous regime’s murderous red terror campaign. I was greeted at the airport by family and taken to my uncles house where the family had gathered. In Dirre Dhawa tradition, as soon as I walked in the front gate I had bag after bag after bag of candy dumped over my head. It was a really festive mood and as we settled down more people kept coming in with bags of candy. Everytime a bag was dumped over my head I was surrounded by children covering me like a swarm of bumble bees, grabbing every little piece of candy. Which was followed by a du’a (short supplication). This went on for most of the morning.
Click Here to Read Part One and Click Here to Read Part Two
By Jilcha Hamid
The plane ride to Dirre Dhawa was only about 40 minutes. I was seated next to a polite, well-mannered individual. When he learned that it was my first trip he took it upon himself to give me some advice. He suggested that I shouldn’t only visit Dirre Dhawa and Hararge, and that I should visit different parts of the country such as Mekele and Lalibela and it was important that I socialize with different people. You know, to become a more balanced Ethiopian (lol). As the plane landed I was overcome with emotion. Here I was, back in the city my father had left over 30 years ago during the previous regime’s murderous red terror campaign. I was greeted at the airport by family and taken to my uncles house where the family had gathered. In Dirre Dhawa tradition, as soon as I walked in the front gate I had bag after bag after bag of candy dumped over my head. It was a really festive mood and as we settled down more people kept coming in with bags of candy. Everytime a bag was dumped over my head I was surrounded by children covering me like a swarm of bumble bees, grabbing every little piece of candy. Which was followed by a du’a (short supplication). This went on for most of the morning.
Call for Protest of all Oromos in and around Washington D.C. against the Ethiopian Regime
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
28 December 2012
Dear Oromo brothers and sisters,
The Oromo Studies Association (OSA), the Oromo Community Organization(OCO) of Washington D.C. area, and Oromo Youth Self-help Association(OYSA) have jointly organized a public protest to be held in Washington D.C., in front of the US State Department, on Friday, January 25, 2013 to request the release of Obbo Bekele Gerba, Olbana Lelisa and thousands of Oromo political prisoners.
If you are an Oromo or friend of Oromo living in & around Washington D.C.(especially Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, NY) we kindly ask you to stand with us and advocate for our brothers and sisters who have been unjustly incarcerated and their voices have been silenced. If you say you stand for the Oromo cause, this is the time when you take a practical action which can make a difference!
Dear Oromo brothers and sisters,
The Oromo Studies Association (OSA), the Oromo Community Organization(OCO) of Washington D.C. area, and Oromo Youth Self-help Association(OYSA) have jointly organized a public protest to be held in Washington D.C., in front of the US State Department, on Friday, January 25, 2013 to request the release of Obbo Bekele Gerba, Olbana Lelisa and thousands of Oromo political prisoners.
If you are an Oromo or friend of Oromo living in & around Washington D.C.(especially Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, NY) we kindly ask you to stand with us and advocate for our brothers and sisters who have been unjustly incarcerated and their voices have been silenced. If you say you stand for the Oromo cause, this is the time when you take a practical action which can make a difference!
License to criticize Oromo struggle
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Madda Walaabuu Press
28 December 2012 | By Yaadasaa Dafa
Criticism of any struggle can emerge from different corners, by different constituents aiming to accomplish, or convey a deliberate message. One need not be blind sighted assuming that critics are a fair reactions, feedbacks, or simple statements without intentions. Depending on the identity of the criticizing individual, one can expect within a negligible margin of error the parameters and directions of the intended message without falling into the trap of “self-fulfilling prophecy”. Frankly, this is a very narrow path to walk on. But once the whole picture of any given message becomes clearer and clearer, it alleviates the doubts and can easily be channeled to its proper category. But it is at this stage where the authors and the intended audiences could descend into the cycles of arguments and counter arguments. An author who may have a natural absence of decency, may continue to claim that his/her message is/was misunderstood or misinterpreted, even if the message is/was received by his/her audiences accurately. Such authors’ original message was/is not intended to be understood in its proper context, but to conceal its vicious agenda from the general public while appearing to promote their genuine struggle and general interest. As for the majority of the Nation, usually it takes time to differentiate these hyenas in sheepskin, from the real advocates for “in the best interest” of that Nation.
Criticism of any struggle can emerge from different corners, by different constituents aiming to accomplish, or convey a deliberate message. One need not be blind sighted assuming that critics are a fair reactions, feedbacks, or simple statements without intentions. Depending on the identity of the criticizing individual, one can expect within a negligible margin of error the parameters and directions of the intended message without falling into the trap of “self-fulfilling prophecy”. Frankly, this is a very narrow path to walk on. But once the whole picture of any given message becomes clearer and clearer, it alleviates the doubts and can easily be channeled to its proper category. But it is at this stage where the authors and the intended audiences could descend into the cycles of arguments and counter arguments. An author who may have a natural absence of decency, may continue to claim that his/her message is/was misunderstood or misinterpreted, even if the message is/was received by his/her audiences accurately. Such authors’ original message was/is not intended to be understood in its proper context, but to conceal its vicious agenda from the general public while appearing to promote their genuine struggle and general interest. As for the majority of the Nation, usually it takes time to differentiate these hyenas in sheepskin, from the real advocates for “in the best interest” of that Nation.
Memoirs of the Motherland (Part II): “Abay, Abay…”
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
27 December 2012 | Gulele Post
Click Here to Read Part One
By Jilcha Hamid
That night I was picked up at the airport by my uncles. The following day, and for the nextweek, my uncle and I went to his shop in the busy central market place, the Merkato. Said to be the largest outdoor market in Africa. From sunrise to sunset the market place was buzzing with people, merchants, customers, buses, transport vehicles and donkeys ferrying goods in every direction. I remember not taking any pictures for the simple reason that I didn’t wanna look like a tourist. Although my family criticized me for my “poor photography”, it didn’t bother me. It’s like whatever..nahmean.
Click Here to Read Part One
By Jilcha Hamid
That night I was picked up at the airport by my uncles. The following day, and for the nextweek, my uncle and I went to his shop in the busy central market place, the Merkato. Said to be the largest outdoor market in Africa. From sunrise to sunset the market place was buzzing with people, merchants, customers, buses, transport vehicles and donkeys ferrying goods in every direction. I remember not taking any pictures for the simple reason that I didn’t wanna look like a tourist. Although my family criticized me for my “poor photography”, it didn’t bother me. It’s like whatever..nahmean.
According to National Intelligence Council Report, Ethiopia is among 15 Countries at Risk of Failed state
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Madda Walaabuu Press
27 December 2012 | PBS
Every four years, after the U.S. president is elected, the National Intelligence Council comes out with an outlook on the world's changing dynamics -- both good and bad -- and how they might impact our lives.
Every four years, after the U.S. president is elected, the National Intelligence Council comes out with an outlook on the world's changing dynamics -- both good and bad -- and how they might impact our lives.
For instance, by 2030, middle classes in the developing world are expected to balloon, while the tools of war, including cyber and biological weapons, are predicted to become more readily available. Climate change is destined to make wet places wetter, and dry places more arid. And new communication technologies are described as a "double-edged sword."
WBOn Haleellaa Diina Irratti Fudhatu Jabeessee Itti Fufe
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Madda Walaabuu Press
26 Muddee 2012 | Madda Oduu ABO
Godina Shawaa lixaa Ona Abunaa Gindabarat ganda Dogonuu Siree keessaa basaasni mootummaa wayyaanee yeroo dheeraaf ilmaan oromoo mana hidhaatti guursisaa ture tarkaanfiin maayii irratti fudhatame. Basaani Wayyaanee Taarikuu Boggaale jedhamu kun bara 2005 FDG barattootaan gaggeeffamaa ture irratti adda durummaan mootummaa wayyaanee waliin wal tahuun dura dhaabbachaa kan turee fi dargaggoota Oromoo mana hidhaatti guursisaa kan ture dha. Wayyaaneen ajjeefamuu miseensa kaabinee fi baasasa isaa kanaan baarage humna waraanaa naannoo kanatti bobbaasuun ummata goolaa jiraachuun hubatame.

Memoirs of the Motherland (Part I)
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
26 December 2012 | Gulele Post
By Jilcha Hamid
By Jilcha Hamid
I spent the morning before my final flight at a transit point in Bahrain. The Kingdom was kind enough to give us a hotel room and lunch, free of charge. I didn’t eat. I was exhausted and ended up oversleeping, but woke up just in time to hop the minibus back to the airport to catch my flight. The first thing I noticed about Bahrain was that it felt like stepping into an oven. The second thing I noticed was that there were no Bahrainis. Most of the population were expats. And I don’t know if I was expecting to see mobs of angry protesters block the road and flip over the minibus, but I didn’t see any protests. As we waited for boarding I saw that except for a handful of folks, most of the people on the flight were Ethiopians. The Oromo speaking crowd on one end, the Amharic speaking Muslims in one group, the Amharic speaking Christians in another. As for me, I sat with my fellow Canadian. A lady travelling with two small children. As the passengers lined up to board the plane, there was a bit of a commotion, arguing and what not but as soon as they saw me and the lady holding the two kids the sea of people split in two “they’re travelling with children, let them through!”. The benefits of having kids I guess.
Recording devices found hidden in PM Hailemariam Desalegn's bedroom and living room
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Madda Walaabuu Press
26 December 2012 | By Minilik Salsawi
Remote listening devices were found inside Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam's bedroom and living room by his daughter. The Hailemariam family is now in distress.
ከጠቅላይ ሚ/ር ሃይለማርያም መኝታ ቤት እና የቤተሰብ ሳሎን ውስጥ ምስጥራዊ የድምጽ መቅጃ ተገኙ !!!
ከቤተ መንግስት ታማኝ ምንጮች ዛሬ ባገኘሁት መረጃ መሰረት የአቶ ሃይለማርያም ትንሽዋ ልጅ እጹብ ባባትዋ መኝታ ቤት በረቀቀ መንገድ ከአልጋው ተያይዞ የተቀመጠ ምስጢራዊ የድምጽ መቅጃ በማግኘትዋ...ይህንን ተከትሎ በተደረገው ከፍተኛ ፍተሻ በቤተሰቡ ሳሎን ውስጥም ሌላ ተመሳሳይ መገኘቱን የምንሊክ ሳልሳዊ ምንጮች ተናግረዋል::
Remote listening devices were found inside Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam's bedroom and living room by his daughter. The Hailemariam family is now in distress.
ከጠቅላይ ሚ/ር ሃይለማርያም መኝታ ቤት እና የቤተሰብ ሳሎን ውስጥ ምስጥራዊ የድምጽ መቅጃ ተገኙ !!!
ከቤተ መንግስት ታማኝ ምንጮች ዛሬ ባገኘሁት መረጃ መሰረት የአቶ ሃይለማርያም ትንሽዋ ልጅ እጹብ ባባትዋ መኝታ ቤት በረቀቀ መንገድ ከአልጋው ተያይዞ የተቀመጠ ምስጢራዊ የድምጽ መቅጃ በማግኘትዋ...ይህንን ተከትሎ በተደረገው ከፍተኛ ፍተሻ በቤተሰቡ ሳሎን ውስጥም ሌላ ተመሳሳይ መገኘቱን የምንሊክ ሳልሳዊ ምንጮች ተናግረዋል::
PM Hailemariam Desalegn expresses frustration to close confidants
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
25 December 2012 | By Elias Kifle
Ethiopia’s new prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, has expressed frustration with the Tigrean People Liberation Front (TPLF) to a group of close friends he recently met. One long time friend of the prime minister (who wants to remain anonymous) told Ethiopian Review today that Hailemariam is finding it impossible to get cooperation from the TPLF members who are dominating the bureaucracy and military on a number of issues, most particularly making personnel decisions. TPLF officials also keep him in the dark on national security matters and he doesn’t get timely reports as a commander-in-chief.
Ethiopia’s new prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, has expressed frustration with the Tigrean People Liberation Front (TPLF) to a group of close friends he recently met. One long time friend of the prime minister (who wants to remain anonymous) told Ethiopian Review today that Hailemariam is finding it impossible to get cooperation from the TPLF members who are dominating the bureaucracy and military on a number of issues, most particularly making personnel decisions. TPLF officials also keep him in the dark on national security matters and he doesn’t get timely reports as a commander-in-chief.
Year in Review: A Look Back at 2012
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Madda Walaabuu Press
25 December 2012 | OPride
OLF Program change: Much ado about nothing
2012 opened with a sense of foreboding. On January 1, 2012, a faction of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) headed by Kamal Galchu, a former Ethiopian army general, announced amending the organization’s political program. It claimed OLF had, once and for all, dropped its demand for secession.
At the time, Jawar Mohammed called the announcement "much ado about nothing." The announcement was not well received among other OLF factions and diaspora-based activists, either. OPride's Buri Waddesso wrote:
Kamal Galchu & Co, after summarily dismissing the core of the jijjiirama leadership, thereby effectively forfeiting the support of the vast majority of its members and totally alienating itself from any credible Oromo political base, not only monumentally fumbled on the vision thing but also exposed a mountain of ignorance about the proud history of Oromo nationalism. The whole enterprise is not just a political miscalculation but also a comico-tragic drama. By so doing, the generals catapulted themselves from promising heroes to the nightmare of the Oromo struggle.

2012 opened with a sense of foreboding. On January 1, 2012, a faction of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) headed by Kamal Galchu, a former Ethiopian army general, announced amending the organization’s political program. It claimed OLF had, once and for all, dropped its demand for secession.
At the time, Jawar Mohammed called the announcement "much ado about nothing." The announcement was not well received among other OLF factions and diaspora-based activists, either. OPride's Buri Waddesso wrote:
Kamal Galchu & Co, after summarily dismissing the core of the jijjiirama leadership, thereby effectively forfeiting the support of the vast majority of its members and totally alienating itself from any credible Oromo political base, not only monumentally fumbled on the vision thing but also exposed a mountain of ignorance about the proud history of Oromo nationalism. The whole enterprise is not just a political miscalculation but also a comico-tragic drama. By so doing, the generals catapulted themselves from promising heroes to the nightmare of the Oromo struggle.
Quality of education a huge problem in Ethiopia
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Madda Walaabuu Press
Ethiopia is well on its way to achieving primary education for all, a target of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG).
During 2009 and 2010 the Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) for primary school reached 95.9 percent and during the same year the Net Enrolment Rate (NER) stood at 89.3 per cent. Even though work is being done to expand access to education in the country, 58 percent of the population remains illiterate. The problem doesn’t end there, though the numbers of those enrolled in primary schools is very high, the education students receive remains of very low quality, making the increase in enrollment pointless.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
25 Muddee 2012 | Qeerroo
Y.G(2005) Irraa
Y.G(2005) Irraa
Walii galan, alaa galan!! Mammaaksii kun Ijoollee kaasee hanga Maanguddootti, beekaa hanga wallaalaatti, Firaa hanga halagaatti hiikkaa ifa tae akka laatuuf hin shakku. Mana keessa Nagaan dhibnaan, tarkaafiin jalqabaa mana keessaa bauudha.bakka yaada itti cabsatan barbaaddatu. Yoo Biyya keessaa roorroonis tauu waan biraan baan, alaa galuuf yoo xiqqaate, sammuu ofiin walii galuutu murteessaa taa. Mammaaksi kun hiikkaa tokkollee odoo hin laanneefii ykn ibsa tokkollee osoo hin barbaanneefi hiikkaa qulqulluu qaba.
Former GSU officer among 50 suspects held over Tana killings in the Klash between Orma and Pokomo
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Madda Walaabuu Press
23 December 2012 | Daily Nation
- The new wave of attacks comes even as a commission investigating the cause of clashes between two communities – Pokomo and Orma – which erupted in August when more than 100 people were killed, is yet to conclude its findings.
New Adama mayor suspends eight city council members
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
22 December 2012 | The Reporter
By Merga Yonas
The newly-elected mayor of Adama town, Bakar Shale, suspended eight council members from his administration in the middle of the week on charges of lacking “good governance” and indulging in “corruption”, it was learnt. During the assessment session for the second quarter of 2012/13, the assembly deliberated on issues ranging from strengthening the “goal” set under micro and small-scale institutions to the extent of meeting the “objectives” of the Oromo People's Democratic Organization.
By Merga Yonas
The newly-elected mayor of Adama town, Bakar Shale, suspended eight council members from his administration in the middle of the week on charges of lacking “good governance” and indulging in “corruption”, it was learnt. During the assessment session for the second quarter of 2012/13, the assembly deliberated on issues ranging from strengthening the “goal” set under micro and small-scale institutions to the extent of meeting the “objectives” of the Oromo People's Democratic Organization.
Jailed Muslim Cleric: a crime has been committed against me
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
22 December 2012
By Kirubeal Tadesse
By Kirubeal Tadesse
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — A group of more than two dozen Ethiopian Muslims pleaded not guilty onMonday to charges of terrorism.
Federal prosecutors are accusing the group, which includes prominent clerics and journalists, with terrorism and attempts to create an Islamic state that would undermine the country’s secular constitution. Among the 28 pleading not guilty was the wife of a former senior Cabinet minister who was fired last month after publicly defending her. One defendant did not plead and instead said he was mentally unfit to stand trial.
“I have not committed any crimes but a crime has been committed against me,” one defendant told the court.
“I have not committed any crimes but a crime has been committed against me,” one defendant told the court.
Oromiyaan Oromummaafi Tokkummaadhan 2013tti Tarkaanfatti
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
22 Muddee 2012 | Oromo Press
Afaan Oromoo
Afaan Oromoo
Oromiyaan Oromummaafi Tokkummaadhaan 2013tti Tarkaanfatti
Viidiyoo kana keessatti, hayyoonni duradeemoon Oromoo lama, Piroofeesar Dok. Asafaa Jaalataafi Pirofeesar Dok. Mahaammad Hasan, seenaafi hawaasummaa Oromummaarratti dubbatu. Dok. Asafaa Jaalataa mataduree, "Oromummaa Bebbeekisisuufi Ijaaruu," jedhuratti waraqaa dhaleesse/dhiyeeche. Dok. Mahaammad Hasan immoo mataduree, "Seenaa Keenyarraa Baruun Karaa Kamiin Oromummaa Jabeessina" jedhuratti dubbate.
In Kenya 39 Killed in Fresh Tana Delta Clashes
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Kipao village has nearly 3,500 residents and is arguably the biggest Orma settlement in the entire Tana County.
Mr Kitur said police had identified the attackers — believed to be from the Pokomo community — and were searching for them.
22 December 2012
Mr Kitur said police had identified the attackers — believed to be from the Pokomo community — and were searching for them.
More than 39 people, most of them women and children, were on Friday massacred in a dawn raid hours after elders from the Pokomo and Orma communities had sued for peace.
Tana Delta district commissioner David Kiprop said security officers were aware of the tension in the area, but the attack caught them unawares.
“I want to tell you that last night I received a mobile phone text message from a senior politician and leader of the other community, warning his people to be ready for an imminent attack. From today, the government is on hot pursuit of the person,” said Mr Kiprop.
Balaa Garba Irratti Baqattoota Oromoo fi Lammiilee Biroo Mudate Ilaalchisee Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
A Press release from Oromo Liberation Front , To Read the Press Release In English Click here and To Read The Press Release In Amharic Click Here
Gaafa: 21 Muddee 2012
Torbaan dabre kana keessa baqattoonni dhibba tokkoo olitti herregaman bulchiinsa Punt Land Bosaasoo irraa dooniilee lama koranii osoo gara Yamanitti yabalanii garba irratti dhukaasa itti banameen irra hedduun isaanii dhumaniiru. Baqattoota kana irra balaan kana fakkaatu yoo gahu kun kan duraa miti. Kumoonni baayéen waggoottan dabran keessatti bifa kanaan galaana kana keessatti dhumanii irbaata qurxummii tahaniiru. Irra hedduun baqattoota gara Yamanitti bahuuf osoo tattaafatanii galaana irratti dhumanii kun ammoo Oromoo dha. Balaa dhihoo kana mudate keessattis gaaga’amtoonni irra guddaan baqattoota Oromoo ti.
Gaafa: 21 Muddee 2012
Torbaan dabre kana keessa baqattoonni dhibba tokkoo olitti herregaman bulchiinsa Punt Land Bosaasoo irraa dooniilee lama koranii osoo gara Yamanitti yabalanii garba irratti dhukaasa itti banameen irra hedduun isaanii dhumaniiru. Baqattoota kana irra balaan kana fakkaatu yoo gahu kun kan duraa miti. Kumoonni baayéen waggoottan dabran keessatti bifa kanaan galaana kana keessatti dhumanii irbaata qurxummii tahaniiru. Irra hedduun baqattoota gara Yamanitti bahuuf osoo tattaafatanii galaana irratti dhumanii kun ammoo Oromoo dha. Balaa dhihoo kana mudate keessattis gaaga’amtoonni irra guddaan baqattoota Oromoo ti.
OLF Press Release on the Massacre of Oromo Refugees in Waters of Puntland
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
A press release from Oromo Liberation Front , To Read the press release in Afaan Oromoo click here and To Read the press release in Amharic click here
21 December 2012
Last week, most of one hundred plus refugees, who were crossing the Indian Ocean from the town of Bossaso in the administrative region of Somalia’s Puntland to Yemen in two boats, were massacred by shooting on the ocean. This is not the first incident of its kind. Hundreds have faced such ordeals and fed upon by marine scavengers in the past. Most of these refugees, who face such fate, have been from the Oromo people.
21 December 2012
Last week, most of one hundred plus refugees, who were crossing the Indian Ocean from the town of Bossaso in the administrative region of Somalia’s Puntland to Yemen in two boats, were massacred by shooting on the ocean. This is not the first incident of its kind. Hundreds have faced such ordeals and fed upon by marine scavengers in the past. Most of these refugees, who face such fate, have been from the Oromo people.
UNHCR urges Kenya to continue upholding refugee rights, cautions against stigmatizing refugees
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Madda Walaabuu Press
Press Releases, 20 December 2012 | UNHCR

UNHCR is concerned by the recent security incidents in Kenya which have killed scores of Kenyans as well as refugees. The UN refugee agency condemns these attacks and extends its sympathy and solidarity to all victims, the Kenyan people and their government.

UNHCR is concerned by the recent security incidents in Kenya which have killed scores of Kenyans as well as refugees. The UN refugee agency condemns these attacks and extends its sympathy and solidarity to all victims, the Kenyan people and their government.
UNHCR has noted recent public statements linking the presence of refugees to these security incidents. We caution against stigmatization of refugees and asylum-seekers.
The UN refugee agency also takes note of the Government's recent decision to discontinue the reception and registration of asylum-seekers in Nairobi and other cities and move these activities to the refugee camps in Dadaab and Kakuma. UNHCR understands that registered refugees will be allowed to remain in the places where they have established themselves.
55 refugees die as boat capsizes off Somali coast
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
21 December 2012
Fifty-five Somalis and Ethiopians drowned or went missing after their boat capsized off Somalia on Tuesday in the worst such disaster in the area in almost two years, the United Nations said.
The UN refugee agency said Thursday the incident represents “the biggest loss of life” in the Gulf of Aden since February 2011 when 57 Somali refugees and migrants from the Horn of Africa drowned while attempting to reach Yemen.
“23 bodies have been recovered. The 32 remaining passengers are presumed to have drowned,” UNHCR said.
4 Decades of Active Resistance & Defense: WBO IN PHOTOS
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
22 Muddee 2012 | Gadaa.com
The modern WBO has its roots in the 1963 Baale Oromo Revolt led by General Waqo Gutu, and the 1974/75 armed resistance led by General Taddasaa Birru in central Oromiyaa.

Almost a decade after the start of the Baale Oromo Revolt, in 1974, a group of Oromo freedom fighters resumed guerrilla activities in Charchar mountains under the leadership of Hassen Ibrahim, popularly known by his nom de guerre – Elemo Qilixxu. The new Derg government deployed a special force in the area, where the guerrillas were operating, and carried out mass genocide on an innocent civilian population. Later, Elemo Qilixxu and his comrades died for the self-determination of the Oromo people at a battle against the Derg junta and Neftegna forces on September 5, 1974.
DfID under fire for poor response to human rights concerns in Ethiopia
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
21 December 2012 | The Guardian
Aid officials accused of failing to fully investigate reports of abuse by Ethiopian authorities against ethnic groups
Aid officials accused of failing to fully investigate reports of abuse by Ethiopian authorities against ethnic groups
Britain's Department for International Development (DfID) is under fire for failing to adequately address allegations of human rights abuses inEthiopia, a major recipient of UK aid.
During a trip to South Omo in January, officials from DfID and the US international aid agency, USAid, were told by men and women from the Mursi and Bodi ethnic groups of incidences of rape, arrests, withholding food aid, intimidation and threats as the Ethiopian government seeks to evict people from their land to make way for commercial investments.
Ethiopia: 4 Journalists Win Free Speech Prize
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 20, 2012 | Human Right Watch
Hellman/Hammett Award Honors Jailed, Exiled Reporters
Hellman/Hammett Award Honors Jailed, Exiled Reporters
(New York) - Four Ethiopian journalists have received the prestigious Hellman/Hammett award for 2012 in recognition of their efforts to promote free expression in Ethiopia, one of the world’s most restricted media environments.
Eskinder Nega Fenta, an independent journalist and blogger; Reeyot Alemu Gobebo of the disbanded weekly newspaper Feteh; Woubshet Taye Abebe of the now-closed weekly newspaper Awramba Times; and Mesfin Negash of Addis Neger Online were among a diverse group of 41 writers and journalists from 19 countries to receive the award in 2012. Eskinder, Reeyot, and Woubshet are imprisoned in Ethiopia; Mesfin fled in 2009. All four journalists were convicted in 2012 under Ethiopia’s draconian anti-terrorism law.
UN rejects Kenya move to confine refugees to camps
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
19 December 2012 | Business Daily Africa
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has rejected Kenya’s decision to remove refugees from towns and put them in camps as the country seeks to curb rising insecurity.
The UNHCR said the decision was hurried and insensitive to the rights and plight of refugees, many of them victims of civil strife in countries like Somalia and South Sudan.
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A woman and her children inside their tent at Hagadera refugee site within the Dadaab complex. Photo/PHOEBE OKALL Nation Media Group |
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has rejected Kenya’s decision to remove refugees from towns and put them in camps as the country seeks to curb rising insecurity.
The UNHCR said the decision was hurried and insensitive to the rights and plight of refugees, many of them victims of civil strife in countries like Somalia and South Sudan.
Galaanaan Nyaatamanii Hafuun carraa Keenya Ta’e
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Jaallannee Gammadaa | VOA Afaan Oromoo
(20 Muddee 2012):-Yaballi Muddee 17 bara 2012 galgala Puuntlaand Bosaasoo irraa baqatoota 60 feetee kaate handaara galaanaa Bosaasootti galaanaan nyaatamuu polisiin biyyatti ibsee jira.
Magaalaa handaara galaana bosaasoo taate Mareeroo jedhamtu irraa yaballi kun kan kaate yoo ta’u baqatonni feetee turtees harka caalaa Oromoo ta’uu isaanii itti aanaa ministeera eegumssa fayyaa puuntlaad Urgaas Yaasiin ibsanii jiru. Lammiwwan Somaaliyaa hangi tokko keessa jiraachu beekamee jira.

Magaalaa handaara galaana bosaasoo taate Mareeroo jedhamtu irraa yaballi kun kan kaate yoo ta’u baqatonni feetee turtees harka caalaa Oromoo ta’uu isaanii itti aanaa ministeera eegumssa fayyaa puuntlaad Urgaas Yaasiin ibsanii jiru. Lammiwwan Somaaliyaa hangi tokko keessa jiraachu beekamee jira.
Abbaan qabeenyaa Koollejjii Odaa Bulluq Obbo Haayiluu Abbabaa Wayyaaneen Yakkamuun Ma’ikalaawwiitti Darbaman
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
19 Muddee 2012 | Qeerroo
(Finfinnee):---Ilmaan Oromoo yeroodhaa gara yerootti mootummaa Wayyaaneen yakkamuun gara mana hidhaatti guuramu. Keessumaa mootummaan Wayyaanee lamiilee Oromoo qabeenya, humna ykn beekumsa qaban irratti tarkaanfiin fudhattu hidhaa ykn ajjeechaa tahee hammaachaa jira.
Godina Horroo Guduruu Wallaggaa magaala Shaambuu keessaa abbaan
qabeenyaa Koollejjii Odaa Bulluq Obbo Haayiluu Abbabaa mootummaa Wayyaaneen yakkamuun mana hidhaa Maaiekelaawwiitti fudhatamuun reebichi addaa irratti gaggeeffamaa jiraachuun beekame.
(Finfinnee):---Ilmaan Oromoo yeroodhaa gara yerootti mootummaa Wayyaaneen yakkamuun gara mana hidhaatti guuramu. Keessumaa mootummaan Wayyaanee lamiilee Oromoo qabeenya, humna ykn beekumsa qaban irratti tarkaanfiin fudhattu hidhaa ykn ajjeechaa tahee hammaachaa jira.
Godina Horroo Guduruu Wallaggaa magaala Shaambuu keessaa abbaan
qabeenyaa Koollejjii Odaa Bulluq Obbo Haayiluu Abbabaa mootummaa Wayyaaneen yakkamuun mana hidhaa Maaiekelaawwiitti fudhatamuun reebichi addaa irratti gaggeeffamaa jiraachuun beekame.
"Yeroo Mijataa kanatti dargaggoon Oromoo waan hojjechuu qaban heedutuu jira"-GDHWBO
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
19 Muddee 2012 | Gumii Paarlaamaa Oromoo (GPO)
Yeroo Mijataa kanatti dargaggoon Oromoo waan hojjechuu qaban heedutuu jira. GDHWB:
Booba’uu dura ijaramu, siyaasaa fi toftaa barachuu qindoominan, waltumsun soochuu qabna. FDG yoom iyuu deggerama dha ittifufinsan geggefamuu qaba, garuu University tokko ykn lama keessatti egalamun baratoota Oromoo muraasa gaga'uun mana hidhaatti naqee boor immo kan dhabatuu ta'uu hin qabu, warii ginbot 7 Beka jeedhan welisa ba'aan garuu yeroo ijoole Oromoo Mizan Tep, ArbaMinchi, Jimma, Haromaya, Dilaa, Hawwasa, Finfinnee, Ambo kkf Universty keessatti FDG geggesan Hidhaaman warii Ginbot 7 caalsan baracha turan Ijoolee Oromoo Kumi heedun garuu Maikalawi fi mana hidhaa adda addatti guraman. Habashan harka diina abidan qabachu bartee Olola Raadiyoo fi Esat Tv irratti xumurame Beka kan jeedhuu university tokko keesssatti ilee hin dhageenye Raadiyoo fi TV jara irratti malee.
Homeland Support Groups of Oromos
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 18, 2012 | Homeland Support Group of Dallas TX
We, concerned Oromos of homeland support group of Dallas (Texas), express our pleasure that Shaneeand Transitional OLF political groups have solved their political differences to merge and unite to come back to our original Kayoo to lead our Oromo nation in their struggle for independence and inalienable rights. As all of us know very well that the divisions among us have affected the relationships of many individual Oromos down to the level of our communities in the Diaspora and elsewhere, and contributed to the stagnation of our struggle; therefore, we must be aware and take heed this time around to be vigilant to identify our enemies within and without who are trying to divide us and derail our struggle.
We, concerned Oromos of homeland support group of Dallas (Texas), express our pleasure that Shaneeand Transitional OLF political groups have solved their political differences to merge and unite to come back to our original Kayoo to lead our Oromo nation in their struggle for independence and inalienable rights. As all of us know very well that the divisions among us have affected the relationships of many individual Oromos down to the level of our communities in the Diaspora and elsewhere, and contributed to the stagnation of our struggle; therefore, we must be aware and take heed this time around to be vigilant to identify our enemies within and without who are trying to divide us and derail our struggle.
In Kenya Refugees told to get out of towns
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
18 December 2012 | Daily Nation
All refugees and asylum seekers living in urban areas have been directed to move to camps in North Eastern and Rift Valley provinces.
Gaaffiin Uumataa Hamma Deebii Argatutti Qabsoon Itti Fufa - ABO (VOA Afaan Oromoo Irra)
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
18 Muddee 2012
WASHINGTON DC — Addi bilisummaa Oromoo baatii sadaasaa fi muddee keessa naannolee Oromiyaa adda addaa keessatti lola ripxe loltummaa geggeesseen loltoota mootummaa hedduu ajjeesuu isaa beeksisee jira. Uummanni bilisummaa gonfachuuf gaaffii inni dhiyeesse hanga deebii argatutti qabsoo hidhannoo kan itti fufu ta’uu dubbi himaan adda bilisummaa Oromoo Obbo Booruu barraaqaa ibsanii jiran.
WASHINGTON DC — Addi bilisummaa Oromoo baatii sadaasaa fi muddee keessa naannolee Oromiyaa adda addaa keessatti lola ripxe loltummaa geggeesseen loltoota mootummaa hedduu ajjeesuu isaa beeksisee jira. Uummanni bilisummaa gonfachuuf gaaffii inni dhiyeesse hanga deebii argatutti qabsoo hidhannoo kan itti fufu ta’uu dubbi himaan adda bilisummaa Oromoo Obbo Booruu barraaqaa ibsanii jiran.
Recent battles between ONLF and Woyane Forces in Ogaden
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
17 December 2012 | Ogaden Online
In the last two months there has been an increase of battles between the Ogaden National Liberation Army (ONLA) and the Woyane occupation forces stationed in Ogaden.
The latest information reaching us from the ONLA Central Command have confirmed to us that the Woyane occupation forces have taken heavy casualties in these battles which took place mostly in Dhagahbur (Jarar) province.
On 8 December 2012, more than 40 Woyane troops and allied militias were killed and 50 injured in a heavy fighting which took place in Labiga hamlet in Dhagahbur province. Two military transport Ural vehicles full of troops and equipment were also burnt to ashes in the same battle.
Ethiopian Muslim activists deny terror charges
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
17 December 2012 | Associated Press
ADDIS ABABA:-- A group of more than two dozen Ethiopian Muslims pleaded not guilty on Monday to charges of terrorism.
Federal prosecutors are accusing the group, which includes prominent clerics and journalists, with terrorism and attempts to create an Islamic state that would undermine the country's secular constitution. Among the 28 pleading not guilty was the wife of a former senior Cabinet minister who was fired last month after publicly defending her. One defendant did not plead and instead said he was mentally unfit to stand trial.
Waammicha FDG Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Yuunvarsiitii Jimmaa
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press

Haala Uummanni Oromoo fi walgii gala biyyi Ethiopia keessa jiru irratti Muddee 02,2012 irraa eegalee hanga har’aatti sadarkaa adda addaatti marii bal’aa erga gaggeesineen booda waamicha FDG Oromoota bakka mara jiranii fi addatti ammo manneen barnootaa armaa gadiitti tuqaman keessa jiraniif waamicha keenya dabarsina.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Ginbot 7, dhuma irratti bifa maalii qabatee qabsoo isaa itti fufu akka yaade isaanumaaf dhiifnus, Kaayyoo isaa, isaaf qofaa itti tolu milkeeffachuuf jedhee shiroota summiin gutamaniin nama faalu barbaade, wayyaanee irraa adda taasisanii ilaaluun gonkumaa hin danda’amu. Obsi daangaa qaba. Of tuulummaan isaanii addatti Gaazexessitoota isaanii irraa mul’atu fi, haasaan guyyuu irra deddeebi’amee dubbatamu, AMAARIFFAAN “ Andaand Natsaa awuciwochi nan baayochi” “ Hagar inganaxilaallan baayochi” "Etiyophiyaawwii ayidallanim baayochi ” siyaasa siree irra baasanii “yetawaladan hizib malayayat yemmifalliguu ye hassaab dahawochi” jechurra ga’uunn isaanii, ofittummaa isaanii ifatti kan nutti mul’isuu fi hangam nu tuffachaa akka jiran nu huabchiisa. Adeemsi kun ammoo gonkumaa Biyya sana miti, Biyya alaa jiranittu furmaata argamsiisuu hin danda’u.
Ginbot 7, dhuma irratti bifa maalii qabatee qabsoo isaa itti fufu akka yaade isaanumaaf dhiifnus, Kaayyoo isaa, isaaf qofaa itti tolu milkeeffachuuf jedhee shiroota summiin gutamaniin nama faalu barbaade, wayyaanee irraa adda taasisanii ilaaluun gonkumaa hin danda’amu. Obsi daangaa qaba. Of tuulummaan isaanii addatti Gaazexessitoota isaanii irraa mul’atu fi, haasaan guyyuu irra deddeebi’amee dubbatamu, AMAARIFFAAN “ Andaand Natsaa awuciwochi nan baayochi” “ Hagar inganaxilaallan baayochi” "Etiyophiyaawwii ayidallanim baayochi ” siyaasa siree irra baasanii “yetawaladan hizib malayayat yemmifalliguu ye hassaab dahawochi” jechurra ga’uunn isaanii, ofittummaa isaanii ifatti kan nutti mul’isuu fi hangam nu tuffachaa akka jiran nu huabchiisa. Adeemsi kun ammoo gonkumaa Biyya sana miti, Biyya alaa jiranittu furmaata argamsiisuu hin danda’u.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Wayyaaneen waggaa 21 dura Angootti wayita dhuftu shiroota hedduu keessaa fi alaan gaggeessu seenaatu nu hima. Wayyaaneen, ABOn Ummata Oromoo biratti filmaata tokkicha ta’ee akka hin dhihaanneef, OPDO akka ijaartee fi ABOn odoo jiruu saamicha har’a itti jiran kana gaggeessuun akka hin danda’amne dursanii waan hubataniif, shira adda addaa gaggeessuu kan eegalan, osoo bosana jiraniiti. Wayita shiroota kana gaggeessaa jiranitti gama biraan ,ABO waliin Mootummaa ce’umsaa hundeessuf marii adda addaa ,Biyyoota adda addaa keessatti gaggeessaa turan. Wayyaaneen shiraan muuxannoo dhaloota isaa kaasee qabu, ABO waliin marii Nagaa gaggeessaa fi mootummaa ce’umsaa dhaabuuf dandeetti beektoota keenyaatti fayyadamaa, shira ABO chaartara keessaa baasuus, walumaan irrattii hojjachaa jiraate.
Wayyaaneen waggaa 21 dura Angootti wayita dhuftu shiroota hedduu keessaa fi alaan gaggeessu seenaatu nu hima. Wayyaaneen, ABOn Ummata Oromoo biratti filmaata tokkicha ta’ee akka hin dhihaanneef, OPDO akka ijaartee fi ABOn odoo jiruu saamicha har’a itti jiran kana gaggeessuun akka hin danda’amne dursanii waan hubataniif, shira adda addaa gaggeessuu kan eegalan, osoo bosana jiraniiti. Wayita shiroota kana gaggeessaa jiranitti gama biraan ,ABO waliin Mootummaa ce’umsaa hundeessuf marii adda addaa ,Biyyoota adda addaa keessatti gaggeessaa turan. Wayyaaneen shiraan muuxannoo dhaloota isaa kaasee qabu, ABO waliin marii Nagaa gaggeessaa fi mootummaa ce’umsaa dhaabuuf dandeetti beektoota keenyaatti fayyadamaa, shira ABO chaartara keessaa baasuus, walumaan irrattii hojjachaa jiraate.
Eritrean Strongman Asks Qatar To Mediate Dispute With Ethiopia
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
14 December 2012 | awate.com
Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki has asked Qatar to mediate his long-standing feud with “arch-rival” Ethiopia. This message was communicated to the new Ethiopian Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalgn, by Qatar, while the Ethiopian prime minister was conducting a state visit.
Isaias Afwerki has offered to attend mediation talks without any pre-conditions.
Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki has asked Qatar to mediate his long-standing feud with “arch-rival” Ethiopia. This message was communicated to the new Ethiopian Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalgn, by Qatar, while the Ethiopian prime minister was conducting a state visit.
Isaias Afwerki has offered to attend mediation talks without any pre-conditions.
WBOn Tarkaanfii Itti Fufeen Diina Irratti Mirga Argate
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Madda Oduu ABO (MOA) | 12 Muddee 2012
Irree fi gaachanni ummata Oromoo WBOn qubattuu diidaa fi lukkeelee
nyaaphaa irratti tarkaanfii fudhatu itti fufe. Akka kanaan humni addaa
WBO Godina Baha Wallaggaa Ona Diiggaa Saasiggaa keessa sosso'u
tarkaanfii Muddee 9, 2012 fudhateen basaasota ol aanoo fi jajjaboo
diinaa 3 ajjeesee jira. Basaasoti diinaa:
1. Pheexros Negga,
2. Eliyaas Teklay,
3. Bayyane Aksum

1. Pheexros Negga,
2. Eliyaas Teklay,
3. Bayyane Aksum
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