Tedy is a modern Minelik II weapon to wage genocide against Oromo
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 26, 2013 | By Itana Guteta*
Oromo have their own country Oromia. Oromia is Oromo country annexed by Abyssinian- the modern Ethiopia in 1890s. The Abyssinia got help from supper power of that time: USA, Russia, France, and Italy. Since then, Oromo people have been struggling in different ways to get back their country. Thus, about 45000 Oromo political prisoners are serving in Abyssinian colonial jail as Dr. Troman reported.
When Oromo activists claim their God given rights, the Habasha ( Abyssinian) defile the name of Oromo activists as narrow nationalists or extremists. I can take the current ongoing debate about Tedy, the Habasha musician who supported the genocide made by Menelik II whose target was to demolish the Oromo from the face of the earth. Tedy said that the war Minelik waged against Oromo people which resulted in 5 millions of death of Oromo heroes and heroines is holy war. But Oromo human rights activists like Jawar Muhammad, Abdi Fixe, Garsuu Tufa and others are seen as extremists and condemned as Anti-unity by colonizers ( Abyssinian).
Oromo have their own country Oromia. Oromia is Oromo country annexed by Abyssinian- the modern Ethiopia in 1890s. The Abyssinia got help from supper power of that time: USA, Russia, France, and Italy. Since then, Oromo people have been struggling in different ways to get back their country. Thus, about 45000 Oromo political prisoners are serving in Abyssinian colonial jail as Dr. Troman reported.
When Oromo activists claim their God given rights, the Habasha ( Abyssinian) defile the name of Oromo activists as narrow nationalists or extremists. I can take the current ongoing debate about Tedy, the Habasha musician who supported the genocide made by Menelik II whose target was to demolish the Oromo from the face of the earth. Tedy said that the war Minelik waged against Oromo people which resulted in 5 millions of death of Oromo heroes and heroines is holy war. But Oromo human rights activists like Jawar Muhammad, Abdi Fixe, Garsuu Tufa and others are seen as extremists and condemned as Anti-unity by colonizers ( Abyssinian).
Gumii Aadaa fi Afaan Oromoo /GAAO/ University Finfinnee Diiguuf Mootummaan Wayyaanee Shira Xaxaa Jiraachuun Beekame
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Mudde 25, 2013 | Qeerroo Finfinnee
Mootummaan Wayyaanee diigumsa waldaalee maqaa Oromoon ijaaraman irratti aadeffate har’as qaanii tokko malee itti fufee jira. Haala kanaan Gumii Aadaa fi Afaan Oromoo /GAAO/ University Finfinnee keessatti hundeeffamee waggoota dheeraaf ture shira Wayyaaneen diiggamuuf tattaaffiin godhamaa jira. Kuniis sodaa gumii kana irraa qabaniin Koree gumii kanaa yeroo yeroon waamuun gumii kana diiguun gumii saboota kaanii waliin walitti maknee gumii biyyooleessaa/national/ tokko dhaabuun barbaachisaadha, kun garaagarummaa babal’isaa jira malee tokkummaa guddisaa waan hin jirreef diigamuu qaba jechuun doorsisaa jiraachuun beekame.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee diigumsa waldaalee maqaa Oromoon ijaaraman irratti aadeffate har’as qaanii tokko malee itti fufee jira. Haala kanaan Gumii Aadaa fi Afaan Oromoo /GAAO/ University Finfinnee keessatti hundeeffamee waggoota dheeraaf ture shira Wayyaaneen diiggamuuf tattaaffiin godhamaa jira. Kuniis sodaa gumii kana irraa qabaniin Koree gumii kanaa yeroo yeroon waamuun gumii kana diiguun gumii saboota kaanii waliin walitti maknee gumii biyyooleessaa/national/ tokko dhaabuun barbaachisaadha, kun garaagarummaa babal’isaa jira malee tokkummaa guddisaa waan hin jirreef diigamuu qaba jechuun doorsisaa jiraachuun beekame.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 25, 2013 | Y.G (2005)
Kutaa 1ffaa duubisuuf Addana Tuqaa
Kutaa 1ffaa duubisuuf Addana Tuqaa
Kutaa 2ffaaBarri 2013 goolabamaa jira. Waggaa keessa dabarree tana, akka dhuunfaattu maal fakkaata? jedhanii of gaafachuun, isa dabree fi isa haaraa giddutti garaagarummaa Namummaa uumuuf tola. Waan dhuunfaatti yaadan walitti ida’amee kan waloo ta’u kan eegalu, yoo akka walotti yaadu eegalleedha. Dhalli Oromoo addunyaa kana irra jiru, karoora baafatu keessatti, waan sabummaa isaa hin yaadatu taanaan, Ani Oromoo ofiin jechuu irraa dhaabbachuu qaba. Namni eenyummaan isaa fi sabni isaa gaaffii jala jiru, ykn gabrummaa keessa jiraatu, garaan quuftee bulteef ykn sirbee buleef ykn ija of jaamsee waan ta’aa jiru callisee ilaalee addunyaa mataa isaa keessa gangalataa jiraatu tokko, ani jiraadhe jedhee kan jireenya fakkeessii keessa dabre dinqisiifata taanaan kun namummaa hin ta’u. of sobuudha.Umuriin gabrummaa keessaa umurii miti. Akka Amantiittis, akkuma namummaattis umuriin gabrummaa keessaa umurii hin ta’u. gabrummaa keessa jiraate, GALATA ISAA! jedhee kan of gawwamsu dondha qofaadha. Sababaan namni umamaan waan kennameef itti ihiri’atee jiraate, namummaan isaa mataa isaa hir’uudha jechuudha. Lafa kana irra deemanii dabruuf yoo ta’e ammo, Ilbisoonnu ni jiraatu mitiree??????????
Gufuulee qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo (QBO): Kutaa- 3ffaa
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Mudde 25, 2013 | Leellisaa Bilisummaa Irraa
Kutaa 3ffaaHoogganni dhaabaa boolla dhaabni keessa lixaa jiru kana keessa dhaaba baasuuf dandeettii gahaa dhabuun kanneen haaraya dhaabatti dabalaman, kanneen halaalaa ilaalanii fi kanneen barootaaf dhaaba kana irratti cichaa turanii fi "irruma aanna" aadaa jedhu qaban hunda akka of duuba deebi'anii yaadanii fi dandeettii dhaabni kun rakkoo kana keessaa bahuu shakkan gahan. Haala dhaaba keenya kana gadi nyaatu kanaaf hoogganni jiru waloonis tahe nam- tokkeen, hojiinis tahe haasayaan furmaata akkamitti akka argamsiisuu danda'u agarsiisuu dhabuu fi osoo dhaabni kun miidhamaa jiru hoogganummaa irra taa'uun kanneen duraan jaallan kana akka uumama namaa oliitti ilaalan, akka hooggana isaanii ofiin qixxeessan haalli uumame.
Aadaa dhaggeefatamuu duwwaa otoo hin taane, dhaggafachuus gabbifachuu qabna!
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Mudde 25, 2013 | Anoole Wako Irraa
Aadaa dhaggeefatamuu duwwaa otoo hin taane, dhaggafachuus gabbifachuu qabna! Mooraa siyaasaa keessatti kan murni ykn namni tokko duwwaan jedhu dhaggefachuun ykn dhageessisuun harka caalu injiffannoon nama hin gau. Siyaasa keessatti ilaalcha gara garaatu jira. Ilaalchota gara garaa jiran hundi isaanii badii fi daandii yakkaati jedhanii yaaduun dogongora guddaadha. Bifa kamiinuu namni tokko ykn hawaasni ilaalcha siyaasaa fi toora siyaasaa tokkocha qabatee deema jedhanii yaaduun hubannoo dhabiinsa irraa madda. Keessumaa jaarraa amma keessa jirru kana keessa jechuun, bara odeeffannoon sekendii muraasa keessatti addunyaa wal gahaa jiru kanatti waanta tokko duwwaa dhaggeefatanii dhugoonfachuun yeroon isaa irra darbee jira.
Aadaa dhaggeefatamuu duwwaa otoo hin taane, dhaggafachuus gabbifachuu qabna! Mooraa siyaasaa keessatti kan murni ykn namni tokko duwwaan jedhu dhaggefachuun ykn dhageessisuun harka caalu injiffannoon nama hin gau. Siyaasa keessatti ilaalcha gara garaatu jira. Ilaalchota gara garaa jiran hundi isaanii badii fi daandii yakkaati jedhanii yaaduun dogongora guddaadha. Bifa kamiinuu namni tokko ykn hawaasni ilaalcha siyaasaa fi toora siyaasaa tokkocha qabatee deema jedhanii yaaduun hubannoo dhabiinsa irraa madda. Keessumaa jaarraa amma keessa jirru kana keessa jechuun, bara odeeffannoon sekendii muraasa keessatti addunyaa wal gahaa jiru kanatti waanta tokko duwwaa dhaggeefatanii dhugoonfachuun yeroon isaa irra darbee jira.
Madda Salphina Keenyaa
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 24, 2013 | Ittanaa Guuttataa Irraa*
Hireen ilmaan namaa yeroo hundaa waan wal hinqixxaanneef carraan isa kaan bitaarra kaaniinimmoo mirgarra akka Abiraamifi Looxii bobbaasti. Uummtni Oroomoos ta’e sab lammiiwwan biraan ulfaatina jireenyaa jalaa miliquuf biyya keessatt ta’e biyya ambaatti bu’anii ba’uun carraa isaaniif ba’ee dha. ‘Mechees maal godhanii, farsoo maskaramii qaxanxan godhanii’ jedhu ollaan koo tokko dur. Waanti godhan injiruuf ittiin bulinnaaf hundumtuu isa maluufi inmalle hojjeta.
Hireen ilmaan namaa yeroo hundaa waan wal hinqixxaanneef carraan isa kaan bitaarra kaaniinimmoo mirgarra akka Abiraamifi Looxii bobbaasti. Uummtni Oroomoos ta’e sab lammiiwwan biraan ulfaatina jireenyaa jalaa miliquuf biyya keessatt ta’e biyya ambaatti bu’anii ba’uun carraa isaaniif ba’ee dha. ‘Mechees maal godhanii, farsoo maskaramii qaxanxan godhanii’ jedhu ollaan koo tokko dur. Waanti godhan injiruuf ittiin bulinnaaf hundumtuu isa maluufi inmalle hojjeta.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 24, 2013 | Gummi Paarlamaa Oromoo
Habashan yaakaa kaleessa hojeetef dhiifma jeechuu manna ama ilee akka kaleessa insiin bituuf deeman jeedha jiru. Oromoon tokko ta’ii, dhaabbilee Oromoo tokko ta’aa. Habasha wagga 130 ol nu qalaa jira. Tewodros, Yohanis, Menelik Haile Silasen Oromoo fayya isaan gubaan, Harka Mirga fi Mila bitaa irra muran, Ijoolee Oromoo hunda qaban biyya alati gurguran, dubartii Oromoo ulfa qalan garatii bassan, Qabeenya Oromoo hunda samaan, Oromoo garbonfatan umurii gutuu mana issan keessa hojeechiftan, lafa Oromoo hunda fudhatan, Seenaaf addaa Oromoo hunda baleessan, Siirni Gadaa akka lamfa hin kaneeti baleessan, Umataa Oromoo walaka ol fixaan, Oromoo akka wal hin horee qama salaa Oromoo hunda isaan muran, Waani isaa Oromoo hin goodhin hin jiru.
Habashan yaakaa kaleessa hojeetef dhiifma jeechuu manna ama ilee akka kaleessa insiin bituuf deeman jeedha jiru. Oromoon tokko ta’ii, dhaabbilee Oromoo tokko ta’aa. Habasha wagga 130 ol nu qalaa jira. Tewodros, Yohanis, Menelik Haile Silasen Oromoo fayya isaan gubaan, Harka Mirga fi Mila bitaa irra muran, Ijoolee Oromoo hunda qaban biyya alati gurguran, dubartii Oromoo ulfa qalan garatii bassan, Qabeenya Oromoo hunda samaan, Oromoo garbonfatan umurii gutuu mana issan keessa hojeechiftan, lafa Oromoo hunda fudhatan, Seenaaf addaa Oromoo hunda baleessan, Siirni Gadaa akka lamfa hin kaneeti baleessan, Umataa Oromoo walaka ol fixaan, Oromoo akka wal hin horee qama salaa Oromoo hunda isaan muran, Waani isaa Oromoo hin goodhin hin jiru.
Letter to Deutsche Welle (the German Radio) from the Oromo Community in Berlin
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Gufuulee qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo (QBO): Kutaa- 2ffaa
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Mudde 23, 2013 | Leellisaa Bilisummaa Irraa
I. Dhibdeelee Haala amma keessa jiru kana uuman
1. Rakkoon duraa ABO 1992 booda akka hundi keenya hawwinutti injifatnoolee ummata Oromoo abdachiisanii fi Oromoo humna taasisan gonfachuu dhabuun kufaatii mudate irratti namootni ilaalcha adda addaa akka qabaatan godhe. Namootni hanga tokkoo ABO akka jaarmayaatti yemoo balaalefftanii fi tuffatan kanneen hafan ammoo ir'ina mul'ateef hooggana keessaa nama hanga tokkoo irratti itti gaafatamaa godhanii fudhatan.
Kutaa 2ffaaRakkoo barootaaf mooraa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti mul'atu kanaaf sababni maali ?
I. Dhibdeelee Haala amma keessa jiru kana uuman
1. Rakkoon duraa ABO 1992 booda akka hundi keenya hawwinutti injifatnoolee ummata Oromoo abdachiisanii fi Oromoo humna taasisan gonfachuu dhabuun kufaatii mudate irratti namootni ilaalcha adda addaa akka qabaatan godhe. Namootni hanga tokkoo ABO akka jaarmayaatti yemoo balaalefftanii fi tuffatan kanneen hafan ammoo ir'ina mul'ateef hooggana keessaa nama hanga tokkoo irratti itti gaafatamaa godhanii fudhatan.
Gufuulee qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo (QBO): Kutaa- 1ffaa
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Mudde 22, 2013 | Leellisaa Bilisummaa Irraa
Qabsoon sabaa / national movement/ lammii hunda ilaalti. Hundi waa'ee saba isaa itti dhagahamu, biyya isaa jaalatu fi cunqursaa saba isaa irra gahu falmuu murteeffate qooda keessaa fudhatuu danda'a. Ati wallaalaa, ati goota, ati sodaataa ati kaleessa as turtee fi achi turteen qabsoo saba keessatti bakka hin qabu.
Namuu waanuma dandahu godha. Namuu kan madaalamuu fi madaalamuuu qabuun waanuma qabsootti erga dabalamee hojjate tahuu qaba. Hunda caalaa kan bakka qabaatu waan ar'a hojjatanii fi gaaffii lammii yeroo dhagahanitti dirqama fudhachuuf qophii tahuu qofatu gaafatama.
Qabsoon sabaa / national movement/ lammii hunda ilaalti. Hundi waa'ee saba isaa itti dhagahamu, biyya isaa jaalatu fi cunqursaa saba isaa irra gahu falmuu murteeffate qooda keessaa fudhatuu danda'a. Ati wallaalaa, ati goota, ati sodaataa ati kaleessa as turtee fi achi turteen qabsoo saba keessatti bakka hin qabu.
Namuu waanuma dandahu godha. Namuu kan madaalamuu fi madaalamuuu qabuun waanuma qabsootti erga dabalamee hojjate tahuu qaba. Hunda caalaa kan bakka qabaatu waan ar'a hojjatanii fi gaaffii lammii yeroo dhagahanitti dirqama fudhachuuf qophii tahuu qofatu gaafatama.
The dark side of Teddy Afro's fame and fortune
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 22, 2013 | OPride | By Tigist Geme*
Ethiopia’s pop star Tewodros Kassahun, better known as Teddy Afro, is once again back in the limelight. Teddy made headlines last week with a comment published in the local Amharic magazine, Enqu, in which he condoned Menelik's greater Abyssinian campaign in southern Ethiopia as a holy war. Despite this disturbing statement and Teddy’s controversial past, local subsidaries for two multinational corporations – Heineken NV and Coca Cola Company – have recently signed Teddy to promote their products.
Enqu editors circulated the magazine’s December issue (pictured above) via email featuring Teddy and his beloved emperor side to side on its cover with a comment that reads, “For me, Menelik’s unification campaign was a Holy War.” A few days later, amid protests on social media, the publishers shelved the comment and sought to dismiss the controversy by saying it was a technical glitch in their system.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 21, 2013 | Y.G (2005)
Gootummaan Maandeellaa sadarkaa Addunyaattu dorgomaa akka hin qabne, du’a isaan booda huabachuu kiyyatti ofittan gadda. Akkuma koo kana, Maadibaan nama akkasii turee? jedhee kan of gaafachuu eegalee fi hubannoo kanaa qabaachuu dhabuu isaatti kan of gaafatu hedduu natti fakkaata. Maandeellaan Umurii isaa guutu of kennee murannoon waan inni raawwaten, eenyummaa isaa mirkaneessee jira. Namni na argaa na argaa hin beekne kun, Addunyaa keessa lo’ee seenaa amma kana hojjachuu isaa fi Addunyaa guutuun isatti amanuu isaa, du’a isaan wal-qabatee amma dubbatameef kana, lubbuun wayita jiru, kan dubbatame natti hin fakkaatu. (hanqinni jala bu’uu keenyaa akkuma jirutti ta’ee) Waan maraafuu Maandeellaa irraa kan barachuu barbaadu yoo jiraate, jalqaba adeemsa isaa waliin of madaaluu, itti aansee, adeemsi Bilisummaa maal akka fakkaattu fi barbaaddu ilaalanii of qopheessuudha.
Gootummaan Maandeellaa sadarkaa Addunyaattu dorgomaa akka hin qabne, du’a isaan booda huabachuu kiyyatti ofittan gadda. Akkuma koo kana, Maadibaan nama akkasii turee? jedhee kan of gaafachuu eegalee fi hubannoo kanaa qabaachuu dhabuu isaatti kan of gaafatu hedduu natti fakkaata. Maandeellaan Umurii isaa guutu of kennee murannoon waan inni raawwaten, eenyummaa isaa mirkaneessee jira. Namni na argaa na argaa hin beekne kun, Addunyaa keessa lo’ee seenaa amma kana hojjachuu isaa fi Addunyaa guutuun isatti amanuu isaa, du’a isaan wal-qabatee amma dubbatameef kana, lubbuun wayita jiru, kan dubbatame natti hin fakkaatu. (hanqinni jala bu’uu keenyaa akkuma jirutti ta’ee) Waan maraafuu Maandeellaa irraa kan barachuu barbaadu yoo jiraate, jalqaba adeemsa isaa waliin of madaaluu, itti aansee, adeemsi Bilisummaa maal akka fakkaattu fi barbaaddu ilaalanii of qopheessuudha.
Mandela's pistol from General Tadesse Biru remains a hidden treasure decades later
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
By Faith Karimi | May 18, 2011 | CNN
The gun was a gift by Ethiopian Col. General Biru Tadesse, whom Mandela visited in the early 1960s for military advice on fighting apartheid.
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A gun belonging to Nelson Mandela is believed to be buried under this sprawling land, which served as his former hideout and is now a residential area. |
The Strange Twist in Amhara Politics: Rehabilitating Past Tyrants
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 19, 2013 | Gulele Post
The latest fanfare surrounding the celebration of Menelik’s centennial marks an interesting strategic shift in Amhara politics. This memorialization function which, both by design and default, turns every futile, petty, even downright brutal acts of ancient kings into a dazzling action, began a decade ago with a successful resurrection of Haile Selassie I. Now it’s Menelik’s turn. With the publishing of his memoirs and multiple interviews, Mengistu is just around the corner. I argue that the resurrection and rehabilitation of the memory of past rulers is not just an obsession of the fringe in the right and some populist artists, but a calculated and systematic undertaking by intellectuals supported by the broader political community suggestive of a deeper and seismic shift in the Amhara politics.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 19, 2013 | Taammanaa Bitimaa irraa
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Minilik II |
Dubbiftoota mandhee tanaa jaalatamoo fi kabajamoo, mee kunoo hardha immoo waayee dubbii mataduree kanaa irrattin waa isiinii dhiyeessa. Akkan kana irratti waa jedhu kan na kakaase, waggaa dhibbaffaa du’aatii Minilik faashistichaa sababeeffachuun: duula ginni-bittee, iliitoonni fi jalaa-jaleewwan warra Habashaa keessumaa kan warra Amaaraa uummata Oromoo irratti adeemsisaa jirani. Hubaddhaa barri amma keessa jurru kun bardhibbee 21-ffaa dhaa! Dirreen duula warreen kanaa inni hangafni kan irratti tahaa jiru Oromiyaa dhaa! Jarri duula hamaa fi fokkisaa kana uummata, sabaa fi biyya Oromoo irratti oofaa jiran kun: “tokko taanetoo Toopphiyaa warra Wayyaanee harkaa baafnee ijaarranna” nuun jedhuu!
Yaa Oromoo, yaa uummatoota Kibbaa, yaa addunyaa dubbii akkanaa kana maal jenneetoo himna? Maal jenneetoo barreessina? Waan hundaafuu, dursinee seenaa faashisticha warra Amaaraa, seenaa Hitler Afrikaa kana keessaa hamma tokko wajjumaan mee haa ilaallu!
Walitti Bu’insii Godina Harargee Bahaa Lubbuu Galaafate
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 19, 2013 | VOA | Jaallannee Gammadaa Irraa
WASHINGTON, DC — Godiina Harargee Bahaa aanaa midhagaa tolaa keessa kan jiran gandeen 6 keessaa hidhattonni bulchiinsa naannoo Somaalee kanneen Liyyuu Poliis jedhaman nama afuur ajjesanii kanneen biroo lama madeessuu isaanii jiraatonni naannoo ibsanii jiru.
Uummanni bulchiinsa naannoo somaalee oromiyaa keessaa kilo meetra 30 seenuun qubachuu isaa fi qonnaa fi qabeenya Oromootaatti ibidda qabsisuun akka baqatan godhu jedhu jiraatonni aanaa midhagaa tolaa.
Sababaa tarkaanfii kanaan kan ka’e uummanni Oromoo abba warraa dhibba shan ta’an manaa fi qe’ee ofii gadhisanii godaanuu isaanii kan ibsan jiraatonni manneenii fi oomishatti ibidda qabsiisan jedhu.
WASHINGTON, DC — Godiina Harargee Bahaa aanaa midhagaa tolaa keessa kan jiran gandeen 6 keessaa hidhattonni bulchiinsa naannoo Somaalee kanneen Liyyuu Poliis jedhaman nama afuur ajjesanii kanneen biroo lama madeessuu isaanii jiraatonni naannoo ibsanii jiru.
Uummanni bulchiinsa naannoo somaalee oromiyaa keessaa kilo meetra 30 seenuun qubachuu isaa fi qonnaa fi qabeenya Oromootaatti ibidda qabsisuun akka baqatan godhu jedhu jiraatonni aanaa midhagaa tolaa.
Sababaa tarkaanfii kanaan kan ka’e uummanni Oromoo abba warraa dhibba shan ta’an manaa fi qe’ee ofii gadhisanii godaanuu isaanii kan ibsan jiraatonni manneenii fi oomishatti ibidda qabsiisan jedhu.
Ethiopia: Miscommunication - Telecoms Expansion Targets Quantity Not Quality
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 18, 2013 | Addis Fortune | BY BEWKET ABEBE*
Although ethio-telecom is in the midst of an expansion to increase the number of service beneficiaries, such as mobile subscribers, and to that effect investing a large amount of money in the sector, mobile communication has continued to be unreliable in several parts of Addis Abeba.
Last week, a passenger going by taxi from Kotebe to Megenagna, in Yeka district, saw a person he knew walking on the street. He wanted to talk to him and dialed his number, but was not able to connect. He was angry with ethio telecom’s recorded voice, which informs customers that they cannot connect and that they should try again later.
“When is that later?” He asked indignantly. “Ethio telecom needs to tell us.”
The mobile connection problem is visibly worse in identified areas, the majority of which are where the network infrastructures is built by Nokia. People around the Jemo area in Lafto District complain about not being able to connect.
Ethiopian migrants return empty handed from Saudi Arabia
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 18, 2013 | IRIN News
When Mohamed Yusuf left his home town in Ethiopia for Saudi Arabia a year ago at the age of 17, he thought life would change for the better. Instead, a difficult and unprofitable stay in Saudi Arabia ended when he was among the nearly 137,000 undocumented Ethiopian migrants deported by the Saudi authorities to date.
"At first, I thought I was going to change my life and those of my father and mother, who paid for the whole trip out of their meagre income," said Yusuf, whose father is a farmer in northern Ethiopia. However, the gruelling journey to Saudi Arabia and his stay there had been harrowing experiences, he told IRIN.
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A returnee shortly after arriving at the airport in Addis Ababa |
"At first, I thought I was going to change my life and those of my father and mother, who paid for the whole trip out of their meagre income," said Yusuf, whose father is a farmer in northern Ethiopia. However, the gruelling journey to Saudi Arabia and his stay there had been harrowing experiences, he told IRIN.
Ethiopian maid found hanging by tree in Saudi
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 18, 2013 | Emirates 247 News
An Ethiopian housemaid was found hanging by a tree near her employer’s house in Saudi Arabia and police believe the woman had committed a suicide.
An Ethiopian housemaid was found hanging by a tree near her employer’s house in Saudi Arabia and police believe the woman had committed a suicide.
Passers-by in a neighborhood in the southern town of Najran stumbled across the hanging body and called the police.
“Police said the main appears to have committed a suicide.” Sabq Arabic language daily Sabq said without indentifying the maid.
Kenyan police arrest 33 Ethiopians in northern border town
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 17, 2013 | Shanghaidaily.com
MOYALE, Kenya, Dec. 17 (Xinhua) -- Kenyan authorities on Tuesday arrested 33 Ethiopian aliens in the border town of Moyale in the northern part of the East African nation.
Marsabit County Commissioner Isaiah Nakoru said the aliens were arrested by police officers on patrols during an operation to flush out militias following recent inter-ethnic clashes in the region.
"The suspects were on their way to Nairobi via Marsabit when the police officers on patrol intercepted them in the border areas, " Nakoru said on Tuesday.
A Response to Teddy Afro’s Holy War
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 17, 2013 | Ayyaantuu.com | By Jalata Lami
Currently, we are hearing that different individuals, groups and political parties as well as St. Marry Church (Located near National Palace around Arat Killo, Addis Ababa) are preparing to celebrate or are celebrating the 100th year of Menilik II death. It is shocking that Orthodox Christian Church is organizing a ceremony to officially celebrate the 100th year of Menilik II death. Different comments are being given on the celebration from different perspectives. From advocators side, Tewodros Kassahun gave his response about the celebration on Inku Magazine Number 107 published on December 2013. I found it necessary to provide responses to his interview on the magazine. Before directly commenting on his responses, it is better to have background information.
Gatiin Dhiiga Goototaa Bilisummaa Biyyaati! Kutaa 1ffaa
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 16, 2013 | Qeerroo.org | Jiituu Lammii - Unbarsiitii Finfinnee
“….Nuti duunus du’uu baannus akeekni keenya ilmaan ilmaan keenyaatiin galma gaha…!” H/Maariyam Gammadaa 1968
Aadaa Oromoo keessatti sanyiin ooda. Sanyiin akkatti faca’u qaba. Yeroo faca’u qaba. Lafa isaaf ta’utu jira. Akeeka faca’uuf qaba. Margee akka calla gaarii kennu kunuunsa gaafata. Qonnaan bulaa gaariin kana hunnda beeka. Lafa sanyichi jaalatu filatee qotee – bulleessee, dikee ittigatee -xaa’omsee facaasa. Simbirri hamtuun akka hinfunaanne, bineensi balaafamaan akka hinballeesine halkanii guyyaa eega. Biqilaan gosa biraa keessa makamee itticobee akka hinquucarsine irraa cira. Keessaa bubuqqisa. Yeroo gahu eegee walitti qaba. Calleessee galfata. Antuunniif daanawoon akka hinyaanne kuusaa keessattis eegumsa tolcha. Hagamuu rakkatullee sanyiirraa hinyaatu. Qooqa bulee bara dhufuuf facaasa. Dhalootaaf sanyii dabarsa. Warri sanyii nyaate warra oodaati. Oyiruutu lafa baha. Maatiitu beela’a. Maatiin beela’e gaadidduudhaba. Ormaaf ergama. Qe’ee isaanii ormatu dhaala. Ijoolleen warra sanyii nyaatee gurmuu hinqaban. Abbaa argetu waldhaansoof kajeela – humna ittilaallata. Ulfina hinqaban. Fokkuun warra sanyii nyaatee himamee hindhumu.
የኦሮሞ ጥያቄዎች ድሮና ዘንድሮ በጨረፍታ
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 16, 2013 | Horn Times | በመለሰ ድርበሣ (ጋዜጠኛና ብሎገር)
የኦሮሞ ጉዳይ ስነሳ ለምትደነግጡ ሁሉ ገና እልፍ አእላፋት ጊዜ እልፍ አእላፋት የኦሮሞ ጉዳዮች ስለምነሱ አትደንግጡ! ድንጋጤው በዚህ ከቀጠለ ተናችሁ ሁሉ ልታልቁ ነዋ!!! “በቁቤ” አይደለም፤ “በላትን አልፋቤትም” አይደለም የኦሮሞን ጉዳይ በራሳችሁ ፊደል ልናንፀባርቅባችሁ ነው፡፡ ቅንና በጎ አሳቢ ከሆነችሁ ጨረሩ አይጎዳችሁም፡፡ ድብቅ አጀንዳ ካላችሁና የኦሮሞን ጉዳይ የምትፈሩና ኦሮሞን እንደ ስጋት ምንጭ የምታዩ ከሆነ በፊደላችሁ ወደ እናንተ የምናንፀባርቃት የኦሮሞ ጉዳይ ጨረር ሆነ ልታነስራችሁ ትእላለች!!!
የኦሮሞ ጉዳይ ስነሳ ለምትደነግጡ ሁሉ ገና እልፍ አእላፋት ጊዜ እልፍ አእላፋት የኦሮሞ ጉዳዮች ስለምነሱ አትደንግጡ! ድንጋጤው በዚህ ከቀጠለ ተናችሁ ሁሉ ልታልቁ ነዋ!!! “በቁቤ” አይደለም፤ “በላትን አልፋቤትም” አይደለም የኦሮሞን ጉዳይ በራሳችሁ ፊደል ልናንፀባርቅባችሁ ነው፡፡ ቅንና በጎ አሳቢ ከሆነችሁ ጨረሩ አይጎዳችሁም፡፡ ድብቅ አጀንዳ ካላችሁና የኦሮሞን ጉዳይ የምትፈሩና ኦሮሞን እንደ ስጋት ምንጭ የምታዩ ከሆነ በፊደላችሁ ወደ እናንተ የምናንፀባርቃት የኦሮሞ ጉዳይ ጨረር ሆነ ልታነስራችሁ ትእላለች!!!
Noble Park woman secures over $50,000 in crowd-funding to help save an African language
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 15, 2013 | Herald Sun
A CROWD-FUNDING campaign launched from Noble Park to save an African language ended yesterday with more than $50,000 in the bank.
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Toltu Tufa has managed to raise over $50,000 to enable the printing of children's books to keep an African language alive. |
Called simply Afaan, which means 'language' in Oromo, the month-long campaign to raise $20,000 on pozible.com was the brainchild of Noble Park resident Toltu Tufa.
The 27-year-old, who works in clinical governance at the Royal Women's Hospital at Carlton, will use the money to print 12,000 children's books in the Oromo language, which was banned in parts of East Africa until 1991.
Oromo as a victim of hate crime at homeland and abroad
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 15, 2013 | By Hara Olani*
In its broad meaning, hate crime is a category of crime used to describe bias-motivated violence: “assault, injury and murder on the basis of certain personal or group characteristics that include different appearance, different color, different religion, different nationality, different identity, etc.
For more than a century, the Oromo in Ethiopian empire specifically targeted and injured, killed, forced to flee their homeland, and even continuously abused verbally abroad by Ethiopian politicians, media, activists, and individuals that think being a true Ethiopian is being denying oneself’s identity.
Report: Political instability on the rise
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 12, 2013 | By Sophie Brown, CNN
1. Somalia 2. Syria 3. Afghanistan 4. Sudan 5. Democratic Republic of the Congo
6. Central African Republic 7. Yemen 8. Libya 9. South Sudan 10. Iraq
East African countries saw the biggest increase in the risk of political violence, including terrorism, poor governance, and regimes vulnerable to popular uprisings. Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan scored in the "extreme risk" category, while Kenya and Ethiopia are "high risk." Eritrea, Tanzania and Mozambique also saw a change in their risk category.The Top 10 Political Risk Hotspots:
1. Somalia 2. Syria 3. Afghanistan 4. Sudan 5. Democratic Republic of the Congo
6. Central African Republic 7. Yemen 8. Libya 9. South Sudan 10. Iraq
How an Ethiopian slave became a South African teacher
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
By Sandra Rowoldt Shell, University of Cape Town | From BBC News Africa On 25 August 2011
When Neville Alexander used to visit his maternal grandmother Bisho Jarsa as a boy, he never suspected the extraordinary story of how she had come from Ethiopia to the South African city of Port Elizabeth.
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Bisho Jarsa, trained as a domestic servant, went on to become a teacher |
Bisho was one of a group of Ethiopian slaves freed by a British warship in 1888 off the coast of Yemen, then taken round the African coast and placed in the care of missionaries in South Africa.
Infoo Deeskii ABO Irraa: Yeroon Yeroo Itti Ummanni Oromoo Caalaatti Hidhatee Of Ittisu Malee Yeroo Itti Diinaan Hiikkachiifamuu Qabu Miti!
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Mootummaan Wayyaanee ummata Oromoo addatti diina innikkaa godhatee itti duuluudhaan sirnoota impaayerattii dabran hunda irra hamaa akka tahe wal nama hin gaafachiisu. Karaa danda’ameef maraan ummata kana addatti salphisuu fi dadhabsiisuu irratti hojjechaa jira. Wayyaaneen dantaa gurguddaa lamaaf jecha dugda ummata Oromoo irraa bu’uu dida. Inni duraa dantaa dinagdee ti. Qabeenyaa Oromiyaa saamee ittiin of irroomsee umrii bittaa isaa dheereffata, biyya isaa egerees ittiin ijaarrata. Inni lammaffaa dantaa siyaasaa ti. Sirna dimokraasii dharaa ittiin addunyaa gowwoomsu keessatti sagalee ummata wayyaba kanaa doorsisaan saammatee akka deeggarsa ummata irra guddeessaa qabutti of labsa. Paarlaamaa kijibaa Wayyaanee keessatti miseensummaa IHADEGiin barcuma irra guddaa kan qabatee yeroo hunda sirnicha balaa irraa oolchee jiraachisaa jiru dabballoota OPDO kan dorgooomaa paartii Oromoo jabaa tokkoon maleetti kophaa isaanii sagalee ummata Oromoo saaman tahuun ifaa dha.
ከኦነግ ኢንፎ ዴስክ የተሰጠ መግለጫ: ወቅቱ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ በይበልጥ ታጥቆ ራሱን የሚከላከልበት እንጂ ባህላዊ ትጥቁ ሳይቀር በጠላት የሚፈታበት ወቅት ሊሆን ኣይገባም !
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
የወያኔ መንግስት የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ዋነኛ የጥቃት ኢላማው በማድረግ ካለፉት ስርኣቶች ሁሉ የከፋ ስለመሆኑ ኣያጠያይቅም። በተቻለለት መንገድ ሁሉ ይህን ህዝብ በማዋረድና በማዳከም ላይ ሲተጋ ይታያል። ወያኔ ለሁለት ኣበይት ጥቅሞች ሲል ከኦሮሞ ህዝብ ጫንቃ ላይ ኣለመውረድን ኣሻፈረኝ ብሏል። የመጀመሪያው የኢኮኖሚ ጥቅም ነው። የኦሮምያን ሃብት ዘርፎ ጡንቻውን እያፈረጠመበት የኣገዛዝ እድሜውን ያራዝምበታል። የወደፊት ኣገሩንም ይገነባበታል። ሁለተኛው የፖለቲካ ጥቅም ነው። ኣለምን በሚያታልልበት የውሸት ዴሞክራሲያዊው ስርኣት ውስጥ የዚህን ብዙሃን ህዝብ ድምጽ በሃይል እየነጠቀ በኣገሪቷ መሰረተ-ሰፊ ድጋፍ ያለው መንግስት ራሱን ኣስመስሎ ኣውጇል። በይስሙላ ፓርላማው ውስጥ በኢህኣዴግ ኣባልነት ብዙሃኑን ወንበር ይዞ ሁሌም ስርኣቱን ከሽንፈት ኣደጋ ሲታደግ የምናየው የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ድምጽ ያላንዳች ጠንካራ የኦሮሞ ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ ተሳትፎ ራሱ ጠቅልሎት የያዘው ኦፒዲኦ ነው።
A big thanks is to those heroes in South Africa
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 11, 2013 | Qeerroo.org
I was watching the funeral ceremony on the death of Madiba Mandela on TV scrutinizing the flags flying behind Mr. Obama. My soul and mind was searching for OLF/Oromo flag among others. From behind the podium at the left side of the speaker a green Oda tree at center of a shining sun flickered once, the second time it appeared I was not in doubt; it was what I was hungrily looking for! It was there not simply as a beautiful and beloved emblem of the Oromo nation; it conveys a huge message than that. It represented at this celebration the heroes and heroines of the Oromo people among whom are G/Tadassa Birru the once friend and host of Mandela during his military training in Finfinne; Col/ Feqadu Waqkenne his trainer and O/Guta Dinqa one of the guards to Mr. Mandela.
Ethiopian Empire Has Never Been Grateful to Even Loyal Oromos
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 11, 2013 | Gadaa.com | By Gizachew Ebisa Soboksa*
Amhara elites always repeat the lie that Oromo nationalists deny the role of Oromo individuals in building and keeping the Ethiopia empire. No, we do not. What we are saying is that the Ethiopian empire had been built and has been maintained by destroying the Oromo identity, culture and pride to extent that it turned them into servitude and second-class citizens in their country.
Amhara elites always repeat the lie that Oromo nationalists deny the role of Oromo individuals in building and keeping the Ethiopia empire. No, we do not. What we are saying is that the Ethiopian empire had been built and has been maintained by destroying the Oromo identity, culture and pride to extent that it turned them into servitude and second-class citizens in their country.
In a Letter to the Deutsche Welle (DW) Broadcasting Board, Oromo Activist Announced Boycott of DW Amharic Service Over Ethnically-Motivated Biased Program Against the Oromo Nation
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
The following letter was written by an Oromo human rights activist to the Deutsche Welle (DW) Broadcasting Board, regarding the DW Amharic Service involvement in racial/ethnic attack against the Oromo nation on air. Here is the inflammatory and biased program aired on DW Amharic Service on December 8, 2013.
Dear Broadcasting Board,
We, the Oromos all over the world, are deeply offended by DW’s Amharic Service racial/ethnic attack aired against the Oromo people of Ethiopia on December 8, 2013. The DW host invited two guests from Amhara ethnic group and one guests from the Oromo of Ethiopia. To make it easy for distorting history, the two Amhara guests were professors of history while the Oromo guest was an economist by profession. The two professors were making inflammatory remarks about the Oromo people. The host journalist, who is also from Amhara ethnic group, clearly took the position against the Oromos and involved in harassing the Oromo guest. What’s more disheartening was the fact that these inflammatory remarks fitted the editor’s one-sided editorial position on praising the controversial king Minilik of Ethiopia who masterminded the chopping off 3000 Oromo women’s breasts and Oromo men’s hands in a single day (Abbas 1995, Hassen, 2002, Jalata 1998 and Bulcha 2006). To put it in relative terms, it is praising Adolf Hitler to Jews community on air.
The man who taught Mandela to be a soldier
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 09, 2013 | BBC | By Penny Dale
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General Tadesse Birru and Nelson Mandela |
In July 1962, Col Fekadu Wakene taught South African political activist Nelson Mandela the tricks of guerrilla warfare - including how to plant explosives before slipping quietly away into the night.
Mr Mandela was in Ethiopia, learning how to be the commander-in-chief of Umkhonto we Sizwe - the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC).
Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) sends condolence letter on Nelson Mandela death
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
His Excellency Jacob G Zuma
Republic of South Africa
Dear Mr. President:
It is with feelings of great sorrow that we in the Oromo Liberation Front and the Oromo people at large learned the passing of Mr. Nelson Mandela, the first elected President of South Africa and a true freedom -fighting icon. On behalf of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and the Oromo people, I wish to convey my deepest condolences and sympathies to you and the people of South Africa during this time of national mourning. The passing of Former President Mandela is a tremendous loss not only to South Africa and Africa alone but to the whole world.
FDG Yuuniversitii Gonder Keessa itti Ka’een Wal Qabatee Barattooti 17 Arhiaman
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 07, 2013 | Gabaasa Qeerroo Blilisummaa
Baatii Sadaasaa 2013 keessa Yuuniversitii Goonder keessatti barattooti Oromoo gaaffii mirgaa kaasuun ni yaadatama. Rakkoo fi gidiraa uummata Oromoo akkasumas hidhaa fi ariisaan barattoota Oromoo irra gahamaa jiru haa dhaabbatu jechuun gaaffii mirgaa barattooti Oromoo kaasaniif deebiin mootummaa Wayyaanee irraa kenname ajjeechaa fi dhihdaa ture, sababaa diddaa barattooti kaasaniif jecha barataa Oromoo tokko ajjeessuun toorba ammo hidhaa hin beekamnetti ergamanii jiru.
Baatii Sadaasaa 2013 keessa Yuuniversitii Goonder keessatti barattooti Oromoo gaaffii mirgaa kaasuun ni yaadatama. Rakkoo fi gidiraa uummata Oromoo akkasumas hidhaa fi ariisaan barattoota Oromoo irra gahamaa jiru haa dhaabbatu jechuun gaaffii mirgaa barattooti Oromoo kaasaniif deebiin mootummaa Wayyaanee irraa kenname ajjeechaa fi dhihdaa ture, sababaa diddaa barattooti kaasaniif jecha barataa Oromoo tokko ajjeessuun toorba ammo hidhaa hin beekamnetti ergamanii jiru.
Captain Guta Dinka: the man who saved Mandela
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 06, 2013 | OPride
In the days and weeks ahead, you will likely read moving obituaries and reflections -- from ordinary people and world leaders alike -- about a man that inspired the entire world.
Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s anti-apartheid icon and champion of human dignity, died Thursday after long illness.
In the days and weeks ahead, you will likely read moving obituaries and reflections -- from ordinary people and world leaders alike -- about a man that inspired the entire world.
“He achieved more than could be expected of any man,” President Barack Obama saidof his late hero shortly after Mandela's death was announced. “Like so many around the globe, I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set. And so long as I live, I will do what I can to learn from him.”
Bulchootii Addunuyaa ‘Maadibaa’Hariyaa Taaddesee Birruu Ka durii,Mandellaa Faarsumatti Jiran
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 06, 2013 | VOA Afaan Oromoo
WASHINGTON, DC — Perzdanatiin Afrikaa Kibbaa ka durii, Afrikaa Kibbaa bittaa Appaartaayidii, jabana bifaan nama jibban kaanbilisoomsuuf qabsaahaa bahee ganna 27 hidhameefii karaa nagaatiin qabsaahee addunyaa fkn tahe kaan, kalee galgala, Muddee 05, 2013tti manuma ufiitti lubbuu dhabe.
Bulchootii addunyaa ammoo nama jabaa kana faarsumatti jiran. Muummeen Ministera Itophiyaa Hayilee Maariyaam Dessaalenyi, Maandellaan nama jabaa ilmee namaatii naasuu qabu jedheen.
Maandellaan nama miilotii akka Taaddasaa Birru, Kumaalaa Guutaa Dinqaatii fi Fiqaaduu Waakkannee faan Itoophiyaatti leenjii leenjsiaa bahan.
Perzdaantiin Amerikaa Baraak Obaamaa, Maandellaan nama jabaa hujiin isaa nama miliyoona heddu jijjiirteen faarse.
WASHINGTON, DC — Perzdanatiin Afrikaa Kibbaa ka durii, Afrikaa Kibbaa bittaa Appaartaayidii, jabana bifaan nama jibban kaanbilisoomsuuf qabsaahaa bahee ganna 27 hidhameefii karaa nagaatiin qabsaahee addunyaa fkn tahe kaan, kalee galgala, Muddee 05, 2013tti manuma ufiitti lubbuu dhabe.
Bulchootii addunyaa ammoo nama jabaa kana faarsumatti jiran. Muummeen Ministera Itophiyaa Hayilee Maariyaam Dessaalenyi, Maandellaan nama jabaa ilmee namaatii naasuu qabu jedheen.
Maandellaan nama miilotii akka Taaddasaa Birru, Kumaalaa Guutaa Dinqaatii fi Fiqaaduu Waakkannee faan Itoophiyaatti leenjii leenjsiaa bahan.
Perzdaantiin Amerikaa Baraak Obaamaa, Maandellaan nama jabaa hujiin isaa nama miliyoona heddu jijjiirteen faarse.
Rest In Peace Dear Nelson Mandela: We Share the loss and let us share his unforggotable words and thoughts below
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first post-apartheid president and the most inspiring leader for equality and justice in living memory, has died aged 95. His death is a tremendous loss, not only for his country but for the world. Specially we the Oromo nation will cry loud for the lose of this hero as he was the symbol father of all oppressed people across the world. Madda Walaabuu Press would like to say Rest In Peace and our thoughts are with the family, nation and the world during these difficult times.
Below are few golden words and thoughts of Nelson Mandela. Let us read in the memory of our hero.=======================================================================
*** No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background or his religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes from naturally to the human heart than its opposite.***
*** Without democracy there cannot be peace.****** As I walked out the door toward my freedom, I knew that if I didn't leave all the anger, hatred and bitterness behind, that I would still be in prison.***
*** When people are determined they can overcome anything.**
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 2013 | By Asafa Jalata, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
This paper explores the potential role of the Gadaa/Siqqee system of Oromo democracy in the development of a democratic multinational liberation movement of the colonized nations within the Ethiopian Empire in order to dismantle the Tigrayan-led Ethiopian terrorist government and replace it with a sovereign multinational democratic state in the Horn of Africa based on the principles of indigenous democracy. After a brief introduction, this study describes the presence of a democratic, Siqqee/Gadaa administration among the Oromo in the Horn of Africa in the 16th and 17th centuries and the subsequent changes that made them vulnerable to colonization. It further examines the essence and main characteristics of Gadaa/Siqqee, showing that it provides a contrasting political philosophy to the authoritarian rule of the Ethiopian Empire. The study shows that in the face of oppression and exploitation the Oromo people have struggled to preserve and redevelop their indigenous democracy, written records of which go back to the 16th century, long before European nations embraced the principles of democratic governance. It also explains how it can be adapted to the current condition of the colonized nations within the Ethiopian Empire in order to revitalize the quest for national self-determination and democracy and to build a sovereign democratic state in a multinational context. Furthermore, the piece asserts that this struggle is truly a difficult one in the 21st century as the process of globalization is intensified and regional and local cultures are being suppressed under the pressure of dominating cultures.
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Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 06, 2013 | Itana Guteta irraa*
Ilmii namaa kamiyyuu Adduunyaa kanarraa jiraachuuf carraan kan isa qaqqabee hundii jireenyasaa guyya gayyaa geggeeffachuuf, oolee buluuf, akkasumaas kanneen biroo ilma namaaf barbaachiisan hundaa yeroo geeggeffatu kessaatti dursa kan isa barbaachiisuu bilisummaa dha. Garbomaanii jiraachuun fedhi ofiin utuu hin ta’iin tooftaa fi mala garboonfatan fayyadamuun yoo dirqaame qofa. Sabni garbomee kamiyyuu bilisummaa barbaachaf yoo socho’ee yookan fiincilee, garboonfataa fi isa garboomee gidduu garagarummaan jiruu guddaa waan ta’eef salphaatti bilisoomuun heedduu daadhabsiisaa akka ta’ee eenuyu jalaayyuu kan dhokaatu miti. hatayyuu malee garbuummaa filannoo isa dhumaa godhatee jiraachuuf namni kamiyyuu sammuun isaa amansiisee itti boqoochuun kessummeesse jiraachuu kan fedhuu tokkollee akka hin jirree beekamaa dha.
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Itana Guteta |
Dargaggoonni A/Kuyyuu Sirna Mootummaa Wayyaanee Balaaleffachuun Diddaa Dhageessisan
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 05, 2013
Gabaasaa Qeerroo Shawwa Kaabaa magaalaa Kuyyuu irraa ibsuun Muddee 2/2013 barattootni sadarkaa 1ffaa fi 2ffa magaalaa Kuyyuu walitti dhufannii mootummaa wayyaanee sirnaa fi gocha isaa balaaleffachuu irratti dhaadannoo dhageessisaa turaniiru. Akka madda gabaasichaatti dhuma mana barumsaa isaanii galgala keessaa saa 4:30 irratti (10:30 local time) daandii irra osoo gara manaatti galanii barataan hunduu daandii tokko irratti hiriiruun sagalee balaa fi jabaadhaan akkana jechuun uummata dhageessisaa turaniiru.
December 05, 2013 London: A call for Demonstration against arbitrary arrest, torture, killing & extradition of Oromo refugees and others in Saudi Arabia
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Demonstration is Organized to Protest against arbitrary arrest torture, Killing and extradition of OROMOS and Other Ethiopian Refugees and migrant workers in Saudi Arabia.
All OROMOS and those who stand for human right are invited to take part in this demonstration.
All OROMOS and those who stand for human right are invited to take part in this demonstration.
Date: 05 December 2013
Time: 01PM - 5 PM
Venue: Curzon Street London, W1J7TY
በጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ በትምህርት ገበታው ላይ እያለ በወያኔ ታጣቂዎች በግፍ የተገደለው ወንድማችን ግድያ አጥብቀን እናወግዛለን !!
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
የወያኔ መንግስት በኦሮሞ ወጣቶች ላይ በተደጋጋሚ እየፈፀመ ያለው የግፍ ግድያ በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ የከፈተው የዘር ማጥፋት ዘመቻ አካል ነው !!
ወጣት አንተነህ አስፋው ለገሰ በ1983 ዓ.ም በዲላ ዞን፣ ፍሰሀ ገነት ወረዳ፣ ቀበሌ 02 ተወለደ፡፡ ይህ ወጣት ተማሪ በጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ የ3ኛ ዓመት የማርኬቲንግ ክፍል /department/ ተማሪ ሲሆን ወደ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2004 ዓ.ም የገባና በ2006 ዓ.ም ይመረቅ የነበረ ነው፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ ህዳረ 24/2006 ዓ.ም ቁጥራቸው ከ60 በላይ ከሚሆኑ ከክፍሉ ተማሪዎች ጋር በመሆን ዳሽን ቢራ በተባለ ቦታ የግብዣ ፕሮግራም አድርገው ነበር፡፡ ከግብዣው ፕሮግራም በኋላ ከምሽቱ 3፡00 ሰዓት ላይ ወደ ዩንቨርሲቲው ቅጥር ግቢ እየተመለሰ ሳለ የኦሮሞ ተማሪዎች ለብቻቸው ተነጥለው የትግል ዘፈኖችን እየዘፈኑ ይሄዱ ነበር፡፡ የሀበሻ ልጆችም አካባቢውን በጩኸት በመበጥበጥ በመንገድ ላይ ሲንቀሳቀስ የነበረውን ሰው ሁሉ ሲደበድቡ ነበር፡፡ የኦሮ ልጆች በወቅቱ የትግል ዘፈኖችን ከመዝፈን ውጪ ያነሱት ሁከት አልነበረም፡፡ ሆኖም ግን ከዳሽን አለፍ ብለው “ቀሀ” የተባለውን ወንዝ ተሻግረው 18 ቀበሌ ሲደርሱ የሀበሻ ልጆች መንገዱ ላይ ተሰማርተው የነበሩ የወያኔ ታጣቂዎች ላይ ድንጋይ መወርወር ጀመሩ፡፡ የወያኔ ታጣቂዎችም እየረበሹ ያሉትን የሀበሻ ልጆች ትተው ትኩረታቸውን የኦሮሞ ልጆች ላይ በማድረግ እናንተ ኦነግን ታወድሳላችሁ በማለት ተኩስ ከፈቱባቸው፡፡ በወቅቱ በግንባር ቀደምትነት የትግል ዘፈኖች እየዘፈነ የነበረው አንተነህ አስፋው ሲሆን እሱን ጀርባው ላይ በመምታት ሌሎቹን በተኗቸው፡፡ ይህ ልጅ የተመታው ከምሽቱ 3፡30 ሰዓት ላይ ሲሆን ወዲያውኑ ወደ ዩኒቨርስቲው ሆስፒታል የተወሰደ ቢሆንም የደረሰበት ጉዳት ከባድ በመሆኑ ወደ ሚኒሊክ ሆስፒታል እንደተወሰደ እያለ ሂወቱ ሊያልፍ ችሏል፡፡
Exilic Oromo Voices Condemned Further into Exile, into Silence
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
December 03, 2013 | By Tsegaye R Ararssa* | OPride
When the Saudi government started to crackdown on Ethiopian refugees and migrant workers last month, it was obvious that the consequent abuse was directed against all those who travel on Ethiopian passport irrespective of their particular national or ethnic identities.
From day one, we all reacted with anger, frustration, and despair. We were angry about the shameless infliction of brutality on these exilic souls referred to by the Saudis as ‘illegal residents.” We despaired at the lack of shame on the part of the Saudi police. We despaired at the lack of swift and appropriate response from the government of Ethiopia. We were frustrated by the total indifference of the international community.
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Muddee 02, 2013 | Y.G(2005)
Shirri diina keenya adda duraan nu irratti raawwatamaa jiru, sadarkaa shiraa dhaloota itti aanu irratti hojjatamu irra ga’eera. sadarkaa hegaree Oromoo gama hundaan laamshessanii of jalatti jiraachisuu fi shira gara jabiinaa, kan isaan waliin dhaabbate “Oromoo” ta’ee, kan isaan waliin hin hiriirre/jirre Oromoo miti Ashabbaariidhaa kan jedhu irra ga’aniiru. Kana raawwachiisuuf shiroota nu irratti gaggeessan kan wallaalu hin jiru. garuu shira kana cabsuuf ykn shira isaan nu irratti gaggeessan kana irraa of baraaruuf, jaallannus jibbinus beekuun nu barbaachisa. Shira isaan nu irratti raawwatan kana of irraa ittisuun qofa odoo hin taane, nuutis isaan irratti hojjachuun irra aanu qabna. Qabsoo Ummata tokko keessatti, waanni hangafaa shira diinaa irraa of tiksuudha. Garuu nu irra shira waggaa 100 oliif nu irratti raawwatame irraa barachuu dadhabnee ittin takaalamaa jirra. Kun hangam qaanii akka ta’e hubachuu nu barbaachisa.
Shirri diina keenya adda duraan nu irratti raawwatamaa jiru, sadarkaa shiraa dhaloota itti aanu irratti hojjatamu irra ga’eera. sadarkaa hegaree Oromoo gama hundaan laamshessanii of jalatti jiraachisuu fi shira gara jabiinaa, kan isaan waliin dhaabbate “Oromoo” ta’ee, kan isaan waliin hin hiriirre/jirre Oromoo miti Ashabbaariidhaa kan jedhu irra ga’aniiru. Kana raawwachiisuuf shiroota nu irratti gaggeessan kan wallaalu hin jiru. garuu shira kana cabsuuf ykn shira isaan nu irratti gaggeessan kana irraa of baraaruuf, jaallannus jibbinus beekuun nu barbaachisa. Shira isaan nu irratti raawwatan kana of irraa ittisuun qofa odoo hin taane, nuutis isaan irratti hojjachuun irra aanu qabna. Qabsoo Ummata tokko keessatti, waanni hangafaa shira diinaa irraa of tiksuudha. Garuu nu irra shira waggaa 100 oliif nu irratti raawwatame irraa barachuu dadhabnee ittin takaalamaa jirra. Kun hangam qaanii akka ta’e hubachuu nu barbaachisa.
Qeerroo.org: Barataa Sabboonaa Oromoo Yuuniversitii Gondar Keessatti Oromummaan Yakkamee Wareega Kafale
Posted by
Madda Walaabuu Press
Sadaasa 30, 2013 | Qeerroo.org
Maqaa: Anteeneh Asfawuu Leggesee
Bara Dhaloota isaa: Fulbaana 1/1983 A.L.H tti.
Bakka Dhalootaa: Godina Diillaa, Aanaa Fissaah Gannat, Ganda 02
Barataan kun akkuma ibsuuf yaalletti barataa Yuuniversitii Gondar, Marketing waggaa 3ffaa kan baratu barri inni yuuniversitii kana seene 2004/2012 yoo tahu kan xumuru waggaa kana 2006/2013 dha. Akkuma beekamu barataan kun guyyaa sadaasa 24/2013 barattoota garee isaa department Marketing kan tahan barattoota 60 ol kan tahan waliin bakka Daashan Biiraa jedhamutti yeroo afeerraa godhatanii turani. Haata’u malee afeerraa qaban booda galgala keessaa sa’a 9:00 PM bakka itti afeerraa taasofatan kana irraa gara mooratti kan deebi’an yoo tahu barattootni oromoo addatti wal foo’uudhaan sirboota qabsoo kan dhageessisaa daandii gubbaa irra deemantu ture.
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